• Resolved umduck


    While actively working in the editor the session will expire with no warning. While opening the media library to place an image the media library will stop working and shortly thereafter I will get the prompt to log back in. I’ve attempted to force the session longer via code but it does not seem to override the plugin’s session.

    Hopefully there is a fix, I did not see any setting in the plugin to adjust session timing, only State timeout limit.

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  • Thread Starter umduck


    Whether my session is active or not it logs me out every 10 minutes. Very frustrating, may need to find an alternative solution.

    Plugin Contributor Tim Nolte


    FYI, there is actually an incorrect implementation of session length tied to the token refresh expiration. I have a fix in the works and this should be resolved in the next release. There is a hook that can be used that was implemented to extend the WordPress session length.

    Thread Starter umduck


    Thanks, that seems to be working for now. Looking forward to the update!

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