CITS United

- six hundred thousand three hundred and fifty-eight


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CITS United (600358) performance forecast
Date of announcement
Reporting period
Summary of performance forecast
It is estimated that the net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company from January to June 2024 will be from - 13 million yuan to - 19 million yuan.
Content of performance forecast
It is estimated that the net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company from January to June 2024 will be from - 13 million yuan to - 19 million yuan. Reason for performance change (1) Under the influence of main business, the holding subsidiary Beijing New Line CCTV Culture Communication Co., Ltd. saw its operating revenue decline over the same period of last year due to intensified market competition, and its gross profit margin declined due to the impact of changes in the supplier's media policies, resulting in a significant decline in net profit over the same period of last year. (2) For the impact of non recurring profit and loss, the company confirmed the relocation subsidy of listed enterprises of 12 million yuan in the previous period, and the non recurring profit and loss in the current period has little impact on the company's profits.
Earnings per share in the same period of last year (yuan)
zero point zero zero nine four
Date of announcement
Reporting period
Summary of performance forecast
It is estimated that the net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company from January to December 2023 will be from - 12 million yuan to - 18 million yuan.
Content of performance forecast
It is estimated that the net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company from January to December 2023 will be from - 12 million yuan to - 18 million yuan. Reason for performance change (1) During the reporting period, the amount of non recurring profit and loss affecting the company's net profit was about 20 million yuan; In the previous period, the company obtained the debt paying property of Qingdao Renyi Real Estate Co., Ltd., liquidated damages and other non recurring events, which increased the profits of the previous period by 36.68 million yuan, and reduced the non recurring profits and losses by about 16.68 million yuan compared with the previous period. (2) During the reporting period, the Company's promotion of major asset restructuring with controlling shareholders (terminated in December 2023) and cash acquisition of Jiangxi Haijigou Import and Export Co., Ltd. (settled in January 2024) incurred certain intermediary costs, and the management costs increased compared with the previous period.
Earnings per share in the same period of last year (yuan)
zero point zero one four eight
Date of announcement
Reporting period
Pre deduction
Summary of performance forecast
It is estimated that the net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company from January to December 2022 will be 7 million yuan to 10.5 million yuan, with a year-on-year change of -18.27 million yuan to -14.77 million yuan, with a year-on-year change of - 72% to - 58%.
Content of performance forecast
It is estimated that the net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company from January to December 2022 will be 7 million yuan to 10.5 million yuan, with a year-on-year change of -18.27 million yuan to -14.77 million yuan, with a year-on-year change of - 72% to - 58%. Reason for performance change (1) The main reason for the decrease in the performance of the current period is that the non recurring profit and loss of the company has decreased compared with the previous period: the previous period recovered 26.5 million yuan of other receivables for which bad debt reserves have been fully accrued in the previous years and confirmed 31 million yuan of performance compensation for 2021 of the New Line Zhongshi Performance Promisor. The two events increased the profits of the previous period by 57.5 million yuan in total; In the current period, the company's acquisition of debt paying properties and liquidated damages of Qingdao Renyi Real Estate Co., Ltd. and other non recurring events increased the profit of the current period by 37 million yuan, and the non recurring profit and loss decreased by 20.5 million yuan compared with the previous period. (2) The main reason for the decrease of the Company's losses after deducting non recurring profits and losses in the current period is that the gross profit margin of the Company's Internet advertising will increase in 2022, which is mainly due to the optimization of the media structure, the focus on the cooperation with Station B, the increase of the gross profit margin, and the positive impact on the Company's business performance in 2022.
Earnings per share in the same period of last year (yuan)
zero point zero five zero zero
Date of announcement
Reporting period
Pre increase
Summary of performance forecast
It is estimated that the net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company from January to December 2021 will be 18 million yuan to 26 million yuan, with a year-on-year change of 3.5 million yuan to 11.5 million yuan and a year-on-year change of 24% to 79%.
