• Sea Muyun Record 》The ending of each character is as follows Below: 1. Muyun Shengmu Yunsheng After the lovers ran away, they finally left Own family responsibility, spread in exile The folk prince Muyunhuan changed his name to Qilin, and no one knew where he was going. two Bo Zeng Ci Tea Mu Ru, under the Hanjiang Heavenly City, one man, one ride, two hundred thousand princes Army, kill the right general Jin in the midst of all armies , lead the allied forces of the vassals to fight against the Youjin army, lead the fire cavalry to break through the Wanzhou military camp, and attack back
    other -1 answer question time: 2022.12.20
  • Sea Muyun Record 》The endings of the characters are as follows: 1. Muyun Sheng Muyun Sheng finally left his family responsibilities after his lovers left. It is said that Muyun Huan, the crown prince in exile, changed his name to Qilin, and no one knows where he went. 2. Mu Ru, at the foot of the Heavenly City on the Han River, One man, one ride, two hundred thousand princes The army, kill among all the armies General Youjin led the allied forces of the princes against Resist the right Jin army, lead the fire cavalry to break through the Wanzhou military camp, and attack back
    other -1 answer question time: 2022.12.20
  • Marine herding come from Yunji 》The original novel is called Nine State· Sea Muyun Record 》。 Sea Muyun Record 》It is the creation and new revision of what is now the fantasy classic and "Jiuzhou" series, New 30000 words Complete ending Edition, ten years of memory, blood return Where is the author today? Best selling novel Person, famous game planning, big Nine seats for heart making and hand reading Founder of "Kyushu" - type fantasy world. generation 360 Q&A His works include Wukong Biography and Journey to the West Engineering small jump to Jianzhou call Diary, Nine
    other -1 answer question time: 20 Hundred statements 23.02.03
  • Sea Muyun Record Character Introduction Mu Yunsheng Performance Light Shadow Technique Combined with Stone Flight Book The future emperor of member Huang Xuan is the son of Daduan Emperor Mu Yunqin and Meiling. He's been Be under house arrest in the palace Only the palace maid Lan Yu'er was accompanied. Until Mu Ruhan Jiang's presence helped him find his mother I learned about my life experience and the truth of killing my mother when I was a relative Phase. He was extremely disappointed Escape from the palace and meet Shuofeng and Ye. The three brothers are hiding from Mu Ru
    other -1 answer question time: 2 Loss liability 022.07.11
  • Sea Muyun Record 》Each Character ending: 1. Mu Yunsheng With the help of the golden beetle, Mu Yunsheng finds half of the country Strip gradually refined or oxygenated imperial jade seal. And with the help of Long Jinhuan , go to the most beautiful place Fang, looking for the hope of becoming human It is tied to the measures taken to fix the surrounding outburst in Lianghua Layuan Come on. Mu Yunsheng really does what he wants. He does it first and doesn't want to turn around Zhifei Hemei Let's go, leave him alone One. 2. Mu Ruhanjiang and his father Jiqing and his brothers were sent to work as coolies in Shangzhou ,...
    other -1 answer question time: January 12, 2023

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