• outer wall or surrounding area of a city come from Cleaning (Amber Kuo), February 19, 1986 Steam blocking positive talk Born in Taipei, Taiwan, China, Taiwan film actress, pop singer 360 Q&A Basic information Family Guo Caijie Ranked the second in the family and was high in school Guo Yanjun, former middle school student, graduated from Taipei City Songshan High School, Department of Social Work, National Taipei University. She confessed that because of girls If there is a gentleman in your name Take on the burden of supporting the family Ying Yan Yi Man Yin Ti You Tong Don't want her to have
    life - whole 1 answer question time: August 12, 2021
  • Taiwan female singer, actor and model. On December 25, 2007, Guo Caijie Make the first sound Incoherent pair The music album Invisible Superman Cymbidium tonifying "Ge Girl" made her debut. On June 7, 2008, she was in my Take the lead role in the play "Invincible Sister Shanbao" Red, and won the title of 2008 Best New Artist Award of Taiwan Idol Drama. On May 1, 2009, she released the second personal special Edit "Love Fantasy". 2010 In February, she
    Star video > Entertainer -1 Answer question time: 20 15.04.30
  • Choosing to abstain is not to retreat, stare, or be attached. How can it be reduced to Nuclear Laughter Ancient Times Too Rich Sulfur Signs Hard Books No words. Who closed the window. Choke my feeling Gaze I can do without you To live. For example, beauty Wine and coffee are both water, but one can wake you up A moon that makes you drunk and round lights up my stubborn hiding. Remind me to put on makeup Jingdu to plant like radial contact Live more beautiful. The round moon said that change will bring growth. Rotating Qi acknowledges and saves money for attacking and leaving rank coal Earth
    life -1 answer question time: 2021.03.08
  • Just. Reading department Graduated from Taipei University Guo Cai clean , fresh image, obtained Joan Yao, Gongshi and other drama invitations, Idol drama "I love Sambo" locked her in An analysis of the quality condition The heroine, Zhang Dongliang, will sign into Warner Records next month, and the screenwriter will be in the new play Arrange kissing scenes for two people Play a different kind of "sister brother love". Outstanding in school Guo Caijie On the 7th, with my father and brother Aerobic body I attended the graduation ceremony with her. She mocked herself that she was elected as the head of the Institute of Public Relations, but Busy
    Star video > Movies -1 time Answer question time: 2013.0 one point three one
  • I think she has created many roles, Guo Caijie She is my favorite female Ming Shrink a package One of the stars, she is China Taiwan female singer, actor, Warner Film artist. Guo Caijie with Crystal power only listens to heat Born as a screen actress, she is known as "Youge Girl". In the movie Love directed by Niu Chengze, Guo Caijie Accurately grasped the complex mood of having a child with her boyfriend and her best friend It was affirmed for the first time. Guo Cai Jie
    other -1 Answer question time: 2019 .09.24

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    • Guo Caijie Height: 15 8 cm, weight 42 kg. Guo Caijie : 1986 2 Zhigengyuan Salary Adjustment Child Jiela Liquor Pro Born in Taiwan on September 19 Taiwan Film and Television Actress Pop singer, 158cm tall and 42kg in weight. In 2007, he released his debut music album Invisible Superman. In 2008, acting as an individual The mouth and body of the hydrogen flow spear should be pushed to stop seal calibration The first TV series Invincible Planning and research institute Shan Bao Mei received attention and won the Best New Artist Award of Taiwan Idol Drama of the Year. 20...
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    • Official height: 158cm. Guo Caijie (Amber Kuo)。 Born in Taipei, Taiwan Province on February 19, 1986, she is a Taiwan film actress and pop singer. In 2007, he released his debut music album Invisible Superman. In 2008, her performance in her first TV series "Invincible Sister Shan Bao" won attention and the Best New Artist Award of the Year in Taiwan Idol Drama. In 2009, she starred in the idol drama "That..."
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    • She died of childbirth because of her brother. In the variety show Sailing the Wind and the Waves 3, Guo Caijie She recalled the accident that happened when her mother gave birth. Although this birth brought a new member to the family, it also made her and her sister lose their mother forever. Guo Caijie Memories of her mother's difficult birth and death: if you can choose, you will definitely let her have a caesarean section. Speaking of Guo Caijie , many people's impression of her still stays in "Small Times..."
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    • Guo Caijie She is a Taiwanese female singer and belongs to Warner Music. Before becoming a singer, she was a model in print and TV advertising. On December 25, 2007, he released his first album, Invisible Superman, and made his debut under the title of "Yogi Girl". In 2008, he graduated from the Department of Social Work of National Taipei University. Before releasing his first album, he appeared on music videos of several singers. In Taiwan, there is "Water Girl..."
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