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Tianchen No.1

Main house type:


Project address:

   2900 Shengli West Street, Weicheng
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Price trend of Tianchen Yipin

Price of this property (residential) in July
Price to be determined Ring ratio Flat
Average price of second-hand housing in Weicheng in July (residential)
RMB 5428/㎡ Ring ratio -0.71%
Average price of second-hand housing in Weifang in July (residential)
¥ 7261 yuan/㎡ Ring ratio -0.94%
Tianchen Yipin Housing Loan Calculator

Mortgage Calculator

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Estimated total price:
ten thousand
Down payment percentage:
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Loan time:
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Equal principal and interest Equivalent principal

Your bill

Average monthly repayment

  • Reference down payment: (35%)
  • Loan amount: (65%)
  • Interest payment: (65%)
  • Interest rate of provident fund: 2.85%
  • Commercial loan interest rate: 3.95%

>>More loan calculations

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    Overview: Weifang Tianchen Yipin, the real estate address is 2900 Shengli West Street. If you want to know more about Tianchen Yipin's house price, house type, tenure, property fee, developer, sales phone, greening rate, surrounding facilities and other comprehensive real estate information, please continue to pay attention to Weifang Tianchen Yipin's real estate!
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