• Resolved Peter Ingersoll


    I’m hoping to use and recommend Variations as a block theme for accessible websites.

    When I use the theme and try to navigate using the keyboard, I don’t see an initial “Skip to Content” link. I do see that there is something in the HTML that suggests it exists.

    Is there any documentation or lesson on this? Is Variations built with accessibility in mind

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  • Theme Author Tyler Moore


    Hello, Peter.
    Yes, you can add a “Skip to Content” link to the website created using the Variations theme.
    Here is a small guide:
    1) You should figure out what section will be the main (content) section.
    2) You should login.
    3) You should click the “Edit Site” button to access the editor of the template.
    4) When you enter the editor, please create a group, open the “Advanced” tab in the right panel and find the “HTML ELEMENT” field and set the element as
    tag (usually that’s it). You can also find the “HTML ANCHOR” field and add “wp–skip-link–target” there in case the “Skip to Content” link didn’t appear. Press the save button.

    Now, when you go back to the frontend page, refresh it, you can find the “Skip to Content” button using Tab or Shift+Tab keys.

    Please have a look at the screenshot https://drive.google.com/file/d/1uwbU5b72DZ2CXcaehgu3xd6b7n9fFDwL/view .

    If you have any questions, please contact us via email support@tyler.com

    Thank you.

    • This reply was modified 1 month, 2 weeks ago by Tyler Moore .
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