Content of performance forecast
It is estimated that the net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company from January to December 2021 will be 18 million yuan to 26 million yuan, with a year-on-year change of 3.5 million yuan to 11.5 million yuan and a year-on-year change of 24% to 79%. Reason for performance change 1. In 2021, due to the impact of relevant industrial policies on downstream customers, New Line Zhongshi expects to achieve a net profit of about 6 million yuan in the whole year, which is significantly different from the net profit of 20.27 million yuan in the same period of the previous year and the performance commitment of 36.5 million yuan in 2021. The company preliminarily judged that there was evidence of impairment of goodwill formed in the process of consolidation of the new line in 2017, and the provision for impairment of goodwill was about 18 million yuan. 2. The main reason for the expected increase of the current performance is the following two non recurring profit and loss events: (1) According to the performance completion of New Line Zhongshi in 2021, the performance commitment party needs to make performance compensation to the company, with an amount of about 31 million yuan. The company is expected to receive the above performance compensation in full and include it in the non operating income in 2021. The impact of this event on the net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company in 2021 is about 31 million yuan. (2) In 2021, the Company received other receivables of 9 million yuan from Xiamen Riyi Commerce and Trade Co., Ltd. and 17.5 million yuan from Xiamen Leyao Industry and Trade Co., Ltd., totaling 26.5 million yuan. The Company has fully accrued the asset impairment loss of these two amounts in previous years, which will be fully written back in this reporting period. The impact of this event on the net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company in 2021 is 26.5 million yuan.
Earnings per share in the same period of last year (yuan)
zero point zero two eight seven
Date of announcement
Reporting period
Pre profit
Summary of performance forecast
It is estimated that the net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company from January to December 2020 will be 9 million to 13 million yuan.
Content of performance forecast
It is estimated that the net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company from January to December 2020 will be 9 million to 13 million yuan. Reason for performance change (1) Impact of main business In 2020, the revenue of the company's main holding subsidiary, New Line Zhongshi, increased significantly, and the business transformation was smoothly promoted. (2) Impact of non operating profit and loss 1. In 2020, Zhangshu Yiwei Investment Management Center (limited partnership) and Lu Yuwei made performance compensation to the company for the outstanding committed performance of New Line Zhongshi in the previous years, and the impact of this matter on the net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company in 2020 was about 32 million yuan; 2. In 2020, the Company completed the public transfer of 100% of the equity and related creditor's rights of its wholly-owned subsidiary Hainan Yijin Hotel Management Co., Ltd., and the impact of this matter on the net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company in 2020 was about 16 million yuan.
Earnings per share in the same period of last year (yuan)
Date of announcement
Reporting period
Summary of performance forecast
It is estimated that the net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company from January to December 2019 will be from - 110 million yuan to - 160 million yuan.
Content of performance forecast
It is estimated that the net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company from January to December 2019 will be from - 110 million yuan to - 160 million yuan. Reason for performance change In 2019, the operating performance of the company's main operating subsidiaries improved significantly compared with 2018. The main reason for the company's performance loss in the current period is that the company initially expects to accrue asset impairment losses of about 90 million yuan to 140 million yuan for accounts receivable mainly occurred in 2018 and previous years. The specific amount of impairment shall be subject to the audit results.
Earnings per share in the same period of last year (yuan)
Date of announcement
Reporting period
Summary of performance forecast
It is estimated that the net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company from January to December 2018 will be from - 72 million yuan to - 88 million yuan.
Content of performance forecast
It is estimated that the net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company from January to December 2018 will be from - 72 million yuan to - 88 million yuan. Reason for performance change (1) Main business impact: during the reporting period, due to the impact of macroeconomic policy environment, the company's Internet advertising business and marketing service revenue growth was sluggish. At the same time, due to the increase in procurement costs, labor costs and other factors, the company's operating costs increased. Beijing New Line CCTV Culture Communication Co., Ltd., Beijing Fan Science and Technology Co., Ltd Xiamen Fengheshui Navigation Culture Development Co., Ltd. and Xiamen Haizhifeng Yacht Co., Ltd. are expected to withdraw goodwill impairment of more than 37 million yuan. In the current period, the Company accrued an impairment of more than 17 million yuan for other receivables and debts, and 5 million yuan for long-term equity investment. (2) Impact of non operating profit and loss: In 2017, the company obtained investment income of 89 million yuan from the disposal of shares of Nanjing CITS United Tangshan Yishang Hot Spring Development Co., Ltd. In 2018, the company's investment income was only more than 13 million yuan, a decrease of 76 million yuan from the previous year.
