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Limit: @ up_limit@
Limit: @ down_limit@
@date@ @time@
Temporary suspension
Today: @open@ Volume: @volume@ Amplitude: @swing@
Maximum: @high@ Turnover: @amount@ turnover rate: @turnover@
Minimum: @low@ Total Market Value: @totalShare@ P/B ratio: @pb@
Received yesterday: @preClose@ Current market value: @cvs@ P/E ratio TTM @pe@
Transaction price (yuan) Trading volume (shares) Proportion Proportion chart
two point three seven zero one million fifty-three thousand and eight hundred 6.06%
two point three six zero one million thirty-six thousand and seven hundred 5.96%
two point three five zero one million one hundred and eighty-eight thousand and six hundred 6.84%
two point three four zero two million eight hundred and fifty-nine thousand one hundred and thirty-seven 16.45%
two point three three zero one million one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three 5.76%
two point three two zero four hundred and ninety-two thousand and eight hundred 2.83%
two point three one zero nine hundred and eighteen thousand and four hundred 5.28%
two point three zero zero two million sixty-nine thousand and six hundred 11.91%
two point two nine zero three million two hundred and fifty-five thousand and six hundred 18.73%
two point two eight zero two million ninety-four thousand and seven hundred 12.05%
two point two seven zero nine hundred and forty-two thousand 5.42%
two point two six zero four hundred and seventy thousand 2.70%