None but Li

Download resources - high school teacher writes chicken soup article and becomes popular: life is expensive, please don't waste it

None but Li 2017-08-28

I want to change Linux these days, so I used the control panel of amh. At present, if wdcp uses ssl, I have to edit the configuration file manually, and I haven't succeeded, because ssl is very secure now. It is estimated that many websites will change to https in a short time. Of course, now

  •  Download resources - high school teacher writes chicken soup article and becomes popular: life is expensive, please don't waste it
 None but Li

Wu Jing Is Forced to Donate 100 Million to Bandit Logic When to Stop

None but Li 2017-08-25

Standing wolf 2: Wu Jing was forced to donate when the fire broke out. There is no doubt that this film has made Wu Jing famous and rich, but this is not the reason why Wu Jing should make a huge donation. Wu Jing is not the only star forced to donate, and the logic behind it is not difficult to understand. However, when can this bandit logic draw a rest? The three logics behind the "forced donation" lie in human beings

  •  Wu Jing Is Forced to Donate 100 Million to Bandit Logic When to Stop
  •  Wu Jing Is Forced to Donate 100 Million to Bandit Logic When to Stop
 None but Li

Influence of div layout and table layout on SEO

None but Li 2017-08-21

A few days ago, I made websites for customers. I saw that their official websites are all table layouts. I did use table when I first learned professional courses. But with the progress of science and technology, the website development language is becoming more and more mature and perfect. This layout has gradually "died down", but I don't know why

  •  Influence of div layout and table layout on SEO
  •  Influence of div layout and table layout on SEO
 None but Li

To the dying QQ whirlwind, another old download tool is offline!

None but Li 2017-08-16

On August 4, QQ Whirlwind, which has operated for nine years, released a "QQ Whirlwind Offline Announcement" on its official website, which mentioned that "due to the adjustment of business development, 'QQ Whirlwind' will stop operating on September 6, 2017." The classic download tool of the first generation has been retired after nine years of operation, but this is not Tencent's first product to give up recently

  •  To the dying QQ whirlwind, another old download tool is offline!
  •  To the dying QQ whirlwind, another old download tool is offline!
 None but Li

I used to love someone with my heart

None but Li 2017-07-25

A young man fell in love with a girl who worked in a convenience store. He would go to the shop where the girl worked every day to buy a pack of cigarettes. Gradually, the two people began to get familiar with each other. When the girl's work was boring, the young man would appear, and he would talk with the girl or amuse the girl. The girl also knew that young people seemed to like to be from

  •  I used to love someone with my heart
 None but Li

Quickly build MIP and experience friendly mobile pages

None but Li 2017-07-11

Before reading this article, please make sure that you have understood the definition of MIP and the principle of acceleration. If you are not sure, you can go to the MIP official website. The content of the article comes from the MIP blog. Preparation and precautions in the early stage of the transformation: You can choose to directly change the original mobile station to a MIP station, or you can make a separate set of MIP stations

  •  Quickly build MIP and experience friendly mobile pages
 None but Li

Bloody lessons lead to the closure of the first bike sharing company

None but Li 2017-06-19

On June 16, Mobil announced that it had received more than 600 million dollars in financing. At the same time, a sharing bike called "Wukong Bike" in Chongqing can't hold on. Just three days before Mobil announced its huge financing, Wukong Bike announced that it would stop operating. This makes Wukong Bicycle the first enterprise in the industry to completely withdraw. For this tuyere, Wukong Bike created

  •  Bloody lessons lead to the closure of the first bike sharing company
 None but Li

Manually close the 445 port operation tutorial

None but Li 2017-05-15

It is recommended to disconnect the network first, and then close the port. After closing the port, you can download patches or repair tools online Step 1: Start Menu - Open the Windows Firewall in the control panel, and ensure that the firewall is enabled Windows System Patch Download Address Windows XP, Windows Serv

  •  Manually close the 445 port operation tutorial
  •  Manually close the 445 port operation tutorial
  •  Manually close the 445 port operation tutorial
 None but Li

How terrible is the global outbreak of WannaCry virus?

None but Li 2017-05-15

Perhaps one day, the scene of automatic driving vehicles being attacked in Speed and Passion 8 will also become a reality. The blackmail virus can still be prevented, but its global outbreak also shows that there is no absolute security system in the world. On the evening of May 12, Microsoft system computers in nearly 100 countries around the world were simultaneously called WannaCry

  •  How terrible is the global outbreak of WannaCry virus?
  •  How terrible is the global outbreak of WannaCry virus?
  •  How terrible is the global outbreak of WannaCry virus?
 None but Li


None but Li 2017-05-11

This article mainly introduces the solution to the PHP error WARNING: SESSION_START() [FUNCTION. ESSION-START]. If you need help, you can refer to it. Sometimes you will encounter this problem when operating sessions: Warning: se

 None but Li

The website finally resumed its visit, with twists and turns...

None but Li 2017-05-04

A few days before the May Day holiday, I found that MySQL errors occasionally appear when I open the website, but you can refresh normally. At first, I thought that there was a problem with the browser, but I didn't care about it. As a result, during the May Day holiday, QQ friends told me that my website could not be opened, and then I knew that it was really a failure. Previously, w

  •  The website finally resumed its visit, with twists and turns...
 None but Li

[Contributing] How can freelancers make money through blogs and other self media?

None but Li 2017-04-19

First of all, introduce what is a freelancer: freelancer is a new professional form. Freelance writing is the main job, and the main income depends on this profession. Freelance writers are the same as any profession. Not everyone can engage in this profession, nor can only a few people with profound writing skills do a good job

  •  [Contributing] How can freelancers make money through blogs and other self media?
  •  [Contributing] How can freelancers make money through blogs and other self media?
  •  [Contributing] How can freelancers make money through blogs and other self media?
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