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Margin trading
Details of margin trading of Chenguang Shares
S/N date financing Securities lending
balance Purchase amount Repayment amount Balance amount allowance Sales volume Repayment amount short interest
one 2024-09-26 one hundred and seven million eight hundred and eighteen thousand one hundred and twenty-three seven million nine hundred and ninety-six thousand two hundred and twenty-three twelve million thirty-nine thousand and thirty -- thirty-three thousand and two hundred four thousand and three hundred two thousand --
two 2024-09-25 one hundred and eleven million eight hundred and sixty thousand nine hundred and thirty seven million one hundred and sixty-one thousand seven hundred and seventy-six nine million four hundred and sixty-three thousand three hundred and twenty -- thirty thousand and nine hundred one thousand three hundred --
three 2024-09-24 one hundred and fourteen million one hundred and sixty-two thousand four hundred and seventy-four nine million one hundred and ninety-four thousand three hundred and thirty-one twelve million twenty-four thousand nine hundred and ten -- thirty thousand and two hundred thirteen thousand and four hundred two thousand and nine hundred --
four 2024-09-23 one hundred and sixteen million nine hundred and ninety-three thousand and fifty-three one million eight hundred and fifty-eight thousand two hundred and twenty-six six million five hundred and eighteen thousand eight hundred and ninety-three -- nineteen thousand and seven hundred two thousand and seven hundred seven thousand and four hundred --
five 2024-09-20 one hundred and twenty-one million six hundred and fifty-three thousand seven hundred and twenty two million eight hundred and sixty-seven thousand six hundred and twenty-four three million eight hundred and ninety thousand eight hundred and eighty -- twenty-four thousand and four hundred four thousand and nine hundred two thousand and six hundred --
six 2024-09-19 one hundred and twenty-two million six hundred and seventy-six thousand nine hundred and seventy-six three million two hundred and fifty-four thousand three hundred and sixty-three four million three hundred and ninety thousand seven hundred and sixty-one -- twenty-two thousand and one hundred two thousand and six hundred seven thousand and six hundred --
seven 2024-09-18 one hundred and twenty-three million eight hundred and thirteen thousand three hundred and seventy-four two million four hundred and thirteen thousand eight hundred and twenty-nine three million six hundred and ninety-five thousand four hundred and twenty-four -- twenty-seven thousand and one hundred two thousand and seven hundred two thousand and six hundred --
eight 2024-09-13 one hundred and twenty-five million ninety-four thousand nine hundred and sixty-nine three million five hundred and eighty-five thousand five hundred and seventeen two million two hundred and thirty-three thousand two hundred and eighty-five -- twenty-seven thousand three thousand and one hundred eight thousand and nine hundred --
nine 2024-09-12 one hundred and twenty-three million seven hundred and forty-two thousand seven hundred and thirty-seven three million three hundred and forty-eight thousand and sixty-eight one million six hundred and sixty-two thousand six hundred and seventy-five -- thirty-two thousand and eight hundred eight thousand and one hundred one thousand and five hundred --
ten 2024-09-11 one hundred and twenty-two million fifty-seven thousand three hundred and forty-four one million six hundred and twenty-six thousand eight hundred and eighty-six five million three hundred and seventy thousand two hundred and sixty-two -- twenty-six thousand and two hundred fourteen thousand and four hundred seven thousand and seven hundred --
eleven 2024-09-10 one hundred and twenty-five million eight hundred thousand seven hundred and twenty two million four hundred and five thousand four hundred and twenty-eight three million four hundred and two thousand two hundred and seventy-six -- nineteen thousand and five hundred zero five hundred --
twelve 2024-09-09 one hundred and twenty-six million seven hundred and ninety-seven thousand five hundred and sixty-eight one million seven hundred and twenty-nine thousand eight hundred and eighteen two million two hundred and seventy-seven thousand and sixty-six -- twenty thousand five hundred zero --
thirteen 2024-09-06 one hundred and twenty-seven million three hundred and forty-four thousand eight hundred and sixteen two million ninety-two thousand and thirty-seven four million eighty-five thousand six hundred and seventeen -- nineteen thousand and five hundred zero three thousand and one hundred --
fourteen 2024-09-05 one hundred and twenty-nine million three hundred and thirty-eight thousand three hundred and ninety-six one million two hundred and seventy-five thousand nine hundred and seventy-four five million seventy thousand eight hundred and ninety-three -- twenty-two thousand and six hundred zero zero --
fifteen 2024-09-04 one hundred and thirty-three million one hundred and thirty-three thousand three hundred and fifteen three million two hundred and two thousand six hundred and eighteen one million eight hundred and forty-six thousand two hundred and nineteen -- twenty-two thousand and six hundred six hundred three hundred --
sixteen 2024-09-03 one hundred and thirty-one million seven hundred and seventy-six thousand nine hundred and sixteen three million three hundred and seventy-seven thousand and fifty-nine five million one hundred and eighty thousand five hundred and thirty-eight -- twenty-two thousand and three hundred zero zero --
seventeen 2024-09-02 one hundred and thirty-three million five hundred and eighty thousand three hundred and ninety-five ten million two hundred and ninety-two thousand six hundred and seventy-seven six million sixty-one thousand seven hundred and twenty-two -- twenty-two thousand and three hundred eight thousand and two hundred zero --
eighteen 2024-08-30 one hundred and twenty-nine million three hundred and forty-nine thousand four hundred and forty thirteen million seven hundred and sixty thousand two hundred and ninety-four fourteen million seven hundred and sixty-five thousand and thirty-five -- fourteen thousand and one hundred one hundred two hundred --
nineteen 2024-08-29 one hundred and thirty million three hundred and fifty-four thousand one hundred and eighty-one four million three hundred and eleven thousand three hundred and forty-nine four million six hundred and seven thousand five hundred and fifty-eight -- fourteen thousand and two hundred three thousand and two hundred fifteen thousand and eight hundred --
twenty 2024-08-28 one hundred and thirty million six hundred and fifty thousand three hundred and ninety six million seven hundred and fifty-seven thousand one hundred and sixty four million one hundred and forty-seven thousand two hundred and seven -- twenty-six thousand and eight hundred three hundred zero --
twenty-one 2024-08-27 one hundred and twenty-eight million forty thousand four hundred and thirty-seven two million four hundred and forty-two thousand three hundred and sixty-three two million nine hundred and eighty-one thousand one hundred and ten -- twenty-six thousand and five hundred six thousand and three hundred zero --
twenty-two 2024-08-26 one hundred and twenty-eight million five hundred and seventy-nine thousand one hundred and eighty-four three million seven hundred and twenty-eight thousand six hundred and ten three million one hundred and six thousand nine hundred and eighty-three -- twenty thousand and two hundred seven thousand and five hundred zero --
twenty-three 2024-08-23 one hundred and twenty-seven million nine hundred and fifty-seven thousand five hundred and fifty-seven one million nine hundred and twenty-two thousand four hundred and sixty-five eight million four hundred and twenty-five thousand five hundred and eighty-nine -- twelve thousand and seven hundred zero eight thousand and six hundred --
twenty-four 2024-08-22 one hundred and thirty-four million four hundred and sixty thousand six hundred and eighty-one three million one hundred and fifty-four thousand seven hundred and seventy-five three million two hundred and eighty-two thousand five hundred and forty-five -- twenty-one thousand and three hundred two hundred twelve thousand and five hundred --
twenty-five 2024-08-21 one hundred and thirty-four million five hundred and eighty-three thousand one hundred and forty-eight seven million one hundred and seventy-four thousand nine hundred and seventy one million three hundred and fourteen thousand five hundred and fifty-four -- thirty-three thousand and six hundred one hundred twenty-seven thousand and five hundred --
twenty-six 2024-08-20 one hundred and twenty-eight million seven hundred and twenty-two thousand seven hundred and thirty-two six million two hundred and three thousand one hundred and ninety-nine two million three hundred and seventy-five thousand and forty-one -- sixty-one thousand seven hundred two thousand and one hundred --
twenty-seven 2024-08-19 one hundred and twenty-four million eight hundred and ninety-four thousand five hundred and seventy-four two million nine hundred and twenty thousand three hundred and seventy-six three million two hundred and fifty thousand one hundred and sixty-one -- sixty-two thousand and four hundred zero eighteen thousand --
twenty-eight 2024-08-16 one hundred and twenty-five million two hundred and twenty-four thousand three hundred and fifty-nine eleven million one hundred and forty-six thousand six hundred and ninety-four eight million six hundred and fifty-five thousand five hundred and thirteen -- eighty thousand and four hundred twelve thousand and two hundred three hundred --
twenty-nine 2024-08-15 one hundred and twenty-two million seven hundred and thirty-three thousand one hundred and seventy-eight fourteen million eight hundred and one thousand five hundred and ninety-six five million nine hundred and fifty-six thousand nine hundred and six -- sixty-eight thousand and five hundred four thousand six hundred --
thirty 2024-08-14 one hundred and thirteen million eight hundred and eighty-eight thousand four hundred and eighty-eight thirteen million four hundred and seventy-three thousand one hundred and fifty-five one million two hundred and sixty-five thousand eight hundred and fifteen -- sixty-five thousand and one hundred two thousand and three hundred eight hundred --
thirty-one 2024-08-13 one hundred and one million six hundred and eighty-one thousand one hundred and forty-eight two million two hundred and seventy-five thousand nine hundred and fifty-nine three million two hundred and twenty-seven thousand two hundred and twenty-four -- sixty-three thousand and six hundred five hundred one thousand and five hundred --
thirty-two 2024-08-12 one hundred and two million seven hundred and forty-one thousand four hundred and eighty-five one million seven hundred and thirteen thousand five hundred and nine two million thirty-eight thousand eight hundred and seventy-seven -- sixty-four thousand and six hundred three hundred one thousand and three hundred --
thirty-three 2024-08-09 one hundred and three million sixty-six thousand eight hundred and fifty-three five million one hundred and ninety-three thousand eight hundred and sixty-six three million one hundred and seventy-five thousand nine hundred and thirty-eight -- sixty-five thousand and six hundred twenty-three thousand two hundred --
thirty-four 2024-08-08 one hundred and one million forty-eight thousand nine hundred and twenty-five three million eight hundred and eighty-eight thousand eight hundred and fifty-one two million four hundred and forty-one thousand five hundred and fifty-three -- forty-two thousand and eight hundred nineteen thousand four hundred --
thirty-five 2024-08-07 ninety-nine million six hundred and one thousand six hundred and twenty-seven one million four hundred and sixty-six thousand nine hundred and seventy-nine one million seven hundred and fifty thousand six hundred and twenty -- twenty-four thousand and two hundred three thousand and seven hundred five thousand --
thirty-six 2024-08-06 ninety-nine million eight hundred and eighty-five thousand two hundred and sixty-eight two million nine hundred and eighty-five thousand two hundred and seven one million eight hundred and forty thousand five hundred and forty-three -- twenty-five thousand and five hundred twelve thousand and eight hundred nineteen thousand and six hundred --
thirty-seven 2024-08-05 ninety-eight million seven hundred and forty thousand six hundred and four five million one hundred and fifty thousand six hundred and eighty-four six million one hundred and forty-six thousand one hundred and eighty-six -- thirty-two thousand and three hundred five thousand and three hundred twelve thousand and six hundred --
thirty-eight 2024-08-02 ninety-nine million seven hundred and thirty-six thousand one hundred and six one million three hundred and twenty thousand two hundred and thirty-eight four million eighteen thousand two hundred and fifty-five -- thirty-nine thousand and six hundred one thousand and nine hundred one thousand and five hundred --
thirty-nine 2024-08-01 one hundred and two million four hundred and thirty-four thousand one hundred and twenty-three five million six hundred and fifty-nine thousand seven hundred and thirty-nine three million eight hundred and fifty-three thousand and ninety -- thirty-nine thousand and two hundred five thousand and three hundred three thousand and three hundred --
forty 2024-07-31 one hundred million six hundred and twenty-seven thousand four hundred and seventy-four three million one hundred and twenty-four thousand eight hundred and fifty-nine fifteen million three hundred and sixty-three thousand two hundred and twenty-two -- thirty-seven thousand and two hundred twelve thousand and four hundred five thousand and one hundred --
forty-one 2024-07-30 one hundred and twelve million eight hundred and sixty-five thousand eight hundred and thirty-seven sixteen million three hundred and sixty-seven thousand eight hundred and twenty six million eight hundred and eight thousand five hundred and nineteen -- twenty-nine thousand and nine hundred eleven thousand and three hundred zero --
forty-two 2024-07-29 one hundred and three million three hundred and six thousand five hundred and thirty-six two million seven hundred and fifty-eight thousand six hundred and fifty-one six million two hundred and seventy-two thousand two hundred and forty-nine -- eighteen thousand and six hundred two thousand and seven hundred four thousand and seven hundred --
forty-three 2024-07-26 one hundred and six million eight hundred and twenty thousand one hundred and thirty-four three million five hundred and fifty-six thousand five hundred and eighty-seven six million seven hundred and sixty-two thousand two hundred and forty-four -- twenty thousand and six hundred two thousand and two hundred five thousand --
forty-four 2024-07-25 one hundred and ten million twenty-five thousand seven hundred and ninety-one seven million four hundred and ninety-two thousand and twenty three million six hundred and thirty-nine thousand six hundred and twenty-four -- twenty-three thousand and four hundred three thousand and one hundred thirteen thousand and five hundred --
forty-five 2024-07-24 one hundred and six million one hundred and seventy-three thousand three hundred and ninety-five ten million five hundred and thirty-six thousand and thirty-six four million thirty-nine thousand seven hundred and seventy-nine -- thirty-three thousand and eight hundred three thousand and five hundred five hundred --
forty-six 2024-07-23 ninety-nine million six hundred and seventy-seven thousand one hundred and thirty-eight three million nine hundred and forty-eight thousand and thirty-two six million nine hundred and sixty-six thousand six hundred and eighteen -- thirty thousand and eight hundred two thousand thirty-five thousand seven hundred and twenty --
forty-seven 2024-07-22 one hundred and two million six hundred and ninety-five thousand seven hundred and twenty-four seven million four hundred and forty-seven thousand six hundred and forty-four two million six hundred and forty-six thousand and ninety-seven -- sixty-four thousand five hundred and twenty fifteen thousand and five hundred fourteen thousand and five hundred --
forty-eight 2024-07-19 ninety-seven million eight hundred and ninety-four thousand one hundred and seventy-seven one million four hundred and sixty-six thousand and ninety three million eight hundred and eighty-six thousand two hundred and sixty-four -- sixty-three thousand five hundred and twenty twelve thousand and seven hundred three thousand and six hundred --
forty-nine 2024-07-18 one hundred million three hundred and fourteen thousand three hundred and fifty-one two million two hundred and seventy-six thousand six hundred and thirty-nine seven million seven hundred and fifty-one thousand eight hundred and forty-five -- fifty-four thousand four hundred and twenty one thousand fourteen thousand and eight hundred --
fifty 2024-07-17 one hundred and five million seven hundred and eighty-nine thousand five hundred and fifty-seven five million nine hundred and seventy-seven thousand eight hundred and thirty-six two million four hundred and ninety-three thousand nine hundred and fifty-three -- sixty-eight thousand two hundred and twenty seven thousand and nine hundred three thousand and three hundred --
fifty-one 2024-07-16 one hundred and two million three hundred and five thousand six hundred and seventy-four three million eight hundred thousand and ninety-three three million one thousand eight hundred and seventy-six -- sixty-three thousand six hundred and twenty two thousand and six hundred fourteen thousand and two hundred --
fifty-two 2024-07-15 one hundred and one million five hundred and seven thousand four hundred and fifty-seven two million nine hundred and ninety-three thousand nine hundred and fifty-six four million one hundred and twenty-six thousand and seventeen -- seventy-five thousand two hundred and twenty one thousand and two hundred fourteen thousand and nine hundred --
fifty-three 2024-07-12 one hundred and two million six hundred and thirty-nine thousand five hundred and eighteen four million two hundred and thirty-nine thousand four hundred and sixty-three two million three hundred and eighty thousand seven hundred and forty-eight -- eighty-eight thousand nine hundred and twenty seventeen thousand and one hundred five thousand and three hundred --
fifty-four 2024-07-11 one hundred million seven hundred and eighty thousand eight hundred and three five million nine hundred and six thousand six hundred and five five million six hundred and thirty-two thousand one hundred and ninety-eight -- seventy-seven thousand one hundred and twenty five thousand and seven hundred twenty-four thousand and two hundred --
fifty-five 2024-07-10 one hundred million five hundred and six thousand three hundred and ninety-six three million two hundred and one thousand three hundred and fifty-five three million one hundred and seventy-eight thousand one hundred and four -- ninety-five thousand six hundred and twenty fifteen thousand and five hundred six hundred --
fifty-six 2024-07-09 one hundred million four hundred and eighty-three thousand one hundred and forty-five six million four hundred and fifty-four thousand three hundred and twenty-seven two million eight hundred and forty-three thousand four hundred and seventeen -- eighty thousand seven hundred and twenty nine thousand and seven hundred seven thousand and five hundred --
fifty-seven 2024-07-08 ninety-six million eight hundred and seventy-two thousand two hundred and thirty-five six million twelve thousand two hundred and seven six million seven hundred and seven thousand two hundred and twenty-nine -- seventy-eight thousand five hundred and twenty two thousand and three hundred two thousand and seven hundred --
fifty-eight 2024-07-05 ninety-seven million five hundred and sixty-seven thousand two hundred and fifty-seven five million four hundred and sixty-nine thousand three hundred and ninety-nine four million nine hundred and twenty-six thousand nine hundred and thirty-five -- seventy-eight thousand nine hundred and twenty six thousand and six hundred six thousand and five hundred --
fifty-nine 2024-07-04 ninety-seven million twenty-four thousand seven hundred and ninety-three four million one hundred and twenty-four thousand two hundred and seventy two million three hundred and thirty-two thousand nine hundred and twenty-one -- seventy-eight thousand eight hundred and twenty ten thousand thirteen thousand and one hundred --
sixty 2024-07-03 ninety-five million two hundred and thirty-three thousand four hundred and forty-four one million seven hundred and sixty-nine thousand two hundred and twelve one million seven hundred and twenty-six thousand one hundred and eighty-six -- eighty-one thousand nine hundred and twenty five thousand and six hundred nine thousand and one hundred --
sixty-one 2024-07-02 ninety-five million one hundred and ninety thousand four hundred and eighteen five million two hundred and four thousand nine hundred and fourteen three million seven hundred and eighty-four thousand seven hundred and one -- eighty-five thousand four hundred and twenty eleven thousand and eight hundred one hundred and forty-five thousand and two hundred --
sixty-two 2024-07-01 ninety-three million seven hundred and seventy thousand two hundred and five three million eight hundred and sixteen thousand four hundred and one two million three hundred and forty-three thousand nine hundred and fifteen -- two hundred and eighteen thousand eight hundred and twenty twenty-four thousand and four hundred twelve thousand --
sixty-three 2024-06-28 ninety-two million two hundred and ninety-seven thousand seven hundred and nineteen five million one hundred and thirty-nine thousand eight hundred and eighty-one five million eight hundred and fifty-eight thousand four hundred and fifty-two -- two hundred and six thousand four hundred and twenty forty-two thousand and one hundred thirty-five thousand and nine hundred --
sixty-four 2024-06-27 ninety-three million sixteen thousand two hundred and ninety two million three hundred and eighty-three thousand nine hundred and nineteen two million nine hundred and ninety-seven thousand one hundred and forty -- two hundred thousand two hundred and twenty nineteen thousand one hundred and twenty four thousand and six hundred --
sixty-five 2024-06-26 ninety-three million six hundred and twenty-nine thousand five hundred and eleven three million three hundred and fifty-eight thousand four hundred and thirty-one one million eight hundred and eighty-seven thousand nine hundred and thirty-one -- one hundred and eighty-five thousand and seven hundred sixteen thousand and nine hundred ten thousand and eight hundred --
sixty-six 2024-06-25 ninety-two million one hundred and fifty-nine thousand and eleven two million one hundred and fifteen thousand nine hundred and ninety-two five million one hundred thousand three hundred and twenty-one -- one hundred and seventy-nine thousand and six hundred twenty-seven thousand and three hundred twenty-six thousand and eight hundred --
sixty-seven 2024-06-24 ninety-five million one hundred and forty-three thousand three hundred and forty six million four hundred and fourteen thousand and ninety-nine two million eight hundred and forty-nine thousand four hundred and eighty-one -- one hundred and seventy-nine thousand and one hundred seven thousand and one hundred forty-nine thousand and five hundred --
sixty-eight 2024-06-21 ninety-one million five hundred and seventy-eight thousand seven hundred and twenty-two two million eight hundred and eighty-two thousand and forty-four two million eight hundred and thirty-six thousand nine hundred and eighty-five -- two hundred and twenty-one thousand and five hundred nine thousand and nine hundred one thousand and two hundred --
sixty-nine 2024-06-20 ninety-one million five hundred and thirty-three thousand six hundred and sixty-three three million nine hundred and sixty thousand three hundred and forty-two two million nine hundred and ninety-nine thousand three hundred and thirty-two -- two hundred and twelve thousand and eight hundred five thousand and four hundred thirteen thousand --
seventy 2024-06-19 ninety million five hundred and seventy-two thousand six hundred and fifty-three three million five hundred and forty-five thousand and twenty-nine two million nine hundred and fourteen thousand six hundred and forty-nine -- two hundred and twenty thousand and four hundred one thousand and six hundred eleven thousand and one hundred --
seventy-one 2024-06-18 eighty-nine million nine hundred and forty-two thousand two hundred and seventy-three seven million two hundred and seventy thousand three hundred and one two million three hundred and sixty-seven thousand five hundred and forty -- two hundred and twenty-nine thousand and nine hundred nineteen thousand and eight hundred one thousand and nine hundred --
seventy-two 2024-06-17 eighty-five million thirty-nine thousand five hundred and twelve five million sixteen thousand five hundred and seven two million four hundred and seventy-nine thousand one hundred and thirty-one -- two hundred and twelve thousand twenty thousand and seven hundred twenty thousand and one hundred --
seventy-three 2024-06-14 eighty-two million five hundred and two thousand one hundred and thirty-six five million one hundred and thirty-five thousand seven hundred and eighty-eight four million eight hundred and eighty-two thousand eight hundred and thirty-three -- two hundred and eleven thousand and four hundred one thousand and two hundred one thousand and six hundred --
seventy-four 2024-06-13 eighty-two million two hundred and forty-nine thousand one hundred and eighty-one five million four hundred and eight thousand one hundred and eighty-eight three million fifty-nine thousand nine hundred and sixteen -- two hundred and eleven thousand and eight hundred one thousand and two hundred twenty-three thousand and seven hundred --
seventy-five 2024-06-12 seventy-nine million nine hundred thousand nine hundred and nine three million eight hundred and twenty thousand two hundred and eleven three million one hundred and sixty-seven thousand and ninety-eight -- two hundred and thirty-four thousand and three hundred three thousand and two hundred eight thousand and five hundred --
seventy-six 2024-06-11 seventy-nine million two hundred and forty-seven thousand seven hundred and ninety-six six million seven hundred and seventy-six thousand seven hundred and fifty-one four million seven hundred and eight thousand five hundred and ninety-five -- two hundred and thirty-nine thousand and six hundred eight thousand and one hundred nine thousand --
seventy-seven 2024-06-07 seventy-seven million one hundred and seventy-nine thousand six hundred and forty five million nine hundred and forty-nine thousand nine hundred and sixty-five four million seven hundred and ninety-nine thousand five hundred and sixty-three -- two hundred and forty thousand and five hundred twenty-nine thousand and five hundred two thousand and six hundred --
seventy-eight 2024-06-06 seventy-six million twenty-nine thousand two hundred and thirty-eight three million four hundred and eighty-one thousand one hundred and seventy-three three million four hundred and fourteen thousand six hundred and forty-seven -- two hundred and thirteen thousand and six hundred ten thousand and six hundred five thousand and six hundred --
seventy-nine 2024-06-05 seventy-five million nine hundred and sixty-two thousand seven hundred and twelve three million four hundred and eighty thousand six hundred and fifteen three million three hundred and forty-three thousand and thirty-two -- two hundred and eight thousand and six hundred thirty-seven thousand and one hundred two thousand and eight hundred --
eighty 2024-06-04 seventy-five million eight hundred and twenty-five thousand one hundred and twenty-nine two million five hundred and eighty-six thousand eight hundred and thirty-nine seven million forty-eight thousand two hundred and forty-two -- one hundred and seventy-four thousand and three hundred fifty thousand and five hundred twelve thousand and nine hundred --
eighty-one 2024-06-03 eighty million two hundred and eighty-six thousand five hundred and thirty-two seven million ninety-two thousand seven hundred and fifty-three three million three hundred and sixty-seven thousand four hundred and fifty-nine -- one hundred and thirty-six thousand and seven hundred eighty-eight thousand and three hundred two thousand and four hundred --
eighty-two 2024-05-31 seventy-six million five hundred and sixty-one thousand two hundred and thirty-eight five million nine hundred and thirty-one thousand one hundred and ninety-three three million four hundred and forty-two thousand one hundred and eighteen -- fifty thousand and eight hundred four thousand and five hundred one thousand and three hundred --
eighty-three 2024-05-30 seventy-four million seventy-two thousand one hundred and sixty-three five million thirteen thousand and sixty-one three million nine hundred and five thousand five hundred and seventy-eight -- forty-seven thousand and six hundred one thousand five thousand and one hundred --
eighty-four 2024-05-29 seventy-two million nine hundred and sixty-four thousand six hundred and eighty two million one hundred and seventy-three thousand two hundred and sixty-nine two million three hundred and seventy-seven thousand five hundred and twenty-six -- fifty-one thousand and seven hundred six thousand and two hundred two thousand and five hundred --
eighty-five 2024-05-28 seventy-three million one hundred and sixty-eight thousand nine hundred and thirty-seven two million three hundred and fifty-eight thousand nine hundred and sixty-seven two million three hundred and fifty-eight thousand three hundred and fifty-nine -- forty-eight thousand one thousand two thousand and four hundred --
eighty-six 2024-05-27 seventy-three million one hundred and sixty-eight thousand three hundred and twenty-nine five million two hundred and eighteen thousand one hundred and sixty-four one million eight hundred and eighteen thousand eight hundred and seven -- forty-nine thousand and four hundred one thousand and four hundred seven thousand and six hundred --
eighty-seven 2024-05-24 sixty-nine million seven hundred and sixty-eight thousand nine hundred and seventy-two two million three hundred and eighty-eight thousand and thirteen two million three hundred and fifteen thousand and fifty-two -- fifty-five thousand and six hundred six thousand five hundred --
eighty-eight 2024-05-23 sixty-nine million six hundred and ninety-six thousand and eleven three million four hundred and forty-two thousand two hundred and eighty-three three million seven hundred and sixty-three thousand one hundred and three -- fifty thousand and one hundred two thousand and five hundred eight hundred --
eighty-nine 2024-05-22 seventy million sixteen thousand eight hundred and thirty-one five million three hundred and nine thousand eight hundred and sixteen two million four hundred and ninety-six thousand eight hundred and eighty-three -- forty-eight thousand and four hundred five thousand and nine hundred three thousand --
ninety 2024-05-21 sixty-seven million two hundred and three thousand eight hundred and ninety-eight two million seven hundred and three thousand one hundred and thirty-seven four million nine hundred and twenty-three thousand seven hundred and seventeen -- forty-five thousand and five hundred three thousand six thousand and nine hundred --
ninety-one 2024-05-20 sixty-nine million four hundred and twenty-four thousand four hundred and seventy-eight six million three hundred and fifty-two thousand three hundred and eighty-six five million three hundred and forty-nine thousand three hundred and seventy-seven -- forty-nine thousand and four hundred two thousand and three hundred twelve thousand --
ninety-two 2024-05-17 sixty-eight million four hundred and twenty-one thousand four hundred and sixty-nine four million eight hundred and forty-eight thousand two hundred and sixteen four million nine thousand nine hundred and fifty -- fifty-nine thousand and one hundred eleven thousand and nine hundred eighteen thousand and nine hundred --
ninety-three 2024-05-16 sixty-seven million five hundred and eighty-three thousand two hundred and three two million six hundred and forty-two thousand nine hundred and ninety-seven six million two hundred and ninety-nine thousand two hundred and eighty-five -- sixty-six thousand and one hundred four thousand and three hundred ten thousand and three hundred --
ninety-four 2024-05-15 seventy-one million two hundred and thirty-nine thousand four hundred and ninety-one one million eight hundred and seventeen thousand eight hundred and nine four million six hundred thousand one hundred and thirty-one -- seventy-two thousand and one hundred six thousand and eight hundred eight hundred --
ninety-five 2024-05-14 seventy-four million twenty-one thousand eight hundred and thirteen two million three hundred and eleven thousand five hundred and eighty-two five million three hundred and ninety thousand six hundred and eighty-seven -- sixty-six thousand and one hundred nineteen thousand two hundred --
ninety-six 2024-05-13 seventy-seven million one hundred thousand nine hundred and eighteen four million twenty-seven thousand nine hundred and seventy-four seven million eight hundred and ten thousand eight hundred and ninety-six -- forty-seven thousand and three hundred eighteen thousand and six hundred twenty-one thousand and five hundred --
ninety-seven 2024-05-10 eighty million eight hundred and eighty-three thousand eight hundred and forty four million five hundred and sixty-eight thousand three hundred and two fourteen million one hundred and thirty-six thousand and two -- fifty thousand and two hundred eight thousand eight thousand and six hundred --
ninety-eight 2024-05-09 ninety million four hundred and fifty-one thousand five hundred and forty five million three hundred and ninety-six thousand nine hundred and sixty fourteen million five hundred and fifty-eight thousand six hundred and fifty-nine -- fifty thousand and eight hundred seven hundred eight thousand --
ninety-nine 2024-05-08 ninety-nine million six hundred and thirteen thousand two hundred and thirty-nine twelve million eight hundred and fifty-one thousand nine hundred and seventy-four seven million three hundred and fifteen thousand eight hundred and forty-one -- fifty-eight thousand and one hundred twenty-two thousand and two hundred two thousand and four hundred --
one hundred 2024-05-07 ninety-four million seventy-seven thousand one hundred and six eleven million seven hundred and sixty-six thousand and thirty-two sixteen million five hundred and thirteen thousand three hundred and seventy-seven -- thirty-eight thousand and three hundred seven thousand and seven hundred twenty-one thousand and two hundred --
one hundred and one 2024-05-06 ninety-eight million eight hundred and twenty-four thousand four hundred and fifty-one sixteen million nine hundred and sixty-three thousand seven hundred and sixty-eight twenty-three million one hundred and seventy thousand three hundred and eighty -- fifty-one thousand and eight hundred five thousand and eight hundred one thousand and four hundred --
one hundred and two 2024-04-30 one hundred and five million thirty-one thousand and sixty-three twenty million six hundred and fifty-three thousand five hundred and eighteen twenty million four hundred and sixty-five thousand six hundred and thirteen -- forty-seven thousand and four hundred eighteen thousand and four hundred seven thousand and three hundred --
one hundred and three 2024-04-29 one hundred and four million eight hundred and forty-three thousand one hundred and fifty-eight twenty-one million eight hundred and twenty-seven thousand five hundred and nineteen fifteen million eight hundred and fifty thousand five hundred and fifty-four -- thirty-six thousand and three hundred five thousand one thousand and five hundred --
one hundred and four 2024-04-26 ninety-eight million eight hundred and sixty-six thousand one hundred and ninety-three fifteen million five hundred and forty-four thousand seven hundred and fifty-six eight million one hundred and ten thousand one hundred and two -- thirty-two thousand and eight hundred nine hundred one thousand --
one hundred and five 2024-04-25 ninety-one million four hundred and thirty-one thousand five hundred and thirty-nine seven million five hundred and twenty-six thousand four hundred and fifty-six six million one hundred and seventy-two thousand four hundred and twenty-four -- thirty-two thousand and nine hundred eight hundred one thousand and six hundred --
one hundred and six 2024-04-24 ninety million seventy-seven thousand five hundred and seven seven million five hundred and sixty-two thousand five hundred and ninety-one five million three hundred and twelve thousand and twenty-five -- thirty-three thousand and seven hundred one thousand and four hundred two thousand and six hundred --
one hundred and seven 2024-04-23 eighty-seven million eight hundred and twenty-six thousand nine hundred and forty-one four million eight hundred and twenty-four thousand five hundred and ninety-eight four million seven hundred and thirty-two thousand two hundred and four -- thirty-four thousand and nine hundred five thousand and seven hundred eight hundred --
one hundred and eight 2024-04-22 eighty-seven million seven hundred and thirty-four thousand five hundred and forty-seven five million one hundred and fifty-seven thousand three hundred and forty-three five million six hundred and thirty-one thousand four hundred and thirty -- thirty thousand one thousand twelve thousand and five hundred --
one hundred and nine 2024-04-19 eighty-eight million two hundred and eight thousand six hundred and thirty-four eleven million four hundred and sixty thousand five hundred and thirty-seven six million seven hundred and forty-one thousand four hundred and ninety-one -- forty-one thousand and five hundred one thousand and one hundred eleven thousand and one hundred --
one hundred and ten 2024-04-18 eighty-three million four hundred and eighty-nine thousand five hundred and eighty-eight five million two hundred and sixty-seven thousand and thirty-three six million eight hundred and one thousand two hundred and seventy-six -- fifty-one thousand and five hundred three thousand four hundred --
one hundred and eleven 2024-04-17 eighty-five million twenty-three thousand eight hundred and thirty-one eight million six hundred and twenty-seven thousand three hundred and sixteen seven million two hundred and sixty-four thousand four hundred and forty-six -- forty-eight thousand and nine hundred two thousand and nine hundred three thousand and two hundred --
one hundred and twelve 2024-04-16 eighty-three million six hundred and sixty thousand nine hundred and sixty-one seven million nine hundred and eighty-three thousand seven hundred and ninety-six three million eight hundred and seventy-eight thousand seven hundred and three -- forty-nine thousand and two hundred eight thousand and three hundred eight hundred --
one hundred and thirteen 2024-04-15 seventy-nine million five hundred and fifty-five thousand eight hundred and sixty-eight six million six hundred and fifty-six thousand seven hundred and seventy-seven three million nine hundred and forty-nine thousand four hundred and twenty-three -- forty-one thousand and seven hundred one thousand one thousand and six hundred --
one hundred and fourteen 2024-04-12 seventy-six million eight hundred and forty-eight thousand five hundred and fourteen eight million three hundred and sixty-three thousand two hundred and thirty-seven three million forty-nine thousand seven hundred and nine -- forty-two thousand and three hundred five hundred two thousand and seven hundred --
one hundred and fifteen 2024-04-11 seventy-one million five hundred and thirty-four thousand nine hundred and eighty-six seven million three hundred and thirty-five thousand and twenty three million nine hundred and twenty-three thousand six hundred and fifty-eight -- forty-four thousand and five hundred seven hundred five thousand --
one hundred and sixteen 2024-04-10 sixty-eight million one hundred and twenty-three thousand six hundred and twenty-four two million five hundred and six thousand eight hundred and sixty-five three million one hundred and sixty-five thousand and one -- forty-eight thousand and eight hundred eight thousand and five hundred four thousand --
one hundred and seventeen 2024-04-09 sixty-eight million seven hundred and eighty-one thousand seven hundred and sixty two million eight hundred and eighty-five thousand and seventy two million forty-three thousand two hundred and seventy-eight -- forty-four thousand and three hundred twelve thousand and seven hundred five thousand and one hundred --
one hundred and eighteen 2024-04-08 sixty-seven million nine hundred and thirty-nine thousand nine hundred and sixty-eight seven million four hundred and twenty-four thousand five hundred and sixty-two two million eight hundred and ninety-seven thousand seven hundred and seventy-two -- thirty-six thousand and seven hundred ten thousand and two hundred two thousand and six hundred --
one hundred and nineteen 2024-04-03 sixty-three million four hundred and thirteen thousand one hundred and seventy-eight four million two hundred and twenty-three thousand six hundred and fifty-seven four million five hundred and sixty-one thousand five hundred and twenty-eight -- twenty-nine thousand and one hundred three thousand and six hundred nine thousand and three hundred --
one hundred and twenty 2024-04-02 sixty-three million seven hundred and fifty-one thousand and forty-nine four million three hundred and thirteen thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine eight million one hundred and ninety-four thousand six hundred and three -- thirty-four thousand and eight hundred five thousand and six hundred forty-seven thousand and three hundred --
one hundred and twenty-one 2024-04-01 sixty-seven million six hundred and thirty-one thousand six hundred and fifty-three seven million thirty-four thousand eight hundred and thirty-nine twelve million two hundred and twenty-one thousand nine hundred and forty-two -- seventy-six thousand and five hundred twelve thousand and one hundred eighteen thousand and nine hundred --
one hundred and twenty-two 2024-03-29 seventy-two million eight hundred and eighteen thousand seven hundred and fifty-six five million fifty-one thousand four hundred and eighty-seven four million three hundred and seventy-two thousand one hundred and sixty-five -- eighty-three thousand and three hundred two thousand seven thousand and five hundred --
one hundred and twenty-three 2024-03-28 seventy-two million one hundred and thirty-nine thousand four hundred and thirty-four four million eight hundred and thirty-eight thousand one hundred and ninety-nine three million nine hundred and eighty-two thousand two hundred and sixty-nine -- eighty-eight thousand and eight hundred seven thousand and four hundred two thousand and two hundred --
one hundred and twenty-four 2024-03-27 seventy-one million two hundred and eighty-three thousand five hundred and four three million two hundred and seventy-eight thousand and eight four million three hundred and seventy-eight thousand four hundred and eighty-eight -- eighty-three thousand and six hundred twelve thousand and one hundred two thousand and four hundred --
one hundred and twenty-five 2024-03-26 seventy-two million three hundred and eighty-three thousand nine hundred and eighty-four two million two hundred and thirty-one thousand seven hundred and thirty-three three million three hundred and thirteen thousand three hundred and eight -- seventy-three thousand and nine hundred two thousand and seven hundred five thousand and nine hundred --
one hundred and twenty-six 2024-03-25 seventy-three million four hundred and sixty-five thousand five hundred and fifty-nine two million three hundred and nineteen thousand three hundred and sixty-four three million four hundred and fifty-seven thousand eight hundred and eighty-five -- seventy-seven thousand and one hundred one thousand and eight hundred three thousand and five hundred --
one hundred and twenty-seven 2024-03-22 seventy-four million six hundred and four thousand and eighty two million forty-six thousand two hundred and thirty three million four hundred and ninety-five thousand and three -- seventy-eight thousand and eight hundred three thousand and five hundred one thousand and two hundred --
one hundred and twenty-eight 2024-03-21 seventy-six million fifty-two thousand eight hundred and fifty-three five million one hundred and thirty-six thousand three hundred and fourteen four million six hundred and four thousand seven hundred and fifty-one -- seventy-six thousand and five hundred eight thousand and seven hundred five hundred --
one hundred and twenty-nine 2024-03-20 seventy-five million five hundred and twenty-one thousand two hundred and ninety seven million five hundred and fifty-five thousand six hundred and fifty-six one million two hundred and seventy-eight thousand three hundred and forty-seven -- sixty-eight thousand and three hundred one thousand and one hundred two thousand and eight hundred --
one hundred and thirty 2024-03-19 sixty-nine million two hundred and forty-three thousand nine hundred and eighty-one one million four hundred and twelve thousand four hundred and seventy-nine three million four hundred and ninety-five thousand five hundred and eighteen -- seventy thousand sixteen thousand and eight hundred one thousand and six hundred --
one hundred and thirty-one 2024-03-18 seventy-one million three hundred and twenty-seven thousand and twenty one million five hundred and thirty-two thousand nine hundred and eighty-six two million one hundred and eleven thousand seven hundred and eighteen -- fifty-four thousand and eight hundred two thousand five thousand --
one hundred and thirty-two 2024-03-15 seventy-one million nine hundred and five thousand seven hundred and fifty-two one million seven hundred and ninety-one thousand five hundred and nine two million one hundred and twenty-nine thousand eight hundred and fifty-four -- fifty-seven thousand and eight hundred two thousand and six hundred two thousand and four hundred --
one hundred and thirty-three 2024-03-14 seventy-two million two hundred and forty-four thousand and ninety-seven four million ninety-five thousand three hundred and ninety-five two million three hundred and eighty-one thousand and ninety-seven -- fifty-seven thousand and six hundred three thousand and three hundred three thousand and four hundred --
one hundred and thirty-four 2024-03-13 seventy million five hundred and twenty-nine thousand seven hundred and ninety-nine three million nine hundred and ninety-two thousand three hundred and one six million six hundred and forty-eight thousand seven hundred and ninety-eight -- fifty-seven thousand and seven hundred forty-one thousand and eight hundred eleven thousand and one hundred --
one hundred and thirty-five 2024-03-12 seventy-three million one hundred and eighty-six thousand two hundred and ninety-six four million two hundred and ninety-two thousand and seventy-five six million three hundred and seventy thousand and thirty-five -- twenty-seven thousand thirteen thousand and two hundred two hundred --
one hundred and thirty-six 2024-03-11 seventy-five million two hundred and sixty-four thousand two hundred and fifty-six three million five hundred and seventeen thousand two hundred and twenty-seven nine million twenty-three thousand and ninety-six -- fourteen thousand three hundred three hundred --
one hundred and thirty-seven 2024-03-08 eighty million seven hundred and seventy thousand one hundred and twenty-five seven million seven hundred and twenty-six thousand nine hundred and six four million five hundred and fourteen thousand two hundred and sixty-four -- fourteen thousand six thousand and six hundred three thousand and two hundred --
one hundred and thirty-eight 2024-03-07 seventy-seven million five hundred and fifty-seven thousand four hundred and eighty-three six million three hundred and ninety-three thousand eight hundred and ninety-nine four million six hundred and eighty-five thousand six hundred and forty -- ten thousand and six hundred one thousand and four hundred six hundred --
one hundred and thirty-nine 2024-03-06 seventy-five million eight hundred and forty-nine thousand two hundred and twenty-four four million eight hundred and seventy-six thousand five hundred and fifty-nine four million six hundred and ninety-one thousand three hundred and fifty-seven -- nine thousand and eight hundred two hundred fifteen thousand and three hundred --
one hundred and forty 2024-03-05 seventy-five million six hundred and sixty-four thousand and twenty-two five million one hundred and forty-three thousand four hundred and sixty-six five million one hundred and thirty-three thousand two hundred and thirty-five -- twenty-four thousand and nine hundred fourteen thousand and two hundred three thousand and one hundred --
one hundred and forty-one 2024-03-04 seventy-five million six hundred and fifty-three thousand seven hundred and ninety-one ten million one hundred and fifty-seven thousand one hundred and fifty-two three million thirty-four thousand two hundred and seventy-nine -- thirteen thousand and eight hundred four thousand and nine hundred two thousand and five hundred --
one hundred and forty-two 2024-03-01 sixty-eight million five hundred and thirty thousand nine hundred and eighteen five million two hundred and eighty thousand seven hundred and twenty-eight two million eight hundred and twenty-six thousand five hundred and thirty -- eleven thousand and four hundred two thousand and four hundred eleven thousand and five hundred --
one hundred and forty-three 2024-02-29 sixty-six million seventy-six thousand seven hundred and twenty two million seven hundred and thirty-one thousand four hundred and thirteen three million seventy-two thousand five hundred and fifty-five -- twenty thousand and five hundred three thousand and one hundred twelve thousand and one hundred --
one hundred and forty-four 2024-02-28 sixty-six million four hundred and eighteen thousand two hundred and twenty-five five million four hundred and sixty thousand nine hundred and eighty-two three million eight thousand nine hundred and five -- twenty-nine thousand and four hundred five thousand and two hundred one thousand and nine hundred --
one hundred and forty-five 2024-02-27 sixty-three million nine hundred and sixty-six thousand one hundred and forty-eight one million nine hundred and fifty-six thousand and forty-three three million nine hundred and ninety-one thousand and eighty-nine -- twenty-six thousand and one hundred eight thousand and five hundred four thousand and three hundred --
one hundred and forty-six 2024-02-26 sixty-six million one thousand one hundred and ninety-four six million thirty-two thousand five hundred and nine two million nine hundred and forty-seven thousand one hundred and forty-six -- twenty-one thousand and nine hundred four thousand and eight hundred three hundred --
one hundred and forty-seven 2024-02-23 sixty-two million nine hundred and fifteen thousand eight hundred and thirty-one two million six hundred and six thousand nine hundred and three four million nine hundred and fifty-four thousand six hundred and eighty-six -- seventeen thousand and four hundred nine thousand and four hundred twenty-six thousand --
one hundred and forty-eight 2024-02-22 sixty-five million two hundred and sixty-three thousand six hundred and fourteen three million two hundred and sixty thousand three hundred and forty-two four million six hundred and forty thousand three hundred and twenty-six -- thirty-four thousand four thousand and four hundred eight thousand and five hundred --
one hundred and forty-nine 2024-02-21 sixty-six million six hundred and forty-three thousand five hundred and ninety-eight one million five hundred and thirty-three thousand six hundred and fifty four million seven hundred and seventy-four thousand six hundred and fifteen -- thirty-eight thousand and one hundred eight thousand and six hundred zero --
one hundred and fifty 2024-02-20 sixty-nine million eight hundred and eighty-four thousand five hundred and sixty-three one million four hundred and fifty-five thousand and nine three million five hundred and twenty-eight thousand five hundred and seventeen -- twenty-nine thousand and five hundred one thousand and six hundred zero --
one hundred and fifty-one 2024-02-19 seventy-one million nine hundred and fifty-eight thousand and seventy-one two million eight hundred and sixty-eight thousand nine hundred and forty-five three million five hundred and thirty-one thousand nine hundred and ninety-three -- twenty-seven thousand and nine hundred one hundred one thousand and nine hundred --
one hundred and fifty-two 2024-02-08 seventy-two million six hundred and twenty-one thousand one hundred and nineteen three million four hundred and forty-two thousand six hundred and thirty-six four million two hundred and fifty-six thousand nine hundred and thirty-three -- twenty-nine thousand and seven hundred nine hundred four thousand and seven hundred --
one hundred and fifty-three 2024-02-07 seventy-three million four hundred and thirty-five thousand four hundred and sixteen three million six hundred and twenty-eight thousand one hundred and fifty-four two million nine hundred and fifty-six thousand three hundred and sixty-one -- thirty-three thousand and five hundred four thousand and five hundred thirty thousand and nine hundred --
one hundred and fifty-four 2024-02-06 seventy-two million seven hundred and sixty-three thousand six hundred and twenty-three one million four hundred and seventy-six thousand four million four hundred and twenty-six thousand three hundred and ninety-eight -- fifty-nine thousand and nine hundred thirty-two thousand and four hundred thirty-nine thousand and six hundred --
one hundred and fifty-five 2024-02-05 seventy-five million seven hundred and fourteen thousand and twenty-one two million five hundred and sixty-nine thousand eight hundred and seventeen four million sixty-one thousand seven hundred and thirty-three -- sixty-seven thousand and one hundred seven thousand and seven hundred thirty-five thousand and four hundred --
one hundred and fifty-six 2024-02-02 seventy-seven million two hundred and five thousand nine hundred and thirty-seven two million one hundred and forty-four thousand seven hundred and eighty-three seven million six hundred and ninety-one thousand seven hundred and sixty -- ninety-four thousand and eight hundred thirteen thousand and two hundred eight thousand and three hundred --
one hundred and fifty-seven 2024-02-01 eighty-two million seven hundred and fifty-two thousand nine hundred and fourteen one million one hundred and sixty-seven thousand and ninety-nine two million fifty-seven thousand three hundred and twenty-one -- eighty-nine thousand and nine hundred five thousand and one hundred eighteen thousand --
one hundred and fifty-eight 2024-01-31 eighty-three million six hundred and forty-three thousand one hundred and thirty-six one million eight hundred and seventy thousand five hundred and sixty-nine one million seven hundred and fifty-five thousand one hundred and fifty-two -- one hundred and two thousand and eight hundred seven thousand and three hundred eleven thousand and six hundred --
one hundred and fifty-nine 2024-01-30 eighty-three million five hundred and twenty-seven thousand seven hundred and nineteen two million six hundred and eighty-seven thousand six hundred and twenty-four four million one hundred and ninety-four thousand and fifty-one -- one hundred and seven thousand and one hundred forty-one thousand and five hundred seventeen thousand and two hundred --
one hundred and sixty 2024-01-29 eighty-five million thirty-four thousand one hundred and forty-six three million seven hundred and sixty-six thousand five hundred and eight three million three hundred and eight thousand seven hundred and fourteen -- eighty-two thousand and eight hundred twelve thousand and four hundred eighteen thousand and one hundred --
one hundred and sixty-one 2024-01-26 eighty-four million five hundred and seventy-six thousand three hundred and fifty-two four million seven hundred and ninety-six thousand nine hundred and twenty-five two million six hundred and sixty-five thousand and eighty -- eighty-eight thousand and five hundred forty-two thousand and three hundred eight thousand three hundred and seventy-seven --
one hundred and sixty-two 2024-01-25 eighty-two million four hundred and forty-four thousand five hundred and seven four million two hundred and seventy thousand three hundred and fifty-five three million four hundred and seventy-eight thousand four hundred and sixty-one -- fifty-four thousand five hundred and seventy-seven seven thousand and three hundred twenty-nine thousand and four hundred --
one hundred and sixty-three 2024-01-24 eighty-one million six hundred and fifty-two thousand six hundred and thirteen four million five hundred and twenty-two thousand three hundred and eight four million two hundred and eighty-four thousand eight hundred and fifteen -- seventy-six thousand six hundred and seventy-seven twenty-three thousand two hundred and seventy-seven eight thousand and one hundred --
one hundred and sixty-four 2024-01-23 eighty-one million four hundred and fifteen thousand one hundred and twenty two million two hundred and fifty-one thousand nine hundred and fifty-seven two million one hundred and forty-seven thousand five hundred and ninety-one -- sixty-one thousand and five hundred thirteen thousand and two hundred five thousand and three hundred --
