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0.00 (0.000%)
Yesterday's closing: 0.000 Opening today: 0.000 Maximum price: 0.000 Lowest price: 0.000
Transaction amount: 0 Volume: 0 Purchase price: 0.000 Selling price: 0.000
P/E ratio: 0.000 Yield: 0.000 52 weeks maximum: 0.000 52 weeks minimum: 0.000
(688008) Lanqi Technology: quarterly report to be disclosed
Announcement date: 2024-09-26 00:00:00
 (688008) Lanqi Technology: quarterly report to be disclosed
(688008) Lanqi Technology: Announcement of the Resolution of the Third Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of Lanqi Technology in 2024
Announcement date: 2024-09-20 00:00:00
 (688008) Lanqi Technology: Announcement of the Resolution of the Third Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of Lanqi Technology in 2024 Announcement on the Resolution of the Third Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of LANQI Technology in 2024 For reference only, please refer to the full text of the announcement on that day. Full text reference link of the announcement:
(688008) LANQI Technology: Self inspection report of LANQI Technology on insider information of 2024 restricted stock incentive plan and core executive incentive plan of the third board of directors on buying and selling company shares
Announcement date: 2024-09-20 00:00:00
 (688008) LANQI Technology: Self inspection report of LANQI Technology on insider information of 2024 restricted stock incentive plan and core executive incentive plan of the third board of directors on buying and selling company shares Self inspection report of Lanci Technology on insider information of 2024 restricted stock incentive plan and the core executive incentive plan of the third board of directors on buying and selling company shares For reference only, please refer to the full text of the announcement on that day. Full text reference link of the announcement:
(688008) Lanqi Technology: Hold the 3rd Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders in 2024
Announcement date: 2024-09-03 00:00:00
 1 Proposal on Appointment of Financial and Internal Control Audit Institution in 2024 2 Proposal on the Company's 2024 Restricted Stock Incentive Plan (Draft) and its Abstract 3 Proposal on the Company's Measures for the Implementation and Assessment of the 2024 Restricted Stock Incentive Plan 4 Proposal on the Company's Employee Stock Ownership Plan (Draft) for 2024 and its Abstract 5 Proposal on the Company's Management Measures for Employee Stock Ownership Plan in 2024 6 Proposal on the Company's Incentive Plan for Core Executives under the Third Board of Directors (Draft) and its Abstract 7 Proposal on the Company's Management Measures for the Implementation of the Incentive Plan for Core Executives under the Third Board of Directors 8 Proposal on Submitting the General Meeting of Shareholders to Authorize the Board of Directors to Handle the 2024 Restricted Stock Incentive Plan and the Incentive Plan for Core Executives of the Third Board of Directors 9 Proposal on Submitting the General Meeting of Shareholders to Authorize the Board of Directors to Handle Matters Related to the Employee Stock Ownership Plan in 2024
(688008) Lanqi Technology: Announcement of Lanqi Technology on Holding the Semi annual Performance Statement Meeting in 2024
Announcement date: 2024-09-14 00:00:00
 (688008) Lanqi Technology: Announcement of Lanqi Technology on Holding the Semi annual Performance Statement Meeting in 2024 Announcement of Lanci Technology on Holding the Semi annual Performance Presentation Meeting in 2024 For reference only, please refer to the full text of the announcement on that day. Full text reference link of the announcement:
(688008) LANQI Science and Technology: the board of supervisors of LANQI Science and Technology's explanation and verification opinions on the publicity of the company's 2024 restricted stock incentive plan and the list of incentive objects of the core executive incentive plan of the third board of directors
Announcement date: 2024-09-14 00:00:00
 (688008) LANQI Science and Technology: the board of supervisors of LANQI Science and Technology's explanation and verification opinions on the publicity of the company's 2024 restricted stock incentive plan and the list of incentive objects of the core executive incentive plan of the third board of directors Explanations and verification opinions of the board of supervisors of LANQI Technology on the publicity of the 2024 restricted stock incentive plan and the list of incentive objects of the core executive incentive plan of the third board of directors For reference only, please refer to the full text of the announcement on that day. Full text reference link of the announcement:
(688008) Lanqi Technology: Announcement of the resolution of the staff congress of Lanqi Technology
Announcement date: 2024-09-03 00:00:00
 (688008) Lanqi Technology: Announcement of the resolution of the staff congress of Lanqi Technology Announcement of the Resolution of the Workers' Congress of Lanqi Technology For reference only, please refer to the full text of the announcement on that day. Full text reference link of the announcement:
(688008) Lanqi Technology: Announcement of the Third Meeting of the Third Board of Directors of Lanqi Technology
Announcement date: 2024-09-03 00:00:00
 (688008) Lanqi Technology: Announcement of the Third Meeting of the Third Board of Directors of Lanqi Technology Announcement on the Resolution of the Third Meeting of the Third Board of Directors of Lanci Technology For reference only, please refer to the full text of the announcement on that day. Full text reference link of the announcement:
(688008) Lanqi Technology: Announcement of Lanqi Technology on the Appointment of Financial and Internal Control Audit Institution in 2024
Announcement date: 2024-09-03 00:00:00
 (688008) Lanqi Technology: Announcement of Lanqi Technology on the Appointment of Financial and Internal Control Audit Institution in 2024 Announcement of Lanci Technology on Appointment of Financial and Internal Control Audit Institution in 2024 For reference only, please refer to the full text of the announcement on that day. Full text reference link of the announcement:
