Sincere respect

The so-called glorious years are not the shining days in the future, but your paranoia about dreams when no one cares.

a thing turns into its opposite if pushed too far

This is the unique style of scientific workers. Let's explore the infinite truth in the endless universe.

Flags and drums facing each other

The outlook on life determines one's pursuit of life; The world outlook determines a person's ideological realm.

Wen Tao and Wu Tao

Two tigers can't live in one mountain, except one male and one female.

hate with gnashing teeth

The efforts that are not distracted are just perfunctory.

Nannan is very happy-

Never give up and strive to be the first.


I love the Party and wish the cause of the Party to flourish; I am patriotic, and my country has developed rapidly and become prosperous and strong; I love the people and wish them a well-off life; I love you, I hope your reply to the message is the same.

Future _RlvX

Lucky people are cured by childhood all their lives, while unlucky people are cured by childhood all their lives.

-Shen Meng Angzhi-

By the bridge of magpies, you and I are relatively silent. The warmth melts into the sky, and love is always lingering. I am Dong Yong, and you are a fairy. I wish that every day is the Double Seventh Festival, and that we can share the beauty of each other through the years.

A modest friend of a chess player shell

On the Double Seventh Festival, I hope that the residual resentment of the red leaves can be dispelled, and I will try to stay forever day and night, lingering and complaining about my anxiety. God gave me an excuse to ask you out again. Lovers, spend time with you. Every day is Valentine's Day.

Cf It's a matter of fact that the Bet Youtiao is hanging on the website of auxiliary purchase. The sailors who helped him wash it can have a look at - 001 Carmel

Cf No matter how the water army washes the auxiliary purchase website, how will it forcefully defend against the evidence of board nailing? Today, I will organize the next one from ID

Cf Perspective plug-in Kameng personally thinks that the anchor summary of Jedi Survival Technology does not know what you have to add- 001 Kameng

Cf Perspective plug-in Kameng personally thinks that the anchor summary of Jedi Survival Technology does not know what you have to add? A: Although the eldest brother changed to war

Interview with Xiaoxiao, the anchorman of "The Fifth Personality": Try to be the "Wang" brand vanguard of CC platform - 001 Kameng

On May 18, the famous brand of Netease Game CC Live Room entered an all-around new upgrade. It is understood that this famous brand is new not only in the vision of famous brands

Ranking, group stations, applets, research, Baidu applets, downloads, things

After one month's hard work, Baidu applet has finally reached Level A - Xinrui webmaster

five thousand two hundred and eighty-one
four hundred and eleven