one hundred and sixty-five 2024-01-22 eighty-one million three hundred and ten thousand seven hundred and fifty-four two million six hundred and eighty-six thousand four hundred and thirteen two million one hundred and one thousand and ninety-five -- fifty-three thousand and six hundred twelve thousand and four hundred eleven thousand and two hundred --
one hundred and sixty-six 2024-01-19 eighty million seven hundred and twenty-five thousand four hundred and thirty-six one million eight hundred and twenty-three thousand seven hundred and ninety-five four million ninety-nine thousand seven hundred and sixty-six -- fifty-two thousand and four hundred eleven thousand and seven hundred ten thousand and four hundred --
one hundred and sixty-seven 2024-01-18 eighty-three million one thousand four hundred and seven six million three hundred and eighty-one thousand nine hundred and five four million three hundred and fifty-eight thousand five hundred and fifty-six -- fifty-one thousand and one hundred fifteen thousand and four hundred six thousand and nine hundred --
one hundred and sixty-eight 2024-01-17 eighty million nine hundred and seventy-eight thousand and fifty-eight two million seven hundred and fifteen thousand six hundred and eighty-three five million six hundred and twenty-five thousand seven hundred and eighty-nine -- forty-two thousand and six hundred nine thousand and seven hundred four thousand and eight hundred --
one hundred and sixty-nine 2024-01-16 eighty-three million eight hundred and eighty-eight thousand one hundred and sixty-four one million two hundred and fifty-two thousand one hundred and seventy-five two million two hundred and fifty-six thousand and seven -- thirty-seven thousand and seven hundred ten thousand and six hundred three thousand and two hundred --
one hundred and seventy 2024-01-15 eighty-four million eight hundred and ninety-one thousand nine hundred and ninety-six five million one hundred and twenty-seven thousand two hundred and sixty-four one million three hundred and eighty-nine thousand seven hundred and fifty-nine -- thirty thousand and three hundred seven thousand and three hundred three thousand and two hundred --
one hundred and seventy-one 2024-01-12 eighty-one million one hundred and fifty-four thousand four hundred and ninety-one one million seven hundred and fifty-four thousand six hundred and forty-two three million three hundred and ninety-six thousand four hundred and seventy-four -- twenty-six thousand and two hundred one thousand and one hundred seven hundred --
one hundred and seventy-two 2024-01-11 eighty-two million seven hundred and ninety-six thousand three hundred and twenty-three four million five hundred and eight thousand six hundred and fifty-nine two million five hundred and sixty-two thousand eight hundred and thirty-seven -- twenty-five thousand and eight hundred one thousand and one hundred ten thousand and two hundred --
one hundred and seventy-three 2024-01-10 eighty million eight hundred and fifty thousand five hundred and one two million three hundred and ninety-one thousand two hundred and eighty-three two million four hundred and eight thousand two hundred and eighty -- thirty-four thousand and nine hundred five thousand and five hundred nine thousand and four hundred --
one hundred and seventy-four 2024-01-09 eighty million eight hundred and sixty-seven thousand four hundred and ninety-eight two million two hundred and twenty thousand four hundred and ninety-eight three million six hundred and thirty-eight thousand and twenty-seven -- thirty-eight thousand and eight hundred seven thousand and five hundred one hundred and twenty-four thousand and two hundred --
one hundred and seventy-five 2024-01-08 eighty-two million two hundred and eighty-five thousand and twenty-seven two million eight hundred and twenty-eight thousand and eight hundred four million two hundred and eighty-three thousand eight hundred and sixty -- one hundred and fifty-five thousand and five hundred two thousand and eight hundred forty-four thousand and two hundred --
one hundred and seventy-six 2024-01-05 eighty-three million seven hundred and forty thousand and eighty-seven one million three hundred and twenty-seven thousand seven hundred and four one million eight hundred and fifty-nine thousand seven hundred and forty-eight -- one hundred and ninety-six thousand and nine hundred eighteen thousand and two hundred sixty-one thousand and two hundred --
one hundred and seventy-seven 2024-01-04 eighty-four million two hundred and seventy-two thousand one hundred and thirty-one four million eight hundred and sixty thousand four hundred and twenty-two two million three hundred and ninety-seven thousand one hundred and fifty -- two hundred and thirty-nine thousand and nine hundred five thousand and three hundred one hundred and twenty thousand --
one hundred and seventy-eight 2024-01-03 eighty-one million eight hundred and eight thousand eight hundred and fifty-nine six million seven hundred and two thousand six hundred and fifty-seven two million six hundred and nine thousand four hundred and four -- three hundred and fifty-four thousand and six hundred nineteen thousand and seven hundred three thousand and one hundred --
one hundred and seventy-nine 2024-01-02 seventy-seven million seven hundred and fifteen thousand six hundred and six seven million six hundred and eleven thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine two million sixty-three thousand seven hundred and ninety-three -- three hundred and thirty-eight thousand one hundred and nine thousand and two hundred three thousand and nine hundred --
one hundred and eighty 2023-12-29 seventy-two million one hundred and sixty-seven thousand and four hundred one million nine hundred and ninety-three thousand four hundred and fifty-nine two million nine hundred and thirteen thousand eight hundred and thirty-seven -- two hundred and thirty-two thousand and seven hundred six thousand and four hundred eleven thousand and four hundred --
one hundred and eighty-one 2023-12-28 seventy-three million eighty-seven thousand seven hundred and seventy-eight two million four hundred and thirty-five thousand seven hundred and thirteen one million nine hundred and ninety-seven thousand two hundred and six -- two hundred and thirty-seven thousand and seven hundred zero three thousand and seven hundred --
one hundred and eighty-two 2023-12-27 seventy-two million six hundred and forty-nine thousand two hundred and seventy-one one million three hundred and twenty-one thousand four hundred and sixteen two million six hundred and forty thousand two hundred and nine -- two hundred and forty-one thousand and four hundred one thousand and five hundred forty-nine thousand and four hundred --
one hundred and eighty-three 2023-12-26 seventy-three million nine hundred and sixty-eight thousand and sixty-four five million two hundred and ninety-one thousand five hundred and thirty-six three million nine hundred and seventy-eight thousand two hundred and sixty-two -- two hundred and eighty-nine thousand and three hundred fifty-six thousand and eight hundred six thousand --
one hundred and eighty-four 2023-12-25 seventy-two million six hundred and fifty-four thousand seven hundred and ninety nine hundred thousand eight hundred and thirteen one million eight hundred and eighty-four thousand six hundred and eighty-five -- two hundred and thirty-eight thousand and five hundred four thousand and nine hundred two thousand and four hundred --
one hundred and eighty-five 2023-12-22 seventy-three million six hundred and thirty-eight thousand six hundred and sixty-two four million five hundred and thirteen thousand and twelve one million eight hundred and forty-six thousand and ninety -- two hundred and thirty-six thousand one thousand and two hundred fifteen thousand and eight hundred --
one hundred and eighty-six 2023-12-21 seventy million nine hundred and seventy-one thousand seven hundred and forty nine hundred and eighty-four thousand three hundred and forty-nine one million ninety-six thousand five hundred and thirty-two -- two hundred and fifty thousand and six hundred three hundred five thousand eight hundred and three --
one hundred and eighty-seven 2023-12-20 seventy-one million eighty-three thousand nine hundred and twenty-three one million two hundred and twenty-seven thousand eight hundred and forty-three six hundred and sixteen thousand two hundred and fifty -- two hundred and fifty-six thousand one hundred and three two hundred twelve thousand and four hundred --
one hundred and eighty-eight 2023-12-19 seventy million four hundred and seventy-two thousand three hundred and thirty one million one hundred and twenty-seven thousand two hundred and four one million seventy-eight thousand one hundred and ninety-four -- two hundred and sixty-eight thousand three hundred and three three thousand and three hundred one hundred and fifteen thousand and nine hundred --
one hundred and eighty-nine 2023-12-18 seventy million four hundred and twenty-three thousand three hundred and twenty seven hundred and seventeen thousand three hundred and thirty-one four hundred and fifty-six thousand two hundred and thirty-five -- three hundred and eighty thousand nine hundred and three five thousand and four hundred six thousand and five hundred --
one hundred and ninety 2023-12-15 seventy million one hundred and sixty-two thousand two hundred and twenty-four three hundred and seventy-three thousand five hundred and seventy-nine one million six hundred and fifty-two thousand two hundred and thirty-eight -- three hundred and eighty-two thousand and three one thousand and six hundred seven thousand and six hundred --
one hundred and ninety-one 2023-12-14 seventy-one million four hundred and forty thousand eight hundred and eighty-three five hundred and seventy-six thousand nine hundred and seventy-one one million three hundred and one thousand six hundred and eighty-nine -- three hundred and eighty-eight thousand and three four thousand and nine hundred six thousand and one hundred --
one hundred and ninety-two 2023-12-13 seventy-two million one hundred and sixty-five thousand six hundred and one four million two hundred and fifty thousand three hundred and seventy-one one million three hundred and thirty-seven thousand four hundred and seventy-six -- three hundred and eighty-nine thousand two hundred and three one thousand and nine hundred fourteen thousand and two hundred --
one hundred and ninety-three 2023-12-12 sixty-nine million two hundred and fifty-two thousand seven hundred and six one million one hundred and fifty-three thousand nine hundred and forty-nine seven hundred and sixty-six thousand and two -- four hundred and one thousand five hundred and three nine thousand and five hundred thirteen thousand and eight hundred --
one hundred and ninety-four 2023-12-11 sixty-eight million eight hundred and sixty-four thousand seven hundred and fifty-nine three million sixty-six thousand four hundred and seventy-eight one million four hundred and fifty-three thousand four hundred and sixty-four -- four hundred and five thousand eight hundred and three two thousand and seven hundred nineteen thousand and nine hundred --
one hundred and ninety-five 2023-12-08 sixty-seven million two hundred and fifty-one thousand seven hundred and forty-five five million sixty-one thousand nine hundred and eleven three million three hundred and sixteen thousand three hundred and seventy-eight -- four hundred and twenty-three thousand and three fifteen thousand and two hundred eight thousand and one hundred --
one hundred and ninety-six 2023-12-07 sixty-five million five hundred and six thousand two hundred and twelve two million four hundred thousand two hundred and ninety-three one million nine hundred and ninety-four thousand three hundred and ninety-one -- four hundred and fifteen thousand nine hundred and three forty-nine thousand thirteen thousand and nine hundred --
one hundred and ninety-seven 2023-12-06 sixty-five million one hundred thousand three hundred and ten one million five hundred and fifty-six thousand six hundred and twenty-two nine hundred and sixty-eight thousand seven hundred and twelve -- three hundred and eighty thousand eight hundred and three eighty-seven thousand and nine hundred sixty thousand and eight hundred --
one hundred and ninety-eight 2023-12-05 sixty-four million five hundred and twelve thousand and four hundred three million nine hundred and sixty-three thousand two hundred and ninety-seven two million six hundred and seventy-three thousand and twenty-three -- three hundred and fifty-three thousand seven hundred and three fifteen thousand and three hundred nine hundred --
one hundred and ninety-nine 2023-12-04 sixty-three million two hundred and twenty-two thousand one hundred and twenty-six one million one hundred and forty-one thousand nine hundred and five six million five hundred and three thousand five hundred and twenty-nine -- three hundred and thirty-nine thousand three hundred and three thirteen thousand and three hundred seventeen thousand and four hundred --
two hundred 2023-12-01 sixty-eight million five hundred and eighty-three thousand seven hundred and fifty one million two hundred and seventy-one thousand and fifteen two million four thousand two hundred and twenty-five -- three hundred and forty-three thousand four hundred and three thirty-one thousand and one hundred twenty-eight thousand and three hundred --
two hundred and one 2023-11-30 sixty-nine million three hundred and sixteen thousand nine hundred and sixty one million four hundred and fifty-eight thousand seven hundred and seventeen one million one hundred and eighty-eight thousand three hundred and forty-two -- three hundred and forty thousand six hundred and three three thousand forty-one thousand and five hundred --
two hundred and two 2023-11-29 sixty-nine million forty-six thousand five hundred and eighty-five six hundred and seventeen thousand one hundred and six three hundred and forty-eight thousand eight hundred and eighty -- three hundred and seventy-nine thousand one hundred and three ten thousand seventy-four thousand and five hundred --
two hundred and three 2023-11-28 sixty-eight million seven hundred and seventy-eight thousand three hundred and fifty-nine nine hundred and eighty-five thousand nine hundred and twenty-eight two million four hundred and eighty-five thousand seven hundred and forty-six -- four hundred and forty-three thousand six hundred and three three thousand and four hundred one thousand and one hundred --
two hundred and four 2023-11-27 seventy million two hundred and seventy-eight thousand one hundred and seventy-seven two million four hundred and twenty-five thousand seven hundred and eighty two million seven hundred and seventy-seven thousand six hundred and thirty-four -- four hundred and forty-one thousand three hundred and three two hundred and seven thousand and six hundred sixty-five thousand and one hundred --
two hundred and five 2023-11-24 seventy million six hundred and thirty thousand and thirty-one one million nine hundred and thirty-one thousand nine hundred and eighty-five two million seventy-three thousand nine hundred and ninety-five -- two hundred and ninety-eight thousand eight hundred and three seventy-seven thousand fifteen thousand and one hundred --
two hundred and six 2023-11-23 seventy million seven hundred and seventy-two thousand and forty-one two million two hundred and sixty-eight thousand eight hundred and six two million one hundred and forty-seven thousand six hundred and twenty-four -- two hundred and thirty-six thousand nine hundred and three seventeen thousand and two hundred nine thousand and three hundred --
two hundred and seven 2023-11-22 seventy million six hundred and fifty thousand eight hundred and fifty-nine one million six hundred and fifty thousand nine hundred and twenty-six three million seven hundred and sixty-three thousand one hundred and five -- two hundred and twenty-nine thousand and three twenty-eight thousand and seven hundred seventy-three thousand and five hundred --
two hundred and eight 2023-11-21 seventy-two million seven hundred and sixty-three thousand and thirty-eight two million eight hundred and ninety-one thousand nine hundred and forty-one four million two hundred and fifteen thousand three hundred and sixty-nine -- two hundred and seventy-three thousand eight hundred and three fifteen thousand and eight hundred one thousand and eight hundred --
two hundred and nine 2023-11-20 seventy-four million eighty-six thousand four hundred and sixty-six two million two hundred and twenty-four thousand one hundred and fifty-four three million six hundred and seventy-seven thousand five hundred and fourteen -- two hundred and fifty-nine thousand eight hundred and three forty-one thousand nine hundred and three seven thousand and three hundred --
two hundred and ten 2023-11-17 seventy-five million five hundred and thirty-nine thousand eight hundred and twenty-six three million three hundred and fifty-two thousand three hundred and ninety-nine six million three hundred and forty-two thousand two hundred and fifty-seven -- two hundred and twenty-five thousand and two hundred forty-three thousand and five hundred thirteen thousand and eight hundred --
two hundred and eleven 2023-11-16 seventy-eight million five hundred and twenty-nine thousand six hundred and eighty-four three million three hundred and four thousand and thirty-six five million three hundred and eighty-nine thousand seven hundred and thirty-seven -- one hundred and ninety-five thousand and five hundred nineteen thousand sixteen thousand and two hundred --
two hundred and twelve 2023-11-15 eighty million six hundred and fifteen thousand three hundred and eighty-five two million six hundred and ten thousand eight hundred and seventy two million seven hundred and sixty-two thousand five hundred and seventy-five -- one hundred and ninety-two thousand and seven hundred seventy-eight thousand and two hundred one hundred and thirty-six thousand one hundred and three --
two hundred and thirteen 2023-11-14 eighty million seven hundred and sixty-seven thousand and ninety two million six hundred and sixty-eight thousand seven hundred and twenty-one two million one hundred and forty-eight thousand seven hundred and fifty-eight -- two hundred and fifty thousand six hundred and three ten thousand and four hundred one hundred and twenty-two thousand and four hundred --
two hundred and fourteen 2023-11-13 eighty million two hundred and forty-seven thousand one hundred and twenty-seven three million nine hundred and sixty-two thousand five hundred and nineteen two million six hundred and four thousand three hundred and three -- three hundred and sixty-two thousand six hundred and three one thousand and nine hundred eleven thousand and nine hundred --
two hundred and fifteen 2023-11-10 seventy-eight million eight hundred and eighty-eight thousand nine hundred and eleven one million two hundred and ninety-seven thousand and eight hundred one million four hundred and fifty-four thousand three hundred and one -- three hundred and seventy-two thousand six hundred and three five thousand and eight hundred eight thousand and nine hundred --
two hundred and sixteen 2023-11-09 seventy-nine million forty-five thousand four hundred and twelve one million eight hundred and twenty-one thousand nine hundred and twenty-three one million five hundred and eight thousand three hundred and thirty-four -- three hundred and seventy-five thousand seven hundred and three six thousand and two hundred ninety thousand --
two hundred and seventeen 2023-11-08 seventy-eight million seven hundred and thirty-one thousand eight hundred and twenty-three two million five hundred and fifty-seven thousand two hundred and eighty-three four million seven hundred and two thousand two hundred and ninety-four -- four hundred and fifty-nine thousand five hundred and three fifteen thousand and three hundred seventeen thousand and one hundred --
two hundred and eighteen 2023-11-07 eighty million eight hundred and seventy-six thousand eight hundred and thirty-four five million three hundred and eighty-two thousand seven hundred and ninety-six four million two hundred and sixty-eight thousand and twenty-six -- four hundred and sixty-one thousand three hundred and three forty-seven thousand and three hundred twenty-three thousand and seven hundred --
two hundred and nineteen 2023-11-06 seventy-nine million seven hundred and sixty-two thousand and sixty-four six million one hundred and fifteen thousand six hundred and sixty three million two hundred and ninety-nine thousand one hundred and twenty-six -- four hundred and thirty-seven thousand seven hundred and three thirty-one thousand and three hundred ten thousand and one hundred --
two hundred and twenty 2023-11-03 seventy-six million nine hundred and forty-five thousand five hundred and thirty four million one hundred and forty thousand seven hundred and eighty-four four million two hundred and forty-five thousand two hundred and seventy -- four hundred and sixteen thousand five hundred and three two hundred and thirty-four thousand five thousand and one hundred --
two hundred and twenty-one 2023-11-02 seventy-seven million fifty thousand and sixteen three million nineteen thousand nine hundred and seventy-five three million two hundred and thirty-seven thousand four hundred and ninety-nine -- one hundred and eighty-seven thousand six hundred and three one hundred and thirteen thousand and one hundred fourteen thousand and three hundred --
two hundred and twenty-two 2023-11-01 seventy-seven million two hundred and sixty-seven thousand five hundred and forty four million nine hundred and sixty-four thousand and seventy-seven four million six hundred and twenty-nine thousand two hundred and five -- eighty-eight thousand eight hundred and three fifty-two thousand and nine hundred ten thousand --
two hundred and twenty-three 2023-10-31 seventy-six million nine hundred and thirty-two thousand six hundred and sixty-eight one million five hundred and sixty-three thousand and ninety-seven one million nine hundred and fifty-four thousand four hundred and fifty-two -- forty-five thousand nine hundred and three twelve thousand twelve thousand and four hundred --
two hundred and twenty-four 2023-10-30 seventy-seven million three hundred and twenty-four thousand and twenty-three four million forty-six thousand three hundred and eighty-one five million nine hundred and five thousand two hundred and twenty-seven -- forty-six thousand three hundred and three eleven thousand three thousand and nine hundred --
two hundred and twenty-five 2023-10-27 seventy-nine million one hundred and eighty-two thousand eight hundred and sixty-nine two million four hundred and fifty-six thousand nine hundred and thirty eight million six hundred and sixty-one thousand five hundred and sixty-five -- thirty-nine thousand two hundred and three nine thousand and nine hundred seven thousand and seven hundred --
two hundred and twenty-six 2023-10-26 eighty-five million three hundred and eighty-seven thousand five hundred and four two million nine hundred and forty-two thousand four hundred and sixty-one four million two hundred and fourteen thousand five hundred and twenty -- thirty-seven thousand and three four thousand and eight hundred two thousand and five hundred --
two hundred and twenty-seven 2023-10-25 eighty-six million six hundred and fifty-nine thousand five hundred and sixty-three two million nine hundred and eighty-four thousand and fifteen thirteen million nine hundred and seventy-five thousand two hundred and fifty-one -- thirty-four thousand seven hundred and three thirteen thousand and five hundred seventeen thousand and six hundred --
two hundred and twenty-eight 2023-10-24 ninety-seven million six hundred and fifty thousand seven hundred and ninety-nine two million nine hundred and twenty-three thousand six hundred and fourteen five million six hundred and three thousand seven hundred and forty-seven -- thirty-eight thousand eight hundred and three twelve thousand and nine hundred three thousand --
two hundred and twenty-nine 2023-10-23 one hundred million three hundred and thirty thousand nine hundred and thirty-two five million three hundred and eighty-two thousand two hundred and eighty-eight five million ninety-one thousand five hundred and eighty-six -- twenty-eight thousand nine hundred and three five thousand and eight hundred three thousand and eight hundred --
two hundred and thirty 2023-10-20 one hundred million forty thousand two hundred and thirty two million eight hundred and eighty-three thousand four hundred and fourteen two million seven hundred and four thousand five hundred and forty-three -- twenty-six thousand nine hundred and three three thousand and two hundred eleven thousand and four hundred --
two hundred and thirty-one 2023-10-19 ninety-nine million eight hundred and sixty-one thousand three hundred and fifty-nine six million nine hundred and two thousand six hundred and ten two million two hundred and seventy-seven thousand two hundred and twenty-five -- thirty-five thousand one hundred and three three thousand and three hundred eleven thousand and three hundred --
two hundred and thirty-two 2023-10-18 ninety-five million two hundred and thirty-five thousand nine hundred and seventy-four four million six thousand one hundred and ninety-one one million two hundred and thirty-eight thousand five hundred and seventy-nine -- forty-three thousand one hundred and three eight thousand and one hundred nine hundred --
two hundred and thirty-three 2023-10-17 ninety-two million four hundred and sixty-eight thousand three hundred and sixty-two one million eight hundred and sixty-nine thousand five hundred and two one million five hundred and eighty-two thousand four hundred and seventy -- thirty-five thousand nine hundred and three one thousand and three hundred fifteen thousand and one hundred --
two hundred and thirty-four 2023-10-16 ninety-two million one hundred and eighty-one thousand three hundred and thirty three million sixty-four thousand and sixteen two million five hundred and one thousand and seventy-five -- forty-nine thousand seven hundred and three two thousand and seven hundred five thousand and eight hundred --
two hundred and thirty-five 2023-10-13 ninety-one million six hundred and eighteen thousand three hundred and eighty-nine three million three hundred and ninety thousand and ninety-three three million seven hundred and sixty-three thousand five hundred and eighty-two -- fifty-two thousand eight hundred and three twelve thousand and nine hundred one thousand and eight hundred --
two hundred and thirty-six 2023-10-12 ninety-one million nine hundred and ninety-one thousand eight hundred and seventy-eight three million five hundred and fifteen thousand two hundred and fifty-one two million six hundred and eight thousand two hundred and forty-eight -- forty-one thousand seven hundred and three one thousand and four hundred five thousand and three hundred --
two hundred and thirty-seven 2023-10-11 ninety million nine hundred and ninety-three thousand and sixty-two two million nine hundred and eighty-four thousand one hundred and ninety-four three million one hundred and eighty-two thousand eight hundred and eighty-eight -- fifty-two thousand six hundred and three three thousand and seven hundred seven thousand and seven hundred --
two hundred and thirty-eight 2023-10-10 ninety-one million one hundred and ninety-one thousand seven hundred and fifty-six four million three hundred and ninety-four thousand four hundred and fifteen three million nine hundred and twenty-six thousand seven hundred and seventeen -- fifty-six thousand six hundred and three twelve thousand and eight hundred four thousand and one hundred --
two hundred and thirty-nine 2023-10-09 ninety million seven hundred and twenty-four thousand and fifty-eight four million forty-four thousand seven hundred and ninety-six two million six hundred and thirty-five thousand seven hundred and ninety-two -- forty-seven thousand nine hundred and three twenty-two thousand and eight hundred five hundred --
two hundred and forty 2023-09-28 eighty-nine million three hundred and fifteen thousand and fifty-four two million forty-two thousand eight hundred and thirty-four three million three hundred and fifteen thousand five hundred and seventy-four -- twenty-five thousand six hundred and three fourteen thousand four thousand and six hundred --
two hundred and forty-one 2023-09-27 ninety million five hundred and eighty-seven thousand seven hundred and ninety-four two million twenty-one thousand seven hundred and twenty-nine three million twenty-six thousand two hundred and twenty-two -- sixteen thousand two hundred and three one thousand and two hundred eighteen thousand and six hundred --
two hundred and forty-two 2023-09-26 ninety-one million five hundred and ninety-two thousand two hundred and eighty-seven one million four hundred and seventy thousand nine hundred and sixty-three nine hundred and twelve thousand and seventy-three -- thirty-three thousand six hundred and three five thousand and six hundred seven thousand and three hundred --
two hundred and forty-three 2023-09-25 ninety-one million thirty-three thousand three hundred and ninety-seven two million five hundred and ninety-six thousand and fifty-three two million sixty-six thousand and eighty-two -- thirty-five thousand three hundred and three nine thousand and one hundred six thousand and five hundred --
two hundred and forty-four 2023-09-22 ninety million five hundred and three thousand four hundred and twenty-six six million one hundred and forty-eight thousand four hundred and fifty two million seven hundred and eighty-nine thousand three hundred and forty-one -- thirty-two thousand seven hundred and three three thousand and eight hundred nine thousand and two hundred --
two hundred and forty-five 2023-09-21 eighty-seven million one hundred and forty-four thousand three hundred and seventeen three million four hundred and nine thousand and fifty-seven two million seven hundred and twelve thousand five hundred and twenty-six -- thirty-eight thousand one hundred and three twelve thousand thirteen thousand --
two hundred and forty-six 2023-09-20 eighty-six million four hundred and forty-seven thousand seven hundred and eighty-six two million one hundred and five thousand eight hundred and eighty-one four million one thousand nine hundred and seventy-one -- thirty-nine thousand one hundred and three eleven thousand and six hundred twenty-nine thousand and two hundred --
two hundred and forty-seven 2023-09-19 eighty-eight million three hundred and forty-three thousand eight hundred and seventy-six seven million seven hundred and fifty-five thousand six hundred and seventy-eight two million four hundred and thirteen thousand four hundred and thirteen -- fifty-six thousand seven hundred and three twenty-one thousand four thousand and five hundred --
two hundred and forty-eight 2023-09-18 eighty-three million one thousand six hundred and eleven two million eight hundred and fifty-one thousand six hundred and three two million six hundred and ninety-seven thousand nine hundred and three -- forty thousand two hundred and three twelve thousand and nine hundred two thousand and six hundred --
two hundred and forty-nine 2023-09-15 eighty-two million eight hundred and forty-seven thousand nine hundred and eleven three million one hundred and twenty-six thousand six hundred and eighty-eight three million three hundred and nine thousand and forty -- twenty-nine thousand nine hundred and three eight thousand and three hundred twenty thousand and three hundred --
two hundred and fifty 2023-09-14 eighty-three million thirty thousand two hundred and sixty-three three million four hundred thousand six hundred and fourteen three million six hundred and sixteen thousand and forty -- forty-one thousand nine hundred and three eight thousand and six hundred six thousand --
two hundred and fifty-one 2023-09-13 eighty-three million two hundred and forty-five thousand six hundred and eighty-nine three million seven hundred and sixty thousand eight hundred and thirty-seven one million nine hundred and forty-one thousand nine hundred and thirty-one -- thirty-nine thousand three hundred and three nine thousand and eight hundred one thousand and four hundred --
two hundred and fifty-two 2023-09-12 eighty-one million four hundred and twenty-six thousand seven hundred and eighty-three two million nine hundred and seventeen thousand eight hundred and forty-six four million one hundred and ninety-eight thousand two hundred and thirty-seven -- thirty thousand nine hundred and three four thousand and three hundred one thousand and three hundred --
two hundred and fifty-three 2023-09-11 eighty-two million seven hundred and seven thousand one hundred and seventy-four three million three hundred and nine thousand five hundred and ninety-seven two million two hundred and thirty-eight thousand seven hundred and fifty-two -- twenty-seven thousand nine hundred and three two thousand and four hundred twelve thousand and one hundred --
two hundred and fifty-four 2023-09-08 eighty-one million six hundred and thirty-six thousand three hundred and twenty-nine two million six hundred and twenty-one thousand seven hundred and seventy-one three million fifty-three thousand one hundred and ninety-two -- thirty-seven thousand six hundred and three eighteen thousand six hundred and three four thousand and seven hundred --
two hundred and fifty-five 2023-09-07 eighty-two million sixty-seven thousand seven hundred and fifty two million two hundred and eight thousand eight hundred and fifty-five five million two hundred and twenty thousand three hundred and ninety-four -- twenty-three thousand and seven hundred ten thousand and seven hundred eight thousand and one hundred --
two hundred and fifty-six 2023-09-06 eighty-five million seventy-nine thousand two hundred and eighty-nine five million eight hundred and forty-two thousand and six three million five hundred and ninety-nine thousand two hundred and fifty-one -- twenty-one thousand and one hundred two thousand and one hundred five thousand and one hundred --
two hundred and fifty-seven 2023-09-05 eighty-two million eight hundred and thirty-six thousand five hundred and thirty-four six million six thousand one hundred and twenty-three four million nine hundred and thirteen thousand one hundred and three -- twenty-four thousand and one hundred seven thousand and five hundred two thousand and seven hundred --
two hundred and fifty-eight 2023-09-04 eighty-one million seven hundred and forty-three thousand five hundred and fourteen five million forty-nine thousand three hundred and fourteen four million twenty-six thousand one hundred and sixty-four -- nineteen thousand and three hundred five thousand and eight hundred seven thousand and eight hundred --
two hundred and fifty-nine 2023-09-01 eighty million seven hundred and twenty thousand three hundred and sixty-four two million ninety-three thousand seven hundred and thirty-four two million four hundred and three thousand and seventy-nine -- twenty-one thousand and three hundred two thousand and two hundred seven thousand and four hundred --
two hundred and sixty 2023-08-31 eighty-one million twenty-nine thousand seven hundred and nine four million three hundred and ninety-four thousand nine hundred and eighty-eight two million eight hundred and fifteen thousand two hundred and seventy-five -- twenty-six thousand and five hundred thirteen thousand and two hundred five thousand and four hundred --
two hundred and sixty-one 2023-08-30 seventy-nine million four hundred and forty-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-six six million four hundred and seventy-seven thousand one hundred and six four million two hundred and eighteen thousand seven hundred and six -- eighteen thousand and seven hundred six thousand and two hundred three thousand and four hundred --
two hundred and sixty-two 2023-08-29 seventy-seven million one hundred and ninety-one thousand five hundred and ninety-six eight million seven hundred and thirty-five thousand two hundred and eighty-two five million four hundred and three thousand six hundred and twenty-one -- fifteen thousand and nine hundred three thousand and six hundred fourteen thousand and five hundred --
two hundred and sixty-three 2023-08-28 seventy-three million eight hundred and fifty-nine thousand nine hundred and thirty-five twelve million nine hundred and sixty-one thousand and fifty eleven million eight hundred and ninety-two thousand five hundred and twenty-five -- twenty-six thousand and eight hundred seventeen thousand and four hundred two hundred --
two hundred and sixty-four 2023-08-25 seventy-two million seven hundred and ninety-one thousand four hundred and ten seven million four hundred and seventy-three thousand seven hundred and thirty-seven one million seven hundred and fifty-four thousand four hundred and forty-eight -- nine thousand and six hundred four thousand and six hundred six hundred --
two hundred and sixty-five 2023-08-24 sixty-seven million seventy-two thousand one hundred and twenty-one four million four hundred and four thousand eight hundred and ninety-two two million seven hundred and sixty-four thousand five hundred and fifteen -- five thousand and six hundred zero two thousand and one hundred --
two hundred and sixty-six 2023-08-23 sixty-five million four hundred and thirty-one thousand seven hundred and forty-four three million three hundred and seventy-one thousand one hundred and twelve one million nine hundred and eleven thousand seven hundred and sixty-three -- seven thousand and seven hundred seven hundred nine thousand and one hundred --
two hundred and sixty-seven 2023-08-22 sixty-three million nine hundred and seventy-two thousand three hundred and ninety-five four million eight hundred and twenty-five thousand nine hundred and seventy-four three million one hundred and forty-two thousand three hundred and sixty-nine -- sixteen thousand and one hundred six thousand and four hundred six thousand and six hundred --
two hundred and sixty-eight 2023-08-21 sixty-two million two hundred and eighty-eight thousand seven hundred and ninety one million twelve thousand five hundred and forty-six five million four hundred and sixty-seven thousand nine hundred and thirty-six -- sixteen thousand and three hundred two thousand and four hundred five thousand and eight hundred --
two hundred and sixty-nine 2023-08-18 sixty-six million seven hundred and forty-four thousand one hundred and eighty two million forty-eight thousand nine hundred and twenty-two two million five hundred and twenty-two thousand six hundred and forty-seven -- nineteen thousand and seven hundred one thousand and eight hundred two thousand and one hundred --
two hundred and seventy 2023-08-17 sixty-seven million two hundred and seventeen thousand nine hundred and five two million seven hundred and eighty-one thousand three hundred and thirty-two five million seventy-eight thousand three hundred and thirty-two -- twenty thousand one thousand and three hundred one thousand and seven hundred --
two hundred and seventy-one 2023-08-16 sixty-nine million five hundred and fourteen thousand nine hundred and five three million one hundred and six thousand three hundred and ninety one million two hundred and sixteen thousand one hundred and sixty-seven -- twenty thousand and four hundred one thousand and seven hundred eight thousand and nine hundred --
two hundred and seventy-two 2023-08-15 sixty-seven million six hundred and twenty-four thousand six hundred and eighty-two nine hundred and ninety-three thousand two hundred and eighty-eight seven hundred and seventy-nine thousand one hundred and fifty-three -- twenty-seven thousand and six hundred four thousand and nine hundred seven hundred --
two hundred and seventy-three 2023-08-14 sixty-seven million four hundred and ten thousand five hundred and forty-seven one million eleven thousand seven hundred and thirty-four five million seven hundred and thirty-nine thousand six hundred and fifty-two -- twenty-three thousand and four hundred nine thousand and eight hundred one thousand and seven hundred --
two hundred and seventy-four 2023-08-11 seventy-two million one hundred and thirty-eight thousand four hundred and sixty-five four million seven hundred and fourteen thousand and eleven one million three hundred and seventy-seven thousand five hundred and fifty-seven -- fifteen thousand and three hundred eight hundred two thousand and two hundred --
two hundred and seventy-five 2023-08-10 sixty-eight million eight hundred and two thousand and eleven one million three hundred and seventy-four thousand one hundred and sixty-nine one million one hundred and thirty-one thousand six hundred and fifty-six -- sixteen thousand and seven hundred six hundred six thousand and five hundred --
two hundred and seventy-six 2023-08-09 sixty-eight million five hundred and fifty-nine thousand four hundred and ninety-eight five million three hundred and forty-five thousand nine hundred and sixty-nine one million three hundred and forty-four thousand one hundred and ninety-eight -- twenty-two thousand and six hundred two thousand and seven hundred twenty-two thousand and eight hundred --
two hundred and seventy-seven 2023-08-08 sixty-four million five hundred and fifty-seven thousand seven hundred and twenty-seven nine hundred and thirty-three thousand five hundred and thirteen nine hundred and forty-five thousand two hundred and six -- forty-two thousand and seven hundred four thousand and seven hundred two thousand and six hundred --
two hundred and seventy-eight 2023-08-07 sixty-four million five hundred and sixty-nine thousand four hundred and twenty one million eighty-eight thousand one hundred and fifty-four three million eight hundred and sixty-nine thousand four hundred and twenty-one -- forty thousand and six hundred seven hundred four thousand and nine hundred --
two hundred and seventy-nine 2023-08-04 sixty-seven million three hundred and fifty thousand six hundred and eighty-seven one million two hundred and sixty-six thousand nine hundred and ninety-five three million seven hundred and ninety thousand two hundred and thirty-three -- forty-four thousand and eight hundred five thousand and one hundred three thousand and four hundred --
two hundred and eighty 2023-08-03 sixty-nine million eight hundred and seventy-three thousand nine hundred and twenty-five two million nine hundred and sixty-eight thousand nine hundred and forty-eight five million two hundred and ninety-nine thousand two hundred and eleven -- forty-three thousand and one hundred nine thousand and seven hundred five hundred --
two hundred and eighty-one 2023-08-02 seventy-two million two hundred and four thousand one hundred and eighty-eight one million seven hundred and sixty-two thousand eight hundred and ninety-two four million nine hundred and thirty-six thousand six hundred and thirty-one -- thirty-three thousand and nine hundred three thousand and eight hundred four thousand and six hundred --
two hundred and eighty-two 2023-08-01 seventy-five million three hundred and seventy-seven thousand nine hundred and twenty-seven two million four hundred and ninety-two thousand two hundred and forty-six two million nine thousand six hundred and seventy-three -- thirty-four thousand and seven hundred six thousand and eight hundred five thousand and six hundred --
two hundred and eighty-three 2023-07-31 seventy-four million eight hundred and ninety-five thousand three hundred and fifty-four six million five hundred and seventy-seven thousand seven hundred and seventy-six three million six hundred and three thousand four hundred and twenty-seven -- thirty-three thousand and five hundred three thousand and nine hundred two thousand and eight hundred --
two hundred and eighty-four 2023-07-28 seventy-one million nine hundred and twenty-one thousand and five two million one hundred and eighty-one thousand eight hundred and fifty-four two million seven hundred and nineteen thousand four hundred and ninety-five -- thirty-two thousand and four hundred five thousand and four hundred nine thousand --
two hundred and eighty-five 2023-07-27 seventy-two million four hundred and fifty-eight thousand six hundred and forty-six two million four hundred and ninety-four thousand and eighty-seven two million nine hundred and sixty-five thousand eight hundred and twenty-nine -- thirty-six thousand twenty-one thousand and six hundred zero --
two hundred and eighty-six 2023-07-26 seventy-two million nine hundred and thirty thousand three hundred and eighty-eight three million two hundred and one thousand and four hundred four million five hundred and ninety-three thousand two hundred and forty -- fourteen thousand and four hundred two thousand and four hundred seven thousand and seven hundred --
two hundred and eighty-seven 2023-07-25 seventy-four million three hundred and twenty-two thousand two hundred and twenty-eight one million five hundred and seven thousand four hundred and ninety-seven five million four hundred and ten thousand eight hundred and forty -- nineteen thousand and seven hundred seven thousand and nine hundred fourteen thousand and four hundred --
two hundred and eighty-eight 2023-07-24 seventy-eight million two hundred and twenty-five thousand five hundred and seventy-one three million three hundred and sixty-six thousand two hundred and five two million eighty-one thousand three hundred and nineteen -- twenty-six thousand and two hundred eleven thousand and four hundred twenty-two thousand and four hundred --
two hundred and eighty-nine 2023-07-21 seventy-six million nine hundred and forty thousand six hundred and eighty-five one million six hundred and thirty-three thousand four hundred and seventeen three million four hundred and fifty-seven thousand seven hundred and ninety-four -- thirty-seven thousand and two hundred seven thousand and four hundred seven thousand and nine hundred --
two hundred and ninety 2023-07-20 seventy-eight million seven hundred and sixty-five thousand and sixty-two four million three hundred and eighty-seven thousand eight hundred and sixty-two five million three hundred and seventy-two thousand seven hundred and sixteen -- thirty-seven thousand and seven hundred five thousand and eight hundred five thousand and six hundred --
two hundred and ninety-one 2023-07-19 seventy-nine million seven hundred and forty-nine thousand nine hundred and sixteen one million four hundred and sixty-seven thousand one hundred and seventy three million six hundred and seventy-five thousand two hundred and sixty-two -- thirty-seven thousand and five hundred two thousand and one hundred three thousand and one hundred --
two hundred and ninety-two 2023-07-18 eighty-one million nine hundred and fifty-eight thousand and eight two million twenty thousand three hundred and forty-eight one million one hundred and eighty-four thousand one hundred and sixty-six -- thirty-eight thousand and five hundred six thousand and six hundred four thousand and six hundred --
two hundred and ninety-three 2023-07-17 eighty-one million one hundred and twenty-one thousand eight hundred and twenty-six five million seven hundred and eight thousand and eighty-three four million fifty-nine thousand eight hundred and twenty-two -- thirty-six thousand and five hundred two thousand and five hundred three thousand and eight hundred --
two hundred and ninety-four 2023-07-14 seventy-nine million four hundred and seventy-three thousand five hundred and sixty-five four million three hundred and seventy-one thousand seven hundred and seventy-nine five million eight hundred and eighty-nine thousand and forty-one -- thirty-seven thousand and eight hundred eleven thousand fourteen thousand and five hundred --
two hundred and ninety-five 2023-07-13 eighty million nine hundred and ninety thousand eight hundred and twenty-seven seven million five hundred and one thousand and twenty-seven six million one hundred and thirteen thousand nine hundred and sixty-five -- forty-one thousand and three hundred thirteen thousand and six hundred sixteen thousand and one hundred --
two hundred and ninety-six 2023-07-12 seventy-nine million six hundred and three thousand seven hundred and sixty-five three million five hundred and fifty-nine thousand five hundred and sixty-eight one million eight hundred and sixty-eight thousand one hundred and sixty-five -- forty-three thousand and eight hundred twelve thousand and five hundred eight thousand and eight hundred --
two hundred and ninety-seven 2023-07-11 seventy-seven million nine hundred and twelve thousand three hundred and sixty-two five million nine hundred and seventy-four thousand one hundred and fifty three million two hundred and ninety-eight thousand and two hundred -- forty thousand and one hundred six thousand and six hundred nine thousand and two hundred --
two hundred and ninety-eight 2023-07-10 seventy-five million two hundred and thirty-six thousand four hundred and twelve three million five hundred and ninety-three thousand seven hundred and sixty-five four million two hundred and seventy-four thousand two hundred and two -- forty-two thousand and seven hundred four thousand and three hundred sixteen thousand and two hundred --
two hundred and ninety-nine 2023-07-07 seventy-five million nine hundred and sixteen thousand eight hundred and forty-nine two million one hundred and seven thousand one hundred and fifty-four two million four hundred and ninety-two thousand four hundred and twenty-three -- fifty-four thousand and six hundred four thousand and nine hundred seven thousand and one hundred --
three hundred 2023-07-06 seventy-six million three hundred and two thousand one hundred and eighteen three million six hundred and thirty-four thousand two hundred and ninety-two one million eight hundred and fifty-five thousand eight hundred and seventy-five -- fifty-six thousand and eight hundred ten thousand and five hundred eleven thousand and seven hundred --
three hundred and one 2023-07-05 seventy-four million five hundred and twenty-three thousand seven hundred and one one million nine hundred and six thousand nine hundred and seventy-one one million four hundred and thirty-seven thousand four hundred and fifty-eight -- fifty-eight thousand three thousand seven thousand and five hundred --
three hundred and two 2023-07-04 seventy-four million fifty-four thousand one hundred and eighty-eight four million seven hundred and nineteen thousand six hundred and sixty-two two million sixty-one thousand two hundred and sixty-two -- sixty-two thousand and five hundred twelve thousand and nine hundred nine thousand and five hundred --
three hundred and three 2023-07-03 seventy-one million three hundred and ninety-five thousand seven hundred and eighty-eight two million nine hundred and seventy thousand five hundred and ninety-one two million seven hundred and eighteen thousand one hundred and fifty-nine -- fifty-nine thousand and one hundred thirteen thousand and two hundred eleven thousand seven hundred and fifty-five --
three hundred and four 2023-06-30 seventy-one million one hundred and forty-three thousand three hundred and fifty-six two million four hundred and ninety-nine thousand five hundred and eighty one million fifteen thousand four hundred and forty-three -- fifty-seven thousand six hundred and fifty-five eight thousand and three hundred eight thousand and forty-five --
three hundred and five 2023-06-29 sixty-nine million six hundred and fifty-nine thousand two hundred and nineteen one million seven hundred and sixty-six thousand six hundred and ninety-four one million four hundred and ninety-two thousand eight hundred and twenty-two -- fifty-seven thousand and four hundred sixteen thousand and two hundred eight thousand and six hundred --
three hundred and six 2023-06-28 sixty-nine million three hundred and eighty-five thousand three hundred and forty-seven one million one hundred and nineteen thousand one hundred and two six hundred and fifty-nine thousand nine hundred and one -- forty-nine thousand and eight hundred fifteen thousand and seven hundred six thousand and seven hundred --
three hundred and seven 2023-06-27 sixty-eight million nine hundred and twenty-six thousand one hundred and forty-six three hundred and forty-four thousand nine hundred and fifty-three eight hundred and eighty-seven thousand one hundred and eighty-four -- forty thousand and eight hundred eight hundred one thousand and nine hundred --
three hundred and eight 2023-06-26 sixty-nine million four hundred and sixty-eight thousand three hundred and seventy-seven one million eight hundred and twenty-seven thousand two hundred and sixteen one million four hundred and forty-five thousand two hundred and eleven -- forty-one thousand and nine hundred six thousand seven thousand --
three hundred and nine 2023-06-21 sixty-nine million eighty-six thousand three hundred and seventy-two one million eleven thousand one hundred and sixteen four million four hundred and ninety-three thousand five hundred and thirty-eight -- forty-two thousand and nine hundred nine thousand and three hundred thirty-five thousand and four hundred --
three hundred and ten 2023-06-20 seventy-two million five hundred and sixty-eight thousand seven hundred and ninety-four three million two hundred and ninety-three thousand two hundred and ninety five million five hundred and forty-five thousand nine hundred and forty-six -- sixty-nine thousand nine thousand and three hundred thirteen thousand and two hundred --
three hundred and eleven 2023-06-19 seventy-four million eight hundred and twenty-one thousand four hundred and fifty two million two hundred and fifty-six thousand three hundred and six three million three hundred and seventy-three thousand one hundred and fifty -- seventy-two thousand and nine hundred eleven thousand and six hundred four thousand and four hundred --
three hundred and twelve 2023-06-16 seventy-five million nine hundred and thirty-eight thousand two hundred and ninety-four one million one hundred and seventy-four thousand one hundred and eighty-six two million four hundred and thirty-eight thousand two hundred and ninety -- sixty-five thousand and seven hundred eleven thousand seven thousand and eight hundred --
three hundred and thirteen 2023-06-15 seventy-seven million two hundred and two thousand three hundred and ninety-eight three million two hundred and thirty-eight thousand three hundred and forty-eight three million four hundred and eighteen thousand nine hundred and forty-two -- sixty-two thousand and five hundred five thousand and five hundred nine thousand and four hundred --
three hundred and fourteen 2023-06-14 seventy-seven million three hundred and eighty-two thousand nine hundred and ninety-two one million nine hundred and thirteen thousand six hundred and thirty-eight two million six hundred thousand five hundred and sixty-four -- sixty-six thousand and four hundred six thousand and seven hundred five thousand and six hundred --
three hundred and fifteen 2023-06-13 seventy-eight million sixty-nine thousand nine hundred and eighteen one million nine hundred and sixteen thousand five hundred and seventy-three two million three hundred and seventy-seven thousand five hundred and eighty-three -- sixty-five thousand and three hundred seven thousand and eight hundred four thousand and nine hundred --
three hundred and sixteen 2023-06-12 seventy-eight million five hundred and thirty thousand nine hundred and twenty-eight one million seven hundred and forty-seven thousand nine hundred and forty three million six hundred and twenty thousand and sixty-three -- sixty-two thousand and four hundred fifteen thousand and four hundred six thousand and five hundred --
three hundred and seventeen 2023-06-09 eighty million four hundred and three thousand and fifty-one three million four hundred and three thousand seven hundred and seven one million three hundred and seventy-two thousand nine hundred and nine -- fifty-three thousand and five hundred eight thousand and five hundred eight thousand and two hundred --
three hundred and eighteen 2023-06-08 seventy-eight million three hundred and seventy-two thousand two hundred and fifty-three two million thirty thousand five hundred and fifty-eight three million five hundred and seventeen thousand nine hundred and seventeen -- fifty-three thousand and two hundred three thousand and nine hundred three thousand and eight hundred --
three hundred and nineteen 2023-06-07 seventy-nine million eight hundred and fifty-nine thousand six hundred and twelve two million one hundred and ninety-four thousand eight hundred and thirty-four one million six hundred and forty-six thousand -- fifty-three thousand and one hundred ten thousand and nine hundred four thousand and nine hundred --
three hundred and twenty 2023-06-06 seventy-nine million three hundred and ten thousand seven hundred and seventy-eight one million six hundred and seventy-four thousand one hundred and seventy-nine two million two hundred and ninety-seven thousand seven hundred and ninety-two -- forty-seven thousand and one hundred five thousand and seven hundred six thousand and one hundred --
three hundred and twenty-one 2023-06-05 seventy-nine million nine hundred and thirty-four thousand three hundred and ninety-one two million three hundred and ninety-five thousand seven hundred and fourteen three million four hundred and thirty-two thousand seven hundred and seventy-three -- forty-seven thousand and five hundred four thousand and one hundred six thousand and four hundred --
three hundred and twenty-two 2023-06-02 eighty million nine hundred and seventy-one thousand four hundred and fifty one million nine hundred and forty-four thousand nine hundred and twenty-six three million one hundred and thirty-two thousand three hundred and thirty-six -- forty-nine thousand and eight hundred four thousand and nine hundred seven thousand and five hundred --
three hundred and twenty-three 2023-06-01 eighty-two million one hundred and fifty-eight thousand eight hundred and sixty three million seven hundred and twenty-six thousand six hundred and forty-one three million seven hundred and forty-four thousand five hundred and thirty-eight -- fifty-two thousand and four hundred six thousand and two hundred three thousand --