Earnings per share in the same period of last year (yuan)
zero point zero six four zero
Date of announcement
Reporting period
Pre profit
Summary of performance forecast
It is estimated that the net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company from January to December 2017 will be 22 million yuan to 33 million yuan.
Content of performance forecast
It is estimated that the net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company from January to December 2017 will be 22 million yuan to 33 million yuan. Reason for performance change (1) Main business impact: during the reporting period, the company accelerated the implementation of the adjustment from the business strategy of hot spring vacation tourism to the strategic direction of outdoor sports and entertainment development, successively acquired Beijing New Line CCTV Culture Communication Co., Ltd. and Beijing Fan Science and Technology Co., Ltd., and disposed of Nanjing CITS United Tangshan Hot Spring Development Co., Ltd; After merging into the company, Beijing New Line CCTV Culture Communication Co., Ltd. and Beijing Fan Science and Technology Co., Ltd. realized a total income of about 233.6 million yuan (unaudited), and a total net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company of about 21.9 million yuan (unaudited). (2) Impact of non operating profit and loss: the disposal of Nanjing CITS United Tangshan Hot Spring Development Co., Ltd. in the current period generated an investment income of 88.64 million yuan. (3) Impact of accounting treatment: changes in the scope of consolidated statements in the current period, Beijing New Line CCTV Culture Communication Co., Ltd. and Beijing Fan Science and Technology Co., Ltd. are included in the consolidated statements of the company, and Nanjing CITS United Tangshan Hot Spring Development Co., Ltd. removes the consolidated statements of the company.
Earnings per share in the same period of last year (yuan)
Date of announcement
Reporting period
Pre profit
Summary of performance forecast
It is estimated that the net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company from January to September 2017 is 46498065.26 yuan.
Content of performance forecast
It is estimated that the net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company from January to September 2017 is 46498065.26 yuan. Reason for performance change During the reporting period, the company realized a total operating revenue of 165.6897 million yuan, an increase of 181.40% over the same period of the previous year, mainly because the company was merged into Beijing New Line CCTV Culture Communication Co., Ltd. and Beijing Fan Science and Technology Co., Ltd. in May 2017 and June 2017, respectively, and increased the scope of consolidation to increase the total operating revenue of 108.3483 million yuan; During the reporting period, the Company realized a net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company of 46.4981 million yuan, an increase of 98.268 million yuan over the same period of the previous year, mainly due to the increase in the investment income obtained by the Company's disposal of its subsidiary Nanjing CITS United Hot Spring Development Co., Ltd. and the net profit of the consolidated New Line CTV and Fan Science and Technology.
Earnings per share in the same period of last year (yuan)
Date of announcement
Reporting period
Summary of performance forecast
It is estimated that the net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company from January to December 2016 will be from -155 million yuan to -175 million yuan.
Content of performance forecast
It is estimated that the net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company from January to December 2016 will be from -155 million yuan to -175 million yuan. Reason for performance change 1. The main business loss of the current period was about 72 million yuan, and the amount of the previous period was -51.44 million yuan, an increase of about 21 million yuan compared with the previous period. 2. In the current period, some receivables, other receivables, entrusted loans and long-term equity investments showed signs of impairment. The Company made provision for impairment of related assets of about 77 million yuan, and the amount of the previous period was 13.83 million yuan. 3. The loan dispute lawsuit between Hubei Yiling Agricultural Bank and Yichang Three Gorges Jinshan Shipping Co., Ltd., the parent company of the company, according to the judgment, the company accrued about 11 million yuan of estimated liabilities in the current period. 4. The investment income of the current period decreased by about 100 million yuan compared with the previous period. The previous period was mainly the investment income obtained through the disposal of the equity of Harbin Junxin Investment Guarantee Co., Ltd. and Nanjing Yishang Tianyuan Business Management Co., Ltd.
