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Limit: @ up_limit@
Limit: @ down_limit@
@date@ @time@
Temporary suspension
Today: @open@ Volume: @volume@ Amplitude: @swing@
Maximum: @high@ Turnover: @amount@ turnover rate: @turnover@
Minimum: @low@ Total Market Value: @totalShare@ P/B ratio: @pb@
Received yesterday: @preClose@ Current market value: @cvs@ P/E ratio TTM @pe@
Transaction time Transaction price Rise and fall Price changes Trading volume (hand) Transaction amount (yuan) nature
15:00:00 twenty-one point eight two +6.70% +0.01 seven thousand three hundred and ninety-seven 16,140,472
14:57:00 twenty-one point eight one +6.65% -- two hundred and forty 523,440
14:56:57 twenty-one point eight one +6.65% -- thirty-six 78,516
14:56:54 twenty-one point eight one +6.65% -- fifty-one 111,231
14:56:51 twenty-one point eight one +6.65% -- nine 19,629

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