three hundred and twenty-four 2023-05-31 eighty-two million one hundred and seventy-six thousand seven hundred and fifty-seven two million fifty-seven thousand two hundred and fifty-seven two million sixteen thousand two hundred and sixty-two -- forty-nine thousand and two hundred two thousand and one hundred nine thousand and three hundred --
three hundred and twenty-five 2023-05-30 eighty-two million one hundred and thirty-five thousand seven hundred and sixty-two three million four hundred and seventy-six thousand four hundred and fifty-five three million five hundred and three thousand nine hundred and twenty -- fifty-six thousand and four hundred twelve thousand and two hundred one thousand and eight hundred --
three hundred and twenty-six 2023-05-29 eighty-two million one hundred and sixty-three thousand two hundred and twenty-seven two million nine hundred and forty thousand six hundred and forty-three one million nine hundred and sixty-five thousand nine hundred and twenty-five -- forty-six thousand three thousand and one hundred six thousand and eight hundred --
three hundred and twenty-seven 2023-05-26 eighty-one million one hundred and eighty-eight thousand five hundred and nine three million seven hundred and twenty-seven thousand seven hundred and seventy-two two million three hundred and nine thousand two hundred and forty-five -- forty-nine thousand and seven hundred four thousand and one hundred five thousand and nine hundred --
three hundred and twenty-eight 2023-05-25 seventy-nine million seven hundred and sixty-nine thousand nine hundred and eighty-two one million eight hundred and eighty-nine thousand six hundred and ninety-eight two million two hundred and forty-two thousand nine hundred and thirteen -- fifty-one thousand and five hundred six thousand and six hundred five thousand and four hundred --
three hundred and twenty-nine 2023-05-24 eighty million one hundred and twenty-three thousand one hundred and ninety-seven two million nine hundred and ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and twenty-two four million three hundred and seventy thousand four hundred and fifty-five -- fifty thousand and three hundred one thousand and nine hundred eleven thousand and nine hundred --
three hundred and thirty 2023-05-23 eighty-one million four hundred and ninety-three thousand seven hundred and thirty six million six hundred and sixty-six thousand eight hundred and fifty-nine two million seven hundred and forty-two thousand four hundred and forty-seven -- sixty thousand and three hundred two thousand and eight hundred five thousand --
three hundred and thirty-one 2023-05-22 seventy-seven million five hundred and sixty-nine thousand three hundred and eighteen three million three hundred thousand two hundred and twenty-nine five million five hundred and twenty-four thousand six hundred and forty-five -- sixty-two thousand and five hundred twelve thousand and eight hundred three thousand and seven hundred --
three hundred and thirty-two 2023-05-19 seventy-nine million seven hundred and ninety-three thousand seven hundred and thirty-four four million one hundred and three thousand nine hundred and seventy-three four million six hundred and fifteen thousand five hundred and sixty-four -- fifty-three thousand and four hundred six thousand and eight hundred three thousand and seven hundred --
three hundred and thirty-three 2023-05-18 eighty million three hundred and five thousand three hundred and twenty-five three million seven hundred and twenty-two thousand three hundred and twenty-one three million eight hundred and eighty-three thousand four hundred and eighty-eight -- fifty thousand and three hundred two thousand and nine hundred six thousand and five hundred --
three hundred and thirty-four 2023-05-17 eighty million four hundred and sixty-six thousand four hundred and ninety-two three million one hundred and twenty-nine thousand six hundred and ninety-two two million four hundred and sixty-three thousand nine hundred and fifty -- fifty-three thousand and nine hundred two thousand and two hundred seven hundred --
three hundred and thirty-five 2023-05-16 seventy-nine million eight hundred thousand seven hundred and fifty four million thirty-one thousand two hundred and ninety-eight two million seven thousand nine hundred and thirty-eight -- fifty-two thousand and four hundred zero two thousand and seven hundred --
three hundred and thirty-six 2023-05-15 seventy-seven million seven hundred and seventy-seven thousand three hundred and ninety four million ninety-two thousand four hundred and fifty-four three million two hundred and ninety-eight thousand eight hundred and ninety -- fifty-five thousand and one hundred two thousand and nine hundred three thousand and four hundred --
three hundred and thirty-seven 2023-05-12 seventy-six million nine hundred and eighty-three thousand eight hundred and twenty-six one million six hundred and eleven thousand two hundred and fifty two million five hundred and forty-six thousand six hundred and six -- fifty-five thousand and six hundred seven thousand and two hundred six thousand and nine hundred --
three hundred and thirty-eight 2023-05-11 seventy-seven million nine hundred and nineteen thousand one hundred and eighty-two three million four hundred and thirty-three thousand five hundred and eighty-one two million four hundred and forty-three thousand seven hundred and five -- fifty-five thousand and three hundred three thousand and seven hundred seven thousand and six hundred --
three hundred and thirty-nine 2023-05-10 seventy-six million nine hundred and twenty-nine thousand three hundred and six one million nine hundred and eighty-five thousand four hundred and forty-eight one million three hundred and twenty-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-two -- fifty-nine thousand and two hundred ten thousand and seven hundred seven thousand and two hundred --
three hundred and forty 2023-05-09 seventy-six million two hundred and seventy-three thousand eight hundred and fifty three million seven hundred and thirty thousand six hundred and eighty three million seven hundred and four thousand three hundred and forty-nine -- fifty-five thousand and seven hundred six thousand and nine hundred ten thousand and one hundred --
three hundred and forty-one 2023-05-08 seventy-six million two hundred and forty-seven thousand five hundred and nineteen two million one hundred and forty-five thousand two hundred and nine four million seven hundred and five thousand five hundred and thirty-three -- fifty-eight thousand and nine hundred nine thousand and eight hundred one thousand and nine hundred --
three hundred and forty-two 2023-05-05 seventy-eight million eight hundred and seven thousand eight hundred and forty-three two million six hundred and eighty-three thousand three hundred and thirteen five million six hundred and seventy-five thousand one hundred and fifty-eight -- fifty-one thousand two thousand and nine hundred twenty-six thousand and two hundred --
three hundred and forty-three 2023-05-04 eighty-one million seven hundred and ninety-nine thousand six hundred and eighty-eight seven million two hundred and forty thousand and fifteen twenty-one million six hundred and sixty-six thousand three hundred and seventy-eight -- seventy-four thousand and three hundred six thousand twenty-three thousand and two hundred --
three hundred and forty-four 2023-04-28 ninety-six million two hundred and twenty-six thousand and fifty-one thirty-two million six hundred and forty-one thousand seven hundred and thirty-four twenty-one million eight hundred and twenty-four thousand four hundred and forty-one -- ninety-one thousand and five hundred forty-three thousand and nine hundred eight thousand and nine hundred --
three hundred and forty-five 2023-04-27 eighty-five million four hundred and eight thousand seven hundred and fifty-eight nine million six hundred and forty-eight thousand eight hundred and seventy-three four million six hundred and ninety-three thousand one hundred and eighty-one -- fifty-six thousand and five hundred eleven thousand and four hundred two thousand and seven hundred --
three hundred and forty-six 2023-04-26 eighty million four hundred and fifty-three thousand and sixty-six four million three hundred and three thousand eight hundred and thirty-seven three million one thousand one hundred and six -- forty-seven thousand and eight hundred three hundred zero --
three hundred and forty-seven 2023-04-25 seventy-nine million one hundred and fifty thousand three hundred and thirty-five two million three hundred and nineteen thousand two hundred and sixty-five three million thirty-two thousand three hundred and four -- forty-seven thousand and five hundred four thousand and seven hundred three thousand and six hundred --
three hundred and forty-eight 2023-04-24 seventy-nine million eight hundred and eighteen thousand nine hundred and thirteen two million eight hundred and fifty thousand four hundred and eighty-six one million six hundred and sixty-four thousand one hundred and four -- forty-six thousand and four hundred one thousand and six hundred three thousand --
three hundred and forty-nine 2023-04-21 seventy-eight million six hundred and thirty-two thousand five hundred and thirty-one seven million seven hundred and eighty-nine thousand nine hundred and eighty-three four million four hundred and thirty-nine thousand two hundred and thirty-five -- forty-seven thousand and eight hundred three thousand one thousand and two hundred --
three hundred and fifty 2023-04-20 seventy-five million two hundred and eighty-one thousand seven hundred and eighty-three six million eighty thousand three hundred and fifty-eight five million four hundred and five thousand two hundred and ninety-nine -- forty-six thousand five hundred one thousand and seven hundred --
three hundred and fifty-one 2023-04-19 seventy-four million six hundred and six thousand seven hundred and twenty-four seven million five hundred and thirty-eight thousand one hundred and forty four million four hundred and twenty-six thousand six hundred and ninety-five -- forty-seven thousand and two hundred eight hundred four thousand --
three hundred and fifty-two 2023-04-18 seventy-one million four hundred and ninety-five thousand two hundred and seventy-nine eight million three hundred and twenty-five thousand three hundred and ninety-five thirteen million seven hundred and thirty-nine thousand and fifty-two -- fifty thousand and four hundred three thousand and six hundred four hundred --
three hundred and fifty-three 2023-04-17 seventy-six million nine hundred and eight thousand nine hundred and thirty-six nine million one hundred and thirty-three thousand two hundred and ninety-three three million three hundred and sixty-seven thousand four hundred and four -- forty-seven thousand and two hundred nine hundred four thousand and four hundred --
three hundred and fifty-four 2023-04-14 seventy-one million one hundred and forty-three thousand and forty-seven three million nine hundred thousand four hundred and sixty three million nine hundred and fifty-three thousand nine hundred and twenty-one -- fifty thousand and seven hundred three thousand and two hundred three thousand and five hundred --
three hundred and fifty-five 2023-04-13 seventy-one million one hundred and ninety-six thousand five hundred and eight thirteen million eight hundred and twenty-nine thousand two hundred and eighty-four eight million six hundred and fifty-nine thousand four hundred and twenty-three -- fifty-one thousand eight thousand and one hundred four hundred --
three hundred and fifty-six 2023-04-12 sixty-six million twenty-six thousand six hundred and forty-seven seven million five hundred and ninety-six thousand two hundred and fifty two million four hundred and eighty-five thousand two hundred and forty-one -- forty-three thousand and three hundred one thousand and nine hundred one thousand and eight hundred --
three hundred and fifty-seven 2023-04-11 sixty million nine hundred and fifteen thousand six hundred and thirty-eight three million eight hundred and forty-seven thousand nine hundred and ninety-four seven million one hundred and twenty-two thousand nine hundred and seven -- forty-three thousand and two hundred one thousand and eight hundred sixteen thousand five hundred and seventy --
three hundred and fifty-eight 2023-04-10 sixty-four million one hundred and ninety thousand five hundred and fifty-one seven million seventy-four thousand four hundred and eighty-three three million eight hundred and seventy-seven thousand one hundred and three -- fifty-seven thousand nine hundred and seventy two thousand and nine hundred three thousand and six hundred --
three hundred and fifty-nine 2023-04-07 sixty million nine hundred and ninety-three thousand one hundred and seventy-one eleven million nine hundred and eighty-four thousand and forty-nine two million fifty-two thousand seven hundred and forty-six -- fifty-eight thousand six hundred and seventy two thousand and nine hundred six thousand --
three hundred and sixty 2023-04-06 fifty-one million sixty-one thousand eight hundred and sixty-eight one million two hundred and forty-five thousand four hundred and thirty-three seven hundred and eighty-three thousand two hundred and twenty-two -- sixty-one thousand seven hundred and seventy four thousand and seven hundred two thousand and nine hundred --
three hundred and sixty-one 2023-04-04 fifty million five hundred and ninety-nine thousand six hundred and fifty-seven two million five hundred and twenty-nine thousand and three three million nine hundred and forty-three thousand seven hundred and seventy-five -- fifty-nine thousand nine hundred and seventy two thousand and one hundred four thousand and one hundred --
three hundred and sixty-two 2023-04-03 fifty-two million fourteen thousand four hundred and twenty-nine four million two hundred and twenty-three thousand eight hundred and thirty-four eight million three hundred and fifty-nine thousand three hundred and fifty-three -- sixty-one thousand nine hundred and seventy three thousand and seven hundred six thousand and six hundred --
three hundred and sixty-three 2023-03-31 fifty-six million one hundred and forty-nine thousand nine hundred and forty-eight three million six hundred and forty-six thousand three hundred and sixty-seven seven million thirty-seven thousand two hundred and seventy-three -- sixty-four thousand eight hundred and seventy five thousand and two hundred two thousand and four hundred --
three hundred and sixty-four 2023-03-30 fifty-nine million five hundred and forty thousand eight hundred and fifty-four four million seven hundred and sixty-two thousand and twenty-seven six million six hundred and twelve thousand six hundred and seventeen -- sixty-two thousand and seventy three thousand and eight hundred four thousand --
three hundred and sixty-five 2023-03-29 sixty-one million three hundred and ninety-one thousand four hundred and forty-four four million eight hundred and twenty-four thousand one hundred and forty-seven one million eight hundred and thirty-six thousand five hundred and fourteen -- sixty-two thousand two hundred and seventy four thousand and seven hundred two thousand and four hundred --
three hundred and sixty-six 2023-03-28 fifty-eight million four hundred and three thousand eight hundred and eleven five million eight hundred and five thousand two hundred and eighty-six one million five hundred and fifty-nine thousand five hundred and fifty-three -- fifty-nine thousand nine hundred and seventy two thousand and six hundred two thousand and six hundred --
three hundred and sixty-seven 2023-03-27 fifty-four million one hundred and fifty-eight thousand and seventy-eight four million seven hundred and seventy-two thousand nine hundred and ninety-six one million seven hundred and ninety-five thousand three hundred and eighty-six -- fifty-nine thousand nine hundred and seventy four thousand and one hundred one thousand and eight hundred --
three hundred and sixty-eight 2023-03-24 fifty-one million one hundred and eighty thousand four hundred and sixty-eight two million seven hundred and sixty thousand two hundred and sixty-two three million nine hundred and sixty thousand one hundred and ninety-four -- fifty-seven thousand six hundred and seventy one hundred seven thousand and seven hundred --
three hundred and sixty-nine 2023-03-23 fifty-two million three hundred and eighty thousand and four hundred three million eight hundred and thirty-six thousand five hundred and nine one million five hundred and eleven thousand eight hundred and fifty-eight -- sixty-five thousand two hundred and seventy one thousand and one hundred three thousand and three hundred --
three hundred and seventy 2023-03-22 fifty million fifty-five thousand seven hundred and forty-nine two million eight hundred and forty-seven thousand six hundred and eighty-nine one million three hundred and sixty-nine thousand eight hundred and seventy-eight -- sixty-seven thousand four hundred and seventy seven hundred three thousand and five hundred --
three hundred and seventy-one 2023-03-21 forty-eight million five hundred and seventy-seven thousand nine hundred and thirty-eight two million two hundred and forty-five thousand three hundred and thirty-one five million three hundred and seventy-six thousand nine hundred and forty-four -- seventy thousand two hundred and seventy eight thousand and six hundred one thousand --
three hundred and seventy-two 2023-03-20 fifty-one million seven hundred and nine thousand five hundred and fifty-one four million three hundred and fifty thousand and thirty-four three million eight hundred and seventeen thousand and six hundred -- sixty-two thousand six hundred and seventy eight thousand nine thousand and nine hundred --
three hundred and seventy-three 2023-03-17 fifty-one million one hundred and seventy-seven thousand one hundred and seventeen one million five hundred and eight thousand four hundred and three two million one hundred and eighty-four thousand six hundred and thirty-four -- sixty-four thousand five hundred and seventy eight thousand and three hundred two thousand --
three hundred and seventy-four 2023-03-16 fifty-one million eight hundred and fifty-three thousand three hundred and forty-eight four million forty-eight thousand three hundred and ninety-six two million eight hundred and thirty-five thousand and forty-four -- fifty-eight thousand two hundred and seventy one thousand and three hundred six thousand and four hundred --
three hundred and seventy-five 2023-03-15 fifty million six hundred and thirty-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-six two million six hundred and fifteen thousand seven hundred and seventy-two one million four hundred and eighty thousand one hundred and fifty-three -- sixty-three thousand three hundred and seventy three thousand one thousand and nine hundred --
three hundred and seventy-six 2023-03-14 forty-nine million five hundred and four thousand three hundred and seventy-seven one million two hundred and sixty thousand four hundred and eleven one million nine hundred and six thousand nine hundred and seven -- sixty-two thousand two hundred and seventy four thousand and seven hundred twenty thousand and one hundred --
three hundred and seventy-seven 2023-03-13 fifty million one hundred and fifty thousand eight hundred and seventy-three three million two hundred and seventy-five thousand and sixteen four million four hundred and forty-five thousand one hundred and sixty -- seventy-seven thousand six hundred and seventy four thousand and three hundred six thousand and three hundred --
three hundred and seventy-eight 2023-03-10 fifty-one million three hundred and twenty-one thousand and seventeen one million six hundred and fifty-one thousand four hundred and forty-four one million nine hundred and thirty-three thousand two hundred and twenty-six -- seventy-nine thousand six hundred and seventy one thousand and four hundred seventeen thousand --
three hundred and seventy-nine 2023-03-09 fifty-one million six hundred and two thousand seven hundred and ninety-nine two million two hundred and eighty thousand five hundred and sixty-four two million one hundred thousand five hundred and eighty-five -- ninety-five thousand two hundred and seventy eight thousand and three hundred six thousand --
three hundred and eighty 2023-03-08 fifty-one million four hundred and twenty-two thousand eight hundred and twenty three million five hundred and twenty-four thousand three hundred and four one million three hundred and twenty-two thousand nine hundred and six -- ninety-two thousand nine hundred and seventy one thousand and eight hundred two thousand and four hundred --
three hundred and eighty-one 2023-03-07 forty-nine million two hundred and twenty-one thousand four hundred and twenty-two four million nine hundred and fifty-four thousand three hundred and sixty-six five million one hundred and ninety-seven thousand five hundred and thirty-two -- ninety-three thousand five hundred and seventy three thousand and nine hundred one thousand and one hundred --
three hundred and eighty-two 2023-03-06 forty-nine million four hundred and sixty-four thousand five hundred and eighty-eight four million seven hundred and forty-one thousand seven hundred and ninety-nine three million two hundred and ten thousand four hundred and forty -- ninety thousand seven hundred and seventy four thousand and nine hundred three thousand and four hundred --
three hundred and eighty-three 2023-03-03 forty-seven million nine hundred and thirty-three thousand two hundred and twenty-nine three million three hundred and fifty-three thousand seven hundred and ninety two million four hundred and forty-eight thousand three hundred and twenty-four -- eighty-nine thousand two hundred and seventy zero six thousand and nine hundred --
three hundred and eighty-four 2023-03-02 forty-seven million twenty-seven thousand seven hundred and sixty-three eight hundred and sixty-five thousand and seventy-two two million four hundred and eighty-eight thousand four hundred and twenty-nine -- ninety-six thousand one hundred and seventy five thousand and eight hundred nineteen thousand and five hundred --
three hundred and eighty-five 2023-03-01 forty-eight million six hundred and fifty-one thousand one hundred and twenty two million six hundred and fifty-three thousand one hundred and sixty-two one million four hundred and sixty-seven thousand three hundred and twenty-six -- one hundred and nine thousand eight hundred and seventy seventeen thousand and six hundred ten thousand and eight hundred --
three hundred and eighty-six 2023-02-28 forty-seven million four hundred and sixty-five thousand two hundred and eighty-four one million three hundred and fifty-one thousand four hundred and eighty one million seven hundred and forty-nine thousand seven hundred and seventeen -- one hundred and three thousand and seventy seventeen thousand and two hundred thirteen thousand --
three hundred and eighty-seven 2023-02-27 forty-seven million eight hundred and sixty-three thousand five hundred and twenty-one two million three hundred and eight thousand nine hundred and eleven three million two hundred and seventy-seven thousand six hundred and seventy-seven -- ninety-eight thousand eight hundred and seventy twenty-five thousand and three hundred two thousand and two hundred --
three hundred and eighty-eight 2023-02-24 forty-eight million eight hundred and thirty-two thousand two hundred and eighty-seven two million six hundred and ninety-three thousand nine hundred and ninety-five three million three hundred and fifty-three thousand and twenty-seven -- seventy-five thousand seven hundred and seventy six thousand and nine hundred six thousand and two hundred --
three hundred and eighty-nine 2023-02-23 forty-nine million four hundred and ninety-one thousand three hundred and nineteen four million six hundred and fifty-five thousand eight hundred and forty-one two million six hundred and fifty-six thousand two hundred and twenty -- seventy-five thousand and seventy nine thousand three thousand and eight hundred --
three hundred and ninety 2023-02-22 forty-seven million four hundred and ninety-one thousand six hundred and ninety-eight two million six hundred and ninety-one thousand and forty-eight one million three hundred and eighty-one thousand six hundred and thirty -- sixty-nine thousand eight hundred and seventy two hundred five thousand and two hundred --
three hundred and ninety-one 2023-02-21 forty-six million one hundred and eighty-two thousand two hundred and eighty three million one hundred and seventeen thousand eight hundred and three one million one hundred and twenty thousand six hundred and five -- seventy-four thousand eight hundred and seventy forty-two thousand and four hundred seven thousand --
three hundred and ninety-two 2023-02-20 forty-four million one hundred and eighty-five thousand and eighty-two two million eight hundred and twelve thousand and seventy-five two million three hundred and sixteen thousand one hundred and eighty-six -- thirty-nine thousand four hundred and seventy nine thousand and nine hundred fifteen thousand and two --
three hundred and ninety-three 2023-02-17 forty-three million six hundred and eighty-nine thousand one hundred and ninety-three two million seventy-seven thousand five hundred and fifty-two nine hundred and seventy-seven thousand nine hundred and twelve -- forty-four thousand five hundred and seventy-two fourteen thousand seven hundred and two nine hundred --
three hundred and ninety-four 2023-02-16 forty-two million five hundred and eighty-nine thousand five hundred and fifty-three two million five hundred and thirty-seven thousand and forty-one three million two hundred and twenty-five thousand one hundred and twenty-two -- thirty thousand seven hundred and seventy zero seven thousand and nine hundred --
three hundred and ninety-five 2023-02-15 forty-three million two hundred and seventy-seven thousand six hundred and thirty-four one million two hundred and twenty-nine thousand and two hundred one million seven hundred and fifty-two thousand six hundred and twenty-four -- thirty-eight thousand six hundred and seventy two thousand and one hundred zero --
three hundred and ninety-six 2023-02-14 forty-three million eight hundred and one thousand and fifty-eight eight hundred and seventy-four thousand five hundred and thirty-three one million two hundred and thirty-four thousand three hundred and eighty-nine -- thirty-six thousand five hundred and seventy one thousand and four hundred three thousand and two hundred --
three hundred and ninety-seven 2023-02-13 forty-four million one hundred and sixty thousand nine hundred and fourteen one million seven hundred and eighty-nine thousand one hundred and thirty-one five million three hundred and sixty-three thousand nine hundred and forty-five -- thirty-eight thousand three hundred and seventy seven thousand and seven hundred one thousand and three hundred --
three hundred and ninety-eight 2023-02-10 forty-seven million seven hundred and thirty-five thousand seven hundred and twenty-eight one million eight hundred and fifty-seven thousand and three one million eight hundred and seventy-nine thousand and eighty-five -- thirty-one thousand nine hundred and seventy one thousand and five hundred three thousand --
three hundred and ninety-nine 2023-02-09 forty-seven million seven hundred and fifty-seven thousand eight hundred and ten one million one hundred and forty-seven thousand eight hundred and thirty-four one million one hundred and forty-two thousand two hundred and fifty-six -- thirty-three thousand four hundred and seventy four hundred nineteen thousand and one hundred --
four hundred 2023-02-08 forty-seven million seven hundred and fifty-two thousand two hundred and thirty-two six hundred and twenty-three thousand and eighty-seven one million three hundred and seventy-three thousand four hundred and thirty-one -- fifty-two thousand one hundred and seventy four thousand and two hundred one thousand and eight hundred --
four hundred and one 2023-02-07 forty-eight million five hundred and two thousand five hundred and seventy-six two million three hundred and seventy-seven thousand one hundred and ninety-six one million two hundred and eighty-two thousand four hundred and six -- forty-nine thousand seven hundred and seventy one thousand and nine hundred thirteen thousand and seven hundred --
four hundred and two 2023-02-06 forty-seven million four hundred and seven thousand seven hundred and eighty-six three million three hundred and thirty-five thousand three hundred and eighty-eight nine hundred and fifty-eight thousand nine hundred and thirteen -- sixty-one thousand five hundred and seventy one thousand eight thousand and seven hundred --
four hundred and three 2023-02-03 forty-five million thirty-one thousand three hundred and eleven one million seven hundred and forty-eight thousand seven hundred and ten one million six hundred and sixteen thousand and sixty-five -- sixty-nine thousand two hundred and seventy eight thousand and two hundred six thousand and one hundred --
four hundred and four 2023-02-02 forty-four million eight hundred and ninety-eight thousand six hundred and sixty-six one million four hundred and twenty-eight thousand nine hundred and eighty three million nine hundred and nineteen thousand six hundred and eighty-three -- sixty-seven thousand one hundred and seventy three thousand and nine hundred twenty-two thousand and two hundred --
four hundred and five 2023-02-01 forty-seven million three hundred and eighty-nine thousand three hundred and sixty-nine nine hundred and fifty-seven thousand eight hundred and forty-nine five million five hundred and twenty-one thousand seven hundred and eighteen -- eighty-five thousand four hundred and seventy twenty-four thousand and two hundred zero --
four hundred and six 2023-01-31 fifty-one million nine hundred and fifty-three thousand two hundred and thirty-eight four million eighty-seven thousand eight hundred and seventy-four three million nine hundred and thirty-nine thousand eight hundred and fifty-nine -- sixty-one thousand two hundred and seventy six thousand and four hundred four thousand and nine hundred --
four hundred and seven 2023-01-30 fifty-one million eight hundred and five thousand two hundred and twenty-three seven million two hundred and sixty-five thousand seven hundred and sixty-eight three million seven hundred and eighty-three thousand one hundred and twelve -- fifty-nine thousand seven hundred and seventy five thousand and seven hundred three thousand --
four hundred and eight 2023-01-20 forty-eight million three hundred and twenty-two thousand five hundred and sixty-seven one million nine hundred and seven thousand eight hundred and thirty-one three million three hundred and seven thousand two hundred and thirty-four -- fifty-seven thousand and seventy ten thousand and eight hundred five thousand and seven hundred --
four hundred and nine 2023-01-19 forty-nine million seven hundred and twenty-one thousand nine hundred and seventy two million three hundred and forty-seven thousand three hundred and eighty-four three million three thousand three hundred and fifty -- fifty-one thousand nine hundred and seventy seven thousand one thousand and six hundred --
four hundred and ten 2023-01-18 fifty million three hundred and seventy-seven thousand nine hundred and thirty-six two million one hundred and eighty-eight thousand and thirty-eight two million seven hundred and thirty-eight thousand two hundred and twenty-five -- forty-six thousand five hundred and seventy zero nine thousand and five hundred --
four hundred and eleven 2023-01-17 fifty million nine hundred and twenty-eight thousand one hundred and twenty-three one million nine hundred and twenty-four thousand and ninety-five three million four hundred and twenty-nine thousand two hundred and fifty-nine -- fifty-six thousand and seventy seven thousand one thousand and six hundred --
four hundred and twelve 2023-01-16 fifty-two million four hundred and thirty-three thousand two hundred and eighty-seven three million one hundred and seventy-one thousand two hundred and seventy-two four million four hundred and sixty-seven thousand eight hundred and twenty-three -- fifty thousand six hundred and seventy one thousand and six hundred eleven thousand and three hundred --
four hundred and thirteen 2023-01-13 fifty-three million seven hundred and twenty-nine thousand eight hundred and thirty-eight three million five hundred and thirty-nine thousand and five hundred four million one hundred and eleven thousand two hundred and twenty-one -- sixty thousand three hundred and seventy twenty thousand and nine hundred seven thousand and nine hundred --
four hundred and fourteen 2023-01-12 fifty-four million three hundred and one thousand five hundred and fifty-nine one million six hundred and twenty-three thousand four hundred and twenty-eight one million six hundred and forty-three thousand three hundred and ninety-five -- forty-seven thousand three hundred and seventy four thousand and two hundred ten thousand and two hundred --
four hundred and fifteen 2023-01-11 fifty-four million three hundred and twenty-one thousand five hundred and twenty-six one million eight hundred and thirty-one thousand eight hundred and sixty-two one million four hundred and eighty-one thousand four hundred and sixty-five -- fifty-three thousand three hundred and seventy three thousand and six hundred five thousand and four hundred --
four hundred and sixteen 2023-01-10 fifty-three million nine hundred and seventy-one thousand one hundred and twenty-nine two million eight hundred and seventy-three thousand seven hundred and twenty-one three million seven hundred and sixty-five thousand six hundred and ninety-five -- fifty-five thousand one hundred and seventy one thousand seven hundred and seventy nine thousand and six hundred --
four hundred and seventeen 2023-01-09 fifty-four million eight hundred and sixty-three thousand one hundred and three two million five hundred and sixty-seven thousand three hundred and eighty three million one hundred and ninety-nine thousand five hundred and forty-one -- sixty-three thousand two thousand and six hundred eleven thousand and three hundred --
four hundred and eighteen 2023-01-06 fifty-five million four hundred and ninety-five thousand two hundred and sixty-four two million three hundred and thirty-nine thousand five hundred and five three million twenty-seven thousand five hundred and fifty-one -- seventy-one thousand and seven hundred two thousand and four hundred twenty-three thousand and seven hundred --
four hundred and nineteen 2023-01-05 fifty-six million one hundred and eighty-three thousand three hundred and ten five million one hundred and eighty thousand four hundred and eighty-two three million one hundred and twenty-five thousand eight hundred and seventy-two -- ninety-three thousand eight thousand and four hundred seven thousand and two hundred --
four hundred and twenty 2023-01-04 fifty-four million one hundred and twenty-eight thousand and seven hundred two million seven hundred and thirty-seven thousand and thirty two million five hundred and seventy-two thousand five hundred and eighty-two -- ninety-one thousand and eight hundred eight thousand four thousand and nine hundred --
four hundred and twenty-one 2023-01-03 fifty-three million nine hundred and sixty-four thousand two hundred and fifty-two four million two hundred and twelve thousand five hundred and twenty-nine one million seven hundred and fifty-nine thousand seven hundred and six -- eighty-eight thousand and seven hundred six thousand eight thousand and six hundred --
four hundred and twenty-two 2022-12-30 fifty-one million five hundred and eleven thousand four hundred and twenty-nine one million three hundred and twenty-one thousand two hundred and twenty-five five million seven hundred and twenty-eight thousand five hundred and four -- ninety-one thousand and three hundred ten thousand and three hundred sixty-two thousand three hundred and forty-nine --
four hundred and twenty-three 2022-12-29 fifty-five million nine hundred and eighteen thousand seven hundred and eight two million nine hundred and sixty-five thousand nine hundred and sixty-three three million fifty-nine thousand three hundred and eighty-five -- one hundred and forty-three thousand three hundred and forty-nine twelve thousand and nine hundred twenty-one thousand and four hundred --
four hundred and twenty-four 2022-12-28 fifty-six million twelve thousand one hundred and thirty two million six hundred and eighty-one thousand seven hundred and eighty three million seven hundred and two thousand four hundred and eighty-nine -- one hundred and fifty-one thousand eight hundred and forty-nine thirteen thousand twenty-five thousand six hundred and forty-two --
four hundred and twenty-five 2022-12-27 fifty-seven million thirty-two thousand eight hundred and thirty-nine two million six hundred and eleven thousand two hundred and eight two million four hundred and twenty-three thousand six hundred and twelve -- one hundred and sixty-four thousand four hundred and ninety-one eight thousand two hundred and forty-two thirteen thousand and nine hundred --
four hundred and twenty-six 2022-12-26 fifty-seven million seven hundred and one thousand two hundred and fifty-three four million two hundred and sixty-nine thousand four hundred and thirty-seven four million eight hundred and sixty-seven thousand five hundred and fifty-three -- one hundred and seventy thousand one hundred and forty-nine twenty-one thousand and seven hundred nine thousand and seven hundred --
four hundred and twenty-seven 2022-12-23 fifty-eight million two hundred and ninety-nine thousand three hundred and sixty-nine five million five hundred and sixty-five thousand seven hundred and ninety-six three million ninety-one thousand and twenty-seven -- one hundred and fifty-eight thousand one hundred and forty-nine six thousand and eight hundred twenty thousand and seven hundred --
four hundred and twenty-eight 2022-12-22 fifty-five million eight hundred and twenty-four thousand and six hundred two million eight hundred and twenty-nine thousand four hundred and seventy-two two million six hundred and eight thousand eight hundred and nineteen -- one hundred and seventy-two thousand and forty-nine thirteen thousand and three hundred fourteen thousand and one hundred --
four hundred and twenty-nine 2022-12-21 fifty-five million six hundred and three thousand nine hundred and forty-seven seven hundred and eighty-three thousand three hundred and fifty-three one million eight hundred and nine thousand five hundred and twelve -- one hundred and seventy-two thousand eight hundred and forty-nine forty-eight thousand and three hundred nine thousand two hundred and eighty-three --
four hundred and thirty 2022-12-20 fifty-six million six hundred and thirty thousand and eighty-six one million six hundred and seventy-three thousand two hundred and seventy-nine four million two hundred and forty-one thousand three hundred and forty-eight -- one hundred and thirty-three thousand eight hundred and thirty-two seven thousand and seven hundred four thousand and one hundred --
four hundred and thirty-one 2022-12-19 fifty-nine million one hundred and ninety-eight thousand one hundred and fifty-five one million two hundred and twenty-five thousand and forty-eight one million one hundred and seventy-seven thousand eight hundred and seventy -- one hundred and thirty thousand two hundred and thirty-two three thousand and seven hundred six hundred --
four hundred and thirty-two 2022-12-16 fifty-nine million one hundred and fifty thousand nine hundred and seventy-seven one million three hundred and thirty thousand four hundred and forty-three two million nine hundred and seventy thousand eight hundred and eighty-two -- one hundred and twenty-seven thousand one hundred and thirty-two one thousand and five hundred thirty-eight thousand and four hundred --
four hundred and thirty-three 2022-12-15 sixty million seven hundred and ninety-one thousand four hundred and sixteen nine hundred thousand nine hundred and seventeen one million twenty-three thousand and seventy -- one hundred and sixty-four thousand and thirty-two six thousand and six hundred six thousand and four hundred --
four hundred and thirty-four 2022-12-14 sixty million nine hundred and thirteen thousand five hundred and sixty-nine five million two hundred and twenty-two thousand four hundred and seventy-one two million four hundred and eighty-five thousand five hundred and nineteen -- one hundred and sixty-three thousand eight hundred and thirty-two nine thousand and one hundred five thousand and nine hundred --
four hundred and thirty-five 2022-12-13 fifty-eight million two hundred and sixty-two thousand five hundred and sixty-seven two million two thousand and five four million six hundred and thirty-two thousand three hundred and fifty-two -- one hundred and sixty thousand six hundred and thirty-two six thousand and three hundred four thousand and eight hundred --
four hundred and thirty-six 2022-12-12 sixty million eight hundred and ninety-two thousand nine hundred and fourteen one million three hundred and sixty-four thousand one hundred and fifty-eight three million seven hundred and sixty-one thousand eight hundred and eighty-seven -- one hundred and fifty-nine thousand one hundred and thirty-two eleven thousand and one hundred thirty-seven thousand --
four hundred and thirty-seven 2022-12-09 sixty-three million two hundred and ninety thousand six hundred and forty-three five million twenty thousand six hundred and four five million three hundred and eighty-four thousand nine hundred and seventy-three -- one hundred and eighty-five thousand and thirty-two five thousand and five hundred four thousand and seven hundred --
four hundred and thirty-eight 2022-12-08 sixty-three million six hundred and fifty-five thousand and twelve three million three hundred and twelve thousand and fourteen six million seventy-five thousand six hundred and seventy-eight -- one hundred and eighty-four thousand two hundred and thirty-two twenty-one thousand and nine hundred eleven thousand --
four hundred and thirty-nine 2022-12-07 sixty-six million four hundred and eighteen thousand six hundred and seventy-six two million seven hundred and twenty thousand five hundred and fifty-two four million ninety-one thousand nine hundred and seventy-nine -- one hundred and seventy-three thousand three hundred and thirty-two sixteen thousand and seven hundred ten thousand and nine hundred --
four hundred and forty 2022-12-06 sixty-seven million seven hundred and ninety thousand one hundred and three seven million four hundred and fifty-two thousand and thirty-nine eight million eight hundred and eight thousand three hundred and fifty-four -- one hundred and sixty-seven thousand five hundred and thirty-two forty-three thousand and six hundred three thousand and one hundred --
four hundred and forty-one 2022-12-05 sixty-nine million one hundred and forty-six thousand four hundred and eighteen nine million three hundred thousand four hundred and sixty-four fifteen million two hundred and twenty-seven thousand five hundred and forty-seven -- one hundred and twenty-seven thousand and thirty-two thirty-four thousand and three hundred two thousand and nine hundred --
four hundred and forty-two 2022-12-02 seventy-five million seventy-three thousand five hundred and one four million forty-four thousand one hundred and ninety-two five million eight hundred and eleven thousand two hundred and forty-seven -- ninety-five thousand six hundred and thirty-two seventeen thousand and three hundred nine thousand and nine hundred --
four hundred and forty-three 2022-12-01 seventy-six million eight hundred and forty thousand five hundred and fifty-six five million two hundred and ninety-nine thousand and thirty five million five hundred and seventy-six thousand one hundred and sixteen -- eighty-eight thousand two hundred and thirty-two twelve thousand five hundred and eighty-three six thousand and nine hundred --
four hundred and forty-four 2022-11-30 seventy-seven million one hundred and seventeen thousand six hundred and forty-two one million six hundred and twenty-six thousand eight hundred and ninety-two two million two hundred and seventy thousand seven hundred and eighty-two -- eighty-two thousand five hundred and forty-nine seven thousand fourteen thousand and six hundred --
four hundred and forty-five 2022-11-29 seventy-seven million seven hundred and sixty-one thousand five hundred and thirty-two two million nine hundred and ninety-seven thousand two hundred and thirty-three three million two hundred and sixty thousand six hundred and fifty -- ninety thousand one hundred and forty-nine fifteen thousand and six hundred eight thousand six hundred and forty-four --
four hundred and forty-six 2022-11-28 seventy-eight million twenty-four thousand nine hundred and forty-nine three million nine hundred and seventy-five thousand three hundred and ninety-four two million three hundred and seventy thousand and fifty-one -- eighty-three thousand one hundred and ninety-three twelve thousand and forty-four sixteen thousand seven hundred and fifty-eight --
four hundred and forty-seven 2022-11-25 seventy-six million four hundred and eleven thousand three hundred and sixty-seven eight hundred and fifty-nine thousand two hundred and fifty-five one million two thousand six hundred and fifty-one -- eighty-seven thousand nine hundred and seven thirteen thousand and one hundred eleven thousand six hundred and twelve --
four hundred and forty-eight 2022-11-24 seventy-six million five hundred and fifty-four thousand seven hundred and sixty-three eight hundred and ninety-one thousand three hundred and thirteen two million two hundred and thirty-two thousand seven hundred and forty-one -- eighty-six thousand four hundred and nineteen ten thousand and seven hundred twelve thousand and one hundred --
four hundred and forty-nine 2022-11-23 seventy-seven million eight hundred and ninety-six thousand one hundred and ninety-one seven hundred and forty-six thousand seven hundred and forty-nine four hundred and ninety-two thousand three hundred and fourteen -- eighty-seven thousand eight hundred and nineteen eight thousand nine hundred and seventy eighteen thousand and two hundred --
four hundred and fifty 2022-11-22 seventy-seven million six hundred and forty-one thousand seven hundred and fifty-six five hundred and eight thousand nine hundred and seventy-seven one million four hundred and seventy-six thousand six hundred and ninety-nine -- ninety-seven thousand and forty-nine four thousand and six hundred thirty thousand one hundred and fifty-nine --
four hundred and fifty-one 2022-11-21 seventy-eight million six hundred and nine thousand four hundred and seventy-eight one million eight hundred and fifteen thousand eight hundred and ninety-four two million three hundred and eighty-one thousand eight hundred and ninety-eight -- one hundred and twenty-two thousand six hundred and eight thirty-one thousand and five hundred sixteen thousand and seven hundred --
four hundred and fifty-two 2022-11-18 seventy-nine million one hundred and seventy-five thousand four hundred and eighty-two two million four hundred and two thousand seven hundred and twenty-six two million five hundred and forty-seven thousand three hundred and forty-four -- one hundred and seven thousand eight hundred and eight fourteen thousand and two hundred thirty thousand eight hundred and fifty-six --
four hundred and fifty-three 2022-11-17 seventy-nine million three hundred and twenty thousand and one hundred two million three hundred and seventy-two thousand seven hundred and three two million seven hundred and twelve thousand three hundred and sixty-eight -- one hundred and twenty-four thousand four hundred and sixty-four twenty-eight thousand five hundred and fifty-six twenty-one thousand and seventy --
four hundred and fifty-four 2022-11-16 seventy-nine million six hundred and fifty-nine thousand seven hundred and sixty-five one million seven hundred and thirty-six thousand one hundred and thirty-eight two million one hundred and forty-six thousand eight hundred and fifty-four -- one hundred and sixteen thousand nine hundred and seventy-eight fifteen thousand five hundred and seventy twenty-four thousand and eight hundred --
four hundred and fifty-five 2022-11-15 eighty million seventy thousand four hundred and eighty-one three million eight hundred and ninety-eight thousand three hundred and seventy-two three million nine hundred and fifty-three thousand two hundred and seventy-two -- one hundred and twenty-six thousand two hundred and eight twenty-eight thousand and three hundred twenty-four thousand six hundred and twenty-three --
four hundred and fifty-six 2022-11-14 eighty million one hundred and twenty-five thousand three hundred and eighty-one four million two hundred and forty-three thousand four hundred and fifty-six five million one hundred and twenty-one thousand eight hundred and forty-four -- one hundred and twenty-two thousand five hundred and thirty-one thirty-three thousand two hundred and eighteen thirty thousand and six hundred --
four hundred and fifty-seven 2022-11-11 eighty-one million three thousand seven hundred and sixty-nine three million two hundred and fifty-one thousand two hundred and sixteen eleven million sixty-seven thousand and ninety-five -- one hundred and nineteen thousand nine hundred and thirteen thirty thousand seven hundred and sixty-four fifty-eight thousand and five hundred --
four hundred and fifty-eight 2022-11-10 eighty-eight million eight hundred and nineteen thousand six hundred and forty-eight three million six hundred and twenty-five thousand nine hundred and ninety-two two million eight hundred and forty-one thousand one hundred and ten -- one hundred and forty-seven thousand six hundred and forty-nine fifty thousand and eight hundred nine thousand and nine hundred --
four hundred and fifty-nine 2022-11-09 eighty-eight million thirty-four thousand seven hundred and sixty-six three million seven hundred and eighty-six thousand nine hundred and eighty-three two million one hundred and sixty-four thousand six hundred and seventy-nine -- one hundred and six thousand seven hundred and forty-nine thirteen thousand fifteen thousand and three hundred --
four hundred and sixty 2022-11-08 eighty-six million four hundred and twelve thousand four hundred and sixty-two three million one hundred thousand four hundred and sixty-five one million eight hundred and forty-five thousand five hundred and eighty -- one hundred and nine thousand and forty-nine six thousand and one hundred seventeen thousand and eight hundred --
four hundred and sixty-one 2022-11-07 eighty-five million one hundred and fifty-seven thousand five hundred and seventy-seven two million one hundred and eighty-nine thousand one hundred and nine seventeen million one hundred and forty-four thousand two hundred and ninety-one -- one hundred and twenty thousand seven hundred and forty-nine nine thousand and eight hundred twenty-eight thousand and four hundred --
four hundred and sixty-two 2022-11-04 one hundred million one hundred and twelve thousand seven hundred and fifty-nine six million four hundred and thirty-one thousand two hundred and twenty-four six million six hundred and seventeen thousand six hundred and seventy-five -- one hundred and thirty-nine thousand three hundred and forty-nine eleven thousand twenty-six thousand and three hundred --
four hundred and sixty-three 2022-11-03 one hundred million two hundred and ninety-nine thousand two hundred and ten two million seventy-six thousand eight hundred and forty-four three million three hundred and thirty-seven -- one hundred and fifty-four thousand six hundred and forty-nine one thousand and three hundred eighteen thousand seven hundred and ninety-four --
four hundred and sixty-four 2022-11-02 one hundred and one million two hundred and twenty-two thousand seven hundred and three six million seven hundred and ninety-seven thousand two hundred and seventy-one four million four hundred and eighty-six thousand one hundred and thirty -- one hundred and seventy-two thousand one hundred and forty-three twenty-eight thousand twenty-three thousand and three hundred --
four hundred and sixty-five 2022-11-01 ninety-eight million nine hundred and eleven thousand five hundred and sixty-two eight million one hundred and seventy-nine thousand and eighty-seven six million one hundred and twenty-seven thousand five hundred and fourteen -- one hundred and sixty-seven thousand four hundred and forty-three twenty-four thousand and four hundred twenty-four thousand --
four hundred and sixty-six 2022-10-31 ninety-six million eight hundred and fifty-nine thousand nine hundred and eighty-nine two million thirty-seven thousand four hundred and sixty-nine two million five hundred thousand eight hundred and twenty-six -- one hundred and sixty-seven thousand and forty-three eighteen thousand and five hundred twenty-four thousand seven hundred and twenty-three --
four hundred and sixty-seven 2022-10-28 ninety-seven million three hundred and twenty-three thousand three hundred and forty-six three million five hundred and two thousand one hundred and seventy-nine four million eight hundred and fifty-nine thousand seven hundred and ninety-eight -- one hundred and seventy-three thousand two hundred and sixty-six thirty-five thousand and nine hundred twenty-nine thousand and seventy-seven --
four hundred and sixty-eight 2022-10-27 ninety-eight million six hundred and eighty thousand nine hundred and sixty-five three million four hundred and sixty-nine thousand seven hundred and forty-seven two million one hundred and ninety-nine thousand six hundred and twenty-two -- one hundred and sixty-six thousand four hundred and forty-three eleven thousand and two hundred thirty-five thousand and four hundred --
four hundred and sixty-nine 2022-10-26 ninety-seven million four hundred and ten thousand eight hundred and forty three million four hundred and eighty thousand one hundred and seven three million four hundred and forty-one thousand four hundred and fifty-four -- one hundred and ninety thousand six hundred and forty-three twenty-five thousand and four hundred fourteen thousand and four hundred --
four hundred and seventy 2022-10-25 ninety-seven million three hundred and seventy-two thousand one hundred and eighty-seven two million five hundred and forty-one thousand five hundred and twenty-two eighteen million sixty-five thousand nine hundred and seventy-eight -- one hundred and seventy-nine thousand six hundred and forty-three twenty-two thousand three hundred and forty-nine forty-five thousand and six hundred --
four hundred and seventy-one 2022-10-24 one hundred and twelve million eight hundred and ninety-six thousand six hundred and forty-three three million nine hundred and twenty-eight thousand and ninety-two one million seven hundred and eleven thousand four hundred and sixty-two -- two hundred and two thousand eight hundred and ninety-four twenty-three thousand and two hundred seventy-nine thousand and five hundred --
four hundred and seventy-two 2022-10-21 one hundred and ten million six hundred and eighty thousand and thirteen one million six hundred and three thousand seven hundred and eighty-nine three million seven hundred and seven thousand three hundred and twenty-nine -- two hundred and fifty-nine thousand one hundred and ninety-four fourteen thousand and four hundred thirty-four thousand and two hundred --
four hundred and seventy-three 2022-10-20 one hundred and twelve million seven hundred and eighty-three thousand five hundred and fifty-three two million eight hundred and seventy-six thousand and sixty-eight three million one hundred and sixty-four thousand one hundred and seventy-six -- two hundred and seventy-eight thousand nine hundred and ninety-four thirty-nine thousand and nine hundred fourteen thousand and two hundred --
four hundred and seventy-four 2022-10-19 one hundred and thirteen million seventy-one thousand six hundred and sixty-one three million seven hundred and sixty-five thousand five hundred and seventy-four three million one hundred and two thousand one hundred and nine -- two hundred and fifty-three thousand two hundred and ninety-four twenty-two thousand and nine hundred seventeen thousand and eight hundred --
four hundred and seventy-five 2022-10-18 one hundred and twelve million four hundred and eight thousand one hundred and ninety-six fifteen million seven hundred and seventy-nine thousand one hundred and eighty-three two million eight hundred and seventy-seven thousand six hundred and eighty-three -- two hundred and forty-eight thousand one hundred and ninety-four eighteen thousand thirty-three thousand and three hundred --
four hundred and seventy-six 2022-10-17 ninety-nine million five hundred and six thousand six hundred and ninety-six four million seven hundred and ninety-four thousand seven hundred and thirty-three four million nineteen thousand six hundred and forty-one -- two hundred and sixty-three thousand four hundred and ninety-four twenty-eight thousand and nine hundred thirty-eight thousand one hundred and sixty-two --
four hundred and seventy-seven 2022-10-14 ninety-eight million seven hundred and thirty-one thousand six hundred and four four million three hundred and fifty-nine thousand two hundred and one six million seven hundred and thirty-eight thousand and ninety -- two hundred and seventy-two thousand seven hundred and fifty-six forty-two thousand and one hundred twenty thousand and three hundred --
four hundred and seventy-eight 2022-10-13 one hundred and one million one hundred and ten thousand four hundred and ninety-three four million nine hundred and forty-three thousand seven hundred and sixty-three five million five hundred and fifty-two thousand seven hundred and one -- two hundred and fifty thousand nine hundred and fifty-six fifteen thousand and one hundred thirteen thousand two hundred and twenty-nine --
four hundred and seventy-nine 2022-10-12 one hundred and one million seven hundred and nineteen thousand four hundred and thirty-one five million four hundred and fifty-seven thousand nine hundred and eighty-two six million two hundred and thirty-one thousand six hundred and seventy-five -- two hundred and forty-nine thousand and eighty-five twenty-one thousand and three hundred eighteen thousand and eight hundred --
