• Resolved mauri01


    Good Idea this Plugin, but on a multiside i try to remove autoload on plugins what i know, they does not exist anymore, but nothing happen, same on Delete Option. Not multisite compatible?

    And, i mean properly me only have difficult times to read/understand.

    “You can either decide to remove an unused option (they might for instance be for plugins you no longer use), or to set it to not autoload.”

    would it not me more clear?

    You can either decide to use the [Delete Option] for unused plugins (they might for instance be for plugins you no longer use), or to set it to [Remove Autoload].

    Good Day

Viewing 5 replies - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)
  • On my singlesite install both buttons didn´t work either.
    Maybe because there are over 4000 options?

    My hands are itching to clean this up!
    Next update maybe?

    Plugin Author Joost de Valk


    Should be fixed in 1.0.2

    Thread Starter mauri01



    I believed it worked once and then not anymore?!

    Funny, but now it still does not delete or unload.


    Plugin Author Joost de Valk


    Hi @mauri01 so… what happens? do you see any errors in your browser’s console perhaps?

    Thread Starter mauri01


    Sorry Joost, wait…..it been working again and stopped again…

    No error msg, just lick the button i see it select, but nothing happen.

    let me check over the weekend, i will come back.

    Have a good weekend.

    • This reply was modified 2 months, 1 week ago by mauri01 .
    • This reply was modified 2 months, 1 week ago by mauri01 .
Viewing 5 replies - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)