Version 6.4.1

On November 9, 2023, WordPress 6.4.1 was released to the public.

Installation/Update Information

To get this version, update automatically from the Dashboard > Updates menu in your site’s admin area or visit .

For step-by-step instructions on installing and updating WordPress:

If you are new to WordPress, we recommend that you begin with the following:


Maintenance updates

WordPress 6.4.1 fixes 4 regressions introduced in version 6.4.

Fixed Core tickets from trac:

#59830 – Administration: Typos in wp_admin_notice() arguments
#59837 – Categories are removed when bulk editing posts
#59842 – WordPress 6.4 wp_remote_get (cURL error 28: Operation timed out)
#59846 – Reinstate the wpdb::$use_mysqli property

The 6.4.1 release was lead by @jorbin and @hellofromtonya .

Thank you to everyone who contributed to WordPress 6.4.1

@afragen @clorith @desrosj @pbiron @schlessera @azaozz @davidbaumwald @tomsommer @nexflaszlo @howdy_mcgee @baxbridge @earnjam @timothyblynjacobs @johnbillion @flixos90 @joedolson @jeffpaul @zunaid321 @courane01 @audrasjb @tacoverdo @ironprogrammer @webcommsat @otto42 @barry @chanthaboune @rajinsharwar @aaroncampbell @peterwilsoncc @anandau14 @iandunn @matthewjho @coffee2code @boogah @jason_the_adams @joemcgill @johnjamesjacoby @jrf @renehermi @dlh @mukesh27 @sumitbagthariya16 @starbuck @sergeybiryukov

For more information, browse the full list of changes on Trac .

Change log

List of files revised

 wp-admin/about.php wp-admin/css/list-tables-rtl.css wp-admin/css/list-tables-rtl.min.css wp-admin/css/list-tables.css wp-admin/css/list-tables.min.css wp-admin/includes/post.php wp-admin/includes/template.php wp-admin/includes/update.php wp-admin/js/inline-edit-post.js wp-admin/js/inline-edit-post.min.js wp-admin/theme-editor.php wp-includes/Requests/src/Requests.php wp-includes/Requests/src/Transport/Curl.php wp-includes/class-wpdb.php wp-includes/version.php

First published

Last updated