four hundred and eighty 2022-10-11 one hundred and two million four hundred and ninety-three thousand one hundred and twenty-four five million eight hundred and forty-nine thousand three hundred and fifty-three three million five hundred and twelve thousand two hundred and thirty-five -- two hundred and forty-six thousand five hundred and eighty-five fifty-five thousand and one hundred twelve thousand and six hundred --
four hundred and eighty-one 2022-10-10 one hundred million one hundred and fifty-six thousand and six five million four hundred and six thousand three hundred and fifty-seven four million nine hundred and fifty-one thousand three hundred and ninety-six -- two hundred and four thousand and eighty-five thirty-six thousand six hundred and fifty twenty-two thousand and four hundred --
four hundred and eighty-two 2022-09-30 ninety-nine million seven hundred and one thousand and forty-five four million five hundred and forty thousand five hundred and eleven ten million nine hundred and twenty thousand eight hundred and forty-five -- one hundred and eighty-nine thousand eight hundred and thirty-five five thousand and four hundred fifty-seven thousand and six hundred --
four hundred and eighty-three 2022-09-29 one hundred and six million eighty-one thousand three hundred and seventy-nine four million nine hundred and fifty-one thousand six hundred and fifteen three million two hundred and eighty-five thousand one hundred and fifty-five -- two hundred and forty-two thousand and thirty-five fifteen thousand and nine hundred four thousand and nine hundred --
four hundred and eighty-four 2022-09-28 one hundred and four million four hundred and fourteen thousand nine hundred and nineteen four million eight hundred and twenty-seven thousand eight hundred and seventeen eight million four hundred and fifty-four thousand four hundred and sixty-five -- two hundred and thirty-one thousand and thirty-five ten thousand eleven thousand and four hundred --
four hundred and eighty-five 2022-09-27 one hundred and eight million forty-one thousand five hundred and sixty-seven fourteen million two hundred and sixty thousand and fifty-three seventeen million four hundred and ninety thousand nine hundred and twenty-one -- two hundred and thirty-two thousand four hundred and thirty-five seventeen thousand and seven hundred twenty-eight thousand and three hundred --
four hundred and eighty-six 2022-09-26 one hundred and eleven million two hundred and seventy-two thousand four hundred and thirty-five one million nine hundred and ninety thousand three hundred and fifty-four four million one hundred and forty-two thousand five hundred and thirty-seven -- two hundred and forty-three thousand and thirty-five twenty thousand and eight hundred eight thousand and nine hundred --
four hundred and eighty-seven 2022-09-23 one hundred and thirteen million four hundred and twenty-four thousand six hundred and eighteen two million eight hundred and fifty-six thousand two hundred and seventy-five six million ninety-six thousand two hundred and twenty-nine -- two hundred and thirty-one thousand one hundred and thirty-five forty thousand and seven hundred nine thousand and seven hundred --
four hundred and eighty-eight 2022-09-22 one hundred and sixteen million six hundred and sixty-four thousand five hundred and seventy-two six million seventy-two thousand six hundred and ninety-nine eight million seventy-three thousand three hundred and forty-four -- two hundred thousand one hundred and thirty-five ninety-four thousand and nine hundred eleven thousand and three hundred --
four hundred and eighty-nine 2022-09-21 one hundred and eighteen million six hundred and sixty-five thousand two hundred and seventeen five million nine hundred and twenty-two thousand two hundred and three six million four thousand three hundred and three -- one hundred and sixteen thousand five hundred and thirty-five twenty thousand and one hundred twelve thousand and nine hundred --
four hundred and ninety 2022-09-20 one hundred and eighteen million seven hundred and forty-seven thousand three hundred and seventeen five million seven hundred and ninety-seven thousand one hundred and twenty-two seven million six hundred and fifty-nine thousand five hundred and nineteen -- one hundred and nine thousand three hundred and thirty-five twenty-two thousand and nine hundred twenty thousand and four hundred --
four hundred and ninety-one 2022-09-19 one hundred and twenty million six hundred and nine thousand seven hundred and fourteen eight million four hundred and sixty-nine thousand four hundred and nineteen four million six hundred and thirty-seven thousand nine hundred and twenty-six -- one hundred and six thousand eight hundred and thirty-five eighteen thousand and three hundred eleven thousand and five hundred --
four hundred and ninety-two 2022-09-16 one hundred and sixteen million seven hundred and seventy-eight thousand two hundred and twenty-one three million eight hundred and eighty-two thousand one hundred and seventy-four four million eight hundred and seventy-nine thousand one hundred and twenty-eight -- one hundred thousand and thirty-five fifteen thousand and nine hundred seven thousand and two hundred --
four hundred and ninety-three 2022-09-15 one hundred and seventeen million seven hundred and seventy-five thousand one hundred and seventy-five five million five hundred and seven thousand seven hundred and sixteen nine million eight hundred and seventy thousand three hundred and three -- ninety-one thousand three hundred and thirty-five ten thousand and six hundred nine thousand and six hundred --
four hundred and ninety-four 2022-09-14 one hundred and twenty-two million one hundred and thirty-seven thousand seven hundred and sixty-two four million eight thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine four million five hundred and six thousand nine hundred and fifty-one -- ninety thousand three hundred and thirty-five nine thousand and one hundred fifty thousand and sixty --
four hundred and ninety-five 2022-09-13 one hundred and twenty-two million six hundred and thirty-five thousand seven hundred and fourteen five million eight hundred and fifty-seven thousand one hundred and ninety-five six million three hundred and fourteen thousand two hundred and twenty-nine -- one hundred and thirty-one thousand two hundred and ninety-five twenty-one thousand and five hundred twenty-three thousand and one hundred --
four hundred and ninety-six 2022-09-09 one hundred and twenty-three million ninety-two thousand seven hundred and forty-eight five million six hundred and forty-seven thousand six hundred and forty-seven two million seven hundred and seventy-two thousand and twenty-eight -- one hundred and thirty-two thousand eight hundred and ninety-five twelve thousand and one hundred twelve thousand and nine hundred --
four hundred and ninety-seven 2022-09-08 one hundred and twenty million two hundred and seventeen thousand one hundred and twenty-nine one million one hundred and seventy-two thousand two hundred and ninety-four three million one hundred and fifty-nine thousand nine hundred and eighty-eight -- one hundred and thirty-three thousand six hundred and ninety-five fourteen thousand and four hundred twenty thousand and six hundred --
four hundred and ninety-eight 2022-09-07 one hundred and twenty-two million two hundred and four thousand eight hundred and twenty-three three million seven hundred and forty-three thousand and eleven five million eight hundred and twenty-six thousand four hundred and ninety-four -- one hundred and thirty-nine thousand eight hundred and ninety-five fourteen thousand and nine hundred nineteen thousand and two hundred --
four hundred and ninety-nine 2022-09-06 one hundred and twenty-four million two hundred and eighty-eight thousand three hundred and six two million eight hundred and fifty-nine thousand six hundred and forty-two two million eight hundred and twenty-two thousand eight hundred and ninety-seven -- one hundred and forty-four thousand one hundred and ninety-five twenty-one thousand and two hundred twenty-four thousand and six hundred --
five hundred 2022-09-05 one hundred and twenty-four million two hundred and fifty-one thousand five hundred and sixty-one four million six hundred and sixty-four thousand eight hundred and seventy-two four million six hundred and eighty-five thousand four hundred and thirty-four -- one hundred and forty-seven thousand five hundred and ninety-five twenty-nine thousand and four hundred twenty-two thousand eight hundred and forty --
five hundred and one 2022-09-02 one hundred and twenty-four million two hundred and seventy-two thousand one hundred and twenty-three three million five hundred and thirty-seven thousand eight hundred and twenty-seven six million two hundred and thirty-five thousand six hundred and sixty-nine -- one hundred and forty-one thousand and thirty-five twenty-four thousand one hundred and ninety-four forty thousand seven hundred and forty --
five hundred and two 2022-09-01 one hundred and twenty-six million nine hundred and sixty-nine thousand nine hundred and sixty-five four million eight hundred and seventy-three thousand two hundred and seventy-two seven million two hundred and forty-three thousand nine hundred and ninety-six -- one hundred and fifty-seven thousand five hundred and eighty-one seventeen thousand and three hundred twelve thousand and five hundred --
five hundred and three 2022-08-31 one hundred and twenty-nine million three hundred and forty thousand six hundred and eighty-nine five million two hundred and ninety-two thousand seven hundred and sixty-six five million three hundred and eighty-six thousand four hundred and forty-four -- one hundred and fifty-two thousand seven hundred and eighty-one thirteen thousand and one hundred twenty-one thousand seven hundred and fifty-five --
five hundred and four 2022-08-30 one hundred and twenty-nine million four hundred and thirty-four thousand three hundred and sixty-seven two million fifty-eight thousand and seven five million one hundred and thirty-six thousand two hundred and fifty-eight -- one hundred and sixty-one thousand four hundred and thirty-six sixteen thousand and one hundred forty-one thousand and six hundred --
five hundred and five 2022-08-29 one hundred and thirty-two million five hundred and twelve thousand six hundred and eighteen seven million five hundred and fifty thousand six hundred and eighty-two eight million four hundred and seventy-six thousand two hundred and sixty-three -- one hundred and eighty-six thousand nine hundred and thirty-six twenty-nine thousand and six hundred thirty-eight thousand and seven hundred --
five hundred and six 2022-08-26 one hundred and thirty-three million four hundred and forty-four thousand four hundred and ninety-five four million one thousand six hundred and thirty-five six million one hundred and ninety-four thousand four hundred and forty-five -- one hundred and ninety-six thousand and thirty-six fifty thousand five hundred and fifty-five twenty-five thousand and three hundred --
five hundred and seven 2022-08-25 one hundred and thirty-five million six hundred and thirty-seven thousand three hundred and five four million five hundred and eighty-six thousand five hundred and ninety-four four million six hundred and forty-nine thousand six hundred and fifty-four -- one hundred and seventy thousand seven hundred and eighty-one thirty-three thousand and one hundred thirteen thousand and six hundred --
five hundred and eight 2022-08-24 one hundred and thirty-five million seven hundred thousand three hundred and sixty-five eight million forty thousand two hundred and ninety-five seven million six hundred and seventy-six thousand two hundred and seventy-seven -- one hundred and fifty-one thousand two hundred and eighty-one twenty thousand and six hundred twenty-seven thousand --
five hundred and nine 2022-08-23 one hundred and thirty-five million three hundred and thirty-six thousand three hundred and forty-seven nine million eight hundred and eighty-four thousand one hundred and fourteen six million six hundred and ninety-six thousand and six -- one hundred and fifty-seven thousand six hundred and eighty-one thirty-two thousand and two hundred twenty-three thousand and two hundred --
five hundred and ten 2022-08-22 one hundred and thirty-two million one hundred and forty-eight thousand two hundred and thirty-nine twelve million two hundred and forty-one thousand and forty-six four million two hundred and forty-six thousand five hundred and seventy-one -- one hundred and forty-eight thousand six hundred and eighty-one sixteen thousand and one hundred fifteen thousand and three hundred --
five hundred and eleven 2022-08-19 one hundred and twenty-four million one hundred and fifty-three thousand seven hundred and sixty-four two million five hundred and eighty thousand eight hundred and twenty-eight seven million one hundred and sixty-one thousand two hundred and forty-three -- one hundred and forty-seven thousand eight hundred and eighty-one thirteen thousand and three hundred thirty-eight thousand and eight hundred --
five hundred and twelve 2022-08-18 one hundred and twenty-eight million seven hundred and thirty-four thousand one hundred and seventy-nine eight million two hundred and sixty-nine thousand two hundred and nine five million ninety-seven thousand three hundred and fifty-nine -- one hundred and seventy-three thousand three hundred and eighty-one twenty-eight thousand sixteen thousand and one hundred --
five hundred and thirteen 2022-08-17 one hundred and twenty-five million five hundred and sixty-two thousand three hundred and twenty-nine seven million seventy-four thousand three hundred and ninety-two five million five hundred and thirty-five thousand nine hundred and eighty-seven -- one hundred and sixty-one thousand four hundred and eighty-one twelve thousand and nine hundred seventeen thousand --
five hundred and fourteen 2022-08-16 one hundred and twenty-four million twenty-three thousand nine hundred and twenty-four five million eleven thousand nine hundred and ninety-seven two million five hundred and sixty-six thousand one hundred and sixty-four -- one hundred and sixty-five thousand five hundred and eighty-one nine thousand and four hundred eighteen thousand and two hundred --
five hundred and fifteen 2022-08-15 one hundred and twenty-one million five hundred and seventy-eight thousand and ninety-one seven million eight hundred and twenty-six thousand six hundred and sixty-three four million eight hundred and eighty-three thousand nine hundred and eighty-seven -- one hundred and seventy-four thousand three hundred and eighty-one twenty-one thousand and five hundred eleven thousand and two hundred --
five hundred and sixteen 2022-08-12 one hundred and eighteen million six hundred and thirty-five thousand four hundred and fifteen five million two thousand nine hundred and thirty-nine five million eight hundred and sixty-eight thousand seven hundred and forty-four -- one hundred and sixty-four thousand and eighty-one fifteen thousand and four hundred thirteen thousand and six hundred --
five hundred and seventeen 2022-08-11 one hundred and nineteen million five hundred and one thousand two hundred and twenty six million four hundred and fifty-two thousand one hundred and seventy-one eleven million one hundred and twelve thousand one hundred and eighty-two -- one hundred and sixty-two thousand two hundred and eighty-one nineteen thousand and three hundred four thousand and eight hundred --
five hundred and eighteen 2022-08-10 one hundred and twenty-four million one hundred and sixty-one thousand two hundred and thirty-one seven million eight hundred and forty-one thousand nine hundred and twenty-six three million five hundred and seventy-three thousand three hundred and twenty-four -- one hundred and forty-seven thousand seven hundred and eighty-one seven thousand twenty thousand and one hundred --
five hundred and nineteen 2022-08-09 one hundred and nineteen million eight hundred and ninety-two thousand six hundred and twenty-nine six million eight hundred and ninety-six thousand five hundred and nine four million thirty-seven thousand two hundred and seventy-six -- one hundred and sixty thousand eight hundred and eighty-one thirteen thousand and three hundred ten thousand and three hundred --
five hundred and twenty 2022-08-08 one hundred and seventeen million thirty-three thousand three hundred and ninety-six three million nine hundred and twenty-one thousand nine hundred and thirty-one two million four hundred and forty-three thousand one hundred and fifty-six -- one hundred and fifty-seven thousand eight hundred and eighty-one ten thousand and one hundred eight thousand --
five hundred and twenty-one 2022-08-05 one hundred and fifteen million five hundred and fifty-four thousand six hundred and twenty-one four million one hundred and sixty-four thousand two hundred and eleven nine million four hundred and fifty-two thousand three hundred and forty-six -- one hundred and fifty-five thousand seven hundred and eighty-one eleven thousand and five hundred thirty-six thousand and five hundred --
five hundred and twenty-two 2022-08-04 one hundred and twenty million eight hundred and forty-two thousand seven hundred and fifty-six seven million forty-five thousand one hundred and eighty-one three million one thousand eight hundred and fifty-three -- one hundred and eighty thousand seven hundred and eighty-one fifteen thousand and four hundred twenty-four thousand and four hundred --
five hundred and twenty-three 2022-08-03 one hundred and sixteen million seven hundred and ninety-nine thousand four hundred and twenty-eight one million nine hundred and eighty-five thousand two hundred and sixty-four three million one hundred and forty-two thousand nine hundred and seventy-two -- one hundred and eighty-nine thousand seven hundred and eighty-one ten thousand thirteen thousand and four hundred --
five hundred and twenty-four 2022-08-02 one hundred and seventeen million nine hundred and fifty-seven thousand one hundred and thirty-six six million three hundred and fifty-three thousand six hundred and thirty-three six million six hundred and ninety thousand and thirteen -- one hundred and ninety-three thousand one hundred and eighty-one thirty-three thousand and four hundred nine thousand and one hundred --
five hundred and twenty-five 2022-08-01 one hundred and eighteen million two hundred and ninety-three thousand five hundred and sixteen eleven million five hundred and eighty-two thousand one hundred and fifty-one seven million eight hundred and forty-eight thousand seven hundred and ninety-seven -- one hundred and sixty-eight thousand eight hundred and eighty-one fourteen thousand and three hundred thirty-two thousand two hundred and thirty-six --
five hundred and twenty-six 2022-07-29 one hundred and fourteen million five hundred and sixty thousand one hundred and sixty-two four million nine hundred and fifty-nine thousand eight hundred and forty-eight ten million four hundred and eighty-nine thousand eight hundred and ninety-five -- one hundred and eighty-six thousand eight hundred and seventeen thirty-two thousand three hundred and five twenty-three thousand seven hundred and thirty-two --
five hundred and twenty-seven 2022-07-28 one hundred and twenty million ninety thousand two hundred and nine seven million three hundred and forty-eight thousand eight hundred and seventy-three seven million six hundred and eight thousand and two hundred -- one hundred and seventy-eight thousand two hundred and forty-four six thousand and two hundred seven thousand and three hundred --
five hundred and twenty-eight 2022-07-27 one hundred and twenty million three hundred and forty-nine thousand five hundred and thirty-six four million eight hundred and sixty-one thousand one hundred and twenty-two two million nine hundred and twenty-nine thousand one hundred and fifty-four -- one hundred and seventy-nine thousand three hundred and forty-four twenty-one thousand and five hundred seventeen thousand one hundred and sixty-eight --
five hundred and twenty-nine 2022-07-26 one hundred and eighteen million four hundred and seventeen thousand five hundred and sixty-eight four million thirty-nine thousand and eighty-six four million one hundred and seventy-four thousand five hundred and sixty-five -- one hundred and seventy-five thousand and twelve thirty-six thousand and four hundred eighteen thousand and two hundred --
five hundred and thirty 2022-07-25 one hundred and eighteen million five hundred and fifty-three thousand and forty-seven three million eleven thousand one hundred and twenty-six two million nine hundred and forty-two thousand and sixty-two -- one hundred and fifty-six thousand eight hundred and twelve six thousand and eight hundred fifty-three thousand and one hundred --
five hundred and thirty-one 2022-07-22 one hundred and eighteen million four hundred and eighty-three thousand nine hundred and eighty-three two million nine hundred and eighty-six thousand one hundred and forty-two seven million seven hundred and sixty-eight thousand eight hundred and ninety-four -- two hundred and three thousand one hundred and twelve twenty-five thousand and three hundred sixteen thousand --
five hundred and thirty-two 2022-07-21 one hundred and twenty-three million one hundred thousand one hundred and eighty nine million eight hundred and seventy-one thousand three hundred and twenty five million fifty-three thousand and eight -- one hundred and ninety-three thousand eight hundred and twelve twenty-nine thousand and two hundred twenty thousand and four hundred --
five hundred and thirty-three 2022-07-20 one hundred and eighteen million two hundred and eighty-one thousand eight hundred and sixty-eight three million two hundred and eighty thousand five hundred and eight five million two hundred and ninety-seven thousand one hundred and eighty-five -- one hundred and eighty-five thousand and twelve five thousand and six hundred two thousand and eight hundred --
five hundred and thirty-four 2022-07-19 one hundred and twenty million two hundred and ninety-eight thousand five hundred and forty-five four million six hundred and seventy-six thousand eight hundred and eighty-seven six million five hundred and forty-six thousand one hundred and twenty-five -- one hundred and eighty-two thousand two hundred and twelve ten thousand and six hundred ten thousand and three hundred --
five hundred and thirty-five 2022-07-18 one hundred and twenty-two million one hundred and sixty-seven thousand seven hundred and eighty-three eight million three hundred and seventy-seven thousand three hundred and thirty-three six million seven hundred and seventy thousand three hundred and forty-four -- one hundred and eighty-one thousand nine hundred and twelve eleven thousand and nine hundred sixteen thousand and seven hundred --
five hundred and thirty-six 2022-07-15 one hundred and twenty million five hundred and sixty thousand seven hundred and ninety-four four million eight hundred and thirty-four thousand three hundred and sixty-six six million eighty-four thousand seven hundred and sixty-one -- one hundred and eighty-six thousand seven hundred and twelve twenty-seven thousand and six hundred ten thousand and one hundred --
five hundred and thirty-seven 2022-07-14 one hundred and twenty-one million eight hundred and eleven thousand one hundred and eighty-nine eight million three hundred and fifty-three thousand three hundred and twelve seven million three hundred and thirty-four thousand -- one hundred and sixty-nine thousand two hundred and twelve seven thousand and seven hundred seven thousand and seven hundred --
five hundred and thirty-eight 2022-07-13 one hundred and twenty million seven hundred and ninety-one thousand eight hundred and seventy-seven five million ninety-three thousand eight hundred and fifty-six twelve million four hundred and thirty-eight thousand three hundred and five -- one hundred and sixty-nine thousand two hundred and twelve twenty-eight thousand and three hundred thirteen thousand and nine hundred --
five hundred and thirty-nine 2022-07-12 one hundred and twenty-eight million one hundred and thirty-six thousand three hundred and twenty-six five million two hundred and ninety-three thousand three hundred and ninety-eight four million five hundred and ninety-seven thousand nine hundred and seven -- one hundred and fifty-four thousand eight hundred and twelve nineteen thousand and two hundred eight thousand and five hundred --
five hundred and forty 2022-07-11 one hundred and twenty-seven million four hundred and forty thousand eight hundred and thirty-five eleven million eight hundred and eighty-four thousand and two hundred nine million eight hundred and fifty-seven thousand and seventy-two -- one hundred and forty-four thousand one hundred and twelve twenty-one thousand and eight hundred eighteen thousand and three hundred --
five hundred and forty-one 2022-07-08 one hundred and twenty-five million four hundred and thirteen thousand seven hundred and seven eight million nine hundred and twelve thousand seven hundred and fifty-six five million six hundred and four thousand six hundred and thirty-one -- one hundred and forty thousand six hundred and twelve eighteen thousand and two hundred twenty-one thousand and seven hundred --
five hundred and forty-two 2022-07-07 one hundred and twenty-two million one hundred and five thousand five hundred and eighty-two nine million nine hundred and thirty-five thousand eight hundred and sixty-three four million four hundred and sixty-six thousand eight hundred and eighty-eight -- one hundred and forty-four thousand one hundred and twelve eighteen thousand and nine hundred five hundred --
five hundred and forty-three 2022-07-06 one hundred and sixteen million six hundred and thirty-six thousand six hundred and seven five million thirteen thousand three hundred and thirty-nine seven million eight hundred and forty-eight thousand six hundred and eighty-seven -- one hundred and twenty-five thousand seven hundred and twelve five thousand and one hundred thirty-two thousand and six hundred --
five hundred and forty-four 2022-07-05 one hundred and nineteen million four hundred and seventy-one thousand nine hundred and fifty-five eleven million two hundred and twenty-eight thousand seven hundred and thirty-six five million five hundred and eighty-six thousand two hundred and forty-three -- one hundred and fifty-three thousand two hundred and twelve five thousand twenty thousand --
five hundred and forty-five 2022-07-04 one hundred and thirteen million eight hundred and twenty-nine thousand four hundred and sixty-two six million seven hundred and forty-two thousand and ninety-five seven million four hundred and ninety-five thousand seven hundred and one -- one hundred and sixty-eight thousand two hundred and twelve eighteen thousand and one hundred six thousand and nine hundred --
five hundred and forty-six 2022-07-01 one hundred and fourteen million five hundred and eighty-three thousand and sixty-eight thirteen million three thousand seven hundred and twenty-seven four million two hundred and fifty-six thousand seven hundred and sixty-three -- one hundred and fifty-seven thousand and twelve fourteen thousand and four hundred one thousand and eight hundred --
five hundred and forty-seven 2022-06-30 one hundred and five million eight hundred and thirty-six thousand one hundred and four seven million eight hundred and eighty-one thousand one hundred and sixty-four fifteen million two hundred and forty thousand one hundred and twenty-one -- one hundred and forty-four thousand four hundred and twelve two thousand and five hundred two thousand --
five hundred and forty-eight 2022-06-29 one hundred and thirteen million one hundred and ninety-five thousand and sixty-one five million nine hundred and three thousand and eighty-one twenty million seven hundred and seventy-two thousand three hundred and eighteen -- one hundred and forty-three thousand nine hundred and twelve two thousand and four hundred twenty-six thousand six hundred and eighty-seven --
five hundred and forty-nine 2022-06-28 one hundred and twenty-eight million one hundred and seventy-eight thousand five hundred and fifty-nine seven million seven hundred and eighteen thousand nine hundred and three nine million two hundred and five thousand eight hundred and eighteen -- one hundred and sixty-eight thousand one hundred and ninety-nine nine thousand and one hundred thirteen thousand and two hundred --
five hundred and fifty 2022-06-27 one hundred and twenty-nine million six hundred and sixty-five thousand four hundred and seventy-four seven million one hundred and fifty-eight thousand two hundred and eighty seven million two hundred and eighty thousand five hundred and one -- one hundred and seventy-two thousand two hundred and ninety-nine five thousand and two hundred twenty-three thousand and three hundred --
five hundred and fifty-one 2022-06-24 one hundred and twenty-nine million seven hundred and eighty-seven thousand six hundred and ninety-five thirteen million thirty-five thousand six hundred and eighty-two six million five hundred and forty-one thousand one hundred and eighty-four -- one hundred and ninety thousand three hundred and ninety-nine twenty thousand and six hundred ten thousand and seven hundred --
five hundred and fifty-two 2022-06-23 one hundred and twenty-three million two hundred and ninety-three thousand one hundred and ninety-seven seven million two hundred and forty-one thousand eight hundred and fifty-three four million two hundred and sixty-nine thousand nine hundred and twenty-nine -- one hundred and eighty thousand four hundred and ninety-nine twenty-six thousand and six hundred twenty-four thousand five hundred and eighty-seven --
five hundred and fifty-three 2022-06-22 one hundred and twenty million three hundred and twenty-one thousand two hundred and seventy-three eight million nine hundred and forty-one thousand seven hundred and thirty-six seven million two hundred and fifty-three thousand three hundred and one -- one hundred and seventy-eight thousand four hundred and eighty-six thirty-five thousand and four hundred twenty-four thousand and five hundred --
five hundred and fifty-four 2022-06-21 one hundred and eighteen million six hundred and thirty-two thousand eight hundred and thirty-eight eleven million six hundred and nine thousand four hundred and fifty eight million four hundred and six thousand eight hundred and ninety-five -- one hundred and sixty-seven thousand five hundred and eighty-six forty-four thousand and three hundred twenty-six thousand --
five hundred and fifty-five 2022-06-20 one hundred and fifteen million four hundred and thirty thousand two hundred and eighty-three nine million eight hundred and seventy-nine thousand nine hundred and six nine million one hundred and ninety-two thousand nine hundred and ninety-eight -- one hundred and forty-nine thousand two hundred and eighty-six twenty-eight thousand and two hundred twelve thousand and five hundred --
five hundred and fifty-six 2022-06-17 one hundred and fourteen million seven hundred and forty-three thousand three hundred and seventy-five thirteen million four hundred and fourteen thousand seven hundred and twenty eight million ninety-one thousand seven hundred and sixty-six -- one hundred and thirty-three thousand five hundred and eighty-six nine thousand and nine hundred eleven thousand and eight hundred --
five hundred and fifty-seven 2022-06-16 one hundred and nine million four hundred and twenty thousand four hundred and twenty-one four million six hundred and thirty-seven thousand nine hundred and sixty-eight thirteen million one hundred and ninety-five thousand seven hundred and fifty-nine -- one hundred and thirty-five thousand four hundred and eighty-six seventeen thousand four hundred and thirty twenty thousand and five hundred --
five hundred and fifty-eight 2022-06-15 one hundred and seventeen million nine hundred and seventy-eight thousand two hundred and twelve six million seven hundred and thirty thousand four hundred and thirty-four six million one hundred and forty-seven thousand two hundred and fifteen -- one hundred and thirty-eight thousand five hundred and fifty-six four thousand and four hundred thirty-two thousand and eight hundred --
five hundred and fifty-nine 2022-06-14 one hundred and seventeen million three hundred and ninety-four thousand nine hundred and ninety-three two million seven hundred and thirty-seven thousand seven hundred and thirty-nine two million nine hundred and fifty-three thousand and fifty-four -- one hundred and sixty-six thousand nine hundred and fifty-six forty thousand and seven hundred eleven thousand nine hundred and forty-three --
five hundred and sixty 2022-06-13 one hundred and seventeen million six hundred and ten thousand three hundred and eight three million eight hundred and twenty thousand eight hundred and seventy-nine four million one hundred and thirty-five thousand nine hundred and sixty-seven -- one hundred and thirty-eight thousand one hundred and ninety-nine nine thousand and two hundred fourteen thousand and six hundred --
five hundred and sixty-one 2022-06-10 one hundred and seventeen million nine hundred and twenty-five thousand three hundred and ninety-six eight million eight hundred and two thousand and seventy-two two million nine hundred and sixty-two thousand and twenty-six -- one hundred and forty-three thousand five hundred and ninety-nine eight thousand eight hundred and twenty ten thousand four hundred and eighty-five --
five hundred and sixty-two 2022-06-09 one hundred and twelve million eighty-five thousand three hundred and fifty seven million five hundred and thirteen thousand nine hundred and forty three million three hundred and ninety-six thousand one hundred and sixteen -- one hundred and forty-five thousand two hundred and sixty-four twenty thousand and four hundred two hundred and forty-three thousand three hundred and forty-four --
five hundred and sixty-three 2022-06-08 one hundred and seven million nine hundred and forty-five thousand three hundred and seventy-five three million four hundred and three thousand eight hundred and fifteen five million eight hundred and fifty-eight thousand and forty-eight -- three hundred and sixty-eight thousand two hundred and eight nine thousand eight hundred and twenty-four twelve thousand and five hundred --
five hundred and sixty-four 2022-06-07 one hundred and ten million three hundred and ninety-nine thousand six hundred and eight two million nine hundred and ninety-seven thousand four hundred and thirty-five ten million six hundred and eighty thousand one hundred and ninety-one -- three hundred and seventy thousand eight hundred and eighty-four eleven thousand and five hundred five thousand and nine hundred --
five hundred and sixty-five 2022-06-06 one hundred and eighteen million eighty-two thousand three hundred and sixty-four nine million two hundred and seventy-one thousand two hundred and sixty-six four million five hundred and eighty-six thousand one hundred and thirty -- three hundred and sixty-five thousand two hundred and eighty-four fifteen thousand and twenty-eight three thousand --
five hundred and sixty-six 2022-06-02 one hundred and thirteen million three hundred and ninety-seven thousand two hundred and twenty-eight seventeen million three hundred and seventy-nine thousand eight hundred and sixty-two ten million seven hundred and eighty-one thousand nine hundred and forty-one -- three hundred and fifty-three thousand two hundred and fifty-six five thousand and three hundred twelve thousand one hundred and sixty-one --
five hundred and sixty-seven 2022-06-01 one hundred and six million seven hundred and ninety-nine thousand three hundred and seven six million three hundred and forty-three thousand four hundred and eighty-one six million five hundred and ninety-three thousand three hundred and fifty-seven -- three hundred and sixty thousand one hundred and seventeen four thousand and six hundred fifty-nine thousand and two hundred --
five hundred and sixty-eight 2022-05-31 one hundred and seven million forty-nine thousand one hundred and eighty-three six million five hundred and thirty-two thousand and six hundred five million three hundred and forty thousand and twelve -- four hundred and fourteen thousand seven hundred and seventeen five thousand and eight hundred twenty-two thousand and four hundred --
five hundred and sixty-nine 2022-05-30 one hundred and five million eight hundred and fifty-six thousand five hundred and ninety-five three million four hundred and seventy-one thousand four hundred and thirty-five two million six hundred and one thousand seven hundred and fifty-two -- four hundred and thirty-one thousand three hundred and seventeen sixty-nine thousand and nine hundred four thousand and seven hundred --
five hundred and seventy 2022-05-27 one hundred and four million nine hundred and eighty-six thousand nine hundred and twelve one million six hundred and forty thousand two hundred and sixty-eight five million forty-five thousand six hundred and eighty-one -- three hundred and sixty-six thousand one hundred and seventeen four thousand and seven hundred twenty thousand and three hundred --
five hundred and seventy-one 2022-05-26 one hundred and eight million three hundred and ninety-two thousand three hundred and twenty-five seven million two hundred and fifty-eight thousand one hundred and forty-two twelve million six hundred and forty-four thousand three hundred and seventy-two -- three hundred and eighty-one thousand seven hundred and seventeen twenty-five thousand and six hundred two thousand and six hundred --
five hundred and seventy-two 2022-05-25 one hundred and thirteen million seven hundred and seventy-eight thousand five hundred and fifty-five four million nine hundred and eighty-eight thousand two hundred and thirty-two seven million five hundred and seventy thousand and ninety-six -- three hundred and fifty-eight thousand seven hundred and seventeen five thousand and four hundred twenty-one thousand and nine hundred --
five hundred and seventy-three 2022-05-24 one hundred and sixteen million three hundred and sixty thousand four hundred and nineteen fifteen million fifty-six thousand three hundred and ninety-one two million three hundred and sixty-three thousand one hundred and fifteen -- three hundred and seventy-five thousand two hundred and seventeen fourteen thousand fifty-six thousand and thirty-four --
five hundred and seventy-four 2022-05-23 one hundred and three million six hundred and sixty-seven thousand one hundred and forty-three eleven million three hundred and seventy-two thousand and three two million nine hundred and eighty-five thousand seven hundred and sixty-five -- four hundred and seventeen thousand two hundred and fifty-one five thousand and five hundred one hundred --
five hundred and seventy-five 2022-05-20 ninety-five million two hundred and eighty thousand nine hundred and five five million six hundred and thirty-seven thousand eight hundred and sixty-six three million six hundred and eleven thousand one hundred and twenty-one -- four hundred and eleven thousand eight hundred and fifty-one sixteen thousand and one hundred fifteen thousand and one hundred --
five hundred and seventy-six 2022-05-19 ninety-three million two hundred and fifty-four thousand one hundred and sixty two million six hundred and two thousand and forty-four three million sixty-seven thousand six hundred and seventeen -- four hundred and ten thousand eight hundred and fifty-one six thousand and four hundred sixty thousand --
five hundred and seventy-seven 2022-05-18 ninety-three million seven hundred and nineteen thousand seven hundred and thirty-three two million eight hundred and eighty-seven thousand eight hundred and two one million eight hundred and eleven thousand and ninety-nine -- four hundred and sixty-four thousand four hundred and fifty-one eleven thousand five thousand and two hundred --
five hundred and seventy-eight 2022-05-17 ninety-two million six hundred and forty-three thousand and thirty two million ninety-three thousand seven hundred and three two million seven hundred and ninety-nine thousand eight hundred and fifteen -- four hundred and fifty-eight thousand six hundred and fifty-one six thousand and six hundred five hundred --
five hundred and seventy-nine 2022-05-16 ninety-three million four hundred and eighty-nine thousand one hundred and thirty-nine one million two hundred and twenty-nine thousand four hundred and forty-four three million three hundred and forty-two thousand seven hundred and thirty-two -- four hundred and fifty-two thousand five hundred and fifty-one seven thousand seven thousand and six hundred --
five hundred and eighty 2022-05-13 ninety-five million six hundred and two thousand four hundred and twenty-seven five million one hundred and six thousand four hundred and thirty-three four million four hundred and ninety-seven thousand two hundred and twenty-two -- four hundred and fifty-three thousand one hundred and fifty-one fifteen thousand and six hundred five thousand --
five hundred and eighty-one 2022-05-12 ninety-four million nine hundred and ninety-five thousand three hundred and fifteen four million two hundred and fifty-four thousand six hundred and fifty-four six million seven thousand three hundred and eighty-eight -- four hundred and forty-two thousand five hundred and fifty-one thirteen thousand and one hundred sixteen thousand and six hundred --
five hundred and eighty-two 2022-05-11 ninety-six million seven hundred and forty-eight thousand and forty-nine four million one hundred and fifty-four thousand one hundred and seventy-two six million seven hundred and ninety-eight thousand five hundred and eighty-six -- four hundred and forty-six thousand and fifty-one thirty-five thousand and one hundred ten thousand --
five hundred and eighty-three 2022-05-10 ninety-nine million three hundred and ninety-two thousand four hundred and sixty-three three million two hundred and thirty thousand one hundred and ninety-eight five million two hundred and fifty-seven thousand eight hundred and eighty-three -- four hundred and twenty thousand nine hundred and fifty-one twelve thousand and nine hundred forty thousand and eight hundred --
five hundred and eighty-four 2022-05-09 one hundred and one million four hundred and twenty thousand one hundred and forty-eight three million sixteen thousand two hundred and fifty-five three million thirty-seven thousand five hundred and forty-nine -- four hundred and forty-eight thousand eight hundred and fifty-one six thousand and one hundred twenty-five thousand and four hundred --
five hundred and eighty-five 2022-05-06 one hundred and one million four hundred and forty-one thousand four hundred and forty-two two million two hundred and seventy-five thousand six hundred and sixty-one three million three hundred and eleven thousand seven hundred and twenty-two -- four hundred and sixty-eight thousand one hundred and fifty-one four thousand and seven hundred twenty-three thousand and nine hundred --
five hundred and eighty-six 2022-05-05 one hundred and two million four hundred and seventy-seven thousand five hundred and three three million nine hundred and fifteen thousand three hundred and seventy-five six million eighty-three thousand seven hundred and eighty-eight -- four hundred and eighty-seven thousand three hundred and fifty-one eleven thousand two hundred and twelve five thousand and seven hundred --
five hundred and eighty-seven 2022-04-29 one hundred and four million six hundred and forty-five thousand nine hundred and sixteen eight million six hundred and forty-eight thousand three hundred and fifty-three eight million one hundred and seven thousand six hundred and forty-nine -- four hundred and eighty-one thousand eight hundred and thirty-nine thirty-six thousand and seven hundred nine thousand and four hundred --
five hundred and eighty-eight 2022-04-28 one hundred and four million one hundred and five thousand two hundred and twelve five million nine hundred and one thousand four hundred and thirty-six two million seven hundred thousand five hundred and ninety-eight -- four hundred and fifty-four thousand five hundred and thirty-nine eighteen thousand seven thousand and eight hundred --
five hundred and eighty-nine 2022-04-27 one hundred million nine hundred and four thousand three hundred and seventy-four five million three hundred and seventy-two thousand and two hundred seven million six hundred and sixty-five thousand eight hundred and eighty-eight -- four hundred and forty-four thousand three hundred and thirty-nine twenty-nine thousand and seven hundred twelve thousand and three hundred --
five hundred and ninety 2022-04-26 one hundred and three million one hundred and ninety-eight thousand and sixty-two two million nine hundred and fifty-nine thousand four hundred and fifty-five ten million nine hundred and fifty-six thousand four hundred and twenty-eight -- four hundred and twenty-six thousand nine hundred and thirty-nine six thousand and seven hundred eighteen thousand and three hundred --
five hundred and ninety-one 2022-04-25 one hundred and eleven million one hundred and ninety-five thousand and thirty-five five million two hundred and thirty-four thousand six hundred and ninety-seven seven million three hundred and seventy-four thousand one hundred and one -- four hundred and thirty-eight thousand five hundred and thirty-nine nineteen thousand and five hundred eight thousand and five hundred --
five hundred and ninety-two 2022-04-22 one hundred and thirteen million three hundred and thirty-four thousand four hundred and thirty-nine four million two hundred and fifteen thousand seven hundred and eighty-eight eight million ninety-three thousand six hundred and sixty -- four hundred and twenty-seven thousand five hundred and thirty-nine one thousand and nine hundred seven thousand and two hundred --
five hundred and ninety-three 2022-04-21 one hundred and seventeen million two hundred and twelve thousand three hundred and eleven four million nine hundred and twenty thousand two hundred and ninety-four two million six hundred and forty-eight thousand seven hundred and forty -- four hundred and thirty-two thousand eight hundred and thirty-nine eight thousand and four hundred eight thousand and nine hundred --
five hundred and ninety-four 2022-04-20 one hundred and fourteen million nine hundred and forty thousand seven hundred and fifty-seven two million four hundred and six thousand and five hundred seven million five hundred and eighty-three thousand and sixty-three -- four hundred and thirty-three thousand three hundred and thirty-nine eight thousand and four hundred fifteen thousand and four hundred --
five hundred and ninety-five 2022-04-19 one hundred and twenty million one hundred and seventeen thousand three hundred and twenty one million nine hundred and eight thousand three hundred and nine one million nine hundred and fifty-seven thousand nine hundred and fourteen -- four hundred and forty thousand three hundred and thirty-nine nine thousand and five hundred three thousand and seven hundred --
five hundred and ninety-six 2022-04-18 one hundred and twenty million one hundred and sixty-six thousand nine hundred and twenty-five three million one hundred and twelve thousand three hundred and six one million eight hundred and ninety-five thousand two hundred and thirty-nine -- four hundred and thirty-four thousand five hundred and thirty-nine three thousand and six hundred six thousand and one hundred --
five hundred and ninety-seven 2022-04-15 one hundred and eighteen million nine hundred and forty-nine thousand eight hundred and fifty-eight four million three hundred and seventy-three thousand eight hundred and forty-one ten million three hundred and fifty-seven thousand nine hundred and thirty-three -- four hundred and thirty-seven thousand and thirty-nine fifteen thousand and seven hundred five thousand and five hundred --
five hundred and ninety-eight 2022-04-14 one hundred and twenty-four million nine hundred and thirty-three thousand nine hundred and fifty four million three hundred and eighty-nine thousand six hundred and seven ten million four hundred and ninety-one thousand six hundred and forty-six -- four hundred and twenty-six thousand eight hundred and thirty-nine seven thousand and four hundred twenty-three thousand and nine hundred --
five hundred and ninety-nine 2022-04-13 one hundred and thirty-one million thirty-five thousand nine hundred and eighty-nine one million seven hundred and seventy-six thousand four hundred and eighty-five five million six hundred and seventy-nine thousand and fifteen -- four hundred and forty-three thousand three hundred and thirty-nine seven thousand and one hundred twenty-one thousand and seven hundred --
six hundred 2022-04-12 one hundred and thirty-four million nine hundred and thirty-eight thousand five hundred and nineteen five million three hundred and eighty-nine thousand and ninety six million three hundred and seventy-six thousand three hundred and fifty-one -- four hundred and fifty-seven thousand nine hundred and thirty-nine seventeen thousand and one hundred five thousand and one hundred --
six hundred and one 2022-04-11 one hundred and thirty-five million nine hundred and twenty-five thousand seven hundred and eighty four million seven hundred and sixty-five thousand six hundred and seventy-three eight million thirty-one thousand four hundred and eighty-six -- four hundred and forty-five thousand nine hundred and thirty-nine fifteen thousand and five hundred twelve thousand and two hundred --
six hundred and two 2022-04-08 one hundred and thirty-nine million one hundred and ninety-one thousand five hundred and ninety-three four million five hundred and thirty-four thousand eight hundred and seventy-one nine million six hundred and fifty-eight thousand seven hundred and thirty-seven -- four hundred and forty-two thousand six hundred and thirty-nine fourteen thousand and seven hundred four thousand and five hundred --
six hundred and three 2022-04-07 one hundred and forty-four million three hundred and fifteen thousand four hundred and fifty-nine six million three hundred and two thousand six hundred and three five million thirty-two thousand seven hundred and forty-nine -- four hundred and thirty-two thousand four hundred and thirty-nine three thousand and two hundred thirteen thousand and eight hundred --
six hundred and four 2022-04-06 one hundred and forty-three million forty-five thousand six hundred and five fifteen million two hundred and ninety-six thousand four hundred and forty-eight four million five hundred and twenty-seven thousand two hundred and two -- four hundred and forty-three thousand and thirty-nine eight thousand and one hundred two thousand and four hundred --
six hundred and five 2022-04-01 one hundred and thirty-two million two hundred and seventy-six thousand three hundred and fifty-nine six million eight hundred and eighty-eight thousand nine hundred and seventy-four ten million eight hundred and eighty-two thousand three hundred and forty-four -- four hundred and thirty-seven thousand three hundred and thirty-nine two thousand and four hundred eight thousand and five hundred --
six hundred and six 2022-03-31 one hundred and thirty-six million two hundred and sixty-nine thousand seven hundred and twenty-nine six million four hundred and fifty-six thousand and fifty-six eight million one hundred and seventy-two thousand eight hundred and seventy-two -- four hundred and forty-three thousand four hundred and thirty-nine seven thousand and two hundred one thousand and two hundred --
six hundred and seven 2022-03-30 one hundred and thirty-seven million nine hundred and eighty-six thousand five hundred and forty-five twelve million two hundred and sixty-two thousand five hundred and eighteen six million two hundred and eighty-five thousand five hundred and two -- four hundred and thirty-seven thousand four hundred and thirty-nine seven thousand and two hundred sixty-two thousand and nine hundred --
six hundred and eight 2022-03-29 one hundred and thirty-two million nine thousand five hundred and twenty-nine six million five hundred and fourteen thousand five hundred and ninety-six three million one hundred and eighty-one thousand three hundred and seventy-five -- four hundred and ninety-three thousand one hundred and thirty-nine fourteen thousand and five hundred eleven thousand and three hundred --
six hundred and nine 2022-03-28 one hundred and twenty-eight million six hundred and seventy-six thousand three hundred and eight five million three hundred and five thousand seven hundred and eighty-five three million five hundred and ten thousand nine hundred and ninety -- four hundred and eighty-nine thousand nine hundred and thirty-nine thirty-eight thousand and nine hundred seven thousand and five hundred --
six hundred and ten 2022-03-25 one hundred and twenty-six million eight hundred and eighty-one thousand five hundred and thirteen six million two hundred and ninety-two thousand seven hundred and five four million four hundred and five thousand three hundred and eighty-four -- four hundred and fifty-eight thousand five hundred and thirty-nine seventeen thousand and three hundred eleven thousand and nine hundred --
six hundred and eleven 2022-03-24 one hundred and twenty-four million nine hundred and ninety-four thousand one hundred and ninety-two two million five hundred and seventy-three thousand three hundred and four two million seven hundred and forty-five thousand and eighty-four -- four hundred and fifty-three thousand one hundred and thirty-nine nine thousand and eight hundred ten thousand and five hundred --
six hundred and twelve 2022-03-23 one hundred and twenty-five million one hundred and sixty-five thousand nine hundred and seventy-two two million two hundred and ten thousand and seventy-six four million two hundred and fifty-nine thousand and seven -- four hundred and fifty-three thousand eight hundred and thirty-nine twenty thousand and three hundred five thousand and seven hundred --
six hundred and thirteen 2022-03-22 one hundred and twenty-seven million two hundred and fourteen thousand nine hundred and three three million fifty-eight thousand five hundred and eleven four million four hundred and thirty-two thousand two hundred and seventy-one -- four hundred and thirty-nine thousand two hundred and thirty-nine five thousand seventeen thousand and two hundred --
six hundred and fourteen 2022-03-21 one hundred and twenty-eight million five hundred and eighty-eight thousand six hundred and sixty-three four million four hundred and seventy-five thousand seven hundred and nineteen two million one hundred and eighteen thousand and eighty-six -- four hundred and fifty-one thousand four hundred and thirty-nine twenty-five thousand three hundred and sixty-one twelve thousand two hundred and eighty --
six hundred and fifteen 2022-03-18 one hundred and twenty-six million two hundred and thirty-one thousand and thirty two million two hundred and eighty-six thousand one hundred and nine three million two hundred and five thousand seven hundred and seventy-eight -- four hundred and thirty-eight thousand three hundred and fifty-eight fifty thousand and eight hundred seven thousand one hundred and twenty --
six hundred and sixteen 2022-03-17 one hundred and twenty-seven million one hundred and fifty thousand six hundred and ninety-nine four million nine hundred and seventy thousand eight hundred and four four million four hundred and thirty-five thousand seven hundred and seventy-four -- three hundred and ninety-four thousand six hundred and seventy-eight fourteen thousand four hundred and twenty ten thousand and two hundred --
six hundred and seventeen 2022-03-16 one hundred and twenty-six million six hundred and fifteen thousand six hundred and sixty-nine four million four hundred and ninety-five thousand two hundred and twenty-three nine million nine hundred and fifty-two thousand two hundred and sixteen -- three hundred and ninety thousand four hundred and fifty-eight forty-five thousand seventeen thousand three hundred and fifty-two --
six hundred and eighteen 2022-03-15 one hundred and thirty-two million seventy-two thousand six hundred and sixty-two five million eight hundred and eleven thousand seven million five hundred and twenty-three thousand nine hundred and forty-seven -- three hundred and sixty-two thousand eight hundred and ten fifteen thousand six hundred and fifty-two three thousand and nine hundred --
six hundred and nineteen 2022-03-14 one hundred and thirty-three million seven hundred and eighty-five thousand six hundred and nine four million one hundred and fourteen thousand eight hundred and sixty-two three million four hundred and seventy-five thousand and seventeen -- three hundred and fifty-one thousand and fifty-eight three thousand and three hundred twenty-nine thousand and two hundred --
six hundred and twenty 2022-03-11 one hundred and thirty-three million one hundred and forty-five thousand seven hundred and sixty-four eleven million seven hundred and twelve thousand four hundred and forty-one twelve million two hundred and forty-three thousand six hundred and twenty-one -- three hundred and seventy-six thousand nine hundred and fifty-eight seventeen thousand and three hundred eight thousand and three hundred --
six hundred and twenty-one 2022-03-10 one hundred and thirty-three million six hundred and seventy-six thousand nine hundred and forty-four nine million eight hundred and thirteen thousand one hundred and twenty-nine six million one hundred and eighty-eight thousand seven hundred and eighty-two -- three hundred and sixty-seven thousand nine hundred and fifty-eight twenty-six thousand and one hundred nine thousand and eight hundred --
six hundred and twenty-two 2022-03-09 one hundred and thirty million fifty-two thousand five hundred and ninety-seven ten million two hundred and eight thousand five hundred and twenty-two twenty-six million five hundred and four thousand three hundred and sixty-three -- three hundred and fifty-one thousand six hundred and fifty-eight ten thousand one thousand and nine hundred --
