• I use Themeco with Pro theme. I have already contacted their support and heard nothing back. I would like to get rid of the leave a comment that comes beneath the title, after the date and category. I would also like to change the font for the category name with a slash in front of it (both in Baytown font which I had loaded the UseAnyFont plugin. I got rid of slashes but need to have one in between the date and category name.

    The page I need help with: [ log in to see the link]

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  • Regarding the space before and after the “/”, it’s trickier than I thought!
    Try this (worked for me):

    . entry-date:after {
    content: " / ";
    padding: 0 10px;

    Maybe you should start a new topic for your other questions, since they take us beyond the scope of the original topic questions.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 1 month ago by askdesign . Reason: rephrase
    Thread Starter Divine Style


    Regarding the space before and after the “/”, it’s trickier than I thought!
    Try this (worked for me):

    . entry-date:after {
    content: " / ";
    padding: 0 10px;

    -I just tried that code for the spacing and it did not work. I’ve a few different options but nothing has worked.

    Any other ideas to try? I so appreciate your help!

    I have another thread for the main blog page questions but only 1 response which did not address the questions.

    When you say you have to log in can you send me a screenshot? I have a firewall but that is on the backside of the site. Visitors to my website should not ever have to log in.

    I’m not seeing the padding in your code. Be sure you add that. Works for me.

    We are not able to upload images to this forum. Use another browser to view the site when not logged in, and you’ll be able to see it. It might be for users to get the style guide? I’m not sure, I can’t see the entire thing.

    Thread Starter Divine Style


    entry-date:after {
    content: ” / “;
    padding: 0 10px;

    • I tried this code again and it does not change the spacing. Any other ideas?

    You don’t have to log into my site. That is a pop-up window and you can close it.

    Thread Starter Divine Style


    I also tried the code with below code (adding 1 to padding) and it did not work.

    entry-date:after {
    content: ” / “;
    padding: 1 10px;

    The period was missing at the beginning of the class “entry-date”.

    .entry-date:after {
    content: " / ";
    padding: 0 10px;

    Thread Starter Divine Style


    I should have noticed that! Of course. Works perfectly and looks great.

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  • The topic ‘Delete Leave a Comment, change font for category, add slash’ is closed to new replies.