• Resolved DS


    Hello, i’m trying to display last 6 posts of each category i have on wp subdomains
    can you help me please ? i tryied all shortcodes but it does sho nothing in my main domain frontpage . i will be so glad if someone can help me . Thanks

    • This topic was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by DS .
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  • Plugin Contributor zymeth25


    You will need a separate shortcode for each category, for instance:

     [catlist id=1 numberposts=6] [catlist id=2 numberposts=6] [catlist id=3 numberposts=6] [catlist id=4 numberposts=6]

    This will create 4 lists, each containing 6 posts from a given category.

    Thread Starter DS


    @zymeth25 i’m talking about subdomain’s categories
    separated or not it show blank page =)

    Plugin Contributor zymeth25


    This is not possible with this plugin. There’s no way it can internally query a subdomain or any other WP site.

    It’s technically possible but it would be material for another plugin 😉 Needs totally different code.

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