Overseas Study Network visa Visa Skills

Visa skills, study abroad visa skills, work visa, business visa, tourist visa

Visa materials for studying in Germany 2023-09-14

If you have already passed the application of a German university, then it is time for you to prepare your study visa. Do you know what visa materials to prepare for studying in Germany? In view of this problem, I have prepared some information about this for you. Come and have a look if you are interested.

Requirements for visa materials for studying in Spain 2023-09-11

Are you considering studying in Spain? So do you know what are the requirements for studying in Spain? In view of this problem, I have collected some information for you. Let's have a look at it together.

2023 Application Guide for Studying in Ireland 2023-09-09

Are you considering applying to study in Ireland? So do you know what are the application guidelines for studying in Ireland? In view of this problem, I have prepared some information about this for you. Come and have a look if you are interested.

What are the materials for studying in Spain 2023-09-09

Do you know the materials for studying in Spain? In view of this problem, I have prepared some information about this for you. Come and have a look if you are interested.

What are the reasons for refusing to apply for a French study visa? 2023-09-05

In recent years, more and more Chinese students choose to apply for overseas universities, among which studying in France is favored by domestic students. What are the main reasons for being refused a visa to study in France? Let's follow Xiao Bian to have a brief understanding!

What are the reasons for refusing to apply for a French study visa 2023-09-05

It is certain that many children will encounter the possibility of being refused a visa when they apply for a French visa. Do you know the reasons for refusing a French study visa? In view of this problem, I have prepared some information about this for you. Come and have a look if you are interested.

What is the list of visa materials for studying in France 2023-09-05

Do you know the list of visa materials for studying in France? If you don't know much about this, let's take a look at some materials prepared for you by the editor. I hope you like them.

Are there any steps in the process of studying in France 2023-09-04

If you are going to study in France, do you know what steps are involved in the visa application process for studying in France? If you don't know much about this, let's take a look at some materials prepared for you by the editor. I hope you like them.

How much is the visa fee for studying in France 2023-09-04

How much is the visa fee for studying in France? It must be a question that many young people who are going to study in France are thinking about. In view of this question, I have prepared some materials for you. Come and have a look if you are interested.

What are the types of study visas in France 2023-09-04

If you are going to apply for a study visa in France, do you know what types of study visas are available in France? If you don't know much about this, let's take a look at some materials prepared for you by the editor. I hope you like them.

What materials need to be prepared for studying in France 2023-09-04

As we all know, France is a very romantic country, and romantic French is also loved by people all over the world. Do you know what materials need to be prepared for studying in France? If you don't know much about this, let's take a look at some materials prepared for you by the editor. I hope you like them.

Analysis of the requirements for studying abroad visa in Australia 2023-09-01

In the process of applying for studying in Australia, many students have failed to report to Australian universities in time due to materials, funds and other factors that affect the application for study visas in Australia. Here's a short editor to tell you about the application requirements for study visas in Australia. Come and have a look!

What are the problems of studying abroad visa in Singapore 2023-08-31

What are the visa issues for studying in Singapore? This must be the problem you are considering when preparing to apply for a study visa. In view of this problem, I have prepared some information about this for you. Come and have a look if you are interested.

What are the reasons for refusing to apply for a study visa in Singapore 2023-08-31

If you are going to study in Singapore, do you know the reasons why you were refused to apply for a study visa in Singapore? If you don't know much about this, let's take a look at some materials prepared for you by the editor. I hope you like them.

What are the requirements for the language of the US study visa 2023-08-31

If you want to study abroad, a study visa is an essential step. So do you know what are the requirements for the language of the American study visa? If you don't know much about this, let's take a look at some materials prepared for you by the editor. I hope you like them.

What are the English requirements for studying in the United States 2023-08-31

As we all know, the United States is one of the most popular countries for international students in the world, attracting a large number of international students to study abroad every year. Do you know what the English requirements for studying in the United States are? In view of this problem, I have collected some information for you. Let's have a look at it together.

What are the requirements for studying in Japan 2023-08-30

What are the requirements for studying in Japan? I think this is what you are thinking about when you are preparing to apply for a study visa in Japan. In view of this problem, I have prepared some information about this for you. Come and have a look if you are interested.

What should be paid attention to in visa application 2023-08-30

Have you applied for a visa for studying abroad? If not, do you know what should be paid attention to in visa application? In view of this problem, I have collected some information for you. Let's have a look at it together.

Summary of Reasons for Rejection of U.S. Student Visa Applications 2023-08-24

The application for a study visa is an important part of the application process for studying in the United States. However, many students have been delayed to report to American universities because their visas were refused. So why was the American study visa refused? Let's follow Xiao Bian to have a brief understanding!

Summary of Reasons for Rejection of Australian Student Visa Application 2023-08-24

To apply for studying in Australia, applying for a study abroad visa is the most important step for Chinese students. Many students failed to apply because they ignored the details of the application for a study abroad visa in Australia. What are the possible reasons for their rejection? Let's follow Xiao Bian to have a brief understanding!


The chief expert answered questions throughout the process Visa application Pick a school

Mr. Chen

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