• Resolved merakke


    Our website has been identified as commercial, but under the link provided about categorization ( how we define a site as commercial ), we see that as a non-profit organization that doesn’t solicit donations or sponsorships, we should be categorized as non-commercial. The reverification process is not working, so please correct this to allow our non-commercial license to continue.

    The page I need help with: [ log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Support Gaurav (a11n)


    Hi there,   

    Thanks for writing.  I have reviewed your site.

    I see that the site is processing application fees, for example on this page: /become-a-member, so would not fit our definition of non-commercial sites.

    Free stats plans are for truly personal sites only; asking commercial sites to pay is the only way we can keep this feature available to people who run hobby blogs and similar.

    Please upgrade to a  paid plan  to continue using Jetpack stats.  You can check out our  help article  for more information.

    Thank you!

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