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  • Plugin Support Adam – WPMU DEV Support


    Hi @websgt

    I hope you’re well today!

    The integration is “on our end” so they may not even be quite aware of it. Forminator is simply using publicly available hook in Akismet plugin code to “connect” to it and send form data through it.

    We’ve surely not removed integration and we have no intention to do this but I checked and found out that we do have a bug already reported related to it. It’s an issue on our end and our Forminator Team is already aware of it.

    I don’t have ETA at the moment but our developers are working on a fix (to be released with one of upcoming Forminator updates).

    Kind regards,

    Thread Starter websgt


    @wpmudev-support8 ,

    Thank you for your response. I also have reCAPTCHA v3 active. (keys removed for security purposes).

    There are two things that I noticed.

    The logo as in the screen shot used to be in the lower right of the screen (a miniature version of it), before I switched to Forminator. Its not there now.

    Since switching from another vendor to Forminator, there have not been any data in my reCATPCHA dashboard:

    Is it also a bug? I am getting slammed with spam since switching to Forminator.

    I don’t even know where to begin to test this.

    Plugin Support Adam – WPMU DEV Support


    Hi @websgt

    I’m not aware of any such bugs related to reCAPTCHA but please note that aside from configuring it you also need to add it separately to each form. Specifically, you need to edit the form and after clicking “Insert fields” select the “Captcha” field, then configure it’s settings.

    If the field is already added and it still doesn’t work, please start a separate ticket as it’s a separate issue and we’ll assist you there.

    Best regards,

    Thread Starter websgt


    @wpmudev-support8 ,

    Okay, I did not have the reCAPTCHA added to the form. I thought it was automatic. I now see the reCAPTCHA notice on contact page. Thanks.

    For Akismet, there is nothing that I need to add to the form to make it work, correct?

    Plugin Support Patrick – WPMU DEV Support


    Hi @websgt

    For Akismet, there is nothing that I need to add to the form to make it work, correct?

    Not, as soon as we release the fixed version it will return working well, we pinged our developers to verify if we have an estimated time, I hope we can release it soon.

    Best Regards
    Patrick Freitas

    Thread Starter websgt



    Thank you for the update. I eagerly await the fix to be released.

    Plugin Support Kasia – WPMU DEV Support


    Hello @websgt ,

    This should be working fine in current version of the plugin.

    kind regards,

    Thread Starter websgt


    Thank you for the update.

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