• Hello, the right of fish claw is easy for customers. In order to ensure the legal and standardized transfer and operation of online stores, our company kindly reminds you not to use the online stores you transfer or purchase for the following illegal and criminal acts: First, use online stores to defraud: make or maintain the wrong understanding of the victims by fabricating facts or concealing the truth, resulting in the loss of the victims' property. 2、 Using online stores to launder money: to cover up, conceal and transform the illegal funds obtained through other illegal acts through various means such as operating online stores and fictitious transactions, so as to legalize them in form. 3、 Using online stores to conduct illegal business: 1. Unauthorized operation of franchised, monopolized goods or other goods restricted from trading as stipulated by laws and administrative regulations; 2. Buying and selling import and export licenses, certificates of origin of import and export, and business licenses or approval documents currently prescribed by other laws and administrative regulations; 3. Illegal operation of securities, futures and insurance business without approval of the relevant competent department of the State, or illegal operation of fund payment and settlement business; 4. Other illegal business activities that seriously disrupt the market order. 4、 Using online stores to sell products that do not meet relevant standards, "true and false mixed buying", "shoddy": in places outside the illegal network, the transferor, transferee and actual operator of the store must conduct legal and compliant operation and management of online stores. Crime costs are high, so don't take chances; Honest operation and management, create a good business environment.

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