Top 10 Best selling Python Books in 2017

 Top 10 Best selling Python Books in 2017

In the past 2017, Python developers have grown rapidly in the world, and the enthusiasm of domestic partners to learn Python has been rising all the way. At the same time, Python has become an introductory programming language and a second programming language recommended by a large number of developers. In December 2017, Python rose to the fourth place in the annual ranking of TIOBE global programming languages. At present, it seems that the fourth share will be easily maintained. In addition, as the main programming language of AI, Python is bound to continue to sing in 2018 and the next few years when the AI wind is likely to come.

In order to help kids learn Python, today, we want to share with you the most popular Python books of 2017, TOP 10.

1. Python programming: from introduction to practice

The first book of Amazon Programming Introduction, and the first book of Python Introduction in China.

At the same time, Python 2.7 and Python 3.5 are used to explain in a comprehensive, detailed and simple way, from basic concepts to complete project development, to help zero based readers quickly master Python programming and develop actual projects.

The book is divided into two parts: the first part introduces the basic concepts that must be understood in Python programming, including the introduction of powerful Python libraries and tools such as matplotlib, NumPy and Pygal, as well as lists, dictionaries, if statements, classes, files and exceptions, code testing, etc; The second part puts theory into practice, explaining how to develop three projects, including simple Python 2D game development, how to use data to generate interactive information maps, and how to create and customize simple Web applications, and help readers solve common programming problems and puzzles.


2. Basic Python Tutorial (Version 2)

The second best selling Python primer book in major online stores

The classic tutorial has been completely revised, and 10 projects are fascinating

The book is divided into three parts. The first part tells about Python syntax, without nonsense, and also adds some details that Python 3.0 should pay attention to. The second part introduces the commonly used GUI, framework and other applications. Click to finish, which is the preparation for the third part. You can learn the power of Python from a large number of applications. The third part is Project, the biggest highlight of the book, and you must like it.


3. Machine learning practice

Best selling machine learning books

Introduce and implement the mainstream algorithm of machine learning, and efficient practical content for daily tasks.

Through carefully arranged examples, the book cuts into daily work tasks, abandons academic language, and uses efficient reusable Python code to explain how to process statistical data, conduct data analysis and visualization. Through various examples, readers can learn the core algorithm of machine learning and apply it to some strategic tasks, such as classification, prediction and recommendation. In addition, they can also be used to implement some more advanced functions, such as summary simplification.


4. Algorithm diagram

Easy to understand algorithm tutorial

More than 400 schematics, detailing the algorithm execution process, showing the advantages and disadvantages of different algorithms in terms of performance. Python based code examples.

This book is rich in examples, pictures and texts, and explains the algorithm in an easy to understand way, aiming to help programmers better use the energy of the algorithm in daily projects. The first three chapters in the book will help you lay the foundation, and take you to learn binary search, big O representation, two basic data structures and recursion. The rest of the space will mainly introduce algorithms that are widely used, including: solving skills when facing specific problems, such as when to use greedy algorithms or dynamic programming; Application of hash table; Graph algorithm; K nearest neighbor algorithm.


5. Smooth Python

The painstaking work of PSF researchers and well-known PyCon speakers, Python core developers are responsible for technical review.

Comprehensive and in-depth analysis of key features of Python language, a large number of detailed code examples, and high-quality references and video links related to the subject, giving consideration to Python 3 and Python 2.

This book is dedicated to helping Python developers dig into the excellent features of this language and related libraries, and write concise, fluent, readable, and maintainable code. In particular, the specific application of the generator for database processing, the feature descriptor (the key of ORM), and Python like objects: protocols and interfaces, abstract base classes, and multiple inheritance are discussed in depth.


6. Python network data collection

The original book is highly praised with 4.6 stars. One book deals with data collection, covering data capture, data mining and data analysis, and provides detailed code examples to quickly solve practical problems.

With the increasing amount of data on the network, it is more and more difficult to obtain information by browsing the web page alone. How to effectively extract and use information has become a huge challenge. This book uses a simple and powerful Python language to introduce network data collection, and provides comprehensive guidance for collecting various data types in the new network. The first part focuses on the basic principles of network data collection: how to request information from the network server with Python, how to basically process the server's response, and how to interact with the website by means of automation. The second part introduces how to use web crawlers to test websites, automate processing, and how to access the network in more ways.


7. Parent and Child Programming Journey

The first edition of Amazon's most popular youth programming book, the simplest and easy to learn content organization, is suitable for all ages to win the Jolt Award.

You can read this book from the age of 8 to the age of 88! There are many Python beginners, and we are constantly updating the requirements for the simplicity of the content. Therefore, the editor recommends this simplest and easy to learn primer book to everyone, and it is estimated that many people will like it. In fact, another book, "Learning Python for Kids" (formerly known as Python for Kids), posted by Renmin has attracted many beginners' attention. I believe many people are not willing to miss this book. Maybe you prefer the style of this book. After all, the first edition killed the Jolt Prize!


8. Flask Web Development

Starting from installation and environment settings, build server side Web applications step by step, explain the whole process of Web application development, and give best practices.

This book is divided into three parts, which comprehensively introduces how to develop Web based on Python micro framework Flask. The first part is an introduction to Flask, which introduces the basic knowledge necessary for developing Web programs using Flask framework and extensions. The second part gives an example to really lead everyone to develop a complete blog and social application Flasky step by step, so as to integrate the above knowledge and put it into practice. The third part introduces the issues that must be considered before releasing applications, such as unit test strategy, performance analysis technology, Flask program deployment mode, etc.


9. Python data processing

Teach you how to handle data easily and automate the data processing process! Comprehensively master the methods of crawling, data cleaning and analysis with Python, and easily realize efficient data processing!

This book adopts a project-based approach to introduce the process of data acquisition, data cleaning, data exploration, data presentation, data scaling and automation using Python. The main contents include: basic knowledge of Python, how to extract data from CSV, Excel, XML, JSON and PDF files, how to obtain and store data, various data cleaning and analysis technologies, data visualization methods, and how to extract data from websites and APIs.


10. Python data mining

Fully release Python's data analysis ability, master the core technology of the big data era, and easily get started with data mining technology and apply it to actual projects.

This book uses the Python language, which is easy to learn and has a rich third-party library and a good community atmosphere. From the simple to the deep, it takes real data as the research object, and really introduces the implementation method of Python data mining to the readers. Through this book, readers will step into the palace of data mining, thoroughly understand the basic knowledge of data mining, and master the best practices to solve the practical problems of data mining!

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    •  cucu
      cucu three

      Good, good, learn something.
