Domain name console
Domain name console
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. cn English domain name: low price and special offer from September 11 to 13

. CN time limited flash! 15 yuan for full registration, 12 yuan for more than 30, as low as 3.4% off, only 3 days!

  • 30. cn domain names
    Number of domain names . cn 30
    term of validity 2024-09-11 - 2024-09-13
    three hundred and sixty .00 12.00 yuan/piece
    66% off
  • 100. cn domain names
    Number of domain names . cn 100
    term of validity 2024-09-11 - 2024-09-13
    one thousand and two hundred .00 12.00 yuan/piece
    66% off
  • . cn domain name 500
    Number of domain names . cn 500
    term of validity 2024-09-11 - 2024-09-13
    six thousand .00 12.00 yuan/piece
    66% off
  • 1000. cn domain names
    Number of domain names . cn 1000
    term of validity 2024-09-11 - 2024-09-13
    twelve thousand .00 12.00 yuan/piece
    66% off
  • 3000. cn domain names
    Number of domain names . cn 3000
    term of validity 2024-09-11 - 2024-09-13
    thirty-six thousand .00 12.00 yuan/piece
    66% off
  • 5000. cn domain names
    Number of domain names . cn 5000
    term of validity 2024-09-11 - 2024-09-13
    sixty thousand .00 12.00 yuan/piece
    66% off
. net English domain name, September 9-14, limited time special

Time limited flash,. net down to 23 yuan/first year, down 70 yuan! Buy bulk packs and lock in low price discounts!

  • 10. net domain names
    Number of domain names . net 10
    term of validity 2024-09-09 - 2024-09-14
    three hundred .00 30.00 yuan/piece
    68% off
  • 50. net domain names
    Number of domain names . net 50
    term of validity 2024-09-09 - 2024-09-14
    one thousand three hundred and fifty .00 27.00 yuan/piece
    71% off
  • 100. net domain names
    Number of domain names . net 100
    term of validity 2024-09-09 - 2024-09-14
    two thousand and six hundred .00 26.00 yuan/piece
    72% off
  • 300. net domain names
    Number of domain names . net 300
    term of validity 2024-09-09 - 2024-09-14
    seven thousand and five hundred .00 25.00 yuan/piece
    73% off
  • 500. net domain names
    Number of domain names . net 500
    term of validity 2024-09-09 - 2024-09-14
    twelve thousand .00 24.00 yuan/piece
    74% off
  • 1000. net domain names
    Number of domain names . net 1000
    term of validity 2024-09-09 - 2024-09-14
    twenty-three thousand .00 23.00 yuan/piece
    75% off
. top English domain name special for September

In September, the price of. top dropped to 9 yuan/year, down 25%! Multiple packages available, low price discount!

  • 100. top domain names
    Number of domain names . top 100
    term of validity 2024-09-01 - 2024-09-30
    one thousand one hundred and fifty .00 11.50 yuan/piece
    4% off
  • 300. top domain names
    Number of domain names . top 300
    term of validity 2024-09-01 - 2024-09-30
    three thousand and three hundred .00 11.00 yuan/piece
    8% off
  • . top domain name 500
    Number of domain names . top 500
    term of validity 2024-09-01 - 2024-09-30
    five thousand two hundred and fifty .00 10.50 yuan/piece
    12% off
  • 1000. top domain names
    Number of domain names . top 1000
    term of validity 2024-09-01 - 2024-09-30
    ten thousand .00 10.00 yuan/piece
    17% off
  • 1500. top domain names
    Number of domain names . top 1500
    term of validity 2024-09-01 - 2024-09-30
    fourteen thousand two hundred and fifty .00 9.50 yuan/piece
    21% off
  • . top domain name 2000
    Number of domain names . top 2000
    term of validity 2024-09-01 - 2024-09-30
    eighteen thousand .00 9.00 yuan/piece
    25% off

Purchase Instructions

1. The validity of the. cn domain name discount package: 0:00, September 11, 2024 to 23:50, September 13, 2024

. net domain name coupon valid from 12:00, September 9 to 11:50, September 14, 2024

. top domain name coupon is valid from 0:00, September 6, 2024 to 23:50, September 30, 2024

2. The domain name bulk discount package is only applicable to Alibaba Cloud China.

3. At present, the domain name bulk discount package is only applicable to new domain name registration, not to renewal, redemption, transfer and other scenarios.

4. The domain name bulk discount package only supports the registration of common English prefix domain names, and does not include platinum words, premium words, reserved words and other special domain names, Chinese prefix registration, as well as domain name transactions such as Internet booking, domain name preemption, domain name repurchases, etc.

5. The domain name bulk discount package will not be used with other discounts, including but not limited to vouchers, account discounts, preferential passwords and promotional activities.

6. The domain name bulk discount package is bound to the purchase account, and cannot be used across accounts, and cannot be transferred.

7. The validity of the domain name bulk discount package is subject to the domain name console display. The user needs to complete the registration within the validity period. After the expiration, the discount package will become invalid, and does not support the renewal and recovery of the discount package.

8. After the domain name batch discount package is purchased successfully, use it in the domain name console domain name discount package.

9. Due to the interface delay, the domain name registration near the end time of the discount package has the risk of registration failure. It is recommended that you reasonably arrange the time to register in advance.

10. Once the package is sold, it will not be returned or replaced. Please check carefully before placing an order.

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