(688008) Lanqi Technology: Summary Announcement of Core Executive Incentive Plan (Draft) of the Third Board of Directors of Lanqi Technology
Announcement date: 2024-09-03 00:00:00
 (688008) Lanqi Technology: Summary Announcement of Core Executive Incentive Plan (Draft) of the Third Board of Directors of Lanqi Technology Summary Announcement of Core Executive Incentive Plan (Draft) of the Third Board of Directors of Lance Technology For reference only, please refer to the full text of the announcement on that day. Full text reference link of the announcement:
(688008) LANQI Technology: Announcement of the Third Meeting of the Third Board of Supervisors of LANQI Technology
Announcement date: 2024-09-03 00:00:00
 (688008) LANQI Technology: Announcement of the Third Meeting of the Third Board of Supervisors of LANQI Technology Announcement on the Resolution of the Third Meeting of the Third Board of Supervisors of Lanci Technology For reference only, please refer to the full text of the announcement on that day. Full text reference link of the announcement:
(688008) Lanqi Technology: Notice of Lanqi Technology on Convening the Third Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders in 2024
Announcement date: 2024-09-03 00:00:00
 (688008) Lanqi Technology: Notice of Lanqi Technology on Convening the Third Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders in 2024 Notice of Lanci Technology on Convening the Third Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders in 2024 For reference only, please refer to the full text of the announcement on that day. Full text reference link of the announcement:
(688008) LANQI Technology: LANQI Technology's announcement on the public solicitation of proxy voting rights by independent directors
Announcement date: 2024-09-03 00:00:00
 (688008) LANQI Technology: LANQI Technology's announcement on the public solicitation of proxy voting rights by independent directors Announcement of Lanci Technology on the Public Solicitation of Entrusted Voting Rights by Independent Directors For reference only, please refer to the full text of the announcement on that day. Full text reference link of the announcement:
(688008) Lanqi Technology: Summary Announcement of Lanqi Technology's 2024 Restricted Stock Incentive Plan (Draft)
Announcement date: 2024-09-03 00:00:00
 (688008) Lanqi Technology: Summary Announcement of Lanqi Technology's 2024 Restricted Stock Incentive Plan (Draft) Summary Announcement of Lanci Technology's 2024 Restricted Stock Incentive Plan (Draft) For reference only, please refer to the full text of the announcement on that day. Full text reference link of the announcement:
(688008) Lanqi Technology: Semi annual Report of Lanqi Technology in 2024
Announcement date: 2024-08-27 00:00:00
 (688008) Lanqi Technology: Semi annual Report of Lanqi Technology in 2024 Semi annual Report of Lanqi Technology in 2024 For reference only, please refer to the full text of the announcement on that day. Full text reference link of the announcement:
(688008) Lanqi Technology: to disclose the interim report
Announcement date: 2024-06-27 00:00:00
 (688008) Lanqi Technology: to disclose the interim report
(688008) LANQI Technology: Report on the Inquiry and Transfer Results of the Shareholders of LANQI Technology and the suggestive announcement that the change of shareholders' equity holding more than 5% has reached 1%
Announcement date: 2024-07-27 00:00:00
 (688008) LANQI Technology: Report on the Inquiry and Transfer Results of the Shareholders of LANQI Technology and the suggestive announcement that the change of shareholders' equity holding more than 5% has reached 1% Report on the Inquiry and Transfer Results of Lanchi Technology Shareholders and the suggestive announcement that the change in equity of shareholders holding more than 5% of shares has reached 1% For reference only, please refer to the full text of the announcement on that day. Full text reference link of the announcement:
(688008) Lanqi Technology: the second time of the fourth vesting period for the first grant of the 2019 restricted stock incentive plan, the second vesting period for the first grant of the 2022 restricted stock incentive plan, and the first vesting result of the first vesting period for the first grant of the 2023 restricted stock incentive plan and the stock listing announcement
Announcement date: 2024-07-25 00:00:00
 (688008) Lanqi Technology: the second time of the fourth vesting period for the first grant of the 2019 restricted stock incentive plan, the second vesting period for the first grant of the 2022 restricted stock incentive plan, and the first vesting result of the first vesting period for the first grant of the 2023 restricted stock incentive plan and the stock listing announcement Lance Technology 2019 restricted stock incentive plan first granted the fourth vesting period the second time, 2022 restricted stock incentive plan first granted the second vesting period, 2023 restricted stock incentive plan first granted the first vesting period the first vesting result and share listing announcement For reference only, please refer to the full text of the announcement on that day. Full text reference link of the announcement:
(688008) Lanqi Technology: Informative Announcement on Inquiry and Transfer Pricing of Lanqi Technology Shareholders
Announcement date: 2024-07-24 00:00:00
 (688008) Lanqi Technology: Informative Announcement on Inquiry and Transfer Pricing of Lanqi Technology Shareholders Informative Announcement on Inquiry and Transfer Pricing of Lanci Technology Shareholders For reference only, please refer to the full text of the announcement on that day. Full text reference link of the announcement:
(688008) Lanqi Technology: Lanqi Technology Shareholder Inquiry Transfer Plan
Announcement date: 2024-07-23 00:00:00
 (688008) Lanqi Technology: Lanqi Technology Shareholder Inquiry Transfer Plan Inquiry and Transfer Plan of Lanchi Technology Shareholders For reference only, please refer to the full text of the announcement on that day. Full text reference link of the announcement:
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