• Resolved dehein2


    Hi All,

    i installed the plugin but now have the following Problem:

    – I’m not able to go to the block (as it should be ;))
    – I’m redirected to the login page
    – I login (Username/pw are correct) but get back to the same page with the message “Only registered and logged in users are allowed to view this site. Please log in now:”
    – So I’m not able to access the site
    – If i deactivate the plugin logging in works again – but obviously the blog is also public again

    Any ideas what could be wrong?

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  • Thread Starter dehein2


    SOLVED: Sorry for that.
    The issue was another plugin which redirects after login. It pointed to the old (http) adress and not the new (https).


    Plugin Contributor Alex Mills


    Glad you figured it out! 🙂

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