The price of PacificRack is directly increased after renewal

November 7, 2021 1776 point heat 1 person likes 3 comments

It's disgusting. It's better not to vomit. Previously, blogs, graph bed nodes and other two sites were running on VPS bought by PacificRack,

After a year, the server has not even been restarted. It runs stably and is ready to be used again for several years.

As a result, the direct price increase of Temo is extremely outrageous, and it is so expensive all of a sudden,

I vaguely remember that when I bought the product before buying, the promotional copy said that the renewal fee was the same price, and I also enjoyed a discount,

The original price is $12, and the renewal fee is directly increased to $30. Surprise or surprise~


If life is just like the first sight, what is the sad autumn wind painting fan

Article comments

  • Flow card

    It's all routine

    November 24, 2021
  • Yang Jingwen

    The RackNerd I used, which expired at the end of the month, seemed to be renewed at the original price, but also stopped

    November 9, 2021
    • Gcod

      @Yang Jingwen Ha, I also have one, but the network is a little poor

      November 20, 2021