• Liu De come from Hua Our official height is 174cm. According to the official information, Lau Andy Born on 1 360 Q&A On September 27, 1961, Tai Heng Village, Tai Po Town, New Territories, Hong Kong, tall Equipped with Qi Wei, leading the alliance and teaching together 174cm, weight 68kg, graduated from Keli Middle School, the tenth stage Original type good light The wireless artist training class is a well-known Hong Kong actor, singer and vice director of China Disabled Welfare Foundation Yuanjing Weiliu Duyan Factory Chief executive, producer and lyricist. In 1981, acting in the film department
    other -1 answer - mention Time: 2023 five point zero eight
  • As of August 2022, Lau Andy 61 years old. Annual account Which Way to Judge Long Dansui Calculation method: 1. One year old should be in accordance with the calendar year and month Hua Yuanshen Envoy Pei , daily calculation. 2. One year old is calculated as 12 months. Every 12 Yin Fake Ran Grain Army Set Wine One month is one year old. three 1 week every 12 months The age shall be calculated in days, starting from the second day of the birthday. 4. The age of one year, also known as the full age, refers to the number of years or birthdays from birth to the time of calculation. relevant...
    other -1 answer question time: 2022.08.0 Books and six
  • Lau Andy The song of If knitting has If You Are My Legend, Love Forgetting Water Wei Shimin's Hanging and Breaking Writing , Days Together Chinese, Ten Thousand Years of Love, Men Crying is not a sin, Practice, 17, Congratulations and Wealth, Cherish the Stage, etc. 1. If You Are My Legend has been in business for 5 years Lau Andy With the album If You Are My Legend More than 1.5 million copies sold at one go
    other -1 answer question time: January 16, 2023
  • Most wanted to do: charity star imitation show: He Gangsu Dongfang, Du Yiheng, Chen Liming Liu De Hua , whose ancestral home is Jiangmen, Guangdong, September 27, 1961 moment Sunrise was born in the New Territories of Hong Kong, which is famous in Hong Kong Singer, actor, unofficial justice of peace in Hong Kong China Disabled Persons Welfare Foundation Vice President. He was granted a special agency in Hong Kong The Administrative Region Medal of Honor is a superstar in music and film in Greater China As a singer, he is "Four..."
    Harmful well operation other -1 answer question time: 2014.02.04
  • Shepherd flute Lau Andy North Material Cell Dynamic Gangpi Sand Jue Lyricist: Anxiu Li, composer: Anxiu Li Built in a remote heavy Yuanshan, is there a voice? He is diligent in herding cattle and sheep every day, Steaming and weaving in pass bar Loneliness is his best partner. One day, Old Green Bull took him to the Qinghu Lake, where the fairies dispersed the fog Local dyeing decision is settled and stored Bathing and dressing. He picked up the inexplicable courage A piece of clothes is the end of time The red warm star is coming to earth for you, oh! My only expectation in your life is to express myself on the rainy night of Tanabata . I am destined to spend my whole life
    life -1 answer question time: 2018 eight point one eight

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    • Lau Andy It is Chinese nationality. Lau Andy September 27, 1961 Fat strip spacing cloth Born in Hong Kong, China, native place is Xinhui, Guangdong. As an actor, he is a superstar in the Chinese film world. He is committed to the development of the film industry and has made many contributions. In the 1980s, he came from the grass-roots class, which coincided with the characteristics of the cordiality of Hong Kong film Jian Nafeng. In 1981 Entered the 10th issue of wireless TV artist training Class; In the same year, he played his first TV
      other -1 answer question time: June 23, 2023
    • As of June 2023 Liu Dehua He is 61 years old. Lau Andy , Hong Kong Bouguet state image Weida Famous actors, singers, Asian film industry“ Huazai ”It is called. He was in 1961 Meimao Town Sulfur Yangmen Art Year King Lost Born on September 27, graduated from the 10th training class for wireless artists. In 1981, he acted in the film debut "Colorful Cloud Music". In 1983, the martial arts drama "Condor Heroes" starred in Hong Kong scored 62 ratings. In 1985, he released his first solo album, Only
      other -1 answer question time: June 5, 2023
    • Lau Andy It is one of the representatives of the diversified development of films, videos and songs in the Chinese entertainment circle (People's Online Review); A large number of representative works have been left in television, film, music and other aspects (New Express Review). As an actor, he is a superstar in the Chinese film world (commented by the Legal Evening News). He is committed to the development of the film industry and has made many contributions (reviewed by the Beijing News). In the 1980s, he came from the grass root class and matched Xiang
      other -1 answer question time: April 24, 2018
    • Song: Today's singer: Lau Andy Album: True Forever Today Lyrics: Chen Lerong Song: Huang Qingyuan has gone through the years to discover how imperfect the world is. There are some illusions about success or failure. How vast the sea is. How deep the Jianghu is. Only people who understand the beginning of life are reluctant to spend their whole life. They are not afraid of being misunderstood by you. Who has not been hurt and who has not shed tears. Why hide in the dark and feel bitter and self pity. I am constantly disappointed and hope for suffering
      Star video > music > song -1 answer question time: November 15, 2014
    • Lau Andy The ten most popular songs are: true self style, going to have sex alone, I hate my infatuation, secret obsession, the world's first, lonely star tears, if you are my legend, providence, today, 17 years old. 1. The style of the true self The style of the true self was included in the 1992 album The style of the true self. The lyric and inspirational classic song won the 1992 Top Ten Golden Melody Award, a very classic Cantonese song. 2. Steal alone
      other -1 answer question time: April 10, 2023

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