360 Security Guard Enterprise Edition has password protection and cannot be uninstalled

What is installed on a recently found work computer? 360 Security Guard Enterprise Edition. I don't like 360 product very much, so I'm ready to uninstall it. It is found that password protection is set and cannot be uninstalled. I stopped and didn't unload it. With the help of Du Niang, I found a solution.

 360 Security Guard Enterprise Edition has password protection and cannot be uninstalled

Find the installation directory of Enterprise 360 Security Guard, which is installed in "C: Program Files 360 360Safe" by default. Check the files and folders in it carefully. Whether you see an Ent beginning or a folder containing an Ent beginning (generally speaking, it seems to be a folder), the secret is here. You can safely delete it, because the Ent beginning is the enterprise version, regardless of what files are in it, basically all the messy files of the enterprise version are in it. After deletion, there is no impact on 360, After deleting this folder, go directly to the uninstall tool on the computer control panel to uninstall normally without a password. I personally test that it is feasible.


 Watson Blog
  • This article is written by Published on January 23, 2018 00:15:21
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Comments: 2 of which: visitor 2 blogger 0
    •  Cold
      Cold zero

      SYSTEM permission required,,,,,

        •  Yubel
          Yubel zero

          @ Cold Right click, select 360 Force Delete, and then smash the file to delete it.