six hundred and twenty-three 2022-03-08 one hundred and forty-six million three hundred and forty-eight thousand four hundred and thirty-eight fifteen million three hundred and sixty-five thousand three hundred and forty six million five hundred and seventy-five thousand eight hundred and two -- three hundred and forty-three thousand five hundred and fifty-eight three thousand and nine hundred six thousand and six hundred --
six hundred and twenty-four 2022-03-07 one hundred and thirty-seven million five hundred and fifty-eight thousand and nine hundred eleven million sixty-five thousand five hundred and fifty four million five hundred and fifty-four thousand eight hundred and ten -- three hundred and forty-six thousand two hundred and fifty-eight thirteen thousand and four hundred twenty-eight thousand --
six hundred and twenty-five 2022-03-04 one hundred and thirty-one million forty-eight thousand one hundred and sixty three million seven hundred and seventy thousand two hundred and twenty-nine three million one hundred and thirty-eight thousand four hundred and twenty-three -- three hundred and sixty thousand eight hundred and fifty-eight three thousand and two hundred seven thousand and one hundred --
six hundred and twenty-six 2022-03-03 one hundred and thirty million four hundred and sixteen thousand three hundred and fifty-four six million four hundred and ninety-six thousand five hundred and thirty-six four million seventy-five thousand and forty-nine -- three hundred and sixty-four thousand seven hundred and fifty-eight four thousand and nine hundred one hundred --
six hundred and twenty-seven 2022-03-02 one hundred and twenty-seven million nine hundred and ninety-four thousand eight hundred and sixty-seven eight million three hundred and twenty-two thousand one hundred and seventeen ten million five hundred and eighty-eight thousand two hundred and eighty-five -- three hundred and fifty-nine thousand nine hundred and fifty-eight two thousand and seven hundred nine thousand and six hundred --
six hundred and twenty-eight 2022-03-01 one hundred and thirty million two hundred and sixty-one thousand and thirty-five two million six hundred and seventy-nine thousand two hundred and seventeen five million seven hundred and fifty-eight thousand four hundred and sixty-eight -- three hundred and sixty-six thousand eight hundred and fifty-eight eight thousand and four hundred five thousand and seven hundred --
six hundred and twenty-nine 2022-02-28 one hundred and thirty-three million three hundred and forty thousand two hundred and eighty-six five million four hundred and seventy-five thousand six hundred and thirty-one six million three hundred and thirty-four thousand three hundred and four -- three hundred and sixty-four thousand one hundred and fifty-eight seven thousand and nine hundred six thousand and four hundred --
six hundred and thirty 2022-02-25 one hundred and thirty-four million one hundred and ninety-eight thousand nine hundred and fifty-nine five million eighteen thousand four hundred and thirty-four seven million thirty-nine thousand three hundred and eighty-seven -- three hundred and sixty-two thousand six hundred and fifty-eight seventy thousand and eight hundred three thousand and one hundred --
six hundred and thirty-one 2022-02-24 one hundred and thirty-six million two hundred and nineteen thousand nine hundred and twelve eight million nine hundred and ninety-two thousand nine hundred and fifty-one five million seven hundred and six thousand eight hundred and forty-two -- two hundred and ninety-four thousand nine hundred and fifty-eight forty-six thousand and one hundred seven thousand and four hundred --
six hundred and thirty-two 2022-02-23 one hundred and thirty-two million nine hundred and thirty-three thousand eight hundred and three seven million nine hundred and ninety-three thousand nine hundred and sixty-nine five million one hundred and sixty-three thousand one hundred and eighteen -- two hundred and fifty-six thousand two hundred and fifty-eight four thousand and nine hundred fifteen thousand and three hundred --
six hundred and thirty-three 2022-02-22 one hundred and thirty million one hundred and two thousand nine hundred and fifty-two five million three hundred and twenty-seven thousand two hundred and twenty-four four million one hundred and seventy-nine thousand six hundred and forty-seven -- two hundred and sixty-six thousand six hundred and fifty-eight six thousand and six hundred thirteen thousand and nine hundred --
six hundred and thirty-four 2022-02-21 one hundred and twenty-eight million nine hundred and fifty-five thousand three hundred and seventy-five two million four hundred and seventy-eight thousand five hundred and three three million two hundred and six thousand four hundred and three -- two hundred and seventy-three thousand nine hundred and fifty-eight seven thousand and seven hundred twenty-two thousand and five hundred --
six hundred and thirty-five 2022-02-18 one hundred and twenty-nine million six hundred and eighty-three thousand two hundred and seventy-five two million seven hundred and seventy-four thousand seven hundred and twelve one million nine hundred and twenty-nine thousand four hundred and forty -- two hundred and eighty-eight thousand seven hundred and fifty-eight four thousand and six hundred eight thousand and seven hundred --
six hundred and thirty-six 2022-02-17 one hundred and twenty-eight million eight hundred and thirty-eight thousand and three four million eight hundred and seventy-three thousand one hundred and thirty-two fourteen million five hundred and sixty-two thousand two hundred and fifty -- two hundred and ninety-two thousand eight hundred and fifty-eight twelve thousand and three hundred twenty-two thousand --
six hundred and thirty-seven 2022-02-16 one hundred and thirty-eight million five hundred and twenty-seven thousand one hundred and twenty-one four million four hundred and seventy-nine thousand one hundred and twenty-five five million sixteen thousand eight hundred and thirty-nine -- three hundred and two thousand five hundred and fifty-eight four thousand and four hundred four thousand and eight hundred --
six hundred and thirty-eight 2022-02-15 one hundred and thirty-nine million sixty-four thousand eight hundred and thirty-five five million three hundred and ninety-six thousand four hundred and seventy-four eighteen million sixty-eight thousand seven hundred and two -- three hundred and two thousand nine hundred and fifty-eight seven thousand and six hundred one thousand --
six hundred and thirty-nine 2022-02-14 one hundred and fifty-one million seven hundred and thirty-seven thousand and sixty-three ten million one hundred and ninety-six thousand three hundred and forty-eight nine million two hundred and sixteen thousand four hundred and seventy-nine -- two hundred and ninety-six thousand three hundred and fifty-eight eleven thousand and one hundred three thousand and five hundred --
six hundred and forty 2022-02-11 one hundred and fifty million seven hundred and fifty-seven thousand one hundred and ninety-four four million six hundred and twenty-six thousand and thirty-nine ten million two hundred and sixty-one thousand six hundred and thirty-nine -- two hundred and eighty-eight thousand seven hundred and fifty-eight eight thousand and seven hundred four thousand and four hundred --
six hundred and forty-one 2022-02-10 one hundred and fifty-six million three hundred and ninety-two thousand seven hundred and ninety-four seventeen million six hundred and eighteen thousand nine hundred and one eleven million two hundred and fifty-one thousand seven hundred and fifty -- two hundred and eighty-four thousand four hundred and fifty-eight fourteen thousand and six hundred one thousand and seven hundred --
six hundred and forty-two 2022-02-09 one hundred and fifty million twenty-five thousand six hundred and forty-three eight million eight hundred and fifty-eight thousand four hundred and thirty-three seven million forty-one thousand five hundred and sixteen -- two hundred and seventy-one thousand five hundred and fifty-eight seven thousand and one hundred seven thousand and five hundred --
six hundred and forty-three 2022-02-08 one hundred and forty-eight million two hundred and eight thousand seven hundred and twenty-six four million four hundred and eighty-four thousand and nineteen five million three hundred and eighty-nine thousand four hundred and four -- two hundred and seventy-one thousand nine hundred and fifty-eight ten thousand and five hundred five thousand --
six hundred and forty-four 2022-02-07 one hundred and forty-nine million one hundred and fourteen thousand one hundred and eleven nine million one hundred and six thousand and nine six million one hundred and sixty-one thousand four hundred and thirty-five -- two hundred and sixty-six thousand four hundred and fifty-eight seven thousand and eight hundred four thousand and five hundred --
six hundred and forty-five 2022-01-28 one hundred and forty-six million one hundred and sixty-four thousand seven hundred and seventy-three three million seven hundred and fifty-three thousand one hundred and seventy four million three hundred and fifty-nine thousand six hundred and thirty-seven -- two hundred and sixty-three thousand one hundred and fifty-eight one thousand and four hundred fourteen thousand and six hundred --
six hundred and forty-six 2022-01-27 one hundred and forty-six million seven hundred and seventy-one thousand two hundred and forty six million six hundred and thirty-four thousand one hundred and fifty-six five million five hundred and forty-six thousand seven hundred and ten -- two hundred and seventy-six thousand three hundred and fifty-eight six thousand and seven hundred fourteen thousand and four hundred --
six hundred and forty-seven 2022-01-26 one hundred and forty-five million six hundred and eighty-three thousand seven hundred and ninety-four three million five hundred and ninety thousand six hundred and three six million six hundred and ninety-nine thousand and thirty -- two hundred and eighty-four thousand and fifty-eight seven thousand and three hundred twenty-four thousand three hundred and twenty-two --
six hundred and forty-eight 2022-01-25 one hundred and forty-eight million seven hundred and ninety-two thousand two hundred and twenty-one five million five hundred and sixteen thousand seven hundred and sixty-six nine million nine hundred and thirty-two thousand seven hundred and fifty-five -- three hundred and one thousand and eighty seven thousand and six hundred five thousand and one hundred --
six hundred and forty-nine 2022-01-24 one hundred and fifty-three million two hundred and eight thousand two hundred and ten nine million six hundred and seventy-four thousand eight hundred and four six million one hundred and sixty thousand six hundred and sixty-eight -- two hundred and ninety-eight thousand five hundred and eighty eight thousand and five hundred six thousand and eight hundred --
six hundred and fifty 2022-01-21 one hundred and forty-nine million six hundred and ninety-four thousand and seventy-four eight million forty-nine thousand two hundred and thirty-seven nine million three hundred and sixty-four thousand four hundred and sixty -- two hundred and ninety-six thousand eight hundred and eighty fourteen thousand and one hundred thirteen thousand three hundred and six --
six hundred and fifty-one 2022-01-20 one hundred and fifty-one million nine thousand two hundred and ninety-seven eight million seven hundred and ninety-one thousand eight hundred and thirty-eight nine million nine hundred and sixty thousand five hundred and four -- two hundred and ninety-six thousand and eighty-six two thousand and two hundred eight thousand and eight hundred --
six hundred and fifty-two 2022-01-19 one hundred and fifty-two million one hundred and seventy-seven thousand nine hundred and sixty-three ten million eight hundred and fifty-four thousand five hundred and forty-three seven million three hundred and ten thousand seven hundred and fifty -- three hundred and two thousand six hundred and eighty-six six thousand and nine hundred twenty-seven thousand two hundred and forty-three --
six hundred and fifty-three 2022-01-18 one hundred and forty-eight million six hundred and thirty-four thousand one hundred and seventy five million nine hundred and eighty-one thousand and one five million one hundred and forty-eight thousand three hundred and fifty-four -- three hundred and twenty-three thousand and twenty-nine seven thousand and seven hundred three thousand and seven hundred --
six hundred and fifty-four 2022-01-17 one hundred and forty-seven million eight hundred and one thousand five hundred and twenty-three six million six hundred and sixty-seven thousand nine hundred and fifty-eight four million six hundred and thirty-five thousand six hundred and seventy-four -- three hundred and nineteen thousand and twenty-nine twenty-seven thousand and three hundred ten thousand and three hundred --
six hundred and fifty-five 2022-01-14 one hundred and forty-five million seven hundred and sixty-nine thousand two hundred and thirty-nine eight million three hundred and seventeen thousand three hundred and ninety-three four million eight hundred and fifty-three thousand nine hundred and fifty-two -- three hundred and two thousand and twenty-nine fourteen thousand five hundred and ninety-three twenty-five thousand and three hundred --
six hundred and fifty-six 2022-01-13 one hundred and forty-two million three hundred and five thousand seven hundred and ninety-eight eighteen million five hundred and sixty-one thousand and eight fourteen million seventy-seven thousand eight hundred and sixty-one -- three hundred and twelve thousand seven hundred and thirty-six seventeen thousand and fifty twelve thousand and three hundred --
six hundred and fifty-seven 2022-01-12 one hundred and thirty-seven million eight hundred and twenty-two thousand six hundred and fifty-one five million five hundred and forty-nine thousand nine hundred and sixty-nine five million six hundred and forty-seven thousand nine hundred and sixty-eight -- three hundred and seven thousand nine hundred and eighty-six six thousand five thousand and eight hundred --
six hundred and fifty-eight 2022-01-11 one hundred and thirty-seven million nine hundred and twenty thousand six hundred and fifty thirteen million seventy-one thousand three hundred and sixteen seven million three hundred and fifty-five thousand four hundred and fifty-seven -- three hundred and seven thousand seven hundred and eighty-six fourteen thousand and seven hundred thirteen thousand and two hundred --
six hundred and fifty-nine 2022-01-10 one hundred and thirty-two million two hundred and four thousand seven hundred and ninety-one twelve million eight hundred and four thousand three hundred and ninety-seven ten million seven hundred and fifty-two thousand three hundred and twenty -- three hundred and six thousand two hundred and eighty-six seventeen thousand and two hundred twenty-eight thousand and one hundred --
six hundred and sixty 2022-01-07 one hundred and thirty million one hundred and fifty-two thousand seven hundred and fourteen ten million seven hundred and one thousand eight hundred and fifty-five twelve million two hundred and forty-one thousand three hundred and forty-five -- three hundred and seventeen thousand one hundred and eighty-six twelve thousand and seven hundred twelve thousand and six hundred --
six hundred and sixty-one 2022-01-06 one hundred and thirty-one million three hundred and forty thousand and fifteen six million one hundred and ninety-one thousand and fifty-one seven million five hundred and two thousand seven hundred and twenty-four -- three hundred and eighteen thousand eight hundred and eighty-six five thousand and one hundred seven thousand seven hundred and forty-four --
six hundred and sixty-two 2022-01-05 one hundred and thirty-two million six hundred and fifty-one thousand six hundred and eighty-eight eight million five hundred and forty-four thousand three hundred and forty-six nine million nine hundred and sixty-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine -- three hundred and twenty-one thousand five hundred and thirty nine thousand and five hundred thirty thousand and eight hundred --
six hundred and sixty-three 2022-01-04 one hundred and thirty-four million one hundred and ninety-four thousand seven hundred and fifty-five four million eight hundred and eighty-two thousand eight hundred and fifty-three nine million six hundred and ninety-four thousand three hundred and one -- three hundred and forty-two thousand eight hundred and thirty seven thousand and seven hundred thirteen thousand and two hundred --
six hundred and sixty-four 2021-12-31 one hundred and thirty-eight million six hundred and ninety-nine thousand three hundred and eleven seven million twenty-eight thousand and forty-six eight million two hundred and forty-seven thousand one hundred and fifteen -- three hundred and forty-eight thousand three hundred and thirty sixty-four thousand eight hundred and fifty-two eleven thousand and three hundred --
six hundred and sixty-five 2021-12-30 one hundred and thirty-nine million nine hundred and eighteen thousand three hundred and eighty nine million two hundred and ten thousand three hundred and seventy-two seven million three hundred and five thousand three hundred and seventy-eight -- two hundred and ninety-four thousand seven hundred and seventy-eight thirteen thousand and two hundred ten thousand and eight hundred --
six hundred and sixty-six 2021-12-29 one hundred and thirty-eight million thirteen thousand three hundred and eighty-six five million six hundred and ninety-eight thousand three hundred and twenty-five seven million three hundred and twenty-eight thousand eight hundred and seventy-eight -- two hundred and ninety-two thousand three hundred and seventy-eight four thousand five thousand seven hundred and fifty-two --
six hundred and sixty-seven 2021-12-28 one hundred and thirty-nine million nine hundred and three thousand two hundred and five thirteen million one hundred and fifty-one thousand four hundred and fifty-five eleven million twenty-four thousand five hundred and fifty-five -- two hundred and ninety-four thousand one hundred and thirty three thousand and nine hundred sixteen thousand --
six hundred and sixty-eight 2021-12-27 one hundred and thirty-seven million seven hundred and seventy-six thousand three hundred and five twenty million eight hundred and sixty-five thousand three hundred and eighty five million four hundred and sixty-four thousand two hundred and twenty-four -- three hundred and six thousand two hundred and thirty fourteen thousand and two hundred four thousand nine hundred and seventy-four --
six hundred and sixty-nine 2021-12-24 one hundred and twenty-two million three hundred and seventy-five thousand one hundred and forty-nine nine million five hundred and two thousand four hundred and seventy-six thirteen million three hundred and twenty-six thousand and seventy-nine -- two hundred and ninety-seven thousand and four thirteen thousand six hundred and seventy-four three thousand and two hundred --
six hundred and seventy 2021-12-23 one hundred and twenty-six million one hundred and ninety-eight thousand seven hundred and fifty-two nine million seven hundred and ninety-one thousand seven hundred and eleven nine million four hundred and forty-five thousand five hundred and forty-five -- two hundred and eighty-six thousand five hundred and thirty six thousand and two hundred one thousand and four hundred --
six hundred and seventy-one 2021-12-22 one hundred and twenty-five million eight hundred and fifty-two thousand five hundred and eighty-six thirteen million one hundred and one thousand five hundred and twenty-one eleven million six hundred and thirty-six thousand and seventy-one -- two hundred and eighty-one thousand seven hundred and thirty twenty-three thousand and five hundred sixteen thousand and three hundred --
six hundred and seventy-two 2021-12-21 one hundred and twenty-four million three hundred and eighty-seven thousand one hundred and thirty-six two million eight hundred and twenty-nine thousand five hundred and seventy-seven five million three hundred and seven thousand one hundred and twenty-nine -- two hundred and seventy-four thousand five hundred and thirty thirteen thousand and three hundred fifteen thousand and nine hundred --
six hundred and seventy-three 2021-12-20 one hundred and twenty-six million eight hundred and fifty-four thousand four hundred and fifty-eight three million five hundred and thirty-six thousand eight hundred and one five million eight hundred and fifty-four thousand six hundred and thirty-six -- two hundred and seventy-seven thousand one hundred and thirty twenty-five thousand and four hundred eight thousand and one hundred --
six hundred and seventy-four 2021-12-17 one hundred and twenty-nine million one hundred and seventy-two thousand two hundred and ninety-three six million seven hundred and six thousand seven hundred and fifty-seven seven million four hundred and thirty-seven thousand five hundred and thirty-four -- two hundred and fifty-nine thousand eight hundred and thirty eight thousand and two hundred eight thousand and three hundred --
six hundred and seventy-five 2021-12-16 one hundred and twenty-nine million nine hundred and three thousand and seventy six million three hundred and eighty-five thousand two hundred and eighty-nine five million three hundred and seventy thousand six hundred and ninety-six -- two hundred and fifty-nine thousand nine hundred and thirty twenty-seven thousand and eight hundred thirty-two thousand and two hundred --
six hundred and seventy-six 2021-12-15 one hundred and twenty-eight million eight hundred and thirty-nine thousand and ninety-one six million three hundred and thirty-three thousand four hundred and forty-six six million four hundred and thirty thousand two hundred and thirty-four -- two hundred and sixty-four thousand three hundred and thirty six thousand and nine hundred nine thousand and nine hundred --
six hundred and seventy-seven 2021-12-14 one hundred and twenty-eight million nine hundred and thirty-five thousand eight hundred and seventy-nine four million nine hundred and seventy-two thousand four hundred and fourteen six million six hundred and twenty-six thousand one hundred and thirty-six -- two hundred and sixty-seven thousand three hundred and thirty fifty-nine thousand eight hundred and seventy-eight six thousand four hundred and thirty-two --
six hundred and seventy-eight 2021-12-13 one hundred and thirty-three million seven hundred and seventy thousand six hundred and seventy-seven nine million four hundred and seventy-nine thousand and eighty-nine ten million eighty-nine thousand nine hundred and sixty-six -- two hundred and seven thousand and fifty six thousand and five hundred two thousand and three hundred --
six hundred and seventy-nine 2021-12-10 one hundred and thirty-four million three hundred and eighty-one thousand five hundred and fifty-four six million eight hundred and eleven thousand eight hundred and forty-one six million four hundred and sixty-six thousand five hundred and fifty-three -- two hundred and two thousand eight hundred and fifty nineteen thousand and three hundred nine thousand and two hundred --
six hundred and eighty 2021-12-09 one hundred and thirty-four million thirty-six thousand two hundred and sixty-six thirteen million six hundred and ninety-one thousand nine hundred and three twenty-nine million eight hundred and eighty-four thousand one hundred and fifty-three -- one hundred and ninety-two thousand seven hundred and fifty sixty-one thousand and two hundred twenty-two thousand three hundred and twenty --
six hundred and eighty-one 2021-12-08 one hundred and fifty million two hundred and twenty-eight thousand five hundred and sixteen fifteen million seventy-two thousand and twenty-one seventeen million seven hundred and thirty-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-four -- one hundred and fifty-three thousand eight hundred and seventy thirteen thousand and eight hundred thirty-six thousand four hundred and fifty-six --
six hundred and eighty-two 2021-12-07 one hundred and fifty-two million eight hundred and ninety-six thousand four hundred and eighty-nine ten million seven hundred and seventy-three thousand five hundred and four twenty-one million one hundred and seventy thousand one hundred and thirteen -- one hundred and seventy-six thousand five hundred and twenty-six thirty-three thousand and four hundred nineteen thousand and eight hundred --
six hundred and eighty-three 2021-12-06 one hundred and sixty-three million two hundred and ninety-three thousand and ninety-eight twenty-nine million six hundred and seven thousand two hundred and seventy-six forty-five million seventy-eight thousand and fifty-five -- one hundred and sixty-two thousand nine hundred and twenty-six twenty-three thousand one hundred and twenty sixty-four thousand one hundred and two --
six hundred and eighty-four 2021-12-03 one hundred and seventy-eight million seven hundred and sixty-three thousand eight hundred and seventy-seven fourteen million eight hundred and forty-three thousand seven hundred and ninety-one twenty-one million three hundred and ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and two -- two hundred and three thousand nine hundred and eight twenty-one thousand and fifty seventeen thousand and three hundred --
six hundred and eighty-five 2021-12-02 one hundred and eighty-five million three hundred and nineteen thousand nine hundred and eighty-eight twenty-eight million three hundred and twenty-two thousand six hundred and ninety-three twelve million three hundred and fifty-one thousand nine hundred and ninety -- two hundred thousand one hundred and fifty-eight thirty-four thousand and five hundred twenty-one thousand and four hundred --
six hundred and eighty-six 2021-12-01 one hundred and sixty-nine million three hundred and sixteen thousand and fifty-seven eighteen million six hundred and ninety-two thousand three hundred and sixty-eight ten million six hundred and eighty-three thousand seven hundred and twenty-three -- one hundred and eighty-seven thousand and fifty-eight fifteen thousand and six hundred twenty-five thousand and eight hundred --
six hundred and eighty-seven 2021-11-30 one hundred and sixty-one million three hundred and seven thousand four hundred and twelve sixteen million eight hundred and seventy-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine fourteen million two hundred and thirty-five thousand two hundred and fifty-six -- one hundred and ninety-seven thousand two hundred and fifty-eight twenty-three thousand and nine hundred ten thousand one hundred and forty-eight --
six hundred and eighty-eight 2021-11-29 one hundred and fifty-six million nine hundred and eighteen thousand seven hundred and forty-five eleven million thirty-five thousand three hundred and ninety-eight seven million thirty-five thousand nine hundred and thirty-six -- one hundred and eighty-three thousand five hundred and six five thousand and nine hundred eight thousand --
six hundred and eighty-nine 2021-11-26 one hundred and fifty-two million nine hundred and nineteen thousand two hundred and eighty-three eleven million five hundred and sixty-two thousand two hundred and fifty-two six million six hundred and twenty-five thousand four hundred and seven -- one hundred and eighty-five thousand six hundred and six six thousand and eight hundred four thousand and three hundred --
six hundred and ninety 2021-11-25 one hundred and forty-seven million nine hundred and eighty-two thousand four hundred and thirty-eight ten million four hundred and thirty-three thousand three hundred and sixty-six nine million twenty-eight thousand six hundred and twenty -- one hundred and eighty-three thousand one hundred and six twelve thousand and four hundred fifteen thousand and nine hundred --
six hundred and ninety-one 2021-11-24 one hundred and forty-six million five hundred and seventy-seven thousand six hundred and ninety-two fourteen million two hundred and thirty-seven thousand nine hundred and forty twelve million seven hundred and eighty-one thousand one hundred and one -- one hundred and eighty-six thousand six hundred and six nine thousand five hundred and forty-nine four thousand and six hundred --
six hundred and ninety-two 2021-11-23 one hundred and forty-five million one hundred and twenty thousand eight hundred and fifty-three sixteen million one hundred and forty thousand five hundred and eleven twenty-one million six hundred and sixty-eight thousand eight hundred and sixty-two -- one hundred and eighty-one thousand six hundred and fifty-seven eleven thousand four hundred and ninety-nine eleven thousand and seven hundred --
six hundred and ninety-three 2021-11-22 one hundred and fifty million six hundred and forty-nine thousand two hundred and thirty-nine fifteen million three hundred and eighty-eight thousand seven hundred and ninety-eight ten million nine hundred and eighty-four thousand nine hundred and seventy-six -- one hundred and eighty-one thousand eight hundred and fifty-eight twenty-three thousand and three hundred ten thousand and one hundred --
six hundred and ninety-four 2021-11-19 one hundred and forty-six million two hundred and forty-five thousand four hundred and seventeen nine million five hundred and eighty-five thousand and thirty-eight six million five hundred and eight thousand seven hundred and five -- one hundred and sixty-eight thousand six hundred and fifty-eight ten thousand four hundred and eighty twenty-two thousand and six hundred --
six hundred and ninety-five 2021-11-18 one hundred and forty-three million one hundred and sixty-nine thousand and eighty-four nine million nine hundred and thirty thousand two hundred and sixty-six nine million one hundred and fifty-nine thousand four hundred and nine -- one hundred and eighty thousand seven hundred and seventy-eight twenty-three thousand and seven hundred twenty-one thousand and two hundred --
six hundred and ninety-six 2021-11-17 one hundred and forty-two million three hundred and ninety-eight thousand two hundred and twenty-seven twenty-one million sixty-two thousand five hundred and twenty-three twenty-one million nine hundred and seventy thousand six hundred and ninety-four -- one hundred and seventy-eight thousand two hundred and seventy-eight thirty-eight thousand twenty-eight thousand and five hundred --
six hundred and ninety-seven 2021-11-16 one hundred and forty-three million three hundred and six thousand three hundred and ninety-eight nine million three hundred and eighty thousand three hundred and eighty-nine ten million one hundred and eighty-three thousand three hundred and nineteen -- one hundred and sixty-eight thousand seven hundred and seventy-eight twenty thousand twenty-six thousand and five hundred --
six hundred and ninety-eight 2021-11-15 one hundred and forty-four million one hundred and nine thousand three hundred and twenty-eight eight million three hundred and forty-two thousand seven hundred and four five million two hundred and fifty-nine thousand nine hundred and seventy-nine -- one hundred and seventy-five thousand two hundred and seventy-eight six thousand and seven hundred twenty-five thousand and five hundred --
six hundred and ninety-nine 2021-11-12 one hundred and forty-one million twenty-six thousand six hundred and three six million four hundred and sixty-eight thousand seven hundred and fifty six million three hundred and eleven thousand seven hundred and sixty -- one hundred and ninety-four thousand and seventy-eight nine thousand and six hundred eight thousand and six hundred --
seven hundred 2021-11-11 one hundred and forty million eight hundred and sixty-nine thousand six hundred and thirteen nine million nine hundred and eighty-seven thousand three hundred and ninety-eight seven million four hundred and ninety-four thousand two hundred and twenty-two -- one hundred and ninety-three thousand and seventy-eight five thousand and nine hundred thirteen thousand eight hundred and fifty-six --
seven hundred and one 2021-11-10 one hundred and thirty-eight million three hundred and seventy-six thousand four hundred and thirty-seven eighteen million six hundred and forty-two thousand seven hundred and forty-seven seven million nine hundred and eighty-six thousand two hundred and thirty-four -- two hundred and one thousand and thirty-four forty-one thousand seven hundred and fifty-six forty-two thousand three hundred and twenty-three --
seven hundred and two 2021-11-09 one hundred and twenty-seven million seven hundred and nineteen thousand nine hundred and twenty-four nine million four hundred and fifty-six thousand two hundred and sixty-one six million eight hundred and forty-nine thousand two hundred and seventy-two -- two hundred and one thousand six hundred and one forty-eight thousand eleven thousand three hundred and forty-seven --
seven hundred and three 2021-11-08 one hundred and twenty-five million one hundred and twelve thousand nine hundred and thirty-five nine million five hundred and sixty-three thousand eight hundred and eighty-two two million nine hundred and seventy-six thousand nine hundred and eighty-seven -- one hundred and sixty-four thousand nine hundred and forty-eight thirteen thousand five hundred and twenty-three eleven thousand and fifty-three --
seven hundred and four 2021-11-05 one hundred and eighteen million five hundred and twenty-six thousand and forty eleven million nine hundred and twenty-one thousand four hundred and thirty-eight six million eight hundred and eighteen thousand three hundred and sixty-five -- one hundred and sixty-two thousand four hundred and seventy-eight thirty-five thousand and four hundred eleven thousand and six hundred --
seven hundred and five 2021-11-04 one hundred and thirteen million four hundred and twenty-two thousand nine hundred and sixty-seven eight million two hundred and eleven thousand three hundred and forty-two twelve million eight hundred and forty-nine thousand three hundred and forty-eight -- one hundred and thirty-eight thousand six hundred and seventy-eight twelve thousand and three hundred sixty thousand --
seven hundred and six 2021-11-03 one hundred and eighteen million sixty thousand nine hundred and seventy-three seven million ninety-six thousand eight hundred and eighty-three seven million six hundred and eighty-five thousand three hundred and thirty-one -- one hundred and eighty-six thousand three hundred and seventy-eight fourteen thousand fifteen thousand and one hundred --
seven hundred and seven 2021-11-02 one hundred and eighteen million six hundred and forty-nine thousand four hundred and twenty-one six million nine hundred and twenty-seven thousand one hundred and fifty-one thirty-six million five hundred and sixty-five thousand and two -- one hundred and eighty-seven thousand four hundred and seventy-eight thirty-eight thousand and six hundred thirty-eight thousand --
seven hundred and eight 2021-11-01 one hundred and forty-eight million two hundred and eighty-seven thousand two hundred and seventy-two thirty-seven million six hundred and sixty-one thousand three hundred and ninety-seven eight million six hundred and sixty thousand six hundred and twenty-three -- one hundred and eighty-six thousand eight hundred and seventy-eight seventy-eight thousand and eight hundred eighteen thousand and five hundred --
seven hundred and nine 2021-10-29 one hundred and nineteen million two hundred and eighty-six thousand four hundred and ninety-eight fourteen million three hundred and nine thousand eight hundred and seventy-six twelve million four hundred and nineteen thousand seven hundred and nine -- one hundred and twenty-six thousand five hundred and seventy-eight fifteen thousand fifty-nine thousand and ninety-four --
seven hundred and ten 2021-10-28 one hundred and seventeen million three hundred and ninety-six thousand three hundred and thirty-one three million six hundred and fifteen thousand five hundred and thirteen twenty-five million eighteen thousand and eighty-five -- one hundred and seventy thousand six hundred and seventy-two seventeen thousand and nine hundred twenty-five thousand and one hundred --
seven hundred and eleven 2021-10-27 one hundred and thirty-eight million seven hundred and ninety-eight thousand nine hundred and three nineteen million six hundred and thirty-two thousand seven hundred and eighty-seven eight million eight hundred and thirty-two thousand five hundred and one -- one hundred and seventy-seven thousand eight hundred and seventy-two ninety thousand and one hundred twenty thousand eight hundred and sixteen --
seven hundred and twelve 2021-10-26 one hundred and twenty-seven million nine hundred and ninety-eight thousand six hundred and seventeen five million two hundred and seven thousand seven hundred and seventy-nine seven million eight hundred and eighty-eight thousand six hundred and fifty -- one hundred and eight thousand five hundred and eighty-eight thirteen thousand and two hundred eighty-one thousand one hundred and fourteen --
seven hundred and thirteen 2021-10-25 one hundred and thirty million six hundred and seventy-nine thousand four hundred and eighty-eight eight million three hundred and forty-five thousand seven hundred and seventy-three three million eight hundred and thirty-four thousand six hundred and sixty-nine -- one hundred and seventy-six thousand five hundred and two thirteen thousand and nine hundred twenty-eight thousand eight hundred and twenty-four --
seven hundred and fourteen 2021-10-22 one hundred and twenty-six million one hundred and sixty-eight thousand three hundred and eighty-four seven million one hundred and eighty thousand eight hundred and ninety-one six million two hundred and thirty thousand two hundred and forty-six -- one hundred and ninety-one thousand four hundred and twenty-six thirteen thousand and nine hundred forty thousand and five hundred --
seven hundred and fifteen 2021-10-21 one hundred and twenty-five million two hundred and seventeen thousand seven hundred and thirty-nine five million four hundred and ninety-three thousand and sixty-four two million three hundred and ninety-two thousand six hundred and seventy-four -- two hundred and eighteen thousand and twenty-six eight thousand and four hundred ten thousand and two hundred --
seven hundred and sixteen 2021-10-20 one hundred and twenty-two million one hundred and seventeen thousand three hundred and forty-nine fourteen million four hundred and forty-four thousand three hundred and seventeen five million seven hundred and forty-three thousand two hundred and thirty-seven -- two hundred and nineteen thousand eight hundred and twenty-six thirty-one thousand and nine hundred nineteen thousand and six hundred --
seven hundred and seventeen 2021-10-19 one hundred and thirteen million four hundred and sixteen thousand two hundred and sixty-nine one million seven hundred and eighty-one thousand five million six hundred thousand five hundred and fifty-seven -- two hundred and seven thousand five hundred and twenty-six twenty-one thousand thirty-five thousand and nine hundred --
seven hundred and eighteen 2021-10-18 one hundred and seventeen million two hundred and thirty-five thousand eight hundred and twenty-six two million one hundred and fifty-six thousand seven hundred and eighty-five three million eight hundred and forty-eight thousand nine hundred and ninety-five -- two hundred and twenty-two thousand four hundred and twenty-six fourteen thousand seven hundred and sixteen twenty thousand and one hundred --
seven hundred and nineteen 2021-10-15 one hundred and eighteen million nine hundred and twenty-eight thousand and thirty-six six million four thousand eight hundred and twenty-seven four million eight hundred and twenty-seven thousand four hundred and fifty -- two hundred and twenty-seven thousand eight hundred and ten nine thousand three hundred and eighty-nine eleven thousand and three hundred --
seven hundred and twenty 2021-10-14 one hundred and seventeen million seven hundred and fifty thousand six hundred and fifty-nine eight million three hundred and seventy-six thousand one hundred and seventy-three seven million four hundred and nine thousand two hundred and sixty -- two hundred and twenty-nine thousand seven hundred and twenty-one twenty-six thousand and six hundred twelve thousand and one hundred --
seven hundred and twenty-one 2021-10-13 one hundred and sixteen million seven hundred and eighty-three thousand seven hundred and forty-six four million six hundred and fifty thousand three hundred and sixteen four million five hundred and thirty-eight thousand nine hundred and ninety-five -- two hundred and fifteen thousand two hundred and twenty-one thirteen thousand and nine hundred thirty-two thousand and three hundred --
seven hundred and twenty-two 2021-10-12 one hundred and sixteen million six hundred and seventy-two thousand four hundred and twenty-five fifteen million four hundred and thirteen thousand and seventy-five three million one hundred and thirty thousand seven hundred and thirty-nine -- two hundred and thirty-three thousand six hundred and twenty-one twenty-three thousand and one hundred twelve thousand --
seven hundred and twenty-three 2021-10-11 one hundred and four million three hundred and ninety thousand and eighty-nine five million five hundred and forty-six thousand four hundred and twenty-four eight million eighty thousand three hundred and eighty-six -- two hundred and twenty-two thousand five hundred and twenty-one twenty thousand and seven hundred eight hundred --
seven hundred and twenty-four 2021-10-08 one hundred and six million nine hundred and twenty-four thousand and fifty-one eleven million eight hundred and seventy-four thousand two hundred and twenty-two thirteen million three hundred and thirty-five thousand one hundred and seventy-two -- two hundred and two thousand six hundred and twenty-one one thousand and five hundred forty-three thousand nine hundred and forty-two --
seven hundred and twenty-five 2021-09-30 one hundred and eight million three hundred and eighty-five thousand and one three million four hundred and fourteen thousand two hundred and ninety fourteen million six hundred and seventy-five thousand one hundred and ninety-two -- two hundred and forty-five thousand and sixty-three two thousand and one hundred eighteen thousand and six hundred --
seven hundred and twenty-six 2021-09-29 one hundred and nineteen million six hundred and forty-five thousand nine hundred and three four million nine hundred and nineteen thousand five hundred and seventy-seven twenty million two hundred and eighty-two thousand nine hundred and ninety-three -- two hundred and sixty-one thousand five hundred and sixty-three two thousand and seven hundred ten thousand and three hundred --
seven hundred and twenty-seven 2021-09-28 one hundred and thirty-five million nine thousand three hundred and nineteen twenty-two million six hundred and sixty-eight thousand four hundred and sixteen seven million four hundred and sixty-six thousand one hundred and eighteen -- two hundred and sixty-nine thousand one hundred and sixty-three eleven thousand and five hundred three thousand and seven hundred --
seven hundred and twenty-eight 2021-09-27 one hundred and nineteen million eight hundred and seven thousand and twenty-one fourteen million eight hundred and eighty thousand three hundred and thirty-nine nine million four hundred and forty-six thousand five hundred and thirty-seven -- two hundred and sixty-one thousand three hundred and sixty-three twenty-two thousand two hundred and eighty-four eleven thousand and seven hundred --
seven hundred and twenty-nine 2021-09-24 one hundred and fourteen million three hundred and seventy-three thousand two hundred and nineteen seven million five hundred and eighty-eight thousand seven hundred and twenty-seven thirteen million one hundred and eighty-five thousand nine hundred and ninety-five -- two hundred and fifty thousand seven hundred and seventy-nine twenty-two thousand and eighty-seven nine thousand and six hundred --
seven hundred and thirty 2021-09-23 one hundred and nineteen million nine hundred and seventy thousand four hundred and eighty-seven eight million eight hundred and sixty-nine thousand six hundred and ten four million nine hundred and sixteen thousand three hundred and sixty-two -- two hundred and thirty-eight thousand two hundred and ninety-two seventy-two thousand and five hundred twenty-three thousand seven hundred and ninety-nine --
seven hundred and thirty-one 2021-09-22 one hundred and sixteen million seventeen thousand two hundred and thirty-nine five million two hundred and thirty-three thousand one hundred and ninety-nine ten million three hundred and sixty-six thousand seven hundred and twenty-one -- one hundred and eighty-nine thousand five hundred and ninety-one six thousand and six hundred fifty thousand --
seven hundred and thirty-two 2021-09-17 one hundred and twenty-one million one hundred and fifty thousand seven hundred and sixty-one eleven million nine hundred and forty-six thousand one hundred and eighty-eight eleven million one hundred and ninety thousand seven hundred and twenty-seven -- two hundred and thirty-two thousand nine hundred and ninety-one nineteen thousand seventeen thousand five hundred and one --
seven hundred and thirty-three 2021-09-16 one hundred and twenty million three hundred and ninety-five thousand and three hundred six million three hundred and four thousand three hundred and nine five million one hundred and sixty-nine thousand four hundred and eighty-nine -- two hundred and thirty-one thousand four hundred and ninety-two sixteen thousand and two hundred thirty-six thousand and four hundred --
seven hundred and thirty-four 2021-09-15 one hundred and nineteen million two hundred and sixty thousand four hundred and eighty seven million forty-five thousand four hundred and thirty five million three hundred and fifty-three thousand six hundred and twenty-two -- two hundred and fifty-one thousand six hundred and ninety-two twenty-two thousand and nine hundred fourteen thousand and nine hundred --
seven hundred and thirty-five 2021-09-14 one hundred and seventeen million five hundred and twenty-eight thousand four hundred and eighty-six six million nine hundred and fifty-two thousand eight hundred and thirty-four nine million five hundred and twelve thousand seven hundred and forty-four -- two hundred and forty-six thousand and ninety-two forty-three thousand and two hundred six thousand and seven hundred --
seven hundred and thirty-six 2021-09-13 one hundred and twenty million eighty-eight thousand three hundred and ninety-six five million five hundred and forty-seven thousand four hundred and nine seven million one hundred and five thousand nine hundred and eight -- two hundred and nine thousand five hundred and ninety-two sixteen thousand and eight hundred thirty-two thousand and two hundred --
seven hundred and thirty-seven 2021-09-10 one hundred and twenty-one million six hundred and forty-six thousand eight hundred and ninety-five ten million one hundred and two thousand one hundred and forty-five eight million three hundred and nineteen thousand four hundred and nine -- two hundred and twenty-four thousand nine hundred and ninety-two fourteen thousand and four hundred four hundred --
seven hundred and thirty-eight 2021-09-09 one hundred and nineteen million eight hundred and sixty-four thousand one hundred and fifty-nine twelve million two hundred and thirty-six thousand six hundred and thirty-one seven million six hundred and sixty-six thousand and eighty-five -- two hundred and ten thousand nine hundred and ninety-two thirteen thousand and nine hundred four thousand and three hundred --
seven hundred and thirty-nine 2021-09-08 one hundred and fifteen million two hundred and ninety-three thousand six hundred and thirteen fourteen million four hundred and sixty-five thousand seven hundred and fifty-three five million eight hundred and eighty-two thousand nine hundred and seventy-one -- two hundred and one thousand three hundred and ninety-two eight thousand and two hundred one thousand and three hundred --
seven hundred and forty 2021-09-07 one hundred and six million seven hundred and ten thousand eight hundred and thirty-one twelve million one hundred and fifty-one thousand seven hundred and one seven million twenty thousand seven hundred and twenty-eight -- one hundred and ninety-four thousand four hundred and ninety-two forty-two thousand eight hundred and seventy-four five thousand and eight hundred --
seven hundred and forty-one 2021-09-06 one hundred and one million five hundred and seventy-nine thousand eight hundred and fifty-eight six million two hundred and ninety thousand seven hundred and seventy fourteen million three hundred and seven thousand three hundred and eight -- one hundred and fifty-seven thousand four hundred and eighteen eight thousand and nine hundred forty-three thousand and two hundred --
seven hundred and forty-two 2021-09-03 one hundred and nine million five hundred and ninety-six thousand three hundred and ninety-six eight million seven hundred and sixty-five thousand and ninety-five twenty-one million four hundred and sixteen thousand and sixty-three -- one hundred and ninety-one thousand seven hundred and eighteen two thousand and seven hundred four thousand two hundred and eighty-eight --
seven hundred and forty-three 2021-09-02 one hundred and twenty-two million two hundred and forty-seven thousand three hundred and sixty-four fourteen million nine hundred and eighteen thousand two hundred and fifty-one five million five hundred and fifty-nine thousand three hundred and seventy-seven -- one hundred and ninety-three thousand three hundred and six thirteen thousand two thousand and eight hundred --
seven hundred and forty-four 2021-09-01 one hundred and twelve million eight hundred and eighty-eight thousand four hundred and ninety five million four hundred and fifty-seven thousand one hundred and twenty-six eleven million seven hundred and ninety-two thousand three hundred and seventeen -- one hundred and eighty-three thousand one hundred and six seven thousand and five hundred twelve thousand and seven hundred --
seven hundred and forty-five 2021-08-31 one hundred and nineteen million two hundred and twenty-three thousand six hundred and eighty-one five million four hundred and eighty thousand two hundred and fifty-three three million seven hundred and seventy-eight thousand two hundred and seven -- one hundred and eighty-eight thousand three hundred and six twenty-nine thousand and two hundred seven thousand and seven hundred --
seven hundred and forty-six 2021-08-30 one hundred and seventeen million five hundred and twenty-one thousand six hundred and thirty-five six million seven thousand five hundred and ninety-three five million five hundred and twenty-eight thousand eight hundred and ninety-three -- one hundred and sixty-six thousand eight hundred and six ten thousand and three hundred seven thousand and eight hundred --
seven hundred and forty-seven 2021-08-27 one hundred and seventeen million forty-two thousand nine hundred and thirty-five fifteen million ninety-four thousand five hundred and twenty-eight six million six hundred and sixty-two thousand one hundred and forty-one -- one hundred and sixty-four thousand three hundred and six fifteen thousand and four hundred twenty-one thousand six hundred and fifty-six --
seven hundred and forty-eight 2021-08-26 one hundred and eight million six hundred and ten thousand five hundred and forty-eight one million five hundred and seventy-seven thousand eight hundred and seventeen eight million five hundred and seventy-nine thousand three hundred and eighty-five -- one hundred and seventy thousand five hundred and sixty-two thirty-six thousand and three hundred twelve thousand and four hundred --
seven hundred and forty-nine 2021-08-25 one hundred and fifteen million six hundred and twelve thousand one hundred and sixteen seven million eight hundred and forty-nine thousand seven hundred and ninety-five two million thirty-four thousand three hundred and twelve -- one hundred and forty-six thousand six hundred and sixty-two fourteen thousand and one hundred seven thousand and four hundred --
seven hundred and fifty 2021-08-24 one hundred and nine million seven hundred and ninety-six thousand six hundred and thirty-three seven million nine hundred and eighty-three thousand and fifty-six two million nine hundred and thirty-three thousand six hundred and seventy-three -- one hundred and thirty-nine thousand nine hundred and sixty-two twenty-nine thousand and seven hundred sixteen thousand and six hundred --
seven hundred and fifty-one 2021-08-23 one hundred and four million seven hundred and forty-seven thousand two hundred and fifty two million twenty-five thousand one hundred and forty-one eleven million eight hundred and thirty thousand two hundred and twenty -- one hundred and twenty-six thousand eight hundred and sixty-two three thousand and seven hundred thirty-six thousand and five hundred --
seven hundred and fifty-two 2021-08-20 one hundred and fourteen million five hundred and fifty-two thousand three hundred and twenty-nine six million two hundred and six thousand one hundred and eighty-four four million twenty-seven thousand three hundred and twenty-three -- one hundred and fifty-nine thousand six hundred and sixty-two three thousand and nine hundred three thousand and seven hundred --
seven hundred and fifty-three 2021-08-19 one hundred and twelve million three hundred and seventy-three thousand four hundred and sixty-eight eight hundred and forty-two thousand eight hundred and fifty-seven three million one hundred and thirty-six thousand eight hundred and fifty-five -- one hundred and fifty-nine thousand four hundred and sixty-two nine thousand and six hundred seven thousand and seven hundred --
seven hundred and fifty-four 2021-08-18 one hundred and fourteen million six hundred and sixty-seven thousand four hundred and sixty-six two million five hundred and ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and seventy-eight two million eight hundred and sixty-three thousand two hundred and eighty-two -- one hundred and fifty-seven thousand five hundred and sixty-two eleven thousand and four hundred six thousand and eight hundred --
seven hundred and fifty-five 2021-08-17 one hundred and fourteen million nine hundred and thirty thousand seven hundred and seventy seven million six hundred and sixty-three thousand five hundred and fourteen three million two hundred and twelve thousand three hundred and forty-three -- one hundred and fifty-two thousand nine hundred and sixty-two two thousand and three hundred twenty-five thousand and four hundred --
seven hundred and fifty-six 2021-08-16 one hundred and ten million four hundred and seventy-nine thousand five hundred and ninety-nine two million nine hundred and eighty-three thousand two hundred and seventy-one two million eight hundred and sixty-six thousand seven hundred and fifty-three -- one hundred and seventy-six thousand and sixty-two ten thousand and nine hundred five hundred --
seven hundred and fifty-seven 2021-08-13 one hundred and ten million three hundred and sixty-three thousand and eighty-one three million five hundred and twenty-nine thousand seven hundred and fifty-two four million one hundred and fifty thousand seven hundred and forty -- one hundred and sixty-five thousand six hundred and sixty-two seven thousand and five hundred eight hundred --
seven hundred and fifty-eight 2021-08-12 one hundred and eleven million fifteen thousand eight hundred and six three million two hundred and thirty-five thousand one hundred and fifty-six three million six hundred and sixty-nine thousand one hundred and fifty-three -- one hundred and fifty-eight thousand nine hundred and sixty-two eighteen thousand two hundred and fifty-six six thousand and nine hundred --
seven hundred and fifty-nine 2021-08-11 one hundred and eleven million four hundred and forty-nine thousand eight hundred and three three million six hundred and twenty-nine thousand eight hundred and seventy-six five million seventeen thousand six hundred and seventy-six -- one hundred and forty-seven thousand six hundred and six three thousand and seven hundred five hundred --
seven hundred and sixty 2021-08-10 one hundred and twelve million nine hundred and fifty-five thousand and ninety-four eight million eighty-four thousand four hundred and sixty nine million four thousand two hundred and eighty-six -- one hundred and forty-four thousand four hundred and six twenty thousand and nine hundred six thousand and two hundred --
seven hundred and sixty-one 2021-08-09 one hundred and thirteen million eight hundred and seventy-four thousand nine hundred and twenty eight million three hundred and ninety-two thousand and thirty-six eight million nine hundred and eighty-two thousand two hundred and eighty-six -- one hundred and twenty-nine thousand seven hundred and six seven thousand nine thousand and nine hundred --
seven hundred and sixty-two 2021-08-06 one hundred and fourteen million four hundred and sixty-five thousand one hundred and seventy five million forty-nine thousand four hundred and eighty-one four million seven hundred and three thousand eight hundred and four -- one hundred and thirty-two thousand six hundred and six two thousand and two hundred eight thousand and three hundred --
seven hundred and sixty-three 2021-08-05 one hundred and fourteen million one hundred and nineteen thousand four hundred and ninety-three three million forty-six thousand three hundred and fifty-six six million one hundred and fourteen thousand seven hundred and fifty-five -- one hundred and thirty-eight thousand seven hundred and six twenty-four thousand and two hundred three thousand and three hundred --
seven hundred and sixty-four 2021-08-04 one hundred and seventeen million one hundred and eighty-seven thousand eight hundred and ninety-two seven million six hundred and fifty-five thousand eight hundred and twenty-five nine million three hundred and seventy-nine thousand six hundred and twenty-three -- one hundred and seventeen thousand eight hundred and six six thousand and three hundred eight thousand and five hundred --
