• Hi,
    Your plugin was working fine, for some reason not anymore. When uploading an image it shows broken in the library, when I click on details it seems to be there:

    Geüpload op:  14 juni 2024

    Geüpload door:   ariane

    Bestandsnaam:  240418-Maritiem-Innovatie-Diner-2024-230-1-7.jpg

    Bestandstype:  image/jpeg

    Bestandsgrootte:  284 KB

    Afmetingen:  1500 bij 1001 pixels

    Originele afbeelding:   240418-Maritiem-Innovatie-Diner-2024-230-1-7.jpg

    But when I click the original image url I get a 404 Not Found

    When I turn off your plugin, uploads are working as expected.

    Best regards,


    The page I need help with: [ log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author Iulia Cazan



    Thanks for letting me know. From the image permalink you showed, the upload structure seems altered. What other plugins do you use?

    Could you send me the settings JSON from your instance, to try to replicate the same settings on my machine and see what causes this? Are you using WP > 6.5?


    Thread Starter arianegordijn


    Hi Iulia,
    It’s a Multisite installation, could that be the problem? It is also a very big site with lots of plugins, 31 active on this site. None of them altering the upload structure.

    I like to send you the Site Health Info if that helps but private, where can I send it?
    How can I get the Json file you want?

    Regards Ariane

    Plugin Author Iulia Cazan



    You can go to features manager and enable the import/export extension. Then you will see a new tab appearing for import/export and you have there the JSON string.


    Thread Starter arianegordijn


    Hi Ilia,

    Below you find the JSON string.

    Best regards, Ariane

    a:27:{s:14:”sirsc_settings”; s:0:””;s:23:”sirsc_user_custom_rules”;s:0:””;s:30:”sirsc_user_custom_rules_usable”;s:0:””;s:28:”sirsc_use_custom_image_sizes”;s:0:””;s:25:”sirsc_override_large_size”;s:0:””;s:26:”sirsc_override_medium_size”;s:0:””;s:19:”sirsc_settings_post”;s:0:””;s:19:”sirsc_settings_page”;s:0:””;s:31: ”sirsc_settings_forminator_forms”; s:0:””;s:31:”sirsc_settings_forminator_polls”;s:0:””;s:33:”sirsc_settings_forminator_quizzes”;s:0:””;s:21:”sirsc_settings_member”;s:0:””;s:23:”sirsc_settings_seedprod”;s:0:””;s:27:”sirsc_settings_acf-taxonomy”;s:0:””;s:28:”sirsc_settings_acf-post-type”;s:0:””;s:34:”sirsc_settings_acf-ui-options -page”; s:0:””;s:30:”sirsc_settings_acf-field-group”;s:0:””;s:24:”sirsc_settings_acf-field”;s:0:””;s:27:”sirsc_settings_alb_elements”;s:0:””;s:35:”sirsc_settings_search-filter-widget”;s:0:””;s:26:”sirsc_settings_tribe_venue”;s:0:””;s:30:”sirsc_settings_tribe_organizer”;s:0:””;s:27:”sirsc_settings_tribe _events”; s:0:””;s:30:”sirsc_settings_tribe-ea-record”;s:0:””;s:28:”sirsc_settings_deleted_event”;s:0:””;s:34:”sirsc_settings_avia_framework_post”;s:0:””;s:24:”sirsc_settings_portfolio”;s:0:””;}

    Plugin Author Iulia Cazan


    I could not replicate the issue. Can you send me the image you are using for upload and also describe from where are you uploading the image (what screen or feature, from the core blocks or other). You did not mention your WP version and PHP version, that would be helpful for me.

    Plugin Author Iulia Cazan


    What is the filename for the image before you upload it? I am trying to figure out if the -7 from your initial post is part of the initial image name, or if that is the suffix that WordPress is adding when there is another image with the same name.

    Thread Starter arianegordijn


    Hi Ilia,

    WordPress version Version 6.5.4, PHP version 8.2

    De orginal filename is 240418-Maritiem-Innovatie-Diner-2024-230-1-scaled.jpg, after upload it is https://www.innovationquarter.nl/wp-content/uploads/sites/28/2024/03/240418-Maritiem-Innovatie-Diner-2024-230-1-7.jpg

    today I tried this image https://www.innovationquarter.nl/wp-content/uploads/sites/28/2024/03/Arceon-2_980x450.jpg and it went fine. Also filename did not change.

    Best regards,


    Plugin Author Iulia Cazan


    Hi Ariane,

    Thanks for the details. I could replicate the issue, and am working on a workaround. Will update you when I have a solution.


    Plugin Author Iulia Cazan


    Hi Ariane,

    Please update to 8.0.1 and try again.
    Let me know if the “broken” image still appears for new upload.


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