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00-00 00:00:00
0.00 (0.000%)
Yesterday's closing: 0.000 Opening today: 0.000 Maximum price: 0.000 Lowest price: 0.000
Transaction amount: 0 Volume: 0 Purchase price: 0.000 Selling price: 0.000
P/E ratio: 0.000 Yield: 0.000 52 weeks maximum: 0.000 52 weeks minimum: 0.000
(603348) Wenchan Shares: quarterly report to be disclosed
Announcement date: 2024-09-26 00:00:00
 (603348) Wenchan Shares: quarterly report to be disclosed
(603348) Wenchan Shares: dividend in 2024, 10 dividends of 1.500000000 (tax included), after tax dividend of 1.500000000
Announcement date: 2024-09-20 00:00:00
 (603348) Wenchan Shares: dividend in 2024, 10 distributions 1.500000000 (tax included), after tax 10 distributions 1.500000000 dividend payout date
(603348) Wenchan Shares: dividend in 2024, 10 distributions 1.500000000 (tax included), after tax 10 distributions 1.500000000 ex right days
Announcement date: 2024-09-20 00:00:00
 (603348) Wenchan Shares: dividend in 2024, 10 distributions 1.500000000 (tax included), after tax 10 distributions 1.500000000 ex right days
(603348) Wenchan Shares: dividend in 2024, 10 distributions 1.500000000 (tax included), 10 distributions 1.500000000 after tax Registration date
Announcement date: 2024-09-20 00:00:00
 (603348) Wenchan Shares: dividend in 2024, 10 distributions 1.500000000 (tax included), 10 distributions 1.500000000 after tax Registration date
(603348) Wenchan Shares: Announcement on Opening a Special Settlement Account for Financial Products Raised Funds
Announcement date: 2024-09-23 00:00:00
 (603348) Wen Can Shares: Announcement on Opening a Special Settlement Account for Financial Products Raised Funds Announcement on Opening a Special Settlement Account for Financial Products with Raised Funds For reference only, please refer to the full text of the announcement on that day. Full text reference link of the announcement:
(603348) Wen Can Shares: Notice on the Implementation of Semi annual Equity Distribution in 2024
Announcement date: 2024-09-20 00:00:00
 (603348) Wen Can Shares: Notice on the Implementation of Semi annual Equity Distribution in 2024 Announcement on Implementation of Semi annual Equity Distribution in 2024 For reference only, please refer to the full text of the announcement on that day. Full text reference link of the announcement:
(603348) Wenchan Shares: a suggestive announcement on the adjustment of the conversion price of "Wenchan Convertible Bonds"
Announcement date: 2024-09-20 00:00:00
 (603348) Wenchan Shares: a suggestive announcement on the adjustment of the conversion price of "Wenchan Convertible Bonds" Prompting Announcement on the Adjustment of the Conversion Price of "Wenchan Convertible Bonds" For reference only, please refer to the full text of the announcement on that day. Full text reference link of the announcement:
(603348) Wenchan Shares
Announcement date: 2024-09-12 00:00:00
 (603348) Wenchan Shares Prompting Announcement on Stopping the Conversion of "Wenchan Convertible Bonds" into Shares when Implementing the Semi annual Equity Distribution in 2024 For reference only, please refer to the full text of the announcement on that day. Full text reference link of the announcement:
(603348) Wen Can Shares: Announcement on Participating in the Online Collective Reception Day for Investors in Guangdong in 2024
Announcement date: 2024-09-10 00:00:00
 (603348) Wen Can Shares: Announcement on Participating in the Online Collective Reception Day for Investors in Guangdong in 2024 Announcement on Participation in Online Collective Reception Day for Investors in 2024 in Guangdong For reference only, please refer to the full text of the announcement on that day. Full text reference link of the announcement:
(603348) Wen Can Shares: announcement of the resolution of the first extraordinary shareholders' meeting in 2024
Announcement date: 2024-09-07 00:00:00
 (603348) Wen Can Shares: announcement of the resolution of the first extraordinary shareholders' meeting in 2024 Announcement of Resolution of the First Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting in 2024 For reference only, please refer to the full text of the announcement on that day. Full text reference link of the announcement:
(603348) Wen Can Shares: hold the first extraordinary general meeting of shareholders in 2024
Announcement date: 2024-08-20 00:00:00
