• Resolved Rossina Estamparia


    Hi! Sometime ago I had a problem with my website permalinks. I couldn’t use pretty permalinks and then I discovered that the problem was Ngix. I fixed the issue and now I’m using pretty permalinks, but now I’m facing another issue. After change the permalinks to “postname” my woocommerce endpoints stopped working. I can go to the dashboard, but if I click in another endpoint page it just reloads the dashboard. If I change the permalinks back to default the endpoints start working again. Any ideas of what can be happening?

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  • Plugin Support Stuart Duff – a11n


    Automattic Happiness Engineer

    Hi @tirossinaestamparia ,

    What you describe sounds as though it’s still related to your possibly your server as when cross testing for you on both of my test sites with Nginx I have been unable to replicate what you describe and all permalinks and endpoints are loading correctly.

    Maybe reach our to your host and see if they could check your server configuration with regards to WordPress permalinks to see if they can maybe spot something in it’s configuration.

    Thread Starter Rossina Estamparia


    Something I noticed too is that after repair the issue with Nginx and change the permalinks to postname, everytime I install a new plugin I see this message:

    “This plugin generated 582 characters of unexpected output during activation. If you find messages from “headers already sent” problems with feeds or others, try to disable or remove the plugin”

    That number changes depending on which plugin I’m installing. The plugins are working normally even with this, but maybe this helps to figure out what is happening.

    Dustin Hartzler


    Automattic Happiness Engineer

    That error doesn’t sound like a WooCommerce specific issue.

    I’d recommend reaching out to your host.

    Thread Starter Rossina Estamparia


    Basically, I’m having the same problem this guy had:


    Already tried to deactivate all plugins and it stays the same.

    Dustin Hartzler


    Automattic Happiness Engineer

    If you deactivate all plugins except for WooCommerce, what exactly happens?

    Thread Starter Rossina Estamparia


    Exactly the same. If I try any endpoint, all them only show the dashboard. They only work if I’m using plain permalinks.

    Thread Starter Rossina Estamparia


    I already tried to change the theme too. (Tested with Twenty Sixteen)

    Dustin Hartzler


    Automattic Happiness Engineer

    When you tested with TwentySixteen, did you have all the plugins deactivated as well?

    Thread Starter Rossina Estamparia



    Dustin Hartzler


    Automattic Happiness Engineer

    Are you still having both issues? Or is one resolved? I want to make sure we are working through the correct troubleshooting steps.

    Issue 1: the endpoints do not work for account pages
    Issue 2: ““This plugin generated 582 characters of unexpected…”


    Thread Starter Rossina Estamparia


    Issue 1: Yes, the endpoints only work in plain mode.
    Issue 2: No, now it’s even worse. When I activate any plugin (after install) I get error 500. If I reload the page, the plugin is working correctly.

    Just mentioned the issue 2 cause it could be a clue of what could be causing the issue 1.

    Dustin Hartzler


    Automattic Happiness Engineer

    Which hosting company are you using?

    They should have a log file with the 500 error, which will help us figure out what might be going on.

    Thread Starter Rossina Estamparia



    I’m using Digital Ocean.

    My main concern are the endpoints only working in plain mode.
    They were like this even before this 500 error after plugin install.

    Caleb Burks


    Automattic Happiness Engineer

    There are definitely some server oddities going on. I would maybe look for a preconfigured WordPress droplet to go with.

    As for the issue, check the endpoint settings at WooCommerce > Settings > Accounts and make sure all looks correct there as well. Maybe remove any text and re-save the page.

    Thread Starter Rossina Estamparia


    I tried to do as you said and the issue continued.

    I have two sites hosted in this host. This one is having this issue, but the other site endpoints are working normally with pretty permalinks.

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