Daily work experience of nailing

 Blogger: Li None but Li 2017-04-27 five thousand four hundred and twenty-three 2 comments
Summary: I didn't know what to write in the latest work log of Nailing, the bottom of today's experience and summary, so I found some sentences on the Internet for a rainy day. Heaven and earth produce people, and one person should have his own business. When you are alive, you should work hard one day. 1. It is important to do things, but also to be a man

I didn't know what to write in the latest work log of Nailing, the bottom of today's experience and summary, so I found some sentences on the Internet for a rainy day.

Heaven and earth produce people, and one person should have his own business. When you are alive, you should work hard one day.

1. It is important to do things, and it is also important to be a person. In the process of work, people understand and see that a person who can work hard, help colleagues enthusiastically, and has good interpersonal charm is the success.

2. Do things with due consideration. For example, why do we do it? Is it worth doing it? Is it necessary or not? In this way, once you start to do it, you will devote yourself to it, instead of interrupting work again and again for trivial things, and there will be no busy situation without progress.

3. Being a person and doing things not only reflects a person's personal quality, temperament, but also reflects a person's ability to work. A person cannot be considered a successful person if he does well in his work but has poor interpersonal relationships. Quote recommendation: a sentence about kinship

4. In a work environment, while completing their own work tasks, they will also try their best to help colleagues around them, rather than just doing their own work and forgetting that they are part of the work team.

5. From perfection to innovation in work is our own value, the process of our progress, and the courage to show our confidence and ability to meet challenges.

6. In your work, you should learn to be steadfast to your goals. Otherwise, when encountering difficulties, we will instinctively try to bypass or retreat as long as we have the opportunity and the way back. Only by focusing on the target, we will try our best to overthrow or overcome those obstacles. I chat with some people who have succeeded in a certain field or have made certain achievements. No matter how different their temperament and temper are, they are very similar in this regard.

7. In our work, we are faced with competition with others, and sometimes it will even develop into fights and struggles, which are inevitable. At this time, we should not be afraid to fight, but we should never be keen on fighting.

8. In the work, never chatter or complain endlessly. These are the harbingers of doing something badly or failing.

9. In fact, there are some puzzles and problems in our work. We only need a little reminding or encouragement. Therefore, when you meet a colleague in need of help at work, you should never do tedious and self righteous exhortations, nor show your training to others because you have helped them. The so-called professions are specialized, and they may do better than us in other things.

10. In work, conflicts and contradictions are always unavoidable. Sometimes there will be quarrels, disputes, fights and even struggles, which are actually unavoidable. But no matter what has happened before, as long as my colleague takes the initiative to show his willingness to reconcile or make peace, I am willing to reconcile.

11. When working, you just work for the company like others. Don't expect your "personality" to attract the attention (or reuse) of leaders. Doing your work well is the key.

12. A person should always promote his own realm, so that he can see higher, farther and work more effectively. This requires people to learn to learn spontaneously and think enthusiastically. As long as he can make progress and improve his adaptability to environmental changes, he must be able to stay ahead of the crowd.

13. A person can either master good professional skills or control all pervasive skills in his career. Both are ways to make money.

14. If a person is determined to become what kind of person, or is confident to do what kind of thing, then the drive energy of will or thought will make his wish come true.

15. Learn to respect the opinions of others, whether they are desirable or not; Whether his status and position are high or low. This actually reflects whether we are rational or not and do things quickly. If we can do this, we will be mature, friendly and friendly when we listen and judge without being limited by his identity, position, attitude and words.

16. We should learn to live in reality and understand the current situation, even if it does not meet our ideals and cannot satisfy ourselves. After all, we have already lived in it, and we cannot cut off the part we have now and in the future. What we can do is to try to improve it from now on, change it, and strive to make it develop in a good direction or the direction we expect. This is to face the reality squarely. Only in this way can we not waste our lives.

17. If you want to get it, you must pay first and cherish your work. Usually we choose a career for high salary or other good benefits, but what we don't think is: how much wealth can we create for the company? Just think, how can you get what you want without your own efforts? If you want to get it, you must pay first.

18. Learn to respect the work and achievements of colleagues, no matter how big or small. In the past, I always felt scornful when communicating with colleagues who didn't have much work achievement or only did some trivial things. After working for more than ten years, I found that I had never surpassed them, nor was I better than them. In fact, every achievement I made was based on what they did.

19. Learn to enjoy and love your work, so that you will be happy and satisfied. If you work every day without any happiness or satisfaction, that is a great loss of life. Think about it, decades later, when you are old and only have memories, what you remember is dissatisfaction and grumbling, rather than happiness and satisfaction when enjoying happiness. It is a business with more losses and less profit.

