• Resolved Keith


    I have a number of websites with / without Jetpack (& Boost). For websites that I have removed Jetpack, everytime I run Site-Health.php, I have an error msg that scheduled event failed with “jetpack_boost_minify_cron_cache_cleanup”. Is there a way to turn it off completely? I guess I have to completely remove Jetpack Boost for those websites, but have little to no clue how to do so, other than deactivating/delete the plugin.

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  • Plugin Author Jeremy Herve


    Jetpack Mechanic 🚀

    The Jetpack Boost plugin normally clears that scheduled event when you uninstall the plugin via the Plugins screen, but it looks like that didn’t work for you.

    It may be worth installing the WP Crontrol plugin , and manually removing the event via the plugin’s settings. That would ensure it is gone for good.

    Let us know how it goes.

    Plugin Contributor Stef (a11n)


    Hi there, @keithkhl ,

    Do you have updates about that? We usually close inactive threads after one week of no movement, but we want to make sure we’re all set before marking it as solved. Thanks!

    Thread Starter Keith


    @erania-pinnera , sorry for the delayed feedback. It worked smoothly. I do not have the warning msg anymore. Thx guys!

    Plugin Support Animesh Gaurav (a11n)


    Hello there – no worries at all! I’m glad we were able to help.

    If you have a moment, would you like to  leave a review of the plugin here ?

    Thank you for using Jetpack!

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