seven hundred and sixty-five 2021-08-03 one hundred and eighteen million nine hundred and forty-three thousand and forty-three six million nine hundred and seventy-five thousand and forty-one fourteen million one hundred and eighty-four thousand one hundred and seventy-three -- one hundred and twenty thousand and six eighteen thousand and three hundred two thousand and five hundred --
seven hundred and sixty-six 2021-08-02 one hundred and twenty-six million one hundred and fifty-two thousand one hundred and seventy-five six million four hundred and forty-five thousand eight hundred and twenty-one twelve million three hundred and fifty-nine thousand nine hundred and seventy-seven -- one hundred and four thousand two hundred and six fourteen thousand and three hundred ten thousand and seven hundred --
seven hundred and sixty-seven 2021-07-30 one hundred and thirty-two million one hundred and fourteen thousand one hundred and eighty-eight six million six hundred and ninety-eight thousand nine hundred and eight five million thirty-nine thousand five hundred and ninety-seven -- one hundred thousand six hundred and six seven thousand and one hundred one thousand and five hundred --
seven hundred and sixty-eight 2021-07-29 one hundred and thirty million four hundred and fifty-four thousand eight hundred and seventy-seven four million five hundred and ninety-seven thousand five hundred and twenty-three nine million five hundred and one thousand two hundred and seventy-one -- ninety-five thousand and six four thousand and four hundred one thousand and seven hundred --
seven hundred and sixty-nine 2021-07-28 one hundred and thirty-five million three hundred and fifty-eight thousand six hundred and twenty-five nine million two hundred and eighty-four thousand eight hundred and thirty-one seven million four hundred and thirty-six thousand three hundred and seventeen -- ninety-two thousand three hundred and six five thousand and two hundred seven thousand and five hundred --
seven hundred and seventy 2021-07-27 one hundred and thirty-three million five hundred and ten thousand one hundred and eleven four million seventy-seven thousand one hundred and ten seventeen million thirty-six thousand five hundred and forty-six -- ninety-four thousand six hundred and six four thousand and one hundred four thousand and five hundred --
seven hundred and seventy-one 2021-07-26 one hundred and forty-six million four hundred and sixty-nine thousand five hundred and forty-seven four million two hundred and seventy thousand nine hundred and twenty-seven twelve million seven hundred and eighty-seven thousand three hundred and sixteen -- ninety-five thousand and six one thousand and six hundred three thousand and six hundred --
seven hundred and seventy-two 2021-07-23 one hundred and fifty-four million nine hundred and eighty-five thousand nine hundred and thirty-six ten million eighty-four thousand one hundred and forty-five five million nine hundred and forty-six thousand and eight hundred -- ninety-seven thousand and six five thousand and five hundred two thousand and three hundred --
seven hundred and seventy-three 2021-07-22 one hundred and fifty million eight hundred and forty-eight thousand five hundred and ninety-one eleven million seven hundred and twenty-four thousand seven hundred and ninety-four seventeen million three hundred and fifty-one thousand nine hundred and sixty -- ninety-three thousand eight hundred and six seven thousand and nine hundred four thousand and two hundred --
seven hundred and seventy-four 2021-07-21 one hundred and fifty-six million four hundred and seventy-five thousand seven hundred and fifty-seven twenty-seven million three hundred and forty-one thousand one hundred and ninety six million four hundred and seven thousand seven hundred and seventy-six -- ninety thousand one hundred and six two thousand and six hundred seven thousand and fifty-two --
seven hundred and seventy-five 2021-07-20 one hundred and thirty-five million five hundred and forty-two thousand three hundred and forty-three one million nine hundred and three thousand seven hundred and eight three million two hundred and seventy-nine thousand six hundred and one -- eighty-six thousand nine hundred and fifty-eight sixteen thousand and four hundred one hundred --
seven hundred and seventy-six 2021-07-19 one hundred and thirty-six million nine hundred and eighteen thousand two hundred and thirty-six eight million eight hundred and seventy-two thousand seven hundred and sixty-six two million two hundred and forty-seven thousand six hundred and eleven -- seventy thousand six hundred and fifty-eight seven thousand six hundred --
seven hundred and seventy-seven 2021-07-16 one hundred and thirty million two hundred and ninety-three thousand and eighty-one seven million eighty-three thousand two hundred and seventy-seven four million nine hundred and eighty-seven thousand and ten -- sixty-four thousand two hundred and fifty-eight five thousand and seven hundred one thousand --
seven hundred and seventy-eight 2021-07-15 one hundred and twenty-eight million one hundred and ninety-six thousand eight hundred and fourteen three million nine hundred and ninety-five thousand four hundred and thirty-five four million four hundred and seven thousand two hundred and fifty-one -- fifty-nine thousand five hundred and fifty-eight one hundred five thousand five hundred and twelve --
seven hundred and seventy-nine 2021-07-14 one hundred and twenty-eight million six hundred and eight thousand six hundred and thirty four million nine hundred and forty-one thousand and nineteen five million one hundred and ninety-three thousand one hundred and thirty-seven -- sixty-four thousand nine hundred and seventy two hundred ten thousand and four hundred --
seven hundred and eighty 2021-07-13 one hundred and twenty-eight million eight hundred and sixty thousand seven hundred and forty-eight four million two hundred and eighty-five thousand three hundred and six fifteen million nineteen thousand eight hundred and ninety-three -- seventy-five thousand one hundred and seventy one thousand and four hundred two thousand and nine hundred --
seven hundred and eighty-one 2021-07-12 one hundred and thirty-nine million five hundred and ninety-five thousand three hundred and thirty-five five million three hundred and thirty-seven thousand eight hundred and fifty-nine twelve million eight hundred and fourteen thousand nine hundred and six -- seventy-six thousand six hundred and seventy six thousand three thousand and four hundred --
seven hundred and eighty-two 2021-07-09 one hundred and forty-seven million seventy-two thousand three hundred and eighty-two nine million nine hundred and eight thousand eight hundred and one six million two thousand eight hundred and fifty-five -- seventy-four thousand and seventy three thousand and one hundred nine thousand and six hundred --
seven hundred and eighty-three 2021-07-08 one hundred and forty-three million one hundred and sixty-six thousand four hundred and thirty-six eleven million two hundred and sixty-seven thousand four hundred and fifty-nine nine million one hundred and seventy-one thousand four hundred and ninety-two -- eighty thousand five hundred and seventy eleven thousand and eight hundred three thousand and five hundred --
seven hundred and eighty-four 2021-07-07 one hundred and forty-one million seventy thousand four hundred and sixty-nine five million seven hundred and sixty-eight thousand two hundred and fifty-five ten million three hundred and sixteen thousand one hundred and eighty-nine -- seventy-two thousand two hundred and seventy three thousand and four hundred twenty-five thousand --
seven hundred and eighty-five 2021-07-06 one hundred and forty-five million six hundred and eighteen thousand four hundred and three twenty-one million two hundred and fifty-three thousand four hundred and sixty-six ten million eight hundred and six thousand five hundred and ninety-four -- ninety-three thousand eight hundred and seventy nineteen thousand and nine hundred ten thousand six hundred and fifty-six --
seven hundred and eighty-six 2021-07-05 one hundred and thirty-five million one hundred and seventy-one thousand five hundred and thirty-one twelve million two hundred and fifty-two thousand six hundred and seventy-nine fourteen million six hundred and forty-seven thousand seven hundred and sixty-five -- eighty-four thousand six hundred and twenty-six two thousand and one hundred seventeen thousand three hundred and thirty-eight --
seven hundred and eighty-seven 2021-07-02 one hundred and thirty-seven million five hundred and sixty-six thousand six hundred and seventeen twenty million four hundred and eleven thousand six hundred and twenty-four sixteen million forty-nine thousand eight hundred and forty-five -- ninety-nine thousand eight hundred and sixty-four eighteen thousand and four hundred two thousand --
seven hundred and eighty-eight 2021-07-01 one hundred and thirty-three million two hundred and four thousand eight hundred and thirty-eight ten million three hundred and nineteen thousand five hundred and ninety six million two hundred and nine thousand nine hundred and forty-eight -- eighty-three thousand four hundred and sixty-four zero six hundred --
seven hundred and eighty-nine 2021-06-30 one hundred and twenty-nine million ninety-five thousand one hundred and ninety-six seven million seventy-eight thousand and fifty-nine seven million one hundred and eighty-one thousand two hundred and thirty-nine -- eighty-four thousand and sixty-four four hundred three thousand and five hundred --
seven hundred and ninety 2021-06-29 one hundred and twenty-nine million one hundred and ninety-eight thousand three hundred and seventy-six six million four hundred and sixty-four thousand five hundred and forty-five fourteen million two hundred and twenty-five thousand nine hundred and twenty-five -- eighty-seven thousand one hundred and sixty-four five hundred twenty-eight thousand four hundred and eighteen --
seven hundred and ninety-one 2021-06-28 one hundred and thirty-six million nine hundred and fifty-nine thousand seven hundred and fifty-six thirteen million seven hundred and sixty-two thousand two hundred and nine twelve million one hundred and sixty-two thousand eight hundred and eighty-one -- one hundred and fifteen thousand and eighty-two thirteen thousand three hundred and eighty-eight five hundred --
seven hundred and ninety-two 2021-06-25 one hundred and thirty-five million three hundred and sixty thousand four hundred and twenty-eight ten million three hundred and sixty-nine thousand six hundred and thirty ten million two hundred and sixty-nine thousand and twenty-two -- one hundred and two thousand one hundred and ninety-four six hundred twenty thousand and four hundred --
seven hundred and ninety-three 2021-06-24 one hundred and thirty-five million two hundred and fifty-nine thousand eight hundred and twenty seventeen million nine hundred and seventy thousand nine hundred and sixty-two nine million seven hundred and forty-four thousand six hundred and eighty-four -- one hundred and twenty-one thousand nine hundred and ninety-four six thousand and three hundred one thousand and four hundred --
seven hundred and ninety-four 2021-06-23 one hundred and twenty-seven million thirty-three thousand five hundred and forty-two six million seven hundred and twelve thousand eight hundred and twenty-two four million six hundred and thirteen thousand four hundred and seventy-seven -- one hundred and seventeen thousand and ninety-four eleven thousand and four hundred zero --
seven hundred and ninety-five 2021-06-22 one hundred and twenty-four million nine hundred and thirty-four thousand one hundred and ninety-seven nine million six hundred and sixty-two thousand eight hundred and twenty seven million four hundred and sixty-four thousand three hundred and sixty-seven -- one hundred and five thousand six hundred and ninety-four eight hundred seven thousand and seven hundred --
seven hundred and ninety-six 2021-06-21 one hundred and twenty-two million seven hundred and thirty-five thousand seven hundred and forty-four seven million four hundred and twenty thousand seven hundred and thirty-seven seven million eight hundred and forty-five thousand two hundred and fifty-four -- one hundred and twelve thousand five hundred and ninety-four seven thousand and one hundred five hundred --
seven hundred and ninety-seven 2021-06-18 one hundred and twenty-three million one hundred and sixty thousand two hundred and sixty-one three million eight hundred and thirty-seven thousand one hundred and thirty-three five million three hundred and eighty-seven thousand four hundred and seventy-nine -- one hundred and five thousand nine hundred and ninety-four seventeen thousand and one hundred eight thousand and eight hundred --
seven hundred and ninety-eight 2021-06-17 one hundred and twenty-four million seven hundred and ten thousand six hundred and seven three million eighty-seven thousand and sixty-nine five million twenty-six thousand four hundred and sixty-seven -- ninety-seven thousand six hundred and ninety-four four hundred four hundred --
seven hundred and ninety-nine 2021-06-16 one hundred and twenty-six million six hundred and fifty thousand and five four million six hundred and seventeen thousand six hundred and eighty-two five million five hundred and nineteen thousand five hundred and twenty-three -- ninety-seven thousand six hundred and ninety-four five hundred five thousand and one hundred --
eight hundred 2021-06-15 one hundred and twenty-seven million five hundred and fifty-one thousand eight hundred and forty-six two million nine hundred and seventy-five thousand two hundred and twenty-nine six million nine hundred and ninety-two thousand four hundred and twenty-three -- one hundred and two thousand two hundred and ninety-four seven thousand and six hundred two hundred --
eight hundred and one 2021-06-11 one hundred and thirty-one million five hundred and sixty-nine thousand and forty five million five hundred and forty-two thousand nine hundred and one eight million seven hundred and fifty-one thousand nine hundred and sixty-two -- ninety-four thousand eight hundred and ninety-four six thousand and five hundred one thousand and seven hundred --
eight hundred and two 2021-06-10 one hundred and thirty-four million seven hundred and seventy-eight thousand one hundred and one four million seven hundred and ten thousand four hundred and ninety-nine seven million eight hundred and one thousand two hundred and twelve -- ninety thousand and ninety-four four hundred seven thousand and four hundred --
eight hundred and three 2021-06-09 one hundred and thirty-seven million eight hundred and sixty-eight thousand eight hundred and fourteen four million seven hundred and twenty-four thousand seven hundred and forty-three seven million eight hundred and ninety-eight thousand seven hundred and sixty-three -- ninety-seven thousand and ninety-four one thousand and six hundred three thousand and two hundred --
eight hundred and four 2021-06-08 one hundred and forty-one million forty-two thousand eight hundred and thirty-four eleven million nine hundred and forty-three thousand five hundred and seventeen twelve million twenty-nine thousand six hundred and twenty-two -- ninety-eight thousand six hundred and ninety-four seven thousand and seven hundred three thousand --
eight hundred and five 2021-06-07 one hundred and forty-one million one hundred and twenty-eight thousand nine hundred and thirty-nine nine million four hundred and seventy-two thousand three hundred and three fourteen million three hundred and two thousand two hundred and sixty -- ninety-three thousand nine hundred and ninety-four four thousand and three hundred seven thousand and one hundred --
eight hundred and six 2021-06-04 one hundred and forty-five million nine hundred and fifty-eight thousand eight hundred and ninety-six sixteen million two hundred and seventy-one thousand nine hundred and four seven million forty thousand eight hundred and fourteen -- ninety-six thousand seven hundred and ninety-four three thousand and five hundred four thousand and eight hundred --
eight hundred and seven 2021-06-03 one hundred and thirty-six million seven hundred and twenty-seven thousand eight hundred and six eight million three hundred and forty-eight thousand eight hundred and twenty-nine eight million four hundred and twenty-one thousand two hundred and thirty-three -- ninety-eight thousand and ninety-four two hundred three thousand and three hundred --
eight hundred and eight 2021-06-02 one hundred and thirty-six million eight hundred thousand two hundred and ten five million three hundred and eighty-three thousand five hundred and sixty-eight eight million two hundred and thirty-two thousand and eighty-six -- one hundred and one thousand one hundred and ninety-four one thousand and one hundred two thousand and eight hundred --
eight hundred and nine 2021-06-01 one hundred and thirty-nine million six hundred and forty-eight thousand seven hundred and twenty-eight seventeen million four hundred and eighty-eight thousand four hundred and ten thirteen million four hundred and twenty thousand seven hundred and four -- one hundred and two thousand eight hundred and ninety-four seven thousand and three hundred two thousand and three hundred --
eight hundred and ten 2021-05-31 one hundred and thirty-five million five hundred and eighty-one thousand and twenty-two nine million seven hundred and fifty-two thousand three hundred and nine nine million three hundred and thirty-three thousand four hundred and nineteen -- ninety-seven thousand eight hundred and ninety-four one thousand eight thousand and one hundred --
eight hundred and eleven 2021-05-28 one hundred and thirty-five million one hundred and sixty-two thousand one hundred and thirty-two twenty-five million five hundred and sixty-four thousand nine hundred and sixty-seven twelve million three hundred and seventy-four thousand eight hundred and twelve -- one hundred and four thousand nine hundred and ninety-four one thousand and three hundred seventeen thousand and three hundred --
eight hundred and twelve 2021-05-27 one hundred and twenty-one million nine hundred and seventy-one thousand nine hundred and seventy-seven fourteen million one hundred and sixty-eight thousand eight hundred and eighty-two thirteen million four hundred and eighty-six thousand four hundred and thirteen -- one hundred and twenty thousand nine hundred and ninety-four ten thousand and eight hundred five thousand --
eight hundred and thirteen 2021-05-26 one hundred and twenty-one million two hundred and eighty-nine thousand five hundred and eight twenty-one million eight hundred and eighty-two thousand four hundred and eighty-five ten million one hundred and seventy-three thousand two hundred and seventy-seven -- one hundred and fifteen thousand one hundred and ninety-four one thousand and two hundred five thousand and two hundred --
eight hundred and fourteen 2021-05-25 one hundred and nine million five hundred and eighty thousand and three hundred fourteen million seven hundred and sixteen thousand nine hundred and eight nine million three hundred and twenty-two thousand six hundred and twenty-three -- one hundred and nineteen thousand one hundred and ninety-four eight thousand and six hundred thirteen thousand and three hundred --
eight hundred and fifteen 2021-05-24 one hundred and four million one hundred and eighty-six thousand and fifteen four million three hundred and seventy-two thousand and eighty-eight seven million five hundred and seventy-five thousand and eighty -- one hundred and twenty-three thousand eight hundred and ninety-four one thousand and one hundred nine hundred --
eight hundred and sixteen 2021-05-21 one hundred and seven million three hundred and eighty-nine thousand and seven five million two hundred and seventy-six thousand four hundred and twenty five million three hundred and fifty-six thousand seven hundred and eighty-eight -- one hundred and twenty-three thousand six hundred and ninety-four thirteen thousand three hundred --
eight hundred and seventeen 2021-05-20 one hundred and seven million four hundred and sixty-nine thousand three hundred and seventy-five five million nine hundred and forty-four thousand six hundred and seventy-one seven million ninety-three thousand eight hundred and seventy-five -- one hundred and ten thousand nine hundred and ninety-four five hundred four thousand and nine hundred --
eight hundred and eighteen 2021-05-19 one hundred and eight million six hundred and eighteen thousand five hundred and seventy-nine sixteen million ninety-seven thousand eight hundred and fifty-eight five million nine hundred and fifty-five thousand nine hundred and eighty -- one hundred and fifteen thousand three hundred and ninety-four one thousand and four hundred three thousand --
eight hundred and nineteen 2021-05-18 ninety-eight million four hundred and seventy-six thousand seven hundred and one eight million seven hundred and eighty-six thousand five hundred and forty-two nine million three hundred and ten thousand eight hundred and eighty -- one hundred and sixteen thousand nine hundred and ninety-four thirteen thousand and six hundred two thousand and seven hundred --
eight hundred and twenty 2021-05-17 ninety-nine million one thousand and thirty-nine seven million twenty-seven thousand six hundred and ninety-eight ten million eight hundred and seventy-six thousand four hundred and twelve -- one hundred and six thousand and ninety-four three thousand and three hundred thirty-two thousand and two hundred --
eight hundred and twenty-one 2021-05-14 one hundred and two million eight hundred and forty-nine thousand seven hundred and fifty-three six million six hundred and eighty thousand nine hundred and twenty eight million five hundred and fifty-three thousand two hundred and forty-six -- one hundred and thirty-four thousand nine hundred and ninety-four six thousand and seven hundred two thousand and six hundred --
eight hundred and twenty-two 2021-05-13 one hundred and four million seven hundred and twenty-two thousand and seventy-nine three million seven hundred and ninety-two thousand two hundred and three five million six hundred and thirty-eight thousand and eighty-six -- one hundred and thirty thousand eight hundred and ninety-four three thousand and five hundred six thousand and nine hundred --
eight hundred and twenty-three 2021-05-12 one hundred and six million five hundred and sixty-seven thousand nine hundred and sixty-two ten million five hundred and forty-one thousand nine hundred and five six million three hundred and ninety thousand eight hundred and fifty -- one hundred and thirty-four thousand two hundred and ninety-four two thousand and three hundred two thousand and seven hundred --
eight hundred and twenty-four 2021-05-11 one hundred and two million four hundred and sixteen thousand nine hundred and seven eleven million five hundred and twenty-eight thousand three hundred and fifteen four million one hundred and thirty-seven thousand four hundred and sixty-nine -- one hundred and thirty-four thousand six hundred and ninety-four eight thousand and five hundred five thousand and three hundred --
eight hundred and twenty-five 2021-05-10 ninety-five million twenty-six thousand and sixty-one five million seventy-four thousand eight hundred and twenty-five seven million three hundred and fifty-three thousand four hundred and thirty-nine -- one hundred and thirty-one thousand four hundred and ninety-four fifteen thousand and two hundred three thousand and seven hundred --
eight hundred and twenty-six 2021-05-07 ninety-seven million three hundred and four thousand six hundred and seventy-five four million seven hundred and eighty thousand six hundred and eighty-eight seven million three hundred and sixty thousand seven hundred and eleven -- one hundred and nineteen thousand nine hundred and ninety-four one thousand and eight hundred four thousand and eight hundred --
eight hundred and twenty-seven 2021-05-06 ninety-nine million eight hundred and eighty-four thousand six hundred and ninety-eight twelve million sixty-eight thousand one hundred and forty-nine eight million nine hundred and forty-nine thousand six hundred and twenty -- one hundred and twenty-two thousand nine hundred and ninety-four twelve thousand and eight hundred four thousand and three hundred --
eight hundred and twenty-eight 2021-04-30 ninety-six million seven hundred and sixty-six thousand one hundred and sixty-nine eleven million two hundred and four thousand and ninety-six ten million six hundred and seventy-eight thousand five hundred and fifty-six -- one hundred and fourteen thousand four hundred and ninety-four thirteen thousand and seven hundred seven thousand --
eight hundred and twenty-nine 2021-04-29 ninety-six million two hundred and forty thousand six hundred and twenty-nine eight million seven hundred and sixteen thousand seven hundred and eighty-five fourteen million one hundred and eighty-eight thousand one hundred and ninety-nine -- one hundred and seven thousand seven hundred and ninety-four four thousand and three hundred twenty thousand and one hundred --
eight hundred and thirty 2021-04-28 one hundred and one million seven hundred and twelve thousand and forty-three six million seven hundred and sixty-nine thousand two hundred and sixty-nine sixteen million four hundred and seventy-nine thousand four hundred and eighty-nine -- one hundred and twenty-three thousand five hundred and ninety-four fourteen thousand and one hundred one thousand and eight hundred --
eight hundred and thirty-one 2021-04-27 one hundred and eleven million four hundred and twenty-two thousand two hundred and sixty-three ten million three hundred and eighty-four thousand five hundred and eighty-two nine million one hundred and fifty-six thousand nine hundred and fifty-nine -- one hundred and eleven thousand two hundred and ninety-four twelve thousand and one hundred nine thousand and seven hundred --
eight hundred and thirty-two 2021-04-26 one hundred and ten million one hundred and ninety-four thousand six hundred and forty fifteen million seven hundred and eighty-two thousand three hundred and sixty-six ten million one hundred and fifty thousand and five hundred -- one hundred and eight thousand eight hundred and ninety-four seventeen thousand and three hundred twelve thousand and seven hundred --
eight hundred and thirty-three 2021-04-23 one hundred and four million five hundred and sixty-two thousand seven hundred and seventy-four six million seven hundred and thirteen thousand nine hundred and fifty-eight ten million five hundred and thirty-three thousand six hundred and forty-six -- one hundred and four thousand two hundred and ninety-four seven thousand and nine hundred eighteen thousand and seven hundred --
eight hundred and thirty-four 2021-04-22 one hundred and eight million three hundred and eighty-two thousand four hundred and sixty-two eight million one hundred and ninety-nine thousand five hundred and twenty-eight five million seven hundred and eighty-three thousand five hundred and sixty-two -- one hundred and fifteen thousand and ninety-four two thousand and two hundred three thousand and eight hundred --
eight hundred and thirty-five 2021-04-21 one hundred and five million nine hundred and sixty-six thousand four hundred and ninety-six seven million six hundred and forty-three thousand four hundred and seventy-seven eleven million eight hundred and fifteen thousand five hundred and eighty -- one hundred and sixteen thousand six hundred and ninety-four seven thousand and eight hundred two thousand and four hundred --
eight hundred and thirty-six 2021-04-20 one hundred and ten million one hundred and thirty-eight thousand five hundred and ninety-nine five million two hundred and forty thousand two hundred and fifty-six four million five hundred and thirty-nine thousand four hundred and fifty-one -- one hundred and eleven thousand two hundred and ninety-four seven thousand and two hundred ten thousand five hundred and thirty-seven --
eight hundred and thirty-seven 2021-04-19 one hundred and nine million four hundred and thirty-seven thousand seven hundred and ninety-four seven million eight hundred and fifty-eight thousand seven hundred and eighty-three seven million two hundred and fifty-one thousand and sixty-four -- one hundred and fourteen thousand six hundred and thirty-one thirteen thousand and two hundred thirteen thousand and one hundred --
eight hundred and thirty-eight 2021-04-16 one hundred and eight million eight hundred and thirty thousand and seventy-five three million six hundred and three thousand three hundred and eighty twenty-one million seven hundred and seventy-two thousand two hundred and thirty-two -- one hundred and fourteen thousand five hundred and thirty-one eleven thousand and five hundred eleven thousand and three hundred --
eight hundred and thirty-nine 2021-04-15 one hundred and twenty-six million nine hundred and ninety-eight thousand nine hundred and twenty-seven eight million four hundred and fifty-eight thousand eight hundred and twenty-five twelve million six hundred and fifteen thousand six hundred and eighty-seven -- one hundred and fourteen thousand three hundred and thirty-one nineteen thousand and seven hundred seventeen thousand and four hundred --
eight hundred and forty 2021-04-14 one hundred and thirty-one million one hundred and fifty-five thousand seven hundred and eighty-nine five million four hundred and seventy-seven thousand eight hundred and forty-eight five million nine hundred and ten thousand two hundred and thirty -- one hundred and twelve thousand and thirty-one twenty-three thousand and eight hundred seventeen thousand and six hundred --
eight hundred and forty-one 2021-04-13 one hundred and thirty-one million five hundred and eighty-eight thousand one hundred and seventy-one six million four hundred and twenty-nine thousand two hundred and seventy-nine eight million six hundred and sixty-five thousand three hundred and forty-nine -- one hundred and five thousand eight hundred and thirty-one eighteen thousand twenty-six thousand and four hundred --
eight hundred and forty-two 2021-04-12 one hundred and thirty-three million eight hundred and twenty-four thousand two hundred and forty-one twenty million one hundred and sixty-one thousand nine million six hundred and three thousand and twelve -- one hundred and fourteen thousand two hundred and thirty-one fourteen thousand and four hundred eighteen thousand and one hundred --
eight hundred and forty-three 2021-04-09 one hundred and twenty-three million two hundred and sixty-six thousand two hundred and fifty-three sixteen million two hundred and fifty-five thousand eight hundred and nineteen eight million seven hundred and seventy thousand five hundred and forty-eight -- one hundred and seventeen thousand nine hundred and thirty-one eleven thousand and eight hundred fifteen thousand and three hundred --
eight hundred and forty-four 2021-04-08 one hundred and fifteen million seven hundred and eighty thousand nine hundred and eighty-two five million three hundred and twelve thousand nine hundred and six nine million four hundred and ninety-three thousand eight hundred and twenty-two -- one hundred and twenty-one thousand four hundred and thirty-one fifteen thousand and eight hundred eighteen thousand and four hundred --
eight hundred and forty-five 2021-04-07 one hundred and nineteen million nine hundred and sixty-one thousand eight hundred and ninety-eight seven million forty-two thousand eight hundred and forty-seven sixteen million one hundred and thirty-one thousand six hundred and forty-two -- one hundred and twenty-four thousand and thirty-one twenty-seven thousand and five hundred thirty thousand and two hundred --
eight hundred and forty-six 2021-04-06 one hundred and twenty-nine million fifty thousand six hundred and ninety-three fifteen million five hundred and thirty-five thousand one hundred and forty-one seven million eight hundred and thirty-four thousand three hundred and eighty-six -- one hundred and twenty-six thousand seven hundred and thirty-one thirty-seven thousand and eight hundred twenty-nine thousand and six hundred --
eight hundred and forty-seven 2021-04-02 one hundred and twenty-one million three hundred and forty-nine thousand nine hundred and thirty-eight six million three hundred and ninety-one thousand four hundred and forty-nine fourteen million three hundred and twenty thousand nine hundred and fifty-six -- one hundred and eighteen thousand five hundred and thirty-one thirty-nine thousand and five hundred eighteen thousand and two hundred --
eight hundred and forty-eight 2021-04-01 one hundred and twenty-nine million two hundred and seventy-nine thousand four hundred and forty-five five million nine hundred and thirty-four thousand six hundred and forty-nine five million six hundred and thirty-six thousand three hundred and eighty-six -- ninety-seven thousand two hundred and thirty-one fifteen thousand twenty-one thousand and four hundred --
eight hundred and forty-nine 2021-03-31 one hundred and twenty-eight million nine hundred and eighty-one thousand one hundred and eighty-two ten million one hundred and forty thousand four hundred and eighty-five seven million nine hundred and ninety-two thousand one hundred and thirty -- one hundred and three thousand six hundred and thirty-one twenty thousand and five hundred forty-seven thousand and four hundred --
eight hundred and fifty 2021-03-30 one hundred and twenty-six million eight hundred and thirty-two thousand eight hundred and twenty-seven twelve million six hundred and ninety-two thousand three hundred and ninety-three twenty-eight million eight hundred and twenty-one thousand six hundred and eighteen -- one hundred and thirty thousand five hundred and thirty-one forty-eight thousand and eight hundred twenty-one thousand four hundred and thirty --
eight hundred and fifty-one 2021-03-29 one hundred and forty-two million nine hundred and sixty-two thousand and fifty-two thirteen million one hundred and sixty thousand six hundred and fifty-eight seven million three hundred and twenty-eight thousand one hundred and fifty-nine -- one hundred and three thousand one hundred and sixty-one fifteen thousand nine hundred and sixty-seven eleven thousand and seven hundred --
eight hundred and fifty-two 2021-03-26 one hundred and thirty-seven million one hundred and twenty-nine thousand five hundred and fifty-three six million two hundred and fifteen thousand and sixty ten million three hundred and sixty-eight thousand five hundred and nineteen -- ninety-eight thousand eight hundred and ninety-four twelve thousand and one hundred eleven thousand and three hundred --
eight hundred and fifty-three 2021-03-25 one hundred and forty-one million two hundred and eighty-three thousand and twelve five million one hundred and eighty-nine thousand three hundred and fifty-eight six million two hundred and fifty-six thousand two hundred and twenty-eight -- ninety-eight thousand and ninety-four three thousand and nine hundred thirteen thousand and three hundred --
eight hundred and fifty-four 2021-03-24 one hundred and forty-two million three hundred and forty-nine thousand eight hundred and eighty-two seven million three hundred and ninety-four thousand two hundred and nine twelve million nine hundred and forty-five thousand eight hundred and sixty-five -- one hundred and seven thousand four hundred and ninety-four fifteen thousand and four hundred sixteen thousand and six hundred --
eight hundred and fifty-five 2021-03-23 one hundred and forty-seven million nine hundred and one thousand five hundred and thirty-eight three million one hundred and sixty-four thousand eight hundred and fifteen four million two hundred and seventy-three thousand two hundred and twenty -- one hundred and eight thousand six hundred and ninety-four ten thousand and nine hundred two thousand --
eight hundred and fifty-six 2021-03-22 one hundred and forty-nine million nine thousand nine hundred and forty-three eleven million seven hundred and sixty-five thousand three hundred and ninety-five seven million two hundred and five thousand eight hundred and thirty-nine -- ninety-nine thousand seven hundred and ninety-four seven thousand and eight hundred three hundred --
eight hundred and fifty-seven 2021-03-19 one hundred and forty-four million four hundred and fifty thousand three hundred and eighty-seven nine million eight hundred and forty-three thousand four hundred and fifty-three ten million nine hundred and seventeen thousand four hundred and sixty-one -- ninety-two thousand two hundred and ninety-four twelve thousand and two hundred five thousand and three hundred --
eight hundred and fifty-eight 2021-03-18 one hundred and forty-five million five hundred and twenty-four thousand three hundred and ninety-five ten million one hundred and forty-seven thousand two hundred and forty eighteen million six hundred and sixty-one thousand one hundred and twenty-eight -- eighty-five thousand three hundred and ninety-four eight thousand and seven hundred eighteen thousand and seven hundred --
eight hundred and fifty-nine 2021-03-17 one hundred and fifty-four million thirty-eight thousand two hundred and eighty-three five million two hundred and twenty-eight thousand three hundred and eight seven million four hundred and fifty-two thousand two hundred and sixty-nine -- ninety-five thousand three hundred and ninety-four eighteen thousand and four hundred seven thousand and five hundred --
eight hundred and sixty 2021-03-16 one hundred and fifty-six million two hundred and sixty-two thousand two hundred and forty-four six million six hundred and eighty thousand three hundred and sixty-eight seven million four hundred and sixty thousand nine hundred and seventy-nine -- eighty-four thousand four hundred and ninety-four eight thousand and four hundred fifteen thousand and four hundred --
eight hundred and sixty-one 2021-03-15 one hundred and fifty-seven million forty-two thousand eight hundred and fifty-five nine million eight hundred and nine thousand seven hundred and eighty-three eight million seven hundred and twenty-five thousand nine hundred and forty-three -- ninety-one thousand four hundred and ninety-four seventeen thousand and eight hundred eleven thousand and eight hundred --
eight hundred and sixty-two 2021-03-12 one hundred and fifty-six million four hundred and thirteen thousand and eighty-one eight million five hundred and ninety thousand six hundred and four twelve million five hundred and sixty-eight thousand seven hundred and thirty-four -- eighty-five thousand four hundred and ninety-four five thousand thirteen thousand and three hundred --
eight hundred and sixty-three 2021-03-11 one hundred and sixty million three hundred and ninety-one thousand two hundred and eleven twenty million five hundred and thirty-seven thousand two hundred and seventy-four ten million six hundred and sixty-five thousand nine hundred and forty-nine -- ninety-three thousand seven hundred and ninety-four ten thousand and four hundred eighteen thousand and one hundred --
eight hundred and sixty-four 2021-03-10 one hundred and fifty million five hundred and nineteen thousand eight hundred and eighty-six thirteen million two hundred and ten thousand two hundred and twenty-four twenty million two hundred and seventy-four thousand nine hundred and thirty-seven -- one hundred and one thousand four hundred and ninety-four twenty-three thousand and four hundred eight thousand --
eight hundred and sixty-five 2021-03-09 one hundred and fifty-seven million five hundred and eighty-four thousand five hundred and ninety-nine ten million nine hundred and ninety-three thousand seven hundred and sixty-three fifteen million two hundred and seven thousand five hundred and seventy-two -- eighty-six thousand and ninety-four nineteen thousand and one hundred sixteen thousand and seven hundred --
eight hundred and sixty-six 2021-03-08 one hundred and sixty-one million seven hundred and ninety-eight thousand four hundred and eight twelve million two hundred and seventeen thousand and thirty-five eighteen million seven hundred and eighty-one thousand three hundred and sixty-two -- eighty-three thousand six hundred and ninety-four sixteen thousand and seven hundred twenty-nine thousand --
eight hundred and sixty-seven 2021-03-05 one hundred and sixty-eight million three hundred and sixty-two thousand seven hundred and thirty-five twelve million eight hundred and thirty-nine thousand eight hundred and thirty seventeen million one hundred and ninety-four thousand six hundred and ninety-seven -- ninety-five thousand nine hundred and ninety-four sixteen thousand and four hundred twenty thousand and eight hundred --
eight hundred and sixty-eight 2021-03-04 one hundred and seventy-two million seven hundred and seventeen thousand six hundred and two twenty-five million three hundred and sixteen thousand three hundred and fifty-six twenty-seven million two hundred and fifty-three thousand five hundred and ninety -- one hundred thousand three hundred and ninety-four nineteen thousand and seven hundred thirty-five thousand and one hundred --
eight hundred and sixty-nine 2021-03-03 one hundred and seventy-four million six hundred and fifty-four thousand eight hundred and thirty-six fifteen million two hundred and eight thousand nine hundred and seventy-seven twenty-two million six hundred and thirty-six thousand three hundred and seventy-eight -- one hundred and fifteen thousand seven hundred and ninety-four nineteen thousand and one hundred nine thousand and one hundred --
eight hundred and seventy 2021-03-02 one hundred and eighty-two million eighty-two thousand two hundred and thirty-seven twenty-six million eight hundred and twenty-two thousand four hundred and forty-five twenty-six million one hundred and seventy-three thousand two hundred and twenty-one -- one hundred and five thousand seven hundred and ninety-four sixteen thousand two hundred and fifteen seven thousand and four hundred --
eight hundred and seventy-one 2021-03-01 one hundred and eighty-one million four hundred and thirty-three thousand and thirteen thirty-one million eight hundred and six thousand six hundred and ninety-five eighteen million four hundred and ninety-two thousand four hundred and fifteen -- ninety-six thousand nine hundred and seventy-nine seven thousand and nine hundred seventeen thousand and nine hundred --
eight hundred and seventy-two 2021-02-26 one hundred and sixty-eight million one hundred and eighteen thousand seven hundred and thirty-three twenty-nine million four hundred and sixty-three thousand five hundred and sixty sixteen million seven hundred and fifty-eight thousand nine hundred and forty-eight -- one hundred and six thousand nine hundred and seventy-nine eighteen thousand and nine hundred eleven thousand and nine hundred --
eight hundred and seventy-three 2021-02-25 one hundred and fifty-five million four hundred and fourteen thousand one hundred and twenty-one eighteen million five hundred and sixty thousand nine hundred and eighty-six twenty-three million forty-nine thousand six hundred and ninety-three -- ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and seventy-nine four thousand and five hundred fourteen thousand and six hundred --
eight hundred and seventy-four 2021-02-24 one hundred and fifty-nine million eight hundred and nineteen thousand four hundred and sixty-eight fourteen million six hundred and ninety-eight thousand three hundred and sixteen thirteen million nine hundred and thirty-eight thousand eight hundred and fifty -- one hundred and ten thousand and seventy-nine four thousand and one hundred nine thousand --
eight hundred and seventy-five 2021-02-23 one hundred and fifty-nine million sixty thousand and two seventeen million nine hundred and sixty-two thousand seven hundred and seventy-three thirteen million four hundred and sixteen thousand and sixty-two -- one hundred and fourteen thousand nine hundred and seventy-nine one thousand and four hundred three thousand and eight hundred --
eight hundred and seventy-six 2021-02-22 one hundred and fifty-four million five hundred and thirteen thousand two hundred and ninety-one nineteen million three hundred and twenty-five thousand five hundred and fifty-eight eighteen million one hundred and fifty-six thousand nine hundred and five -- one hundred and seventeen thousand three hundred and seventy-nine thirty thousand and nine hundred ten thousand and six hundred --
eight hundred and seventy-seven 2021-02-19 one hundred and fifty-three million three hundred and forty-four thousand six hundred and thirty-eight thirty-three million four hundred and sixty-one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four eighteen million two hundred and twenty-seven thousand four hundred and seventy-five -- ninety-seven thousand and seventy-nine seven thousand and four hundred five thousand and one hundred --
eight hundred and seventy-eight 2021-02-18 one hundred and thirty-eight million one hundred and ten thousand two hundred and forty-nine twenty-five million eighty-nine thousand nine hundred and five sixteen million two hundred and ninety-three thousand and fifty-seven -- ninety-four thousand seven hundred and seventy-nine fourteen thousand and one hundred three thousand and four hundred --
eight hundred and seventy-nine 2021-02-10 one hundred and twenty-nine million three hundred and thirteen thousand four hundred and one fourteen million one hundred and twenty-four thousand seven hundred and nine fifteen million eight hundred and eight thousand five hundred and eighty-eight -- eighty-four thousand and seventy-nine five thousand eighteen thousand and six hundred --
eight hundred and eighty 2021-02-09 one hundred and thirty million nine hundred and ninety-seven thousand two hundred and eighty ten million five hundred and eighty-five thousand four hundred and ninety-one eleven million six hundred and six thousand seven hundred and ninety-five -- ninety-seven thousand six hundred and seventy-nine four hundred fifteen thousand and seventy-four --
eight hundred and eighty-one 2021-02-08 one hundred and thirty-two million five hundred and seventy-two thousand five hundred and two twelve million fifty-seven thousand three hundred and fifty-seven thirteen million six hundred and eighty thousand three hundred and fifty-five -- one hundred and twelve thousand three hundred and fifty-three fifteen thousand and six hundred eleven thousand and four hundred --
eight hundred and eighty-two 2021-02-05 one hundred and thirty-four million one hundred and ninety-five thousand and five hundred thirteen million two hundred and twelve thousand eight hundred and fifteen twenty-eight million two hundred and eighty-five thousand nine hundred and seventy-five -- one hundred and eight thousand one hundred and fifty-three fifteen thousand and three hundred thirty thousand and five hundred --
eight hundred and eighty-three 2021-02-04 one hundred and forty-nine million two hundred and sixty-eight thousand six hundred and sixty twenty-seven million two hundred and ten thousand two hundred and twenty-nine thirty-one million eight hundred and ten thousand seven hundred and forty-three -- one hundred and twenty-three thousand three hundred and fifty-three seventeen thousand and nine hundred four thousand and nine hundred --
eight hundred and eighty-four 2021-02-03 one hundred and fifty-three million eight hundred and sixty-nine thousand one hundred and seventy-four thirty-seven million three hundred and seventeen thousand two hundred and twenty-two twenty-seven million fifty-two thousand eight hundred and eighty-seven -- one hundred and ten thousand three hundred and fifty-three seven thousand and three hundred sixteen thousand eight hundred and fifteen --
eight hundred and eighty-five 2021-02-02 one hundred and forty-three million six hundred and four thousand eight hundred and thirty-nine fifty-seven million two hundred and thirty-nine thousand and sixty-two twenty-nine million three hundred and fifty-one thousand two hundred and eighty-six -- one hundred and nineteen thousand eight hundred and sixty-eight eleven thousand and two hundred eleven thousand and six hundred --
eight hundred and eighty-six 2021-02-01 one hundred and fifteen million seven hundred and fifty-four thousand four hundred and eight sixteen million two hundred and seventy-three thousand three hundred and five fifteen million nine hundred and sixty-seven thousand eight hundred and thirty-seven -- one hundred and twenty thousand two hundred and sixty-eight two thousand and four hundred thirteen thousand and nine hundred --
eight hundred and eighty-seven 2021-01-29 one hundred and fifteen million four hundred and forty-eight thousand nine hundred and forty seventeen million two hundred and seventy-six thousand and ninety twelve million eight hundred and seventy-eight thousand seven hundred and sixty-three -- one hundred and thirty-one thousand seven hundred and sixty-eight twenty-one thousand and four hundred seven thousand and four hundred --
eight hundred and eighty-eight 2021-01-28 one hundred and eleven million fifty-one thousand six hundred and thirteen twenty-two million four hundred and ninety-nine thousand six hundred and fifty twenty-three million four hundred and thirty-three thousand six hundred and fifty-eight -- one hundred and seventeen thousand seven hundred and sixty-eight seven thousand and one hundred four thousand and three hundred --
eight hundred and eighty-nine 2021-01-27 one hundred and eleven million nine hundred and eighty-five thousand six hundred and twenty-one fifteen million four hundred and eighty-three thousand two hundred and sixty-three fourteen million seven hundred and sixty-one thousand three hundred and fifty-seven -- one hundred and fourteen thousand nine hundred and sixty-eight six thousand seven hundred and twelve seventeen thousand and two hundred --
eight hundred and ninety 2021-01-26 one hundred and eleven million two hundred and sixty-three thousand seven hundred and fifteen seventeen million four hundred and seventeen thousand six hundred and fifty-six fourteen million four hundred and thirty-one thousand and forty-four -- one hundred and twenty-five thousand four hundred and fifty-six thirteen thousand and four hundred three thousand and one hundred --
eight hundred and ninety-one 2021-01-25 one hundred and eight million two hundred and seventy-seven thousand one hundred and three twenty-five million five hundred and thirty-eight thousand five hundred and thirty-seven fourteen million nine hundred and eighty-nine thousand two hundred and ninety-nine -- one hundred and fifteen thousand one hundred and fifty-six three thousand and eight hundred eleven thousand and five hundred --
eight hundred and ninety-two 2021-01-22 ninety-seven million seven hundred and twenty-seven thousand eight hundred and sixty-five eleven million two hundred and sixty-seven thousand five hundred and twenty-five nineteen million nine hundred and seventy-two thousand eight hundred and sixty-six -- one hundred and twenty-two thousand eight hundred and fifty-six ten thousand and two hundred six thousand and one hundred --
eight hundred and ninety-three 2021-01-21 one hundred and six million four hundred and twenty-three thousand five hundred and ninety-nine sixteen million eight hundred and ninety-six thousand one hundred and forty-four fourteen million ninety-six thousand six hundred and sixty-two -- one hundred and eighteen thousand seven hundred and fifty-six eight hundred fifteen thousand and six hundred --
eight hundred and ninety-four 2021-01-20 one hundred and three million six hundred and twenty-four thousand one hundred and seventeen fourteen million four hundred and eighteen thousand and thirteen ten million seven hundred and eight thousand eight hundred and seventy-four -- one hundred and thirty-three thousand five hundred and fifty-six twelve thousand and three hundred five thousand --
eight hundred and ninety-five 2021-01-19 ninety-nine million nine hundred and fourteen thousand nine hundred and seventy-eight twelve million four hundred and thirty-one thousand seven hundred and twenty-two thirteen million five hundred and thirty-three thousand seven hundred and thirty-eight -- one hundred and twenty-six thousand two hundred and fifty-six twenty-one thousand and seven hundred five thousand and seven hundred --
eight hundred and ninety-six 2021-01-18 one hundred and one million sixteen thousand nine hundred and ninety-four twenty million one hundred and ninety-nine thousand four hundred and sixty-six twelve million two hundred and fifty-one thousand one hundred and ninety-nine -- one hundred and ten thousand two hundred and fifty-six five thousand and two hundred seven thousand and one hundred --
eight hundred and ninety-seven 2021-01-15 ninety-three million sixty-eight thousand seven hundred and twenty-seven twelve million two hundred and eighteen thousand eight hundred and forty-two twenty-four million nine hundred and thirty-seven thousand two hundred and ninety-five -- one hundred and twelve thousand one hundred and fifty-six twenty-four thousand and seven hundred thirteen thousand and four hundred --
eight hundred and ninety-eight 2021-01-14 one hundred and five million seven hundred and eighty-seven thousand one hundred and eighty twelve million two hundred and seventy thousand six hundred and nineteen nineteen million eight hundred and ninety-one thousand four hundred and seventy-nine -- one hundred thousand eight hundred and fifty-six thirteen thousand four hundred and thirty-six twelve thousand and three hundred --
eight hundred and ninety-nine 2021-01-13 one hundred and thirteen million four hundred and fifty-five thousand and five hundred twenty-two million six hundred and three thousand six hundred and sixty-two thirteen million eight hundred and sixty-five thousand nine hundred and thirty-six -- ninety-nine thousand seven hundred and twenty one thousand and two hundred ten thousand and six hundred --
nine hundred 2021-01-12 one hundred and four million seven hundred and seventeen thousand seven hundred and seventy-four twenty million nine hundred and twenty-five thousand six hundred and twenty-three sixteen million three hundred and seventy-eight thousand six hundred and thirty-seven -- one hundred and nine thousand one hundred and twenty twelve thousand and two hundred three thousand and six hundred --
nine hundred and one 2021-01-11 one hundred million one hundred and seventy thousand seven hundred and eighty-eight eleven million seven hundred and fifty-four thousand seven hundred and thirty-one thirteen million three hundred and ten thousand and six hundred -- one hundred thousand five hundred and twenty six thousand and three hundred fourteen thousand and three hundred --
nine hundred and two 2021-01-08 one hundred and one million six hundred and seventy-nine thousand three hundred and forty eighteen million five hundred and twenty-two thousand nine hundred and thirty-six twelve million nine hundred and twenty-one thousand one hundred and three -- one hundred and eight thousand five hundred and twenty eight thousand and nine hundred four thousand and eighty-nine --
nine hundred and three 2021-01-07 ninety-six million seventy-seven thousand five hundred and seven fifteen million six hundred and forty-four thousand one hundred and twenty-seven fifteen million two hundred and seventy-six thousand five hundred and fifty-five -- one hundred and three thousand seven hundred and nine thirteen thousand and eight hundred twenty-one thousand four hundred and forty-five --
nine hundred and four 2021-01-06 ninety-six million eight hundred and fifty-five thousand four hundred and fifty-six nineteen million eight hundred and twenty thousand seven hundred and seventy-three nineteen million five hundred and ninety-three thousand one hundred and sixty-eight -- one hundred and eleven thousand three hundred and fifty-four seven thousand and five hundred eighteen thousand and five hundred --
nine hundred and five 2021-01-05 ninety-six million six hundred and twenty-seven thousand eight hundred and fifty-one fifteen million one hundred and forty-four thousand eight hundred and three twelve million two hundred and eighty thousand one hundred and thirty-nine -- one hundred and twenty-two thousand three hundred and fifty-four twenty-three thousand and seven hundred thirteen thousand and six hundred --
nine hundred and six 2021-01-04 ninety-three million seven hundred and fifty-nine thousand seven hundred and ninety-four twelve million eight hundred and ninety-one thousand one hundred and eighty-two nine million six hundred and seventy-three thousand three hundred and twenty-one -- one hundred and twelve thousand two hundred and fifty-four eleven thousand and nine hundred thirteen thousand and one hundred --
nine hundred and seven 2020-12-31 ninety million five hundred and forty-one thousand nine hundred and thirty-three seven million one hundred and eighty-two thousand five hundred and seventy-two nine million six hundred and three thousand two hundred and thirteen -- one hundred and thirteen thousand four hundred and fifty-four three thousand eleven thousand and one hundred --
nine hundred and eight 2020-12-30 ninety-two million nine hundred and sixty-two thousand five hundred and seventy-four ten million five hundred and twenty-four thousand eight hundred and three ten million two hundred and thirty-two thousand seven hundred and forty-three -- one hundred and twenty-one thousand five hundred and fifty-four eight thousand and seven hundred nine thousand and one hundred --
nine hundred and nine 2020-12-29 ninety-two million six hundred and seventy thousand five hundred and fourteen thirteen million one hundred and sixty-four thousand eight hundred and one twelve million nine hundred and sixty thousand five hundred and two -- one hundred and twenty-one thousand nine hundred and fifty-four fourteen thousand nine thousand and seven hundred --
