An error occurred during the installation of zblogasp. The left side shows that the Access database cannot be used

 Blogger: Li None but Li 2017-03-13 two thousand seven hundred and sixty-seven 1 comment
Summary: Today, I suddenly remembered a previous website blog. I felt it was good, but it belonged to zblogasp, so I wanted to migrate it to the zblogphp version. But after restoring the website data, I logged in to the background and displayed it. The database connection error occurred because of asp+access

Today, I suddenly remembered a previous website blog. I felt it was good, but it belonged to zblogasp, so I wanted to migrate it to the zblogphp version. But after restoring the website data, I logged in to the background and displayed it. The database connection error occurred. Because the asp+access type and directory location were both correct, it might be that the access database connection failed.

 An error occurred during the installation of zblogasp. The Access database.jpg is displayed on the left

In order to verify this theory, download zblogasp 2.2 again and reinstall it. The left side shows that the Access database cannot be used, but the server itself supports access databases. The reason is that Microsoft will give up access, so it has not developed a 64 bit access database. My server win7 is 64 bit, and it also cannot support access, Briefly, how to solve the problem of windows2008r2-64-bit system supporting access database:

First, open IIS Manager to view the advanced properties of the website:

Application pool option, remember the name of the currently used application pool.

You can also directly modify the application pool used here. It should be emphasized that no matter which application pool is used, the return of Access can be successfully enabled. Click the application pool node on the left to view the advanced properties of the application pool just used (here is DafaultAppPool)

 Advanced Properties of Application Pool.jpg

Set the Enable 32-bit Application option to True, and then click OK. This is the end of IIS setup.

Next, modify some Access Temporary folder access

C:\Windows\temp (Typical path, please determine according to the actual installation path) Read/write permissions of Users


Add the read-write permission of Users to the above two folders

If it is not enough, continue to give C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\App_Data add to Users Read and write permissions for

In this way, it is OK to restart the iis. If it is the guardian god, you can start the 32-bit application pool in the direct background control panel. Then edit the access rights;

The tutorial is over. Goodbye...
