None but Li

Download resources - high school teacher writes chicken soup article and becomes popular: life is expensive, please don't waste it

None but Li 2017-08-28

I want to change Linux these days, so I used the control panel of amh. At present, if wdcp uses ssl, I have to edit the configuration file manually, and I haven't succeeded, because ssl is very secure now. It is estimated that many websites will change to https in a short time. Of course, now

  •  Download resources - high school teacher writes chicken soup article and becomes popular: life is expensive, please don't waste it
 None but Li

Wu Jing Is Forced to Donate 100 Million to Bandit Logic When to Stop

None but Li 2017-08-25

Standing wolf 2: Wu Jing was forced to donate when the fire broke out. There is no doubt that this film has made Wu Jing famous and rich, but this is not the reason why Wu Jing should make a huge donation. Wu Jing is not the only star forced to donate, and the logic behind it is not difficult to understand. However, when can this bandit logic draw a rest? The three logics behind the "forced donation" lie in human beings

  •  Wu Jing Is Forced to Donate 100 Million to Bandit Logic When to Stop
  •  Wu Jing Is Forced to Donate 100 Million to Bandit Logic When to Stop
 None but Li

I used to love someone with my heart

None but Li 2017-07-25

A young man fell in love with a girl who worked in a convenience store. He would go to the shop where the girl worked every day to buy a pack of cigarettes. Gradually, the two people began to get familiar with each other. When the girl's work was boring, the young man would appear, and he would talk with the girl or amuse the girl. The girl also knew that young people seemed to like to be from

  •  I used to love someone with my heart
 None but Li

The website finally resumed its visit, with twists and turns...

None but Li 2017-05-04

A few days before the May Day holiday, I found that MySQL errors occasionally appear when I open the website, but you can refresh normally. At first, I thought that there was a problem with the browser, but I didn't care about it. As a result, during the May Day holiday, QQ friends told me that my website could not be opened, and then I knew that it was really a failure. Previously, w

  •  The website finally resumed its visit, with twists and turns...
 None but Li

How much does website optimization cost? How to charge for SEO optimization?

None but Li 2017-04-28

There has always been such a question, how much does website optimization cost? How to charge for SEO optimization? What is your SEO pricing standard and so on. But sometimes I really can't answer the questions about SEO fees and quotations. I suggest you take a look first and do a good job in SEO optimization! First

  •  How much does website optimization cost? How to charge for SEO optimization?
  •  How much does website optimization cost? How to charge for SEO optimization?
  •  How much does website optimization cost? How to charge for SEO optimization?
 None but Li

Daily work experience of nailing

None but Li 2017-04-27

I didn't know what to write in the latest work log of Nailing, the bottom of today's experience and summary, so I found some sentences on the Internet for a rainy day. Heaven and earth produce people, and one person should have his own business. When you are alive, you should work hard one day. 1. It is important to do things, and it is also important to be a person. In the process of work, people understand and see

 None but Li

How to restore the deleted QQ chat record of Apple mobile phone

None but Li 2017-04-18

Many Apple fans have had questions about how to restore the deleted QQ chat records on their iPhones. With the popularity of WeChat, fewer and fewer people use QQ in their daily life. But at work, QQ is still the main communication tool. Many company websites have customer service QQ, but no customer service WeChat. WeChat is used for personal chat in life, while QQ

  •  How to restore the deleted QQ chat record of Apple mobile phone
  •  How to restore the deleted QQ chat record of Apple mobile phone
  •  How to restore the deleted QQ chat record of Apple mobile phone
 None but Li

Discussion on 301 Jump of Website

None but Li 2017-04-06

I believe that all webmaster friends have a certain understanding of 301 jump and know that they can help themselves in website optimization, but some webmaster friends are not very clear about how to use 301 jump properly, nor do they know what 301 jump can help us on earth? Today here, we share some 301 jump in SEO should

  •  Discussion on 301 Jump of Website
  •  Discussion on 301 Jump of Website
  •  Discussion on 301 Jump of Website
 None but Li

One line of code solves the incompatibility of IE6, IE7 and IE8

None but Li 2017-03-31

Recently, I was sorting out the mate tags on web pages, and I wanted to record the commonly used mate tags. Some of them can solve the problem of IE incompatibility. Now generally speaking, the lowest version of Internet Explorer should be IE8, but it is not ruled out that some backward computer machines are still IE6.7, so we should sort out the relevant data for backup. Excellent

  •  One line of code solves the incompatibility of IE6, IE7 and IE8
  •  One line of code solves the incompatibility of IE6, IE7 and IE8
 None but Li

What is the principle of website SEO ranking optimization

None but Li 2017-03-30

1、 What is the target of website optimization ranking? 1. A website is composed of many pages, and a website is composed of one or more pages. 2. SEO optimization is targeted at web pages rather than websites, just like the athletes winning prizes at the Olympic Games, it is targeted at athletes rather than their countries. About Site Optimization

  •  What is the principle of website SEO ranking optimization
  •  What is the principle of website SEO ranking optimization
 None but Li

To do a good job in SEO, you must know that the nofollow tag is useful

None but Li 2017-03-27

I believe that many SEO friends don't understand "nofollow". At least you don't know how to use it when SEO optimizes websites. We wrote an article "SEO optimization - basic requirements for website home page design" before, so what does nofollow mean today? According to Baidu Encyclopedia, nof

  •  To do a good job in SEO, you must know that the nofollow tag is useful
  •  To do a good job in SEO, you must know that the nofollow tag is useful
 None but Li

What is the impact of modifying DNS on network speed

None but Li 2017-03-17

Many netizens don't understand what public DNS is, what its functions and functions are, and whether modifying DNS will have any impact on network speed. For these problems, let's take you to learn more. Baidu, Alibaba, and 114dns have officially launched public DNS services. Many netizens compare public DNS services to what they are

  •  What is the impact of modifying DNS on network speed
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