nine hundred and ten 2020-12-28 ninety-two million four hundred and sixty-six thousand two hundred and fifteen eight million seven hundred and twenty-three thousand four hundred and eighty-nine fifteen million eight hundred and two thousand nine hundred and forty -- one hundred and seventeen thousand six hundred and fifty-four eleven thousand four hundred and eighteen nine hundred --
nine hundred and eleven 2020-12-25 ninety-nine million five hundred and forty-five thousand six hundred and sixty-six fifteen million six hundred and ninety-six thousand and sixty-eight fourteen million seven hundred and eighty-nine thousand two hundred and sixty-four -- one hundred and seven thousand one hundred and thirty-six six thousand and four hundred three thousand and eight hundred --
nine hundred and twelve 2020-12-24 ninety-eight million six hundred and thirty-eight thousand eight hundred and sixty-two fourteen million seven hundred and thirty-seven thousand four hundred and thirty-eight sixteen million one hundred and thirty-one thousand and thirteen -- one hundred and four thousand five hundred and thirty-six six thousand one thousand and eight hundred --
nine hundred and thirteen 2020-12-23 one hundred million thirty-two thousand four hundred and thirty-seven eleven million six hundred and forty-six thousand four hundred and thirteen ten million five hundred and sixty-five thousand six hundred and ninety -- one hundred thousand three hundred and thirty-six six thousand and nine hundred three thousand and five hundred --
nine hundred and fourteen 2020-12-22 ninety-eight million nine hundred and fifty-one thousand seven hundred and fourteen eleven million two hundred and thirty-one thousand two hundred and eleven nine million two hundred and twelve thousand five hundred and forty-two -- ninety-six thousand nine hundred and thirty-six six thousand and three hundred four thousand and seven hundred --
nine hundred and fifteen 2020-12-21 ninety-six million nine hundred and thirty-three thousand and forty-five ten million three hundred and twenty-three thousand nine hundred and seventy-two eleven million three hundred and seventy-five thousand two hundred and fifty-six -- ninety-five thousand three hundred and thirty-six two thousand and one hundred six thousand and nine hundred --
nine hundred and sixteen 2020-12-18 ninety-seven million nine hundred and eighty-four thousand three hundred and twenty-nine eight million four hundred and sixty-five thousand one hundred and ten six million three hundred and twenty-seven thousand eight hundred and thirty-four -- one hundred thousand one hundred and thirty-six seven hundred nine thousand and five hundred --
nine hundred and seventeen 2020-12-17 ninety-five million eight hundred and forty-seven thousand and fifty-three six million nine hundred and fifty-six thousand two hundred and five six million three hundred and thirty-two thousand one hundred and fifty-two -- one hundred and eight thousand nine hundred and thirty-six eleven thousand and seven hundred six thousand and six hundred --
nine hundred and eighteen 2020-12-16 ninety-five million two hundred and twenty-three thousand five million eight hundred and eight thousand six hundred and thirty-nine thirteen million seven hundred and sixty-one thousand two hundred and fifty-eight -- one hundred and three thousand eight hundred and thirty-six eight thousand and three hundred eight hundred --
nine hundred and nineteen 2020-12-15 one hundred and three million one hundred and seventy-five thousand six hundred and nineteen eleven million four hundred and eighty-two thousand and two nine million three hundred and sixty-six thousand one hundred and eight -- ninety-six thousand three hundred and thirty-six seven hundred four thousand and five hundred --
nine hundred and twenty 2020-12-14 one hundred and one million fifty-nine thousand seven hundred and twenty-five ten million three hundred and eighty-nine thousand and ninety-two seven million two hundred and eighteen thousand one hundred and forty-one -- one hundred thousand one hundred and thirty-six nine thousand and four hundred one thousand --
nine hundred and twenty-one 2020-12-11 ninety-seven million eight hundred and eighty-eight thousand seven hundred and seventy-four seven million four hundred and forty-six thousand nine hundred and forty-eight eleven million three hundred and fourteen thousand eight hundred and seventy-one -- ninety-one thousand seven hundred and thirty-six one thousand and two hundred eighteen thousand and four hundred --
nine hundred and twenty-two 2020-12-10 one hundred and one million seven hundred and fifty-six thousand six hundred and ninety-seven twelve million five hundred and ninety-eight thousand nine hundred and ten eighteen million one hundred and twenty-four thousand four hundred and seventy-three -- one hundred and eight thousand nine hundred and thirty-six twenty thousand and two hundred two thousand and two hundred --
nine hundred and twenty-three 2020-12-09 one hundred and seven million two hundred and eighty-two thousand two hundred and sixty eight million five hundred and five thousand two hundred and forty-three ten million two hundred and sixty-three thousand four hundred and ninety-three -- ninety thousand nine hundred and thirty-six two thousand and two hundred ten thousand and eight hundred --
nine hundred and twenty-four 2020-12-08 one hundred and nine million forty thousand five hundred and ten eight million five hundred and seventy-five thousand nine hundred and eighty-two four million eight hundred and forty-three thousand two hundred and sixty-four -- ninety-nine thousand five hundred and thirty-six four thousand ten thousand and one hundred --
nine hundred and twenty-five 2020-12-07 one hundred and five million three hundred and seven thousand seven hundred and ninety-two ten million four hundred and twenty-one thousand three hundred and ten nine million four hundred and ninety-two thousand nine hundred and twelve -- one hundred and five thousand six hundred and thirty-six twelve thousand and four hundred eighteen thousand seven hundred and forty-five --
nine hundred and twenty-six 2020-12-04 one hundred and four million three hundred and seventy-nine thousand three hundred and ninety-four ten million one hundred and nine thousand nine hundred and fifteen sixteen million ninety-nine thousand four hundred and sixty-one -- one hundred and eleven thousand nine hundred and eighty-one eleven thousand twenty-one thousand and five hundred --
nine hundred and twenty-seven 2020-12-03 one hundred and ten million three hundred and sixty-eight thousand nine hundred and forty four million seven hundred and seventy-nine thousand two hundred and thirty-seven four million seventy-three thousand nine hundred and fifty-five -- one hundred and twenty-two thousand four hundred and eighty-one three thousand and seven hundred three thousand and nine hundred --
nine hundred and twenty-eight 2020-12-02 one hundred and nine million four hundred and sixty-four thousand eight hundred and thirty-three seven million one hundred and five thousand six hundred and fifty-seven ten million seven hundred and fifty-one thousand nine hundred and fifteen -- one hundred and twenty-two thousand six hundred and eighty-one twenty-eight thousand nine hundred and thirty-nine four thousand and six hundred --
nine hundred and twenty-nine 2020-12-01 one hundred and thirteen million one hundred and eleven thousand and ninety-one nine million nine hundred and forty-four thousand one hundred and ninety-three twelve million seven hundred and seventy-two thousand four hundred and twenty-seven -- ninety-eight thousand three hundred and forty-two six thousand two hundred and ninety-six twenty-six thousand and one hundred --
nine hundred and thirty 2020-11-30 one hundred and fifteen million nine hundred and thirty-nine thousand three hundred and twenty-five seventeen million two hundred and forty-two thousand six hundred and eighty-six nine million nine hundred and sixty-five thousand and seventy-five -- one hundred and eighteen thousand one hundred and forty-six six thousand five thousand and five hundred --
nine hundred and thirty-one 2020-11-27 one hundred and eight million six hundred and sixty-one thousand seven hundred and fourteen six million one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three four million nine hundred and twenty-eight thousand seven hundred and forty-three -- one hundred and seventeen thousand six hundred and forty-six two thousand and eighty-five nine thousand and eight hundred --
nine hundred and thirty-two 2020-11-26 one hundred and seven million five hundred and eighty-eight thousand five hundred and ninety-four three million eight hundred and fifty-one thousand four hundred and thirty-nine four million two hundred and six thousand four hundred and thirty-six -- one hundred and twenty-five thousand three hundred and sixty-one eight thousand six thousand and eight hundred --
nine hundred and thirty-three 2020-11-25 one hundred and seven million nine hundred and forty-three thousand five hundred and ninety-one seven million two hundred and seventy-six thousand three hundred and seventy-five six million three hundred and three thousand seven hundred and eighty-one -- one hundred and twenty-four thousand one hundred and sixty-one three thousand and one hundred five thousand and nine hundred --
nine hundred and thirty-four 2020-11-24 one hundred and six million nine hundred and seventy thousand nine hundred and ninety-seven five million seven hundred and twenty-four thousand eight hundred and seventy-six five million three hundred and twenty-two thousand five hundred and sixty-nine -- one hundred and twenty-six thousand nine hundred and sixty-one one thousand and nine hundred six thousand and eight hundred --
nine hundred and thirty-five 2020-11-23 one hundred and six million five hundred and sixty-eight thousand six hundred and ninety five million twenty-three thousand five hundred and forty-eight five million two hundred and eight thousand nine hundred and twenty-eight -- one hundred and thirty-one thousand eight hundred and sixty-one thirteen thousand and four hundred four thousand and one hundred --
nine hundred and thirty-six 2020-11-20 one hundred and six million seven hundred and thirty-seven thousand three hundred and ninety-two seven million nineteen thousand eight hundred and twenty-one seven million eight hundred and sixteen thousand five hundred and forty-two -- one hundred and twenty-two thousand five hundred and sixty-one eighteen thousand ten thousand and one hundred --
nine hundred and thirty-seven 2020-11-19 one hundred and seven million five hundred and thirty-four thousand one hundred and thirteen five million four hundred and twenty-six thousand four hundred and nine nine million three hundred and thirty-six thousand nine hundred and seventy-nine -- one hundred and fourteen thousand six hundred and sixty-one seven thousand and six hundred sixteen thousand and four hundred --
nine hundred and thirty-eight 2020-11-18 one hundred and eleven million four hundred and forty-four thousand six hundred and eighty-three eighteen million seven hundred and twenty-seven thousand one hundred and eighty ten million five hundred and eighty-three thousand three hundred and forty-eight -- one hundred and twenty-three thousand four hundred and sixty-one two thousand and two hundred four thousand --
nine hundred and thirty-nine 2020-11-17 one hundred and three million three hundred thousand eight hundred and fifty-one sixteen million one hundred and seventy thousand eight hundred and ninety-four ten million one hundred and forty-six thousand one hundred and twelve -- one hundred and twenty-five thousand two hundred and sixty-one eighteen thousand two hundred and twenty-six ten thousand and twenty-four --
nine hundred and forty 2020-11-16 ninety-seven million two hundred and seventy-six thousand and sixty-nine ten million six hundred and forty-seven thousand eight hundred and three five million two hundred and eighty-five thousand eight hundred and eighty-eight -- one hundred and seventeen thousand and fifty-nine eleven thousand and five hundred six thousand and fifty-two --
nine hundred and forty-one 2020-11-13 ninety-one million nine hundred and fourteen thousand one hundred and fifty-four seven million two hundred and forty-six thousand three hundred and fifty-six seven million fifty-two thousand seven hundred and sixty -- one hundred and eleven thousand six hundred and eleven three hundred sixteen thousand and nine hundred --
nine hundred and forty-two 2020-11-12 ninety-one million seven hundred and twenty thousand five hundred and fifty-eight seven million one hundred and eighty-nine thousand four hundred and fifteen seven million four hundred and thirty-six thousand nine hundred and seventy-nine -- one hundred and twenty-eight thousand two hundred and eleven three thousand and seven hundred twenty-three thousand and four hundred --
nine hundred and forty-three 2020-11-11 ninety-one million eight hundred and eighty-three thousand eight hundred and twenty-seven eleven million six hundred and thirteen thousand and eighty-seven twelve million four hundred and ninety-three thousand and ninety-three -- one hundred and forty-seven thousand nine hundred and eleven twenty-nine thousand three thousand --
nine hundred and forty-four 2020-11-10 ninety-two million seven hundred and sixty-three thousand eight hundred and thirty-three eight million three hundred and three thousand and four hundred eleven million four hundred and fifty-eight thousand nine hundred and thirty-two -- one hundred and twenty-one thousand nine hundred and eleven thirteen thousand six hundred and twenty-four nine thousand and eight hundred --
nine hundred and forty-five 2020-11-09 ninety-five million nine hundred and nineteen thousand three hundred and sixty-five thirteen million one hundred and thirty-seven seven million eight hundred and ninety thousand nine hundred and thirty-four -- one hundred and eighteen thousand and eighty-seven fourteen thousand and fifty-two eighteen thousand and four hundred --
nine hundred and forty-six 2020-11-06 ninety million eight hundred and ten thousand one hundred and sixty-two fourteen million four hundred and eighteen thousand eight hundred and thirty-two six million six hundred and twenty thousand five hundred and seven -- one hundred and twenty-two thousand four hundred and thirty-five six thousand and two hundred twenty thousand seven hundred and forty-four --
nine hundred and forty-seven 2020-11-05 eighty-three million eleven thousand eight hundred and thirty-seven fourteen million four hundred and eighty-five thousand three hundred and ninety-seven six million three hundred and sixteen thousand four hundred and sixty-two -- one hundred and thirty-six thousand nine hundred and seventy-nine sixteen thousand nineteen thousand and seven hundred --
nine hundred and forty-eight 2020-11-04 seventy-four million eight hundred and forty-two thousand nine hundred and two four million five hundred and seventeen thousand three hundred and ninety-four five million four hundred and forty-three thousand six hundred and fifty-eight -- one hundred and forty thousand six hundred and seventy-nine six thousand and eight hundred twenty-four thousand --
nine hundred and forty-nine 2020-11-03 seventy-five million seven hundred and sixty-nine thousand one hundred and sixty-six six million five hundred and nine thousand three hundred and thirty-nine five million six hundred and seventy-two thousand nine hundred and eighteen -- one hundred and fifty-seven thousand eight hundred and seventy-nine thirty-seven thousand two hundred and ninety-four nine thousand and eight hundred --
nine hundred and fifty 2020-11-02 seventy-four million nine hundred and thirty-two thousand seven hundred and forty-five seven million two hundred and twelve thousand nine hundred and fifty-eight nine million eight hundred and sixty-eight thousand six hundred and eighty-one -- one hundred and thirty thousand three hundred and eighty-five ten thousand and one hundred one thousand and seven hundred --
nine hundred and fifty-one 2020-10-30 seventy-seven million five hundred and eighty-eight thousand four hundred and sixty-eight thirteen million nine hundred and ninety thousand eight hundred and sixty-one six million thirty-eight thousand two hundred and eighty-two -- one hundred and twenty-one thousand nine hundred and eighty-five twelve thousand and two hundred twenty-nine thousand four hundred and forty-six --
nine hundred and fifty-two 2020-10-29 sixty-nine million six hundred and thirty-five thousand eight hundred and eighty-nine fifteen million nine hundred and eighty-two thousand and seventy-four eight million nine hundred and fifty-two thousand nine hundred and nineteen -- one hundred and thirty-nine thousand two hundred and thirty-one twenty-three thousand and nine hundred twenty-eight thousand and five hundred --
nine hundred and fifty-three 2020-10-28 sixty-two million six hundred and six thousand seven hundred and thirty-four nine million four hundred and fifty-five thousand five hundred and seventy eighteen million two hundred and seventy-five thousand seven hundred and thirty-five -- one hundred and forty-three thousand eight hundred and thirty-one twelve thousand and six hundred twenty thousand seven hundred and ninety-three --
nine hundred and fifty-four 2020-10-27 seventy-one million four hundred and twenty-six thousand eight hundred and ninety-nine nine million two hundred and seventy thousand and seventy-four six million two hundred and five thousand four hundred and fifty-four -- one hundred and fifty-two thousand and twenty-four forty-one thousand and nine hundred eight thousand --
nine hundred and fifty-five 2020-10-26 sixty-eight million three hundred and sixty-two thousand two hundred and seventy-nine three million five hundred and fifty thousand three hundred and seventy-two five million three hundred and twenty-seven thousand one hundred and seventy-six -- one hundred and eighteen thousand one hundred and twenty-four twenty-two thousand two hundred and thirty sixteen thousand and fifty-seven --
nine hundred and fifty-six 2020-10-23 seventy million one hundred and thirty-nine thousand and eighty-three twelve million six hundred and sixty-three thousand two hundred and thirty eight million nine hundred and seven thousand two hundred and sixty-seven -- one hundred and eleven thousand nine hundred and fifty-one twenty-one thousand and five hundred thirty-four thousand and three hundred --
nine hundred and fifty-seven 2020-10-22 sixty-six million three hundred and eighty-three thousand one hundred and twenty five million one hundred and fourteen thousand four hundred and nine two million six hundred and fifteen thousand six hundred and eighty-eight -- one hundred and twenty-four thousand seven hundred and fifty-one twelve thousand and six hundred twenty-nine thousand and one hundred --
nine hundred and fifty-eight 2020-10-21 sixty-three million eight hundred and eighty-four thousand three hundred and ninety-nine five million three hundred and twenty-six thousand two hundred and thirty-three five million ninety-nine thousand five hundred and ninety-seven -- one hundred and forty-one thousand two hundred and fifty-one fourteen thousand and five hundred ten thousand and two hundred --
nine hundred and fifty-nine 2020-10-20 sixty-three million six hundred and fifty-seven thousand seven hundred and sixty-three five million two hundred and twenty-three thousand one hundred and fifty-six five million three hundred and fifty-six thousand one hundred and twenty-two -- one hundred and thirty-six thousand nine hundred and fifty-one twelve thousand and nine hundred two thousand and four hundred --
nine hundred and sixty 2020-10-19 sixty-three million seven hundred and ninety thousand seven hundred and twenty-nine five million fourteen thousand two hundred and ninety-eight five million forty-four thousand five hundred and sixty-one -- one hundred and twenty-six thousand four hundred and fifty-one fourteen thousand thirty-three thousand --
nine hundred and sixty-one 2020-10-16 sixty-three million eight hundred and twenty thousand nine hundred and ninety-two five million nine hundred and seventeen thousand six hundred and thirty six million two hundred and eighty-one thousand one hundred and fifty-five -- one hundred and forty-five thousand four hundred and fifty-one fifteen thousand and five hundred two thousand and one hundred --
nine hundred and sixty-two 2020-10-15 sixty-four million one hundred and eighty-four thousand five hundred and seventeen four million seven hundred and eighteen thousand two hundred and forty-two three million six hundred and two thousand seven hundred and one -- one hundred and thirty-two thousand and fifty-one twenty-six thousand nine hundred and ninety-eight five thousand and six hundred --
nine hundred and sixty-three 2020-10-14 sixty-three million sixty-eight thousand nine hundred and seventy-six four million two hundred and sixty-four thousand four hundred and ninety-four eleven million two hundred and thirty-nine thousand six hundred and eighty-seven -- one hundred and ten thousand six hundred and fifty-three seventeen thousand and eight hundred fourteen thousand and eight hundred --
nine hundred and sixty-four 2020-10-13 seventy million forty-four thousand one hundred and sixty-nine six million two hundred and ten thousand two hundred and three five million six hundred and thirty-nine thousand two hundred and fourteen -- one hundred and seven thousand six hundred and fifty-three twenty-four thousand and seven hundred two thousand and six hundred --
nine hundred and sixty-five 2020-10-12 sixty-nine million four hundred and seventy-three thousand one hundred and eighty six million one hundred and twenty-six thousand seven hundred and ninety-nine sixteen million six hundred and four thousand nine hundred and fifty-four -- eighty-five thousand five hundred and fifty-three ten thousand and nine hundred sixteen thousand and five hundred --
nine hundred and sixty-six 2020-10-09 seventy-nine million nine hundred and fifty-one thousand three hundred and thirty-five fourteen million eight hundred and forty-nine thousand eight hundred and twenty-six six million eight hundred and sixty thousand eight hundred and fifty -- ninety-one thousand one hundred and fifty-three fifteen thousand four hundred and fifty-nine two hundred --
nine hundred and sixty-seven 2020-09-30 seventy-two million four hundred and ninety thousand five hundred and ninety three million six hundred and nine thousand two hundred and sixteen ten million five hundred and sixteen thousand five hundred and sixty-seven -- seventy-five thousand eight hundred and ninety-four two thousand and three hundred twenty-one thousand one hundred and twenty-six --
nine hundred and sixty-eight 2020-09-29 seventy-nine million three hundred and ninety-seven thousand nine hundred and forty-one six million two hundred and eighty-one thousand one hundred and thirty-six three million seventy-five thousand and eight hundred -- ninety-four thousand seven hundred and twenty twenty-five thousand and twenty-six two thousand and one hundred --
nine hundred and sixty-nine 2020-09-28 seventy-six million one hundred and ninety-two thousand six hundred and five five million two hundred and eighteen thousand three hundred and nine three million five hundred and sixty-five thousand three hundred and eighty -- seventy-one thousand seven hundred and ninety-four five hundred twenty-six thousand and seven hundred --
nine hundred and seventy 2020-09-25 seventy-four million five hundred and thirty-nine thousand six hundred and seventy-six four million six hundred and fifty-five thousand one hundred and four seven million eighty-nine thousand two hundred and ninety-seven -- ninety-seven thousand nine hundred and ninety-four six thousand and nine hundred fifteen thousand and one hundred --
nine hundred and seventy-one 2020-09-24 seventy-six million nine hundred and seventy-three thousand eight hundred and sixty-nine six million four hundred and eighteen thousand three hundred and ninety-one four million six hundred and twenty-nine thousand eight hundred and eight -- one hundred and six thousand one hundred and ninety-four twenty thousand and two hundred four thousand and six hundred --
nine hundred and seventy-two 2020-09-23 seventy-five million one hundred and eighty-five thousand two hundred and eighty-six four million seven hundred and sixty-seven thousand three hundred and seventy-four seven million one hundred and thirty-nine thousand five hundred and thirty-one -- ninety thousand five hundred and ninety-four fourteen thousand and seven hundred sixteen thousand and four hundred --
nine hundred and seventy-three 2020-09-22 seventy-seven million five hundred and fifty-seven thousand four hundred and forty-three two million seven hundred and twenty-one thousand nine hundred and forty-two four million six hundred and sixty-six thousand nine hundred and forty-four -- ninety-two thousand two hundred and ninety-four two thousand and one hundred six thousand --
nine hundred and seventy-four 2020-09-21 seventy-nine million five hundred and two thousand four hundred and forty-five six million four hundred and eighty-five thousand four hundred and forty-seven five million six hundred and forty-nine thousand six hundred and sixty -- ninety-six thousand one hundred and ninety-four eight hundred fifty-nine thousand and eight hundred --
nine hundred and seventy-five 2020-09-18 seventy-eight million six hundred and sixty-six thousand six hundred and fifty-eight eleven million eight hundred and seventy-six thousand five hundred and seventy-three eleven million three hundred and twenty-five thousand seven hundred and ten -- one hundred and fifty-five thousand one hundred and ninety-four twelve thousand and six hundred thirty-eight thousand --
nine hundred and seventy-six 2020-09-17 seventy-eight million one hundred and fifteen thousand seven hundred and ninety-five six million nine hundred and nineteen thousand two hundred and seventy-two nine million three hundred and seventy-one thousand eight hundred and fifty-five -- one hundred and eighty thousand five hundred and ninety-four nine thousand five hundred and ninety-four seventeen thousand and nine hundred --
nine hundred and seventy-seven 2020-09-16 eighty million five hundred and sixty-eight thousand three hundred and seventy-eight eight million three hundred and eighteen thousand four hundred and ninety-eight eight million thirty-six thousand four hundred and five -- one hundred and eighty-eight thousand and nine hundred twenty-nine thousand and one hundred four thousand and three hundred --
nine hundred and seventy-eight 2020-09-15 eighty million two hundred and eighty-six thousand two hundred and eighty-five nine million one hundred and eighty-six thousand nine hundred and seventy-two six million one hundred and thirty-seven thousand seven hundred and fourteen -- one hundred and sixty-four thousand and one hundred thirty thousand and five hundred three hundred --
nine hundred and seventy-nine 2020-09-14 seventy-six million one hundred and nineteen thousand seven hundred and eleven three million one hundred and five thousand one hundred and one six million four hundred and thirty-seven thousand two hundred and ninety -- one hundred and thirty-three thousand and nine hundred one hundred one thousand --
nine hundred and eighty 2020-09-11 seventy-nine million four hundred and fifty-one thousand and nine hundred eleven million four hundred and fifty-seven thousand two hundred and fifty-four twelve million five hundred and thirty-seven thousand five hundred and fifty-nine -- one hundred and thirty-four thousand and eight hundred six thousand and one hundred two hundred --
nine hundred and eighty-one 2020-09-10 eighty million five hundred and thirty-two thousand two hundred and five three million nine hundred and twenty-nine thousand six hundred and thirty-eight six million nine hundred and sixty-five thousand five hundred and seventy-three -- one hundred and twenty-eight thousand and nine hundred five thousand and one hundred seven thousand and five hundred --
nine hundred and eighty-two 2020-09-09 eighty-three million five hundred and sixty-eight thousand one hundred and forty nine million three hundred and forty-four thousand seven hundred and six fifteen million six hundred and four thousand six hundred and five -- one hundred and thirty-one thousand and three hundred twenty-nine thousand and four hundred six thousand and five hundred --
nine hundred and eighty-three 2020-09-08 eighty-nine million eight hundred and twenty-eight thousand and thirty-nine nine million eight hundred and twenty-five thousand seven hundred and seventy-nine sixteen million three hundred and twenty-three thousand five hundred and seventy-three -- one hundred and eight thousand and four hundred twelve thousand and two hundred two thousand --
nine hundred and eighty-four 2020-09-07 ninety-five million eight hundred and fifty thousand five hundred and thirty-three twelve million five hundred and seventeen thousand one hundred and eighty-one sixteen million two hundred and eighty-five thousand nine hundred and seventy-eight -- ninety-eight thousand and two hundred ten thousand and nine hundred one hundred --
nine hundred and eighty-five 2020-09-04 ninety-nine million six hundred and nineteen thousand three hundred and thirty seventeen million five hundred and fourteen thousand and eighty-nine twelve million four hundred and sixty-seven thousand seven hundred and sixty-four -- eighty-seven thousand and four hundred zero ten thousand --
nine hundred and eighty-six 2020-09-03 ninety-four million five hundred and seventy-three thousand and five eighteen million one hundred and thirty-nine thousand three hundred and forty-one seventeen million one hundred thousand five hundred and fifty-one -- ninety-seven thousand and four hundred four thousand and one hundred one thousand and seven hundred --
nine hundred and eighty-seven 2020-09-02 ninety-three million five hundred and thirty-four thousand two hundred and fifteen twelve million one hundred and sixteen thousand nine hundred and twenty-seven ten million five hundred and thirty-six thousand two hundred and fifteen -- ninety-five thousand five thousand and two hundred one thousand and three hundred --
nine hundred and eighty-eight 2020-09-01 ninety-one million nine hundred and fifty-three thousand five hundred and three thirteen million three hundred and thirty-two thousand nine hundred and ten sixteen million five hundred and fifty-one thousand and fourteen -- ninety-one thousand and one hundred one thousand and eight hundred two hundred --
nine hundred and eighty-nine 2020-08-31 ninety-six million seven hundred and five thousand three hundred and ninety-four twelve million five hundred and twenty-five thousand one hundred and thirty-five ten million nine hundred and four thousand six hundred and fifty-seven -- eighty-nine thousand and five hundred zero one thousand and two hundred --
nine hundred and ninety 2020-08-28 ninety-five million eighty-four thousand nine hundred and sixteen twenty-two million three hundred and twenty-three thousand one hundred and sixty-seven fifteen million nine hundred and sixty-four thousand and fifty -- ninety thousand and seven hundred five hundred one thousand and five hundred --
nine hundred and ninety-one 2020-08-27 eighty-eight million seven hundred and twenty-five thousand seven hundred and ninety-nine fourteen million seven hundred and fifty-six thousand one hundred and nineteen twenty-five million three hundred and eighty-six thousand and sixty-five -- ninety-one thousand and seven hundred one thousand and five hundred six hundred --
nine hundred and ninety-two 2020-08-26 ninety-nine million three hundred and fifty-five thousand seven hundred and forty-five seventeen million five hundred and eighty-eight thousand seven hundred and forty-one thirteen million three hundred and three thousand seven hundred and thirteen -- ninety thousand and eight hundred one thousand and five hundred three hundred and ninety-one --
nine hundred and ninety-three 2020-08-25 ninety-five million seventy thousand seven hundred and seventeen five million eight hundred and ninety-eight thousand five hundred and sixty-five six million two hundred and ninety-five thousand three hundred and seventy-two -- eighty-nine thousand six hundred and ninety-one three hundred nine thousand six hundred and nine --
nine hundred and ninety-four 2020-08-24 ninety-five million four hundred and sixty-seven thousand five hundred and twenty-four nine million five hundred and seventy-nine thousand eight hundred and twenty-one thirteen million five hundred and thirty thousand eight hundred and two -- ninety-nine thousand four hundred six hundred --
nine hundred and ninety-five 2020-08-21 ninety-nine million four hundred and eighteen thousand five hundred and five twelve million four hundred and ninety-seven thousand nine hundred and eleven thirteen million nine hundred and twenty-seven thousand six hundred and forty -- ninety-nine thousand and two hundred one thousand and two hundred ten thousand --
nine hundred and ninety-six 2020-08-20 one hundred million two hundred and eighty thousand two hundred and ten seven million four hundred and eighty-eight thousand and ninety-eight four million nine hundred and forty-five thousand eight hundred and forty-four -- one hundred and eight thousand nine thousand and five hundred one thousand and two hundred --
nine hundred and ninety-seven 2020-08-19 ninety-seven million seven hundred and thirty-seven thousand nine hundred and fifty-six eight million six hundred and ninety-three thousand five hundred and eighty-five nine million six hundred and fifty-six thousand six hundred and twenty-eight -- ninety-nine thousand and seven hundred six thousand three hundred --
nine hundred and ninety-eight 2020-08-18 ninety-eight million seven hundred thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine eight million eight hundred and seventy-two thousand six hundred and eight eleven million one hundred and fifty-eight thousand seven hundred and twenty -- ninety-four thousand nine hundred zero --
nine hundred and ninety-nine 2020-08-17 one hundred million nine hundred and eighty-seven thousand one hundred and eleven fourteen million seven hundred and ten thousand five hundred and sixty-two nine million eight hundred and thirty-two thousand seven hundred and sixteen -- ninety-three thousand and one hundred one hundred three thousand and seven hundred --
one thousand 2020-08-14 ninety-six million one hundred and seventy-nine thousand five hundred and sixty-six eight million six hundred and fifty-one thousand nine hundred and ninety twelve million two hundred and twenty-eight thousand two hundred and four -- ninety-six thousand and seven hundred four hundred seventeen thousand and nine hundred --
one thousand and one 2020-08-13 ninety-nine million seven hundred and fifty-five thousand seven hundred and eighty eight million one hundred and twenty-two thousand and eighty-seven six million one hundred and fifty-nine thousand five hundred and thirty-eight -- one hundred and fourteen thousand and two hundred ten thousand and three hundred twenty-six thousand and four hundred --
one thousand and two 2020-08-12 ninety-seven million seven hundred and ninety-three thousand two hundred and thirty-one nine million one hundred and fifty-three thousand nine hundred and six eight million six hundred and eighty-seven thousand nine hundred and nine -- one hundred and thirty thousand and three hundred twenty-three thousand and seven hundred one thousand and nine hundred --
one thousand and three 2020-08-11 ninety-seven million three hundred and twenty-seven thousand two hundred and thirty-four eleven million two hundred and ninety-one thousand seven hundred and ninety eight million two hundred and fifty-one thousand eight hundred and eight -- one hundred and eight thousand and five hundred one thousand and five hundred twenty thousand --
one thousand and four 2020-08-10 ninety-four million two hundred and eighty-seven thousand two hundred and fifty-two four million six hundred and fifty-three thousand and thirty-four eight million eight hundred and five thousand three hundred and forty-two -- one hundred and twenty-seven thousand twenty-three thousand and three hundred one thousand and one hundred --
one thousand and five 2020-08-07 ninety-eight million two hundred and twenty-five thousand and sixty-three seven million nineteen thousand eight hundred and seventy-three sixteen million six hundred and nineteen thousand five hundred and forty-five -- one hundred and four thousand and eight hundred three thousand and two hundred five thousand and four hundred --
one thousand and six 2020-08-06 one hundred and seven million eight hundred and twenty-four thousand seven hundred and thirty-five twelve million seven hundred and forty-one thousand five hundred and eleven ten million three hundred and one thousand one hundred and ten -- one hundred and seven thousand nine thousand and three hundred three thousand and two hundred --
one thousand and seven 2020-08-05 one hundred and five million three hundred and eighty-four thousand three hundred and thirty-four sixteen million three hundred and thirty-four thousand seven hundred and forty-five eleven million eight hundred and seventy-six thousand four hundred and eight -- one hundred thousand and nine hundred twenty-one thousand and nine hundred one thousand and one hundred --
one thousand and eight 2020-08-04 one hundred million nine hundred and twenty-five thousand nine hundred and ninety-seven twelve million one hundred and fifty-four thousand three hundred and fifty-eight ten million two hundred and eight thousand four hundred and forty-eight -- eighty thousand and one hundred one thousand and four hundred three thousand and fifty --
one thousand and nine 2020-08-03 ninety-eight million nine hundred and eighty thousand and eighty-seven eleven million six hundred and seventy-eight thousand five hundred and fifty-eight eight million one hundred and seventy-four thousand and ninety-six -- eighty-one thousand seven hundred and fifty two thousand and one hundred six thousand two hundred and fifty --
one thousand and ten 2020-07-31 ninety-five million four hundred and seventy-five thousand six hundred and twenty-five eleven million six hundred and ninety-five thousand two hundred and six twelve million two hundred and eighty-six thousand five hundred and ninety-five -- eighty-five thousand and nine hundred twenty-four thousand and two hundred one thousand and one hundred --
one thousand and eleven 2020-07-30 ninety-six million sixty-seven thousand and fourteen four million three hundred and thirty thousand seven hundred and thirty-six eleven million five hundred and fifty-four thousand four hundred and ninety-four -- sixty-two thousand and eight hundred eight hundred five thousand and seven hundred --
one thousand and twelve 2020-07-29 one hundred and three million two hundred and ninety thousand seven hundred and seventy-two fourteen million seven hundred and sixty-nine thousand seven hundred and thirty-one nine million nine hundred and thirty-one thousand one hundred and sixty-four -- sixty-seven thousand and seven hundred five thousand and six hundred three thousand --
one thousand and thirteen 2020-07-28 ninety-eight million five hundred and seventy-three thousand two hundred and forty-one seven million thirty-two thousand six hundred and ninety eight million one hundred and nineteen thousand five hundred and fifty-four -- sixty-five thousand and one hundred three thousand and five hundred two thousand and two hundred --
one thousand and fourteen 2020-07-27 ninety-nine million six hundred and sixty thousand one hundred and five seven million one hundred and fifty-one thousand three hundred and twenty seven million two hundred and sixty-one thousand and ninety-four -- sixty-three thousand and eight hundred three thousand and two hundred six hundred --
one thousand and fifteen 2020-07-24 ninety-nine million seven hundred and sixty-nine thousand eight hundred and seventy-nine eleven million eight hundred and twenty-four thousand one hundred and eighty-eight sixteen million five hundred and thirty-three thousand three hundred and fifty-nine -- sixty-one thousand and two hundred one thousand and four hundred sixteen thousand and three hundred --
one thousand and sixteen 2020-07-23 one hundred and four million four hundred and seventy-nine thousand and fifty ten million seventy-five thousand five hundred and nine eight million and forty-six -- seventy-six thousand and one hundred ten thousand and two hundred one thousand and nine hundred --
one thousand and seventeen 2020-07-22 one hundred and two million four hundred and three thousand five hundred and eighty-seven seventeen million ninety-nine thousand eight hundred and forty-three thirteen million fifty-three thousand eight hundred and sixty -- sixty-seven thousand and eight hundred two thousand and five hundred two thousand and nine hundred --
one thousand and eighteen 2020-07-21 ninety-eight million three hundred and fifty-seven thousand six hundred and four eight million six hundred and ninety-four thousand seven hundred and forty-eight ten million three hundred and one thousand and twenty-seven -- sixty-eight thousand and two hundred two thousand and two hundred zero --
one thousand and nineteen 2020-07-20 ninety-nine million nine hundred and sixty-three thousand eight hundred and eighty-three sixteen million eighty-three thousand and forty-nine ten million three hundred and eight thousand nine hundred and eighteen -- sixty-six thousand three thousand and one hundred six thousand and three hundred --
one thousand and twenty 2020-07-17 ninety-four million one hundred and eighty-nine thousand seven hundred and fifty-two eight million two hundred and forty-six thousand seven hundred and three fourteen million five hundred and thirty-three thousand one hundred and fifty-nine -- sixty-nine thousand and two hundred four thousand and four hundred two thousand --
one thousand and twenty-one 2020-07-16 one hundred million four hundred and seventy-six thousand two hundred and eight seventeen million five hundred and fifty-four thousand two hundred and eighty-three twenty-nine million four hundred and ten thousand two hundred and seventy-five -- sixty-six thousand and eight hundred seven hundred six thousand and two hundred --
one thousand and twenty-two 2020-07-15 one hundred and twelve million five hundred and twelve thousand six hundred and twenty-eight twenty million eight hundred and forty-one thousand four hundred and sixty-three thirty-six million eight hundred and four thousand and ninety-six -- seventy-two thousand and three hundred three thousand four hundred --
one thousand and twenty-three 2020-07-14 one hundred and twenty-eight million four hundred and seventy-five thousand two hundred and sixty-one eleven million two hundred and ten thousand one hundred and one twenty-two million four hundred and seventy-one thousand five hundred and sixty-three -- sixty-nine thousand and seven hundred one thousand and eight hundred ten thousand and seven hundred --
one thousand and twenty-four 2020-07-13 one hundred and thirty-nine million seven hundred and thirty-six thousand seven hundred and twenty-three fifteen million one thousand eight hundred and fifty fifteen million two hundred and twenty-five thousand seven hundred and twenty-eight -- seventy-eight thousand and six hundred four thousand and three hundred three thousand and nine hundred --
one thousand and twenty-five 2020-07-10 one hundred and thirty-nine million nine hundred and sixty thousand six hundred and one eighteen million nine hundred and six thousand and seventy-five sixteen million six hundred and thirty-seven thousand eight hundred and fifty-nine -- seventy-eight thousand and two hundred three thousand and three hundred two thousand and five hundred --
one thousand and twenty-six 2020-07-09 one hundred and thirty-seven million six hundred and ninety-two thousand three hundred and eighty-five nineteen million forty-six thousand nine hundred and forty-five twenty-one million two hundred and seven thousand eight hundred and seventy-nine -- seventy-seven thousand and four hundred three thousand and nine hundred two thousand and eight hundred --
one thousand and twenty-seven 2020-07-08 one hundred and thirty-nine million eight hundred and fifty-three thousand three hundred and nineteen nineteen million sixty-four thousand one hundred and eighty-seven twenty-three million six hundred and twenty-six thousand three hundred and twenty-three -- seventy-six thousand and three hundred three thousand and nine hundred six thousand and two hundred --
one thousand and twenty-eight 2020-07-07 one hundred and forty-four million four hundred and eighteen thousand five hundred and twenty-one twenty-four million one hundred and seventy thousand seven hundred and thirty-nine twenty-two million four hundred and sixty-three thousand and eighty-two -- seventy-eight thousand and six hundred three thousand three thousand and eight hundred --
one thousand and twenty-nine 2020-07-06 one hundred and forty-two million seven hundred and ten thousand eight hundred and sixty-four thirty-five million six hundred and seventy-eight thousand one hundred and eighty-three twenty million four hundred and fifty-one thousand two hundred and eighty-three -- seventy-nine thousand and four hundred fourteen thousand one thousand and eight hundred --
one thousand and thirty 2020-07-03 one hundred and twenty-seven million four hundred and ninety-four thousand five hundred and forty twenty-six million four hundred and thirty-nine thousand one hundred and eleven twenty-two million seven hundred and ninety-five thousand one hundred and thirty-seven -- sixty-seven thousand and two hundred one thousand and three hundred four thousand and eight hundred --
one thousand and thirty-one 2020-07-02 one hundred and twenty-three million eight hundred and fifty thousand five hundred and sixty-six fifteen million eight hundred and twenty-two thousand three hundred and forty-eight nineteen million sixty-one thousand three hundred and eighty-four -- seventy thousand and seven hundred one thousand and three hundred six thousand and two hundred --
one thousand and thirty-two 2020-07-01 one hundred and twenty-seven million eighty-nine thousand six hundred and two twenty-five million two hundred and fifty-seven thousand nine hundred and seventy twenty-eight million four hundred and fifty thousand six hundred and seventy-two -- seventy-five thousand and six hundred six thousand and eight hundred zero --
one thousand and thirty-three 2020-06-30 one hundred and thirty million three hundred and twenty-four thousand six hundred and nine twenty-eight million three hundred and ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and seventy-one twenty-two million ninety-seven thousand nine hundred and fourteen -- sixty-eight thousand and eight hundred eight thousand and eight hundred one thousand and six hundred --
one thousand and thirty-four 2020-06-29 one hundred and twenty-five million seven hundred and ninety-one thousand four hundred and eighty-nine eleven million nine hundred and seven thousand nine hundred and fifty-five twelve million four hundred and forty-six thousand four hundred and twenty-seven -- sixty-two thousand nine hundred one hundred --
one thousand and thirty-five 2020-06-24 one hundred and twenty-six million three hundred and twenty-nine thousand nine hundred and sixty-one fourteen million five thousand four hundred and twenty-five eighteen million seven hundred and twenty-one thousand and eighty-one -- sixty-one thousand and two hundred zero nine thousand nine hundred and seventy-eight --
one thousand and thirty-six 2020-06-23 one hundred and thirty-one million forty-five thousand six hundred and seventeen seventeen million fifty-two thousand and twenty-three twenty-two million seven hundred and nine thousand six hundred and twenty -- seventy-one thousand one hundred and seventy-eight fourteen thousand and two hundred nine thousand and one hundred --
one thousand and thirty-seven 2020-06-22 one hundred and thirty-six million seven hundred and three thousand two hundred and fourteen sixteen million five hundred and sixty-seven thousand one hundred and fifty-nine ten million two hundred and eighty-four thousand one hundred and sixty-three -- sixty-six thousand and seventy-eight eighteen thousand and seven hundred seven thousand and three hundred --
one thousand and thirty-eight 2020-06-19 one hundred and thirty million three hundred and eighty-eight thousand seven hundred and fifty-three sixteen million nine hundred and thirty-five thousand eight hundred and thirty-eight eighteen million two hundred and seventy-seven thousand two hundred and thirty-seven -- fifty-four thousand six hundred and seventy-eight eight thousand and eight hundred five thousand and two hundred --
one thousand and thirty-nine 2020-06-18 one hundred and thirty-two million four hundred and fifty-three thousand two hundred and twenty eleven million one hundred and forty thousand five hundred and twenty-nine nine million five hundred and fifty-five thousand and ninety-eight -- fifty-one thousand and seventy-eight seventeen thousand and two hundred five thousand and four hundred --
one thousand and forty 2020-06-17 one hundred and thirty million two hundred and forty-three thousand four hundred and five fifteen million six hundred and fifty-nine thousand and fifty-six seven million two hundred and six thousand one hundred and seventeen -- thirty-nine thousand two hundred and seventy-eight four thousand and two hundred twenty-nine thousand and twenty-eight --
one thousand and forty-one 2020-06-16 one hundred and twenty-one million seven hundred and ninety thousand four hundred and sixty-six nine million eight hundred and nineteen thousand four hundred and eight twenty-one million eighty-eight thousand three hundred and twenty-nine -- sixty-four thousand one hundred and six nineteen thousand and one hundred nine thousand and seven hundred --
one thousand and forty-two 2020-06-15 one hundred and thirty-three million fifty-nine thousand three hundred and eighty-seven twenty-three million six hundred and seventeen thousand two hundred and twenty-six eleven million eighty-one thousand and forty-six -- fifty-four thousand seven hundred and six fourteen thousand two thousand and seven hundred --
one thousand and forty-three 2020-06-12 one hundred and twenty million five hundred and twenty-three thousand two hundred and seven ten million five hundred and four thousand one hundred and seventy-one twenty-three million seven hundred and sixty-four thousand five hundred and ninety-three -- forty-three thousand four hundred and six five thousand three hundred and twenty-eight twelve thousand --
one thousand and forty-four 2020-06-11 one hundred and thirty-three million seven hundred and eighty-three thousand six hundred and twenty-nine seventeen million four hundred and forty-six thousand two hundred and three thirteen million eight hundred and sixty-nine thousand and ninety -- fifty thousand and seventy-eight twelve thousand and nine hundred twelve thousand --
one thousand and forty-five 2020-06-10 one hundred and thirty million two hundred and six thousand five hundred and sixteen eighteen million seven hundred and sixty-four thousand three hundred and seventy-five twelve million five hundred and sixty-seven thousand nine hundred and fifty-one -- forty-nine thousand one hundred and seventy-eight nine thousand and six hundred twenty-nine thousand and two hundred --
one thousand and forty-six 2020-06-09 one hundred and twenty-four million ten thousand and ninety-two twenty-four million five hundred and nine thousand eight hundred and twenty-five ten million three hundred and seventy-five thousand seven hundred and eighty-eight -- sixty-eight thousand seven hundred and seventy-eight twelve thousand and two hundred sixteen thousand and nine hundred --
one thousand and forty-seven 2020-06-08 one hundred and nine million eight hundred and seventy-six thousand and fifty-five twenty-five million five hundred and seventy-six thousand five hundred and twenty-two fifteen million four hundred and sixty thousand five hundred and forty-five -- seventy-three thousand four hundred and seventy-eight ten thousand and five hundred eighteen thousand seven hundred and twenty-two --
one thousand and forty-eight 2020-06-05 ninety-nine million seven hundred and sixty thousand and seventy-eight six million two hundred and nine thousand two hundred and nine ten million six hundred and sixty-nine thousand three hundred and three -- eighty-one thousand and seven hundred twenty-eight thousand and six hundred ten thousand and six hundred --
one thousand and forty-nine 2020-06-04 one hundred and four million two hundred and twenty thousand one hundred and seventy-two fourteen million ninety-seven thousand seven hundred and five eleven million eight hundred and five thousand six hundred and thirty-three -- sixty-three thousand and seven hundred eight thousand and eight hundred twelve thousand and nine hundred --
one thousand and fifty 2020-06-03 one hundred and one million nine hundred and twenty-eight thousand and one hundred fourteen million four hundred and seventy-nine thousand four hundred and sixty nine million seven hundred and sixty thousand six hundred and thirty-two -- sixty-seven thousand and eight hundred five thousand and five hundred nine thousand and three hundred --
one thousand and fifty-one 2020-06-02 ninety-seven million two hundred and nine thousand two hundred and seventy-two twenty-one million seven hundred and thirty-four thousand five hundred and nineteen eleven million two hundred and seventy-four thousand five hundred and thirteen -- seventy-one thousand and six hundred nineteen thousand and seven hundred twelve thousand and five hundred --
one thousand and fifty-two 2020-06-01 eighty-six million seven hundred and forty-nine thousand two hundred and sixty-six thirteen million three hundred and eighty-one thousand three hundred and twenty-eight seven million nine hundred and forty-seven thousand one hundred and seventy-four -- sixty-four thousand and four hundred four thousand and eight hundred two thousand and one hundred --
one thousand and fifty-three 2020-05-29 eighty-one million three hundred and fifteen thousand one hundred and twelve fifteen million four hundred and thirty-four thousand and fifteen twenty-three million nine hundred and ninety-six thousand three hundred and ninety-seven -- sixty-one thousand and seven hundred eight thousand and nine hundred thirteen thousand --
one thousand and fifty-four 2020-05-28 eighty-nine million eight hundred and seventy-seven thousand four hundred and ninety-four eight million two hundred and twenty-seven thousand two hundred and sixteen twenty-three million two hundred and twenty-seven thousand two hundred and fifty -- sixty-five thousand and eight hundred nineteen thousand and two hundred six thousand one hundred and twenty-seven --
one thousand and fifty-five 2020-05-27 one hundred and four million eight hundred and seventy-seven thousand five hundred and twenty-eight two million one hundred and forty-five thousand one hundred and sixty-two six million nine hundred and sixty-four thousand seven hundred and eighty-five -- fifty-two thousand seven hundred and twenty-seven eight thousand three hundred and twenty-seven two thousand and three hundred --
one thousand and fifty-six 2020-05-26 one hundred and nine million six hundred and ninety-seven thousand one hundred and fifty-one seven million seven hundred and eighty thousand nine hundred and thirty twelve million two hundred and eighty-six thousand and ninety-four -- forty-six thousand and seven hundred three thousand and six hundred one thousand and three hundred --
one thousand and fifty-seven 2020-05-25 one hundred and fourteen million two hundred and two thousand three hundred and fifteen eight million six hundred and forty-three thousand two hundred and seventy-nine seven million twenty-one thousand five hundred and fifty -- forty-four thousand and four hundred two thousand and eight hundred one thousand and three hundred --
one thousand and fifty-eight 2020-05-22 one hundred and twelve million five hundred and eighty thousand five hundred and eighty-six fifteen million eight hundred and sixty-three thousand eight hundred and ninety four million six hundred and eighty-five thousand one hundred and forty-two -- forty-two thousand and nine hundred one thousand and three hundred twenty thousand and nine hundred --
one thousand and fifty-nine 2020-05-21 one hundred and one million four hundred and one thousand eight hundred and thirty-eight eleven million five hundred thousand five hundred and ninety-two six million one hundred and ten thousand three hundred and ninety-four -- sixty-two thousand and five hundred twenty-one thousand and four hundred nine thousand and four hundred --
one thousand and sixty 2020-05-20 ninety-six million eleven thousand six hundred and forty twelve million six hundred and ninety-two thousand four hundred and eighty-seven thirteen million two hundred and thirty-eight thousand five hundred and twelve -- fifty thousand and five hundred one thousand five thousand and eight hundred --
one thousand and sixty-one 2020-05-19 ninety-six million five hundred and fifty-seven thousand six hundred and sixty-five eight million seven hundred and seventy-two thousand one hundred and twenty-one six million four hundred and one thousand five hundred and eighty-nine -- fifty-five thousand and three hundred two hundred twenty-three thousand --
one thousand and sixty-two 2020-05-18 ninety-four million one hundred and eighty-seven thousand one hundred and thirty-three twelve million sixty-nine thousand seven hundred and fifty-seven sixteen million two hundred and three thousand and one hundred -- seventy-eight thousand and one hundred fifteen thousand and six hundred seven thousand and two hundred --
one thousand and sixty-three 2020-05-15 ninety-eight million three hundred and twenty thousand four hundred and seventy-six ten million seven hundred and ninety thousand and forty-nine eleven million one hundred and sixty-nine thousand four hundred and eighty-nine -- sixty-nine thousand and seven hundred six thousand and nine hundred four thousand and six hundred --
