Jianlin Home

- six hundred and three thousand four hundred and eight


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Date of announcement:
Announcement date of punishment decision: July 9, 2020
title Jianlin Home was punished by Xiamen Jimei District Emergency Management Bureau
Relevant regulations Production Safety Law of the People's Republic of China
Document batch number (Xiaji) Emergency Penalty [2020] No. 2
Reason for approval The company failed to carry out safety education and training for employees in strict accordance with the regulations due to an accident in which an employee died after being sent to the hospital for rescue due to electric shock, so as to ensure that employees have the necessary knowledge of safety production, are familiar with relevant safety production rules and regulations and safety operation procedures, and master the safety operation skills of their own posts; Failing to urge employees to strictly implement their own safety rules and regulations and operating procedures; Failing to improve the system of investigation and treatment of hidden dangers of production safety accidents, adopting technical and management measures, and timely discovering and eliminating hidden dangers of accidents, violates the provisions of the first paragraph of Article 25, the first paragraph of Article 38, and Article 41 of the Production Safety Law of the People's Republic of China
Approval content Decided to impose an administrative penalty of 250000 yuan on the company.
Handled by Xiamen Jimei District Emergency Management Bureau
Announcement date of punishment decision: January 28, 2019
title Xiamen Jianlin Health Home Co., Ltd. was subject to administrative punishment by Xiamen Jimei District Market Supervision Administration (Xiamen Jishi Jianchu Zi [2019] No. 13)
Relevant regulations Regulations of Xiamen Special Economic Zone on Combating Unfair Competition
Document batch number Xia Ji Shi Jian Chu Zi [2019] No. 13
Reason for approval The content of the WeChat official account "RUNNER Recruiting Fresh Information" set up by Jianlin Home Appliances is inconsistent with the actual situation, which violates the provisions of the Anti unfair Competition Regulations of Xiamen Special Economic Zone, and constitutes an illegal fact of using the WeChat official account for false publicity.
Approval content The party concerned shall be ordered to make corrections and fined 10000 yuan.
Handled by Xiamen Jimei District Market Supervision Administration
Announcement date of punishment decision: August 31, 2018
title Xiamen Jianlin Health Home Co., Ltd. was subject to administrative punishment by Haicang Haiguan of the People's Republic of China (HCJEXZ (General) [2018] No. 0065)
Relevant regulations Regulations of the People's Republic of China on the Implementation of Customs Administrative Penalties
Document batch number HCJEXZ (General) [2018] No. 0065
Reason for approval On April 26, 2018, the company declared a batch of imported solenoid valve groups to the customs by way of returning goods. The declared quantity was 5116 sets, the actual quantity of goods was 6124 sets, and the quantity of under reported and over imported goods was 1008 sets.
Approval content It was decided to impose a fine of 29500 yuan on the company's section.
Handled by Haicang Customs of the People's Republic of China
Announcement date of punishment decision: April 4, 2018
title Xiamen Jianlin Health Home Co., Ltd. was subject to administrative punishment by Jimei Branch of Xiamen Jimei District Local Taxation Bureau (XJZSJJ [2018] No. 134)
Relevant regulations Law of the People's Republic of China on the Administration of Tax Collection
Document batch number Xia Ji Ji Di Shui Jian Qian [2018] No. 134
Reason for approval The Company, in violation of the provisions of Paragraph 1 of Article 25 of the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Administration of Tax Collection, failed to complete the tax declaration for the property tax (from rent) in January and February 2018 within the prescribed time limit, and completed the supplementary declaration on April 4, 2018.
Approval content It was decided to impose a fine of 2000 yuan on the company.
Handled by Xiamen Jimei District Local Taxation Bureau Jimei Branch
Announcement date of punishment decision: December 9, 2017
title Xiamen Bailin Water Purification Technology Co., Ltd. was subject to administrative punishment by Haicang Entry Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau of the People's Republic of China (Hai [2017] No. 21)
Relevant regulations  
Document batch number Hai [2017] No. 21
Reason for approval Xiamen Bailin failed to apply for quarantine inspection or go through the quarantine examination and approval procedures according to law or comply with the provisions of quarantine examination and approval.
Approval content It was decided to impose a fine of 1000 yuan on Xiamen Bailin Branch.
Handled by Haicang Entry Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau of the People's Republic of China
Announcement date of punishment decision: August 14, 2017
title Xiamen Yingshi Sanitary Ware Co., Ltd. was administratively punished by Jimei District Brigade of Xiamen Public Security Fire Brigade (JGXXXJZ [2017] No. 0112)
Relevant regulations Fire Control Law of the People's Republic of China
Document batch number JGXXJZ [2017] No. 0112
Reason for approval Xiamen Yingshi violated the provisions of Article 10 and Paragraph 1 (2) of Article 13 of the Fire Protection Law of the People's Republic of China due to its failure to carry out fire protection design filing and completion fire protection filing; The allocation and setting of fire-fighting facilities and equipment do not meet the standards (the finished and semi-finished goods placed on the second floor do not meet the technical specifications), which violates the provisions of Paragraph 1, Paragraph 2, Article 16 of the Fire Protection Law of the People's Republic of China.
Approval content It was decided to impose a fine of 20000 yuan on Xiamen Yingshi.
Handled by Jimei District Brigade of Xiamen Public Security Fire Brigade
Announcement date of punishment decision: August 8, 2016
title Xiamen Jianlin Health Home Co., Ltd. was administratively punished by Jimei District Brigade of Xiamen Public Security Fire Brigade (JGXXXJZ [2016] No. 0049)
Relevant regulations Fire Control Law of the People's Republic of China
Document batch number JGXXJZ [2016] No. 0049
Reason for approval The Company violated the provisions of Article 28 of the Fire Control Law of the People's Republic of China due to its occupation of safety exits.
Approval content Decided to impose an administrative penalty of 15000 yuan on the company.
Handled by Jimei District Brigade of Xiamen Public Security Fire Brigade
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