 1 Proposal on the Semi annual Profit Distribution Plan of Wenchan Group Co., Ltd. in 2024 2. Proposal on Change of Registered Capital and Amendment of the Articles of Association 3 Proposal on Amending the Rules of Procedure of the Shareholders' Meeting 4 Proposal on Amending the Rules of Procedure of the Board of Directors 5. Proposal on Amending the Rules of Procedure of the Board of Supervisors 6 Proposal on Amending the Management System of Connected Transactions 7 Proposal on Amending the Administrative Measures for External Guarantees 8 Proposal on Amending the Working System of Independent Directors 9 Proposal on Amending the Management Measures for Raised Funds 10 Proposal on Amending the Detailed Rules for the Implementation of Cumulative Voting 11 Proposal on Amending the Administrative Measures for Foreign Investment 12 Proposal on Amending the Profit Distribution Management System 13 Proposal on Formulating the Selection and Employment System of Accounting Firms
(603348) Wen Can Shares: Announcement on the litigation progress of the Mexican subsidiary
Announcement date: 2024-08-30 00:00:00
 (603348) Wen Can Shares: Announcement on the litigation progress of the Mexican subsidiary Announcement on litigation progress of Mexican subsidiary For reference only, please refer to the full text of the announcement on that day. Full text reference link of the announcement:
(603348) Wenchan Shares: semi annual report in 2024
Announcement date: 2024-08-20 00:00:00
 (603348) Wenchan Shares: semi annual report in 2024 Semi annual report in 2024 For reference only, please refer to the full text of the announcement on that day. Full text reference link of the announcement:
(603348) Wen Can Shares: Announcement of the Resolution of the Seventh Meeting of the Fourth Board of Supervisors
Announcement date: 2024-08-20 00:00:00
 (603348) Wen Can Shares: Announcement of the Resolution of the Seventh Meeting of the Fourth Board of Supervisors Announcement on the Resolutions of the Seventh Meeting of the Fourth Board of Supervisors For reference only, please refer to the full text of the announcement on that day. Full text reference link of the announcement:
(603348) Wen Can Shares: Announcement of the Resolution of the 8th Meeting of the 4th Board of Directors
Announcement date: 2024-08-20 00:00:00
 (603348) Wen Can Shares: Announcement of the Resolution of the 8th Meeting of the 4th Board of Directors Announcement on the Resolution of the 8th Meeting of the 4th Board of Directors For reference only, please refer to the full text of the announcement on that day. Full text reference link of the announcement:
(603348) Wen Can Shares: Announcement on the 2024 Action Plan of "Improving Quality, Improving Efficiency and Paying Back"
Announcement date: 2024-08-20 00:00:00
 (603348) Wen Can Shares: Announcement on the 2024 Action Plan of "Improving Quality, Improving Efficiency and Paying Back" Announcement on the Action Plan of "Improving Quality, Improving Efficiency and Paying Back" in 2024 For reference only, please refer to the full text of the announcement on that day. Full text reference link of the announcement:
(603348) Wen Can Shares: Notice on Convening the First Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting in 2024
Announcement date: 2024-08-20 00:00:00
 (603348) Wen Can Shares: Notice on Convening the First Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting in 2024 Notice on Convening the First Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting in 2024 For reference only, please refer to the full text of the announcement on that day. Full text reference link of the announcement:
(603348) Wen Can Shares: Announcement on Using Part of Idle Raised Funds to Temporarily Supplement Working Capital
Announcement date: 2024-08-20 00:00:00
 (603348) Wen Can Shares: Announcement on Using Part of Idle Raised Funds to Temporarily Supplement Working Capital Announcement on Using Part of Idle Raised Funds to Temporarily Supplement Working Capital For reference only, please refer to the full text of the announcement on that day. Full text reference link of the announcement:
(603348) Wen Can Shares: Announcement on the semi annual profit distribution plan in 2024
Announcement date: 2024-08-20 00:00:00
 (603348) Wen Can Shares: Announcement on the semi annual profit distribution plan in 2024 Announcement on Semi annual Profit Distribution Plan in 2024 For reference only, please refer to the full text of the announcement on that day. Full text reference link of the announcement:
(603348) Wen Can Shares: Announcement on Using Raised Funds to Replace Self raised Funds Invested in Raised Investment Projects in Advance and Paid Issuance Fees
Announcement date: 2024-08-20 00:00:00
 (603348) Wen Can Shares: Announcement on Using Raised Funds to Replace Self raised Funds Invested in Raised Investment Projects in Advance and Paid Issuance Fees Announcement on Using Raised Funds to Replace Self raised Funds Invested in Raised Investment Projects in Advance and Paid Issuance Fees For reference only, please refer to the full text of the announcement on that day. Full text reference link of the announcement:
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