one thousand and sixty-four 2020-05-14 ninety-eight million six hundred and ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and sixteen fifteen million five hundred and seventy-six thousand seven hundred and ninety-four eleven million nine hundred and sixteen thousand one hundred and seventy -- sixty-seven thousand and four hundred seven hundred five thousand and two hundred --
one thousand and sixty-five 2020-05-13 ninety-five million thirty-nine thousand two hundred and ninety-two seventeen million twenty-three thousand nine hundred and thirty twenty-nine million six hundred and twenty-seven thousand six hundred and twenty-five -- seventy-one thousand and nine hundred nine thousand and one hundred four thousand and six hundred --
one thousand and sixty-six 2020-05-12 one hundred and seven million six hundred and forty-two thousand nine hundred and eighty-seven thirteen million one hundred and sixty-seven thousand three hundred and forty-eight eight million two hundred and thirty-two thousand and sixty-four -- sixty-seven thousand and four hundred one thousand and seven hundred one thousand and five hundred --
one thousand and sixty-seven 2020-05-11 one hundred and two million seven hundred and seven thousand seven hundred and three eight million two hundred and eighty thousand six hundred and forty-eight five million four hundred and thirty-nine thousand nine hundred and thirty-seven -- sixty-seven thousand and two hundred six hundred one thousand and eight hundred --
one thousand and sixty-eight 2020-05-08 ninety-nine million eight hundred and sixty-six thousand nine hundred and ninety-two ten million forty thousand two hundred and ninety-seven two million one hundred thousand and six -- sixty-eight thousand and four hundred four thousand and four hundred two thousand and three hundred --
one thousand and sixty-nine 2020-05-07 ninety-one million nine hundred and twenty-six thousand seven hundred and one two million three hundred and seven thousand three hundred and fifteen four million eight hundred and thirteen thousand one hundred and eighty-four -- sixty-six thousand and three hundred nine hundred nine hundred --
one thousand and seventy 2020-05-06 ninety-four million four hundred and thirty-two thousand five hundred and seventy three million three hundred and twenty thousand five hundred and fifty-seven four million nine hundred and thirty-one thousand one hundred and sixty -- sixty-six thousand and three hundred five thousand and three hundred one thousand --
one thousand and seventy-one 2020-04-30 ninety-six million forty-three thousand one hundred and seventy-three twenty-four million four hundred and eighty-nine thousand and seventy-seven fifteen million nine hundred and sixty-six thousand nine hundred and sixty-five -- sixty-two thousand three thousand and two hundred sixteen thousand and nine hundred --
one thousand and seventy-two 2020-04-29 eighty-seven million five hundred and twenty-one thousand and sixty-one eleven million nine hundred and sixty-five thousand four hundred and seventy-one fourteen million seventy-four thousand five hundred and forty-seven -- seventy-five thousand and seven hundred six hundred twenty-seven thousand and one hundred --
one thousand and seventy-three 2020-04-28 eighty-nine million six hundred and thirty thousand one hundred and thirty-seven ten million five hundred and fifty-one thousand four hundred and thirty-six six million two hundred and ninety-nine thousand seven hundred and forty-one -- one hundred and two thousand and two hundred twelve thousand four thousand and seven hundred --
one thousand and seventy-four 2020-04-27 eighty-five million three hundred and seventy-eight thousand four hundred and forty-two five million five hundred and twenty-three thousand two hundred and sixty-eight six million six hundred and seventy-seven thousand six hundred and eighty-three -- ninety-four thousand and nine hundred three thousand and nine hundred nine thousand and six hundred --
one thousand and seventy-five 2020-04-24 eighty-six million five hundred and thirty-two thousand eight hundred and fifty-seven five million one hundred and forty-three thousand seven hundred and seven six million six thousand nine hundred and twenty-four -- one hundred thousand and six hundred thirty-two thousand and three hundred ten thousand and eight hundred --
one thousand and seventy-six 2020-04-23 eighty-seven million three hundred and ninety-six thousand and seventy-four five million six hundred and sixty-two thousand one hundred and forty-four three million seven hundred and forty-five thousand one hundred and ninety-nine -- seventy-nine thousand and one hundred eight thousand and six hundred one thousand and eight hundred --
one thousand and seventy-seven 2020-04-22 eighty-five million four hundred and seventy-nine thousand one hundred and twenty-nine eight million nine hundred thousand nine hundred and forty-eight ten million eight hundred and two thousand nine hundred and twenty-seven -- seventy-two thousand and three hundred eight thousand and three hundred one thousand and two hundred --
one thousand and seventy-eight 2020-04-21 eighty-seven million three hundred and eighty-one thousand one hundred and eight ten million nine hundred and thirty-six thousand four hundred and ninety ten million seven hundred and eighty-one thousand five hundred and sixty-seven -- sixty-five thousand and two hundred seven thousand and one hundred nine hundred --
one thousand and seventy-nine 2020-04-20 eighty-seven million one hundred and ninety-six thousand nine hundred and seventy-three nine million five hundred and fifty-two thousand seven hundred and one seven million one hundred and eighty-five thousand eight hundred and fifty-nine -- fifty-nine thousand three thousand twenty-three thousand and seven hundred --
one thousand and eighty 2020-04-17 eighty-four million eight hundred and thirty thousand one hundred and thirty-one six million nine hundred and seventy-seven thousand and seventy-two eight million four hundred and one thousand eight hundred and seventy-four -- seventy-nine thousand and seven hundred two thousand and four hundred thirty-one thousand and six hundred --
one thousand and eighty-one 2020-04-16 eighty-six million two hundred and fifty-four thousand nine hundred and thirty-three seven million four hundred and forty-four thousand one hundred and fifty-seven seven million seven hundred and fifty-nine thousand four hundred and ninety-six -- one hundred and eight thousand and nine hundred two thousand and four hundred three thousand and one hundred --
one thousand and eighty-two 2020-04-15 eighty-six million five hundred and seventy thousand two hundred and seventy-two eleven million three hundred and seventy thousand seven hundred and twenty-one eleven million five hundred and thirty thousand four hundred and four -- one hundred and nine thousand and six hundred one thousand and six hundred three thousand and one hundred --
one thousand and eighty-three 2020-04-14 eighty-six million nine hundred and four thousand three hundred and seventy-five twenty-three million three hundred and fifty-three thousand four hundred and seventy-two twenty-three million three hundred and ninety-eight thousand seven hundred and nine -- one hundred and eleven thousand and one hundred nine thousand and nine hundred one thousand and one hundred --
one thousand and eighty-four 2020-04-13 eighty-six million nine hundred and forty-nine thousand six hundred and twelve five million two thousand seven hundred and ninety-seven two million nine hundred and sixty-six thousand three hundred and four -- one hundred and two thousand and three hundred two thousand and nine hundred three thousand and five hundred --
one thousand and eighty-five 2020-04-10 eighty-four million nine hundred and thirteen thousand one hundred and nineteen seven million nine hundred and fifty-two thousand two hundred and six nine million seven hundred and twenty-seven thousand seven hundred and forty-three -- one hundred and two thousand and nine hundred one thousand and four hundred one thousand and three hundred --
one thousand and eighty-six 2020-04-09 eighty-six million six hundred and eighty-eight thousand six hundred and fifty-six fourteen million nine hundred and ninety-six thousand six hundred and ninety-six eight million four hundred and forty-four thousand four hundred and ninety-nine -- one hundred and two thousand and eight hundred six thousand and nine hundred three thousand --
one thousand and eighty-seven 2020-04-08 eighty million one hundred and thirty-six thousand four hundred and fifty-nine two million seven hundred and fifteen thousand eight hundred and sixty six million three hundred and forty-six thousand and fifty-five -- ninety-eight thousand and nine hundred four thousand and nine hundred one thousand and five hundred --
one thousand and eighty-eight 2020-04-07 eighty-three million seven hundred and sixty-six thousand six hundred and fifty-four eleven million two hundred and thirty-nine thousand and twenty-three three million two hundred and twelve thousand eight hundred and thirty-four -- ninety-five thousand and five hundred one hundred six thousand and eight hundred --
one thousand and eighty-nine 2020-04-03 seventy-five million seven hundred and forty thousand four hundred and sixty-five four million one hundred and sixty-five thousand five hundred and forty-two four million three hundred and thirteen thousand two hundred and eighty-three -- one hundred and two thousand and two hundred thirteen thousand and four hundred two thousand and six hundred --
one thousand and ninety 2020-04-02 seventy-five million eight hundred and eighty-eight thousand two hundred and six two million five hundred and ninety-two thousand two hundred and forty-eight two million five hundred and eighteen thousand and ninety -- ninety-one thousand and four hundred thirty-two thousand and one hundred three thousand and nine hundred --
one thousand and ninety-one 2020-04-01 seventy-five million eight hundred and fourteen thousand and forty-eight sixteen million one hundred and eighty-one thousand and seven hundred three million two hundred and fourteen thousand one hundred and eighteen -- sixty-three thousand and two hundred six thousand sixteen thousand and nine hundred --
one thousand and ninety-two 2020-03-31 sixty-two million eight hundred and forty-six thousand four hundred and sixty-six three million nine hundred and fifty-six thousand one hundred and twenty-four one million three hundred and thirty-six thousand seven hundred and sixty-nine -- seventy-four thousand and one hundred nine thousand seven thousand and three hundred --
one thousand and ninety-three 2020-03-30 sixty million two hundred and twenty-seven thousand one hundred and eleven fifteen million five hundred and forty-two thousand eight hundred and ninety-seven two million eight hundred and ninety-seven thousand one hundred and eighty-five -- seventy-two thousand and four hundred nine thousand and seven hundred three hundred --
one thousand and ninety-four 2020-03-27 forty-seven million five hundred and eighty-one thousand three hundred and ninety-nine two million four hundred and fifty-three thousand three hundred and twenty-eight four million one hundred and eighty thousand four hundred and seventy-seven -- sixty-three thousand five thousand and eight hundred thirteen thousand and four hundred --
one thousand and ninety-five 2020-03-26 forty-nine million three hundred and eight thousand five hundred and forty-eight one million thirty-four thousand and thirty-one four million three hundred and forty-one thousand five hundred and thirty-one -- seventy thousand and six hundred two thousand six thousand and seven hundred --
one thousand and ninety-six 2020-03-25 fifty-two million six hundred and sixteen thousand and forty-eight two million two hundred and ninety-nine thousand one hundred and thirty-nine four million seventy-four thousand five hundred and sixty-one -- seventy-five thousand and three hundred ten thousand and four hundred seven thousand and one hundred --
one thousand and ninety-seven 2020-03-24 fifty-four million five hundred and fifty-three thousand three hundred and forty-four three million seven hundred and sixty thousand and ninety-nine seven million two hundred and sixty-one thousand and fifty-nine -- seventy-two thousand nineteen thousand and seven hundred twenty-four thousand and nine hundred --
one thousand and ninety-eight 2020-03-23 fifty-eight million fifty-four thousand three hundred and four four million three hundred and seventy-five thousand six hundred and twenty-eight three million eight hundred and ninety thousand nine hundred and seventy-eight -- seventy-seven thousand and two hundred thirty-nine thousand and two hundred two thousand and six hundred --
one thousand and ninety-nine 2020-03-20 fifty-seven million five hundred and sixty-nine thousand six hundred and fifty-four one million nine hundred and seventy-two thousand two hundred and five four million three hundred and thirty-three thousand five hundred and eighty -- forty thousand and six hundred eleven thousand and five hundred four hundred --
one thousand and one hundred 2020-03-19 fifty-nine million nine hundred and thirty-one thousand and twenty-nine four million nine hundred and sixty thousand six hundred and twelve ten million five hundred and fifty-seven thousand nine hundred and twenty-nine -- twenty-nine thousand and five hundred eleven thousand and three hundred twenty-one thousand and nine hundred --
one thousand one hundred and one 2020-03-18 sixty-five million five hundred and twenty-eight thousand three hundred and forty-six eight million one hundred and ninety thousand seven hundred and twenty-two eleven million sixty-four thousand and sixty-four -- forty thousand and one hundred twenty-one thousand and four hundred one thousand and six hundred --
one thousand one hundred and two 2020-03-17 sixty-eight million four hundred and one thousand six hundred and eighty-eight five million two hundred and eighty-six thousand five hundred and ten four million one hundred and seventy-seven thousand eight hundred and eighty-four -- twenty thousand and three hundred twelve thousand and nine hundred six thousand and three hundred --
one thousand one hundred and three 2020-03-16 sixty-seven million two hundred and ninety-three thousand and sixty-two ten million three hundred and seventy-two thousand nine hundred and fifty-seven twelve million eight hundred and nineteen thousand and fifty-six -- thirteen thousand and seven hundred one thousand two thousand and five hundred --
one thousand one hundred and four 2020-03-13 sixty-nine million seven hundred and thirty-nine thousand one hundred and sixty-one eight million six hundred and twenty-seven thousand six hundred and ninety-two eight million five hundred and seventy-eight thousand three hundred and forty-four -- fifteen thousand and two hundred three thousand and four hundred one thousand and seven hundred --
one thousand one hundred and five 2020-03-12 sixty-nine million six hundred and eighty-nine thousand eight hundred and thirteen five million five hundred and thirty-five thousand four hundred and thirty-four three million two hundred and fifty-nine thousand eight hundred and twenty-six -- thirteen thousand and five hundred zero twenty-four thousand and six hundred --
one thousand one hundred and six 2020-03-11 sixty-seven million four hundred and fourteen thousand two hundred and five one million three hundred and eighty-seven thousand four hundred and seventy-five five million two hundred and ninety-one thousand three hundred and twenty-eight -- thirty-eight thousand and one hundred fourteen thousand and seven hundred three hundred --
one thousand one hundred and seven 2020-03-10 seventy-one million three hundred and eighteen thousand and fifty-eight six million one hundred and sixty-three thousand nine hundred and fifty-one eight million eight hundred and eighty-three thousand eight hundred and two -- twenty-three thousand and seven hundred ten thousand and three hundred ten thousand and four hundred --
one thousand one hundred and eight 2020-03-09 seventy-four million thirty-seven thousand nine hundred and nine six million six hundred and ninety-nine thousand seven hundred and fifty-five thirteen million eight hundred and forty thousand and two hundred -- twenty-three thousand and eight hundred two thousand and five hundred one thousand and nine hundred --
one thousand one hundred and nine 2020-03-06 eighty-one million one hundred and seventy-eight thousand three hundred and fifty-four four million two hundred and forty-three thousand seven hundred and thirty-four four million six hundred and fifty thousand three hundred and thirteen -- twenty-three thousand and two hundred four thousand and nine hundred one thousand and nine hundred --
one thousand one hundred and ten 2020-03-05 eighty-one million five hundred and eighty-four thousand nine hundred and thirty-three eight million three hundred and forty-three thousand two hundred and forty-four nine million nine hundred and thirty-one thousand two hundred and one -- twenty thousand and two hundred two thousand and five hundred one thousand and three hundred --
one thousand one hundred and eleven 2020-03-04 eighty-three million one hundred and seventy-two thousand eight hundred and ninety nine million nine hundred and sixty-seven thousand one hundred and thirteen five million one hundred and eighty-five thousand two hundred and seventy-one -- nineteen thousand seven hundred two thousand and seven hundred --
one thousand one hundred and twelve 2020-03-03 seventy-eight million three hundred and ninety-one thousand and forty-eight eight million three hundred and forty-five thousand eight hundred and two seven million nine hundred and ninety-five thousand one hundred and seventy-eight -- twenty-one thousand four thousand zero --
one thousand one hundred and thirteen 2020-03-02 seventy-eight million forty thousand four hundred and twenty-four ten million eight hundred and thirty-six thousand and fifty-five thirteen million seven hundred and sixty-three thousand five hundred and fifty-nine -- seventeen thousand one hundred four thousand and three hundred --
one thousand one hundred and fourteen 2020-02-28 eighty million nine hundred and sixty-seven thousand nine hundred and twenty-eight nine million seven hundred and thirty-three thousand three hundred and sixty-four ten million two hundred and forty-one thousand two hundred and sixty-five -- twenty-one thousand and two hundred one thousand and six hundred three thousand and two hundred --
one thousand one hundred and fifteen 2020-02-27 eighty-one million four hundred and seventy-five thousand eight hundred and twenty-nine four million six hundred and forty-seven thousand nine hundred and thirty-eight sixteen million three hundred and forty-nine thousand four hundred and thirty-one -- twenty-two thousand and eight hundred five thousand and nine hundred two thousand and three hundred --
one thousand one hundred and sixteen 2020-02-26 ninety-three million one hundred and seventy-seven thousand three hundred and twenty-two eighteen million seven hundred and twenty-six thousand eight hundred and fifty-two nineteen million seventy-nine thousand three hundred and twenty-nine -- nineteen thousand and two hundred three thousand and five hundred two thousand and nine hundred --
one thousand one hundred and seventeen 2020-02-25 ninety-three million five hundred and twenty-nine thousand seven hundred and ninety-nine twenty-three million two hundred and sixty-eight thousand nine hundred and sixty-four twenty million six hundred and fourteen thousand and fifty-six -- eighteen thousand and six hundred one thousand and two hundred one thousand --
one thousand one hundred and eighteen 2020-02-24 ninety million eight hundred and seventy-four thousand eight hundred and ninety-one twenty-one million five hundred and seventy-three thousand seven hundred and seven twenty-six million two hundred and eighty-eight thousand eight hundred and thirty-two -- eighteen thousand and four hundred one thousand and eight hundred seven thousand and one hundred --
one thousand one hundred and nineteen 2020-02-21 ninety-five million five hundred and ninety thousand and sixteen nineteen million ninety-four thousand three hundred and thirty-nine fifteen million six hundred and twenty-seven thousand five hundred and forty-seven -- twenty-three thousand and seven hundred seven thousand and four hundred four hundred --
one thousand one hundred and twenty 2020-02-20 ninety-two million one hundred and twenty-three thousand two hundred and twenty-four seventeen million six hundred and sixty-two thousand nine hundred and sixty-four nine million four hundred and sixty-five thousand six hundred and eighty-eight -- sixteen thousand and seven hundred one thousand and one hundred zero --
one thousand one hundred and twenty-one 2020-02-19 eighty-three million nine hundred and twenty-five thousand nine hundred and forty-eight thirteen million two hundred and twenty-eight thousand two hundred and ten eight million one hundred and two thousand three hundred and thirty-nine -- fifteen thousand and six hundred one thousand one thousand and eight hundred --
one thousand one hundred and twenty-two 2020-02-18 seventy-eight million eight hundred thousand and seventy-seven twenty-two million four hundred and seventy-nine thousand one hundred and seventy-five seven million one hundred and seventy-six thousand six hundred and forty-five -- sixteen thousand and four hundred zero two hundred --
one thousand one hundred and twenty-three 2020-02-17 sixty-three million four hundred and ninety-seven thousand five hundred and forty-seven twelve million three hundred and twenty thousand four hundred and one three million five hundred and three thousand four hundred and twenty-eight -- sixteen thousand and six hundred one thousand and one hundred one hundred --
one thousand one hundred and twenty-four 2020-02-14 fifty-four million six hundred and eighty thousand five hundred and seventy-four three million nine hundred and eighty-nine thousand eight hundred and twelve ten million one hundred and nine thousand four hundred and eighty-four -- fifteen thousand and six hundred zero four hundred --
one thousand one hundred and twenty-five 2020-02-13 sixty million eight hundred thousand two hundred and forty-six five million three hundred and eight thousand six hundred and seventy-five four million fifty-eight thousand four hundred and thirteen -- sixteen thousand zero four thousand and eight hundred --
one thousand one hundred and twenty-six 2020-02-12 fifty-nine million five hundred and forty-nine thousand nine hundred and eighty-four three million four hundred and ten thousand and sixty nine million three hundred and twenty-nine thousand three hundred and ninety-five -- twenty thousand and eight hundred zero four thousand and nine hundred --
one thousand one hundred and twenty-seven 2020-02-11 sixty-five million four hundred and sixty-nine thousand three hundred and nineteen seven million five hundred and ninety-three thousand eight hundred and seventy-three seven million eight hundred and ninety-eight thousand and fifty-five -- twenty-five thousand and seven hundred two thousand seven hundred --
one thousand one hundred and twenty-eight 2020-02-10 sixty-five million seven hundred and seventy-three thousand five hundred and one six million thirty thousand seven hundred and forty-one three million three hundred and thirty-two thousand seven hundred and sixty-six -- twenty-four thousand and four hundred seventeen thousand and seven hundred zero --
one thousand one hundred and twenty-nine 2020-02-07 sixty-three million seventy-five thousand five hundred and twenty-six six million nine hundred thousand two hundred and ninety-nine three million fifty-three thousand three hundred and eighteen -- six thousand and seven hundred zero zero --
one thousand one hundred and thirty 2020-02-06 fifty-nine million two hundred and twenty-eight thousand five hundred and forty-five six million two hundred and eleven thousand nine hundred and twenty four million eight hundred and eight thousand three hundred and thirty-seven -- six thousand and seven hundred zero zero --
one thousand one hundred and thirty-one 2020-02-05 fifty-seven million six hundred and eleven thousand nine hundred and ninety-seven five million sixty-five thousand two hundred and one six million six hundred and one thousand two hundred and two -- six thousand and seven hundred zero zero --
one thousand one hundred and thirty-two 2020-02-04 fifty-nine million one hundred and forty-seven thousand nine hundred and ninety-eight fourteen million two hundred and twenty-eight thousand nine hundred and eighty-one three million five hundred and ninety-eight thousand one hundred and nineteen -- six thousand and seven hundred zero zero --
one thousand one hundred and thirty-three 2020-02-03 forty-eight million five hundred and seventeen thousand one hundred and thirty-six six million three hundred and ninety-one thousand nine hundred and four nine million seven hundred and five thousand nine hundred and eighty-five -- six thousand and seven hundred zero one thousand and one hundred --
one thousand one hundred and thirty-four 2020-01-23 fifty-one million eight hundred and thirty-one thousand two hundred and seventeen five million nine hundred and fifteen thousand eight hundred and forty-one twelve million seven hundred and seventy-eight thousand four hundred and seventy-two -- seven thousand and eight hundred zero five thousand and six hundred --
one thousand one hundred and thirty-five 2020-01-22 fifty-eight million six hundred and ninety-three thousand eight hundred and forty-eight four million six hundred and thirty-four thousand five hundred and forty-five six million eight hundred and thirty-eight thousand four hundred and thirty-six -- thirteen thousand and four hundred two thousand zero --
one thousand one hundred and thirty-six 2020-01-21 sixty million eight hundred and ninety-seven thousand seven hundred and thirty-nine five million three hundred and eleven thousand four hundred and ninety-two three million two hundred and eighty thousand four hundred and twenty-nine -- eleven thousand and four hundred zero one thousand and two hundred --
one thousand one hundred and thirty-seven 2020-01-20 fifty-eight million eight hundred and sixty-six thousand six hundred and seventy-six seven million two hundred and eleven thousand seven hundred and twenty-nine six million five hundred and fifty thousand and forty-four -- twelve thousand and six hundred two hundred four hundred --
one thousand one hundred and thirty-eight 2020-01-17 fifty-eight million two hundred and four thousand nine hundred and ninety-one one million nine hundred thousand one hundred and seventy two million nine hundred and twenty-nine thousand seven hundred and ninety-four -- twelve thousand and eight hundred zero one thousand and two hundred --
one thousand one hundred and thirty-nine 2020-01-16 fifty-nine million two hundred and thirty-four thousand six hundred and fifteen three million three hundred and eighty-seven thousand and ninety-seven three million eighty-seven thousand eight hundred and forty -- fourteen thousand two hundred five hundred --
one thousand one hundred and forty 2020-01-15 fifty-eight million nine hundred and thirty-five thousand three hundred and fifty-eight two million eight hundred and forty-eight thousand eight hundred and ten four million seven hundred and three thousand three hundred and twenty-nine -- fourteen thousand and three hundred one thousand and two hundred zero --
one thousand one hundred and forty-one 2020-01-14 sixty million seven hundred and eighty-nine thousand eight hundred and seventy-seven three million four hundred and eighty-nine thousand one hundred and twenty-two four million four hundred and sixty-four thousand nine hundred and thirty-eight -- thirteen thousand and one hundred zero one thousand and four hundred --
one thousand one hundred and forty-two 2020-01-13 sixty-one million seven hundred and sixty-five thousand six hundred and ninety-three four million nineteen thousand five hundred and thirty-six five million four hundred and ninety-four thousand six hundred and two -- fourteen thousand and five hundred eight hundred two thousand six hundred and seventy-seven --
one thousand one hundred and forty-three 2020-01-10 sixty-three million two hundred and forty thousand seven hundred and fifty-nine three million three hundred and eighteen thousand seven hundred and thirty-six eight million four hundred and three thousand three hundred and eighty -- sixteen thousand three hundred and seventy-seven three thousand and three hundred six hundred --
one thousand one hundred and forty-four 2020-01-09 sixty-eight million three hundred and twenty-five thousand four hundred and three four million nine hundred and sixty-two thousand five hundred and twenty-five eight million one hundred and seventeen thousand three hundred and seventy-seven -- thirteen thousand six hundred and seventy-seven one hundred three thousand --
one thousand one hundred and forty-five 2020-01-08 seventy-one million four hundred and eighty thousand two hundred and fifty-five eight million six hundred and twenty-seven thousand and eighty-four eight million two hundred and fifty-three thousand seven hundred and eighty-two -- sixteen thousand five hundred and seventy-seven four hundred two thousand and one hundred --
one thousand one hundred and forty-six 2020-01-07 seventy-one million one hundred and six thousand nine hundred and fifty-three three million eight hundred and seventy-one thousand eight hundred and seventy-five eleven million six hundred and fifty-five thousand and sixty-one -- eighteen thousand two hundred and seventy-seven seven thousand and seven hundred two thousand and one hundred --
one thousand one hundred and forty-seven 2020-01-06 seventy-eight million eight hundred and ninety thousand one hundred and thirty-nine seven million five hundred and twenty-one thousand nine hundred and sixty-eight five million three hundred and sixty-six thousand six hundred and seventy-two -- twelve thousand six hundred and seventy-seven two thousand and two hundred four thousand and eight hundred --
one thousand one hundred and forty-eight 2020-01-03 seventy-six million seven hundred and thirty-four thousand eight hundred and forty-three nine million five hundred and ninety-one thousand six hundred and seventy four million nine hundred and eighteen thousand and six -- fifteen thousand two hundred and seventy-seven five thousand and six hundred three thousand --
one thousand one hundred and forty-nine 2020-01-02 seventy-two million sixty-one thousand one hundred and seventy-nine ten million eight hundred and seventy-six thousand nine hundred and twenty-eight four million seven hundred and thirty-one thousand seven hundred and seventy-four -- twelve thousand six hundred and seventy-seven one thousand ten thousand and five hundred --
one thousand one hundred and fifty 2019-12-31 sixty-five million nine hundred and sixteen thousand and twenty-five seven million thirty-five thousand five hundred and fifty-five sixteen million three thousand one hundred and twenty-six -- twenty-two thousand one hundred and seventy-seven ten thousand and seven hundred five thousand and five hundred --
one thousand one hundred and fifty-one 2019-12-30 seventy-four million eight hundred and eighty-three thousand five hundred and ninety-six five million one hundred and fifteen thousand one hundred and forty-seven nine million three hundred and five thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine -- sixteen thousand nine hundred and seventy-seven nine thousand and nine hundred six thousand and two hundred --
one thousand one hundred and fifty-two 2019-12-27 seventy-nine million five hundred and seventy-one thousand six hundred and eighty-one eight million nine hundred and thirty thousand eight hundred and thirty-four eleven million eight hundred and ninety-one thousand five hundred and sixty-one -- thirteen thousand two hundred and seventy-seven five thousand and one hundred seven thousand and five hundred --
one thousand one hundred and fifty-three 2019-12-26 eighty-two million five hundred and thirty-two thousand four hundred and eight six million one hundred and twenty-eight thousand two hundred and forty-one five million nine hundred and sixteen thousand four hundred and thirty-four -- fifteen thousand six hundred and seventy-seven three thousand and four hundred seven thousand and six hundred --
one thousand one hundred and fifty-four 2019-12-25 eighty-two million three hundred and twenty thousand six hundred and one eight million two hundred and sixty-four thousand four hundred and seventy-eight seventeen million thirty-one thousand three hundred and seventy-five -- nineteen thousand eight hundred and seventy-seven fourteen thousand and nine hundred three thousand and five hundred --
one thousand one hundred and fifty-five 2019-12-24 ninety-one million eighty-seven thousand four hundred and ninety-eight ten million nine hundred and thirty-two thousand four hundred and ninety-six five million six hundred and sixteen thousand five hundred and sixty-eight -- eight thousand four hundred and seventy-seven four thousand ten thousand and seven hundred --
one thousand one hundred and fifty-six 2019-12-23 eighty-five million seven hundred and seventy-one thousand five hundred and seventy thirteen million six hundred and three thousand three hundred and sixty-eight four million eight hundred and thirty-six thousand five hundred and forty-six -- fifteen thousand one hundred and seventy-seven twelve thousand eight hundred and seventy-seven ten thousand and two hundred --
one thousand one hundred and fifty-seven 2019-12-20 seventy-seven million four thousand seven hundred and forty-eight nine million six hundred and thirty-nine thousand and eight four million one hundred and fifteen thousand two hundred and twenty-seven -- twelve thousand and five hundred twelve thousand and two hundred ten thousand --
one thousand one hundred and fifty-eight 2019-12-19 seventy-one million four hundred and eighty thousand nine hundred and sixty-seven fourteen million one hundred and seventy-seven thousand and forty-seven ten million twenty-four thousand nine hundred and forty-six -- ten thousand and three hundred ten thousand nine thousand and two hundred --
one thousand one hundred and fifty-nine 2019-12-18 sixty-seven million three hundred and twenty-eight thousand eight hundred and sixty-six ten million eight thousand eight hundred and fifty-three four million one hundred and fifty-four thousand seven hundred and ninety-four -- nine thousand and five hundred nine thousand and five hundred zero --
one thousand one hundred and sixty 2019-12-17 sixty-one million four hundred and seventy-four thousand eight hundred and seven twenty million three hundred and nineteen thousand eight hundred and eighty-five five million one hundred and ninety-six thousand and seventy-five -- zero zero zero --
one thousand one hundred and sixty-one 2019-12-16 forty-six million three hundred and fifty thousand nine hundred and ninety-seven nine million eight hundred and forty-three thousand two hundred and eighty-two five million two hundred and twenty-eight thousand two hundred and eight -- zero zero zero --
one thousand one hundred and sixty-two 2019-12-13 forty-one million seven hundred and thirty-five thousand nine hundred and twenty-three nine million nine hundred and thirty-nine thousand three hundred and two five million eight thousand one hundred and forty-eight -- zero zero zero --
one thousand one hundred and sixty-three 2019-12-12 thirty-six million eight hundred and four thousand seven hundred and sixty-nine ten million four hundred and seventy-five thousand two hundred and seventy-five three million one hundred and forty-nine thousand eight hundred and fifty-three -- zero zero zero --
one thousand one hundred and sixty-four 2019-12-11 twenty-nine million four hundred and seventy-nine thousand three hundred and forty-seven two million seventy-three thousand and twenty two million five hundred and eight thousand five hundred and twenty -- zero zero zero --
one thousand one hundred and sixty-five 2019-12-10 twenty-nine million nine hundred and fourteen thousand eight hundred and forty-seven four million five hundred and sixteen thousand eight hundred and five five million seven hundred and ninety-seven thousand nine hundred and eight -- zero zero zero --
one thousand one hundred and sixty-six 2019-12-09 thirty-one million one hundred and sixty-five thousand nine hundred and sixty-eight one million eight hundred and ninety thousand nine hundred and sixty-three six million forty thousand five hundred and seventy-three -- zero zero zero --
one thousand one hundred and sixty-seven 2019-12-06 thirty-five million three hundred and fifteen thousand five hundred and seventy-eight three million eight hundred and forty-two thousand four hundred and eighty-five three million six hundred and sixty-three thousand eight hundred and sixty-four -- zero zero zero --
one thousand one hundred and sixty-eight 2019-12-05 thirty-five million one hundred and thirty-six thousand nine hundred and fifty-seven one million six hundred and ninety-five thousand eight hundred and eighty-six seven million three hundred and seventy-seven thousand six hundred and seventy -- zero zero zero --
one thousand one hundred and sixty-nine 2019-12-04 forty million eight hundred and eighteen thousand seven hundred and forty-one four million eight hundred and forty-four thousand and thirty-five seven million eight hundred and ninety-seven thousand and one -- zero zero zero --
one thousand one hundred and seventy 2019-12-03 forty-three million eight hundred and seventy-one thousand seven hundred and seven three million six hundred and thirty thousand five hundred and twenty-five five million five hundred and ninety thousand nine hundred and thirty-one -- zero zero zero --
one thousand one hundred and seventy-one 2019-12-02 forty-five million eight hundred and thirty-two thousand one hundred and thirteen seven million two hundred and seventy thousand nine hundred and twenty-seven four million five hundred and seventeen thousand five hundred and six -- zero zero zero --
one thousand one hundred and seventy-two 2019-11-29 forty-three million seventy-eight thousand six hundred and ninety-two three million four hundred and fifty-one thousand seven hundred and thirty-three five million two hundred and forty-six thousand and four hundred -- zero zero zero --
one thousand one hundred and seventy-three 2019-11-28 forty-four million eight hundred and seventy-three thousand three hundred and fifty-nine three million fifty-two thousand nine hundred and thirteen eight million five hundred and sixty-eight thousand nine hundred and fifteen -- zero zero zero --
one thousand one hundred and seventy-four 2019-11-27 fifty million three hundred and eighty-nine thousand three hundred and sixty-one thirteen million nine hundred and twenty-one thousand eight hundred and fifty-two three million seven hundred and twenty-six thousand nine hundred and forty-five -- zero zero zero --
one thousand one hundred and seventy-five 2019-11-26 forty million one hundred and ninety-four thousand four hundred and fifty-four two million eight hundred and fifteen thousand five hundred and ninety-two three million seven hundred and sixty-three thousand two hundred and seventy-four -- zero zero zero --
one thousand one hundred and seventy-six 2019-11-25 forty-one million one hundred and forty-two thousand one hundred and thirty-six seven million three hundred and thirty-eight thousand one hundred and eighty-nine nine million four hundred and thirty-seven thousand and seventy-nine -- zero zero zero --
one thousand one hundred and seventy-seven 2019-11-22 forty-three million two hundred and forty-one thousand and twenty-six eight million seven hundred and eighty-seven thousand two hundred and seventy-nine ten million four hundred and ninety-seven thousand seven hundred and fifty-seven -- zero zero zero --
one thousand one hundred and seventy-eight 2019-11-21 forty-four million nine hundred and fifty-one thousand five hundred and four two million two hundred and twenty-seven thousand two hundred and seventy eight million seven hundred and two thousand seven hundred and thirty-four -- zero zero zero --
one thousand one hundred and seventy-nine 2019-11-20 fifty-one million four hundred and twenty-six thousand nine hundred and sixty-eight seventeen million two hundred and seventy-five thousand two hundred and forty seven million nine hundred and six thousand one hundred and fifteen -- zero zero zero --
one thousand one hundred and eighty 2019-11-19 forty-two million fifty-seven thousand eight hundred and forty-three ten million three hundred and fifty-eight thousand and seventy-two seven million eight hundred and sixty-nine thousand six hundred and sixty -- zero zero zero --
one thousand one hundred and eighty-one 2019-11-18 thirty-nine million five hundred and sixty-nine thousand four hundred and thirty-one four million ninety-six thousand and eighty-four three million three hundred and twenty thousand and forty-five -- zero zero zero --
one thousand one hundred and eighty-two 2019-11-15 thirty-eight million seven hundred and ninety-three thousand three hundred and ninety-two two million two hundred and four thousand one hundred and seventy-seven six million six hundred and five thousand and thirty -- zero zero zero --
one thousand one hundred and eighty-three 2019-11-14 forty-three million one hundred and ninety-four thousand two hundred and forty-five three million two hundred and eighty-one thousand seven hundred and fifty-two six million three hundred and sixty-six thousand nine hundred and four -- zero zero zero --
one thousand one hundred and eighty-four 2019-11-13 forty-six million two hundred and seventy-nine thousand three hundred and ninety-seven three million five hundred and eight thousand nine hundred and forty-seven six million four hundred and forty thousand and sixty-six -- zero zero zero --
one thousand one hundred and eighty-five 2019-11-12 forty-nine million two hundred and ten thousand five hundred and sixteen seven million eight hundred and twenty-one thousand four hundred and thirty-five three million twenty-three thousand one hundred and seventeen -- zero zero zero --
one thousand one hundred and eighty-six 2019-11-11 forty-four million four hundred and twelve thousand one hundred and ninety-eight seven million five hundred and forty-one thousand one hundred and eighty-two three million four hundred and fifty-four thousand five hundred and eighty -- zero zero zero --
one thousand one hundred and eighty-seven 2019-11-08 forty million three hundred and twenty-five thousand five hundred and ninety-six eight million five hundred and twenty thousand nine hundred and seventy-nine five million seven hundred and thirty-four thousand and twenty-three -- zero zero zero --
one thousand one hundred and eighty-eight 2019-11-07 thirty-seven million five hundred and thirty-eight thousand six hundred and forty five million two hundred and six thousand four hundred and eighty-eight five million eighty-one thousand and eighty-seven -- zero zero zero --
one thousand one hundred and eighty-nine 2019-11-06 thirty-seven million four hundred and thirteen thousand two hundred and thirty-nine three million eight hundred and thirty thousand seven hundred and nineteen three million nineteen thousand one hundred and ninety-two -- zero zero zero --
one thousand one hundred and ninety 2019-11-05 thirty-six million six hundred and one thousand seven hundred and twelve fourteen million thirty-four thousand one hundred and twenty-eight six million two hundred and twenty-nine thousand seven hundred and eighty -- zero zero zero --
one thousand one hundred and ninety-one 2019-11-04 twenty-eight million seven hundred and ninety-seven thousand three hundred and sixty-four five million three hundred and forty-four thousand two hundred and twenty-one two million six hundred and thirty-seven thousand four hundred and eighty-four -- zero zero zero --
one thousand one hundred and ninety-two 2019-11-01 twenty-six million ninety thousand six hundred and twenty-seven four million four hundred and twenty-seven thousand and fifty-four four million nine hundred and forty-seven thousand four hundred and ninety-six -- zero zero zero --
one thousand one hundred and ninety-three 2019-10-31 twenty-six million six hundred and eleven thousand and sixty-nine three million one hundred and sixteen thousand eight hundred and thirteen six million ninety-five thousand six hundred and forty -- zero zero zero --
one thousand one hundred and ninety-four 2019-10-30 twenty-nine million five hundred and eighty-nine thousand eight hundred and ninety-six two million one hundred and seventy-one thousand four hundred and forty-three six million six hundred and ninety thousand four hundred and fifty-two -- zero zero zero --
one thousand one hundred and ninety-five 2019-10-29 thirty-four million one hundred and eight thousand nine hundred and five five million seven hundred and ninety thousand two hundred and forty-five four million one hundred and twenty thousand three hundred and sixty-five -- zero zero zero --
one thousand one hundred and ninety-six 2019-10-28 thirty-two million four hundred and thirty-nine thousand and twenty-five thirteen million one hundred and eighteen thousand two hundred and eighty-seven three million one hundred and fifty thousand and six hundred -- zero zero zero --
one thousand one hundred and ninety-seven 2019-10-25 twenty-two million four hundred and seventy-one thousand three hundred and thirty-eight one million eight hundred and forty-eight thousand two hundred and eighty-seven one million six hundred and ninety-six thousand four hundred and thirty-six -- zero zero zero --
one thousand one hundred and ninety-eight 2019-10-24 twenty-two million three hundred and nineteen thousand four hundred and eighty-seven nine hundred and sixty thousand two hundred and sixteen two million seventy-five thousand five hundred and ninety-three -- zero zero zero --
one thousand one hundred and ninety-nine 2019-10-23 twenty-three million four hundred and thirty-four thousand eight hundred and sixty-four five million one hundred and two thousand four hundred and ninety-three two million four hundred and twenty-five thousand three hundred and one -- zero zero zero --
one thousand and two hundred 2019-10-22 twenty million seven hundred and fifty-seven thousand six hundred and seventy-two four million three hundred and six thousand eight hundred and ninety-five three million four hundred and fifty-one thousand three hundred and fourteen -- zero zero zero --
one thousand two hundred and one 2019-10-21 nineteen million nine hundred and two thousand and ninety-one three million seven hundred and seventeen thousand one hundred and sixty-seven five million four hundred and twenty-five thousand eight hundred and ninety-two -- zero zero zero --
one thousand two hundred and two 2019-10-18 twenty-one million six hundred and ten thousand eight hundred and sixteen six million five hundred and nineteen thousand four hundred and thirty-two three million two hundred and fifty-one thousand and one hundred -- zero zero zero --
one thousand two hundred and three 2019-10-17 eighteen million three hundred and forty-two thousand four hundred and eighty-four five million eight hundred and forty-one thousand six hundred and fifty-six six million eight hundred and fifty-seven thousand six hundred and fifty-two -- zero zero zero --
one thousand two hundred and four 2019-10-16 nineteen million three hundred and fifty-eight thousand four hundred and eighty four million five hundred and seventy-two thousand and seventy-nine six million three hundred and three thousand nine hundred and fifty-two -- zero zero zero --
one thousand two hundred and five 2019-10-15 twenty-one million ninety thousand three hundred and fifty-three one million six hundred and eighteen thousand five hundred and seventy-one four million seven hundred and ninety-five thousand one hundred and sixty-one -- zero zero zero --
one thousand two hundred and six 2019-10-14 twenty-four million two hundred and sixty-six thousand nine hundred and forty-three three million four hundred and ninety-six thousand six hundred and fifty-nine two million six hundred and thirty thousand one hundred and eighty-seven -- zero zero zero --
one thousand two hundred and seven 2019-10-11 twenty-three million four hundred thousand four hundred and seventy-one two million eight hundred and fifteen thousand two hundred and four five million three hundred and forty-seven thousand seven hundred and thirty-seven -- zero zero zero --
one thousand two hundred and eight 2019-10-10 twenty-five million nine hundred and thirty-three thousand and four nine million three hundred and four thousand five hundred and seventy-four six million six hundred and eighteen thousand five hundred and sixty-one -- zero zero zero --
one thousand two hundred and nine 2019-10-09 twenty-three million two hundred and forty-six thousand nine hundred and ninety-one three million thirty-two thousand nine hundred and seventy-six two million seven hundred and nine thousand two hundred and ninety-nine -- zero zero zero --
one thousand two hundred and ten 2019-10-08 twenty-two million nine hundred and twenty-three thousand three hundred and fourteen nine million eight hundred and forty-nine thousand six hundred and ninety-two two million five hundred and seventy-eight thousand five hundred and fourteen -- zero zero zero --
one thousand two hundred and eleven 2019-09-30 fifteen million six hundred and fifty-two thousand one hundred and thirty-six two million two hundred and eighteen thousand six hundred and nine three million nine hundred and two thousand one hundred and seventy-three -- zero zero zero --
one thousand two hundred and twelve 2019-09-27 seventeen million three hundred and thirty-five thousand and seven hundred two million thirty-six thousand three hundred and eighty-five three million one hundred and thirty thousand three hundred and sixty -- zero zero zero --
one thousand two hundred and thirteen 2019-09-26 eighteen million four hundred and twenty-nine thousand six hundred and seventy-five three million four hundred and sixty-five thousand six hundred and thirteen four million nine hundred and fifty-eight thousand two hundred and twenty-six -- zero zero zero --
one thousand two hundred and fourteen 2019-09-25 nineteen million nine hundred and twenty-two thousand two hundred and eighty-eight one million nine hundred and fifty-two thousand two hundred and six ten million two hundred and four thousand eight hundred and eight -- zero zero zero --
one thousand two hundred and fifteen 2019-09-24 twenty-eight million one hundred and seventy-four thousand eight hundred and ninety two million nine hundred and ninety thousand and eighty-one two million five hundred and seventy thousand seven hundred and twenty-one -- zero zero zero --
one thousand two hundred and sixteen 2019-09-23 twenty-seven million seven hundred and fifty-five thousand five hundred and thirty seven million nine hundred and eighty-four thousand one hundred and fifty-three four million two hundred and thirty-nine thousand one hundred and seventy-seven -- zero zero zero --
one thousand two hundred and seventeen 2019-09-20 twenty-four million ten thousand five hundred and fifty-four five million two hundred and nine thousand five hundred and thirty-one five million six hundred and thirty-six thousand nine hundred and seventy-seven -- zero zero zero --
one thousand two hundred and eighteen 2019-09-19 twenty-four million four hundred and thirty-eight thousand four million one hundred and thirty-nine thousand two hundred and ninety-four six million six hundred and five thousand eight hundred and eighteen -- zero zero zero --
one thousand two hundred and nineteen 2019-09-18 twenty-six million nine hundred and four thousand five hundred and twenty-four six million three hundred and sixty-one thousand eight hundred and thirty-two four million sixty thousand eight hundred and forty-four -- zero zero zero --
one thousand two hundred and twenty 2019-09-17 twenty-four million six hundred and three thousand five hundred and thirty-six four million eight hundred and ninety thousand seven hundred and ten four million five hundred and eighty-one thousand five hundred and thirty-two -- zero zero zero --
one thousand two hundred and twenty-one 2019-09-16 twenty-four million two hundred and ninety-four thousand three hundred and fifty-eight nine million nine hundred and ninety-one thousand four hundred and sixty-two two million five hundred and fifty-eight thousand six hundred and fifty-six -- zero zero zero --
one thousand two hundred and twenty-two 2019-09-12 sixteen million eight hundred and sixty-one thousand five hundred and fifty-two two million three hundred and fifty-seven thousand eight hundred and sixty-two three million three hundred and eighty-eight thousand four hundred and sixty-four -- zero zero zero --
one thousand two hundred and twenty-three 2019-09-11 seventeen million eight hundred and ninety-two thousand one hundred and fifty-four three million eight hundred and six thousand nine hundred and forty-six two million seven hundred and eighty-three thousand five hundred and twenty-four -- zero zero zero --
one thousand two hundred and twenty-four 2019-09-10 sixteen million eight hundred and sixty-eight thousand seven hundred and thirty-two two million eight hundred and eleven thousand six hundred and fifty-nine two million seven hundred and seventy thousand two hundred and forty-five -- zero zero zero --
one thousand two hundred and twenty-five 2019-09-09 sixteen million eight hundred and twenty-seven thousand three hundred and eighteen four million five hundred and eighty-one thousand three hundred and thirty-three one million nine hundred and three thousand one hundred and twenty-four -- zero zero zero --
one thousand two hundred and twenty-six 2019-09-06 fourteen million one hundred and forty-nine thousand one hundred and nine five million eight hundred and sixty-two thousand and nine three million three hundred and fifty thousand five hundred and twenty-one -- zero zero zero --
one thousand two hundred and twenty-seven 2019-09-05 eleven million six hundred and thirty-seven thousand six hundred and twenty-one two million three hundred and sixty-six thousand three hundred and ninety-nine two million sixty-six thousand nine hundred and twenty-two -- zero zero zero --
one thousand two hundred and twenty-eight 2019-09-04 eleven million three hundred and thirty-eight thousand one hundred and forty-four four million five hundred and eighty-four thousand seven hundred and ninety-eight three million seven hundred and sixty-seven thousand three hundred and thirty-one -- zero zero zero --
one thousand two hundred and twenty-nine 2019-09-03 ten million five hundred and twenty thousand six hundred and seventy-seven two million four hundred and eighty-two thousand one hundred and forty-one three million one hundred and eighty-four thousand four hundred and forty-one -- zero zero zero --
one thousand two hundred and thirty 2019-09-02 eleven million two hundred and twenty-two thousand nine hundred and seventy-seven five million eight hundred and eight thousand eight hundred and thirty-seven two million three hundred and eight thousand and eighty-eight -- zero zero zero --
one thousand two hundred and thirty-one 2019-08-30 seven million seven hundred and twenty-two thousand two hundred and twenty-eight three million six hundred and sixty-two thousand two hundred and eight one million nine hundred and seventy-four thousand five hundred and sixty-nine -- zero zero zero --
one thousand two hundred and thirty-two 2019-08-29 six million thirty-four thousand five hundred and eighty-nine two million three hundred and fifty thousand seven hundred and seventy-three one million nine hundred and thirty-one thousand six hundred and sixty -- zero zero zero --
one thousand two hundred and thirty-three 2019-08-28 five million six hundred and fifteen thousand four hundred and seventy-six one million three hundred and forty-four thousand three hundred and fifty-two two million three hundred and fifteen thousand and eighty-two -- zero zero zero --
one thousand two hundred and thirty-four 2019-08-27 six million five hundred and eighty-six thousand two hundred and six two million three hundred and eighteen thousand and forty-four two million two hundred and twenty-three thousand nine hundred and twenty-eight -- zero zero zero --
one thousand two hundred and thirty-five 2019-08-26 six million four hundred and ninety-two thousand and ninety two million seven hundred and thirty-one thousand eight hundred and twelve three million two hundred and ninety thousand eight hundred and eighty-seven -- zero zero zero --
one thousand two hundred and thirty-six 2019-08-23 seven million fifty-one thousand one hundred and sixty-five two million five hundred and ninety-nine thousand and eleven two million one hundred and ninety-one thousand eight hundred and nine -- zero zero zero --
one thousand two hundred and thirty-seven 2019-08-22 six million six hundred and forty-three thousand nine hundred and sixty-three three million eight hundred and thirty-four thousand three hundred and eighteen five hundred and forty-six thousand one hundred and twenty-seven -- zero zero zero --
one thousand two hundred and thirty-eight 2019-08-21 three million three hundred and fifty-five thousand seven hundred and seventy-two one million seventy-one thousand nine hundred and ninety-three one million three hundred and eighteen thousand one hundred and sixty-five -- zero zero zero --
one thousand two hundred and thirty-nine 2019-08-20 three million six hundred and one thousand nine hundred and forty-four two million seven hundred and fifty-two thousand one hundred and ninety-five four hundred and fifty-two thousand eight hundred and fourteen -- zero zero zero --
one thousand two hundred and forty 2019-08-19 one million three hundred and two thousand five hundred and sixty-three one million six hundred and five thousand seven hundred and sixty-one three hundred and three thousand one hundred and ninety-eight -- zero zero zero --