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June 25, 2023

Epidemic situation of COVID-19 in Shenzhen on September 22, 2022

Source: Shenzhen Municipal Health Commission Date of information provision: 12:56, September 22, 2022 [Font: large in Small Vision protection color:

From 0-24 on September 21, there were no new cases in Shenzhen.

Two confirmed cases of COVID-19 imported from overseas and two asymptomatic cases of COVID-19 infection were added.

After arriving in Shenzhen, the above cases were included in the closed-loop management or control scope, and then transferred to the Third People's Hospital of Shenzhen for isolation treatment. The situation was stable.

Shenzhen Municipal Health Commission

September 22, 2022



September 21st

There are no new cases in Shenzhen

From 0-24 on September 21, there were no new cases in Shenzhen.

The current situation of epidemic prevention and control is still serious and complex, and we still cannot relax. Please continue to perform your personal responsibility of prevention and control, take protective measures such as wearing masks, washing hands frequently, ventilation frequently, disinfection frequently, one meter distance, vaccination, and actively cooperate with the implementation of various epidemic prevention and control requirements.

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