20. Small details are often the key to affect the overall situation and the outcome of developments. It is possible to complete the work goal perfectly only when everything is done with full effort and due diligence.

21. Whether you are reading or learning something, or have to face the problem that you have never accumulated knowledge and experience, you can't just stay on the surface and deal with things. Because these experiences, knowledge and even the ability to solve them are interlinked in essence. It is a more time and life wasting behavior to perfunctory this time and have to start again next time.

22. No matter when you educate yourself, you should be generous. Many people, when they were young, saw that their parents were generous with their education. When they had children, they were generous with their children, but they just forgot that they should also be generous with their education. In fact, since we began to rebel, to think independently, or to live alone without our parents, we also began the process of our own education. If you are not willing to pay hard work and invest money in self-education during this process, then you should not complain if you are not developing well, have little talent and learning, and are unable to be competent for the new job.

23. I believe that life is supported by two basic points: family and work. If a person is always dissatisfied with his work, constantly complaining, complaining, muddling along, and can mix, then it is normal that he cannot have a happy and rich life. Because it was he who gave up or destroyed half of his life. On the contrary, it is also true for families.

24. Each of us needs to work. I think work should be a process of creation. The highest level of work is to create our own value, create with love, and find fun and meaning in creation.

25. Life is meaningless unless there is work; All work is hard, unless there is knowledge; All knowledge is empty, unless there is aspiration; All aspirations are blind unless there is love. Work with love is the embodiment of life, so let's work with love!

26. Life can not be separated from work. Work can not only earn a salary to support our family, but also experience difficulties to exercise our will. New tasks can expand our talents. Cooperation with colleagues has cultivated our personality, and communication with parents has trained our character. Let your work be filled with love every day. Let's work with love!

27. People are sentimental, but you should never bring emotion to work unless it is passion. People who work with emotion have no wisdom. It will destroy the image you have worked hard to accumulate in an instant.

28. Let's adjust our attitude, work with love, work with gratitude, and enjoy our work. A person's attitude directly determines his work behavior, determines whether he is dedicated to his work or perfunctory, complacent or aggressive. You can choose to maintain a "barely passable" working state, or you can choose an excellent working state, which depends on whether you love the job, passion and enterprising spirit.

29. Rationality is the only correct skill and attitude. No matter how excited and enthusiastic you are at that time, you must be rational when you face some things, some difficult problems, and some necessary decisions. In my experience, most mistakes are made without thinking. When thinking rationally, few mistakes are made.

30. Only by working hard can we learn more. Any skills and knowledge learned can become a tool for our future survival. Work is a means of survival and a guarantee for a happy life. What would life be like without work? Work hard, live each day well, do everything well, and one day you will get something, which will do you no harm.

31. In the work, it is very important to have a good attitude as long as everyone holds their own position. Comrade Milu, the former coach of the national men's football, said a memorable sentence: "Attitude determines everything"! Yeah! Having a good attitude and a good mood will not only bring you happiness, but also give you a sense of achievement.

32. After work, be sure to take the time to meet more people and enter more social circles, which will be of great benefit to your development.

33. Working is not only for getting a salary, but also for growth and happiness. Don't just work for salary, but also work for dreams, and work for your own future. Only by working steadfastly, diligently and responsibly can you do your work better in the future

34. For unfinished work, stop and relax; If you don't earn enough money, take a look; Worldliness,

Be quiet and let nature take its course; Endless sulks, say, a broad mood; Endless entertainment, farewell, good health; Endless filial piety, take a walk, go home to see; If there is still a lot of human kindness, consider it and act according to your ability; The endless future, slow down, walk through life!

35. As for work, you should understand what work you have to do and can produce performance, and what work others intentionally or unintentionally give you but shouldn't do. Do the former first, if you have time to do the latter, if you don't have time, please decline directly.

36. Never assume a position with colleagues at any time. Even those colleagues who don't seem to be friendly and have never known each other well should have good hopes. After all, in this world, not many people are active traitors or evil, not to mention those colleagues who have similar experiences and ideas with us and work together every day!

37. I used to laugh at people who liked to express their opinions without thinking, or who were careless in speaking and expressing, lacking in justice, or rudely rejected and countered. But now, I began to gradually learn tolerance. Because, as I grow older, I find more and more that what I thought was unique and brilliant in the past is just as rough and illogical as what I see them now. We have all grown up in this way.

38. When we work together, we form a team. I am no longer working alone, but as a team, I am working together and selflessly. A good job can only reflect one's ability to work. Being able to do things without knowing how to be a person is undoubtedly lonely in a team.

39. Don't work reluctantly. If you are unwilling, you will not be enthusiastic, passionate or motivated, and you will not be diligent... Then, naturally, you will not exhaust your intelligence when working. To do the work of inexhaustible intelligence is to waste life.

40. Before correcting others, reflect on whether you have made mistakes.

41. Experience is extracted from pain.

42. One today is better than two tomorrow.

43. Think of yourself as a fool, ask if you don't understand, and you will learn more.

44. Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent effort.

45. To overcome the anxiety and depression of life, you must first learn to be your own master.

46. The first youth was given by God; The second youth is my own efforts.

47. Keep it in mind; Every day is the best day of the year.

48. Self deception is the most serious of all deceptions.

49. People will not lose themselves as long as they do not lose their direction.

50. One today is better than two tomorrow.

51. Happiness can only be doubled if you know how to share.

52. Courage does not mean fear does not exist, but courage to face and overcome fear.

53. Imagination is more important than knowledge.

54. Courage does not mean fear does not exist, but courage to face fear and overcome fear.

55. The great actions and ideas of a model article have a very small beginning.

56. If you look up to yourself first, others will look up to you.

57. All great actions and thoughts have a small beginning.

58. Living aimlessly is like sailing without a compass.

59. Optimists see opportunities in disasters; A pessimist sees disaster in opportunity.

60. Where there is hope, pain becomes joy.

61. The ideal road is always ready for people with confidence.

62. Greetings need not be careful, but must be sincere and touching.

63. What matters in life is not where you stand, but where you go.

64. With less preset expectations, the care for people will be more comfortable.

65. I feel that what I have done and what I have done on Bufanwen Daquan is just a thought.

66. You will never succeed if you are afraid of failure and dare not make a single effort.

67. If you have sung of the dawn, please embrace the night.

68. The biggest mistake in life is to constantly worry about making mistakes.

69. Welcome your face to the sun, then there will be no shadow.

70. If you are willing to admit your mistakes, half of them have been corrected.

72. Tomorrow is the fastest growing piece of land in the world, because it is full of hope.

73. Where there are ideals, hell is heaven.

74. You can't control the weather, but you can change your mood.

75. Greeting is not necessarily prudent, but it must be sincere and touching.

76. Loneliness and abandonment are the most terrible poverty.

77. Life is too short. If you give up today, you may not get it tomorrow.

78. A good life should be full of expectation, surprise and gratitude.

79. Be kind to others when you are proud, because you will need them when you are frustrated.

80. Play your role and do what you should do.

81. The most tiring thing in the world is to live a hypocritical life.

82. Everything should be viewed from various perspectives.

83. People always cherish what they don't get and forget what they have.

84. Work is the value of life, and the joy of life is where happiness lies.

85. Don't work hard now, and try to find a job in the future.

86. The best way to live a good life is to be optimistic about life, happy about work and excited about career.

87. If you regard work as a pleasure, life is heaven; If you regard work as an obligation, life is hell. Check your work attitude, it will make us feel happy.

88. It is a unique style of scientific workers to be both imaginative and practical. Let's explore the infinite truth in the endless universe.

89. In work, conflicts and contradictions are always unavoidable. Sometimes there will be quarrels, disputes, fights and even struggles, which are actually unavoidable. But no matter what has happened before, as long as my colleague takes the initiative to show his willingness to reconcile or make peace, I am willing to reconcile.

90. Never chatter or complain endlessly in your work. These are the harbingers of doing something badly or failing.

91. Getting wealth through hard work is the great joy of life.

92. Heaven and earth create people, and one person should have his own business. When you are alive, you should work hard one day.

93. All important work must be planned; All plans must be quantified; All quantification must be completed on time; The results must be submitted for completion; Any failure to submit results must be explained reasonably; Anyone who fails to give a reasonable explanation must be punished.

94. Don't work reluctantly. If you are unwilling, you will not be enthusiastic, passionate or motivated, and you will not be diligent... Then, naturally, you will not exhaust your intelligence when working. To do the work of inexhaustible intelligence is to waste life.

95. In work, it is very important to have a good attitude as long as everyone holds their own position. Comrade Milu, the former coach of the national men's football, said a memorable sentence: "Attitude determines everything"! Yeah! Having a good attitude and a perfect mood will not only bring you joy, but also give you a sense of achievement.

96. People are sentimental, but you should never bring emotion to work unless it is passion. People who work with emotion have no wisdom. It will destroy the image you have worked hard to accumulate in an instant.

97. More work and time are forced.

98. The development of the enterprise is inseparable from the joint efforts of each employee. The members of the company, through their own passion and efforts, do what they want to do, which is the greatest contribution to the team.

99. If work is not the price for human life, but the purpose, how happy human will be.

100. Life is inseparable from work. Work can not only earn a salary to support our family, but also experience difficulties to exercise our will. New tasks can expand our talents. Cooperation with colleagues has cultivated our personality, and communication with parents has trained our character. Let your work be filled with love every day. Let's work with love!