Earnings per share in the same period of last year (yuan)
zero point zero two nine five
Date of announcement
Reporting period
Pre profit
Summary of performance forecast
It is estimated that from January to December 2015, the net profit attributable to the shareholders of the listed company will be 8 million to 15 million yuan, which will turn losses into profits.
Content of performance forecast
It is estimated that from January to December 2015, the net profit attributable to the shareholders of the listed company will be 8 million to 15 million yuan, which will turn losses into profits. Main reasons for the expected profit of the current period 1. The main business profit of the current period decreased by about 33.29 million yuan compared with the previous period: the main business profit of the current period was a loss of 51.9 million yuan, and the amount of the previous period was a loss of 85.19 million yuan. 2. In the current period, due to the failure of CITS and Chongqing Yishang Hot Spring Development Co., Ltd. to fulfill the agreed repayment plan, the company has withdrawn the corresponding impairment provision amount of 12.98 million yuan for relevant creditor's rights; The estimated liabilities accrued for Yichang Jinshan litigation in the current period are 7.35 million yuan. 3. The total income from the disposal of assets in the current period is 80.48 million yuan, which is mainly the net income of 59.47 million yuan from the transfer of 19% of the equity of Nanjing Yishang Tianyuan Business Management Co., Ltd. by the wholly-owned subsidiary Nanjing CITS United Tangshan Hot Spring Development Co., Ltd; The company sold 19.48 million shares of Harbin Junxin Investment Guarantee Co., Ltd. and confirmed an investment income of 21.12 million yuan, as well as an income of 6.06 million yuan from the sale of Nanjing Jinying Real Estate.
Earnings per share in the same period of last year (yuan)
Date of announcement
Reporting period
Pre profit
Summary of performance forecast
It is estimated that the company's operating performance in the first half of 2015 will turn loss into profit compared with the same period last year, and the net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company will reach 38 million to 42 million yuan.
Content of performance forecast
It is estimated that the company's operating performance in the first half of 2015 will turn loss into profit compared with the same period last year, and the net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company will reach 38 million to 42 million yuan. Main reasons for the expected profit of the current period In 2014, the board of directors and the general meeting of shareholders of the company reviewed and agreed that the wholly-owned subsidiary of the company, Nanjing CITS United Tangshan Hot Spring Development Co., Ltd., would transfer its 19% equity of Nanjing Yishang Tianyuan Business Management Co., Ltd. to Nanjing Dongfei Department Store Trade Co., Ltd. at a transaction consideration of 82.65 million yuan. The above equity transfer funds have been paid in the reporting period and relevant equity transfer procedures have been handled. After deducting the impact of income tax, the investment income of listed companies was 59.47 million yuan.
Earnings per share in the same period of last year (yuan)
Date of announcement
Reporting period
Summary of performance forecast
It is expected that the annual operating results in 2014 will suffer losses, and the net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company will be from - 130 million yuan to - 140 million yuan.
Content of performance forecast
It is expected that the annual operating results in 2014 will suffer losses, and the net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company will be from - 130 million yuan to - 140 million yuan. Main reasons for performance loss in the current period 1. The main business loss of the current period was 15.46 million yuan less than that of the previous period: the main business loss of the current period was -74.33 million yuan, and the amount of the previous period was -89.79 million yuan. 2. In the current period, some receivables, entrusted loans and long-term equity investments showed signs of impairment. The Company made provision for impairment of related assets of 40.58 million yuan, and the amount of the previous period was 19.05 million yuan. Among them, due to the failure of Beijing Yijin Hotel Co., Ltd. to fulfill the agreed repayment plan, the company has withdrawn the corresponding impairment provision amount of 20.3 million yuan for the relevant creditor's rights in the current period. 3. In the current period, the subsidiary Nanjing Yijin Hotel Management Co., Ltd. was closed due to major changes in the catering environment, and the corresponding asset disposal losses amounted to 11.36 million yuan. 4. The corresponding investment income of 149.83 million yuan was generated from the equity transfer of the company in the previous period, and the investment income of -4.28 million yuan in the current period, mainly