The latest notebook cpu ladder diagram in 2017 is regularly updated~it is recommended to save the picture to local view

March 4, 2017 1 comment 2844 point heat 0 likes Gcod read the whole passage

After downloading, put it into the root directory of the website and restart IIS! The fixed architecture enabled by this site is:/archives/% post_id%. html Extract password: vv234 [ypbtn] [/ypbtn]

February 12, 2017 1 comment 1850 point heat 0 likes Gcod read the whole passage

For record only: (for reference only) 1. Server 500 error: 500 error prompt appears on the page, and the IIS management interface website is in the stopped state. It usually appears after the web management panel has added port 443. The solution is to delete it. 2. How to configure an SSL certificate: So far, SSL is enabled. Tools that may be needed: convert the certificate into an importable PFX file

February 12, 2017 0 comments 2300 point heat 1 person likes Gcod read the whole passage

Reason: In order to make rational use of resources and avoid waste Maintenance of the external chain map bed The recovery time of the affected domain name is to be determined~ps: At 16:56:08 on February 10, 2017, the maintenance was completed

February 10, 2017 0 comments 1780 point heat 1 person likes Gcod read the whole passage

The figure is convenient. Please refer to the modified installation script of Rainbow for details: PHP5.6&PHP7.0 (select an appropriate one by yourself) wget && chmod 775 && ./ 2>&1 | tee amh.log wget && chmod 775 …

January 16, 2017 1 comment 2003 point heat 0 likes Gcod read the whole passage

Centos system service script directory:/usr/lib/systemd/can be divided into system (system) and user (user). If the program can be run without login when it needs to be started, it is stored in the system service (system), that is,/lib/systemd/system/on the contrary, the program can be run only after the user logs in, and the service ends with. service in the user (user). Let's take nginx for example. 1. Create a service file vim/lib/systemd/system/nginx. service [Unit] Description=nginx After=netwo

January 15, 2017 0 comments 1585 point heat 0 likes Gcod read the whole passage

By using Onedns' malicious website rule library and referring to many online rules, regular sorting and maintenance can filter advertisements on mobile phones, scientifically visit some restricted websites, and so on. Usage: If you are using the ultimate anti skip 8, modify the DNS query method to fill in the dnsp address: Working mode: query through HTTP request, and then return the IP address of the requested domain name It's a good idea, but due to various reasons of the operator, the effect may not be ideal. Hope to know~the detection takes effect: visit: If you can open China's national information

January 11, 2017 1 comment 2510 points heat 1 person likes Gcod read the whole passage

Execute ifconfig to view the name of the network card. Use vim to edit the file. vim/etc/sysconfig/network scripts/ifcfg - Change the name of the network card from ONBOOT=no to ONBOOT=yes ESC: wq Save and exit

January 1, 2017 0 comments 2130 point heat 0 likes Gcod read the whole passage

​ SQLServerException: The driver could not establish a secure connection with SQL Server by using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encryption. Error: "java.lang.RuntimeException: Could not generate DH keypair". This historical legacy has a long history, and the contents on the Internet are similar to each other. The solutions to the problems are also various, but they all end up with unclear answers. The audience is also confused. The blogger also encountered this problem, but it has not been solved for a long time. This article is only for recording, in case of emergency. 1.…

December 12, 2016 0 comments 2275 point heat 4 people like it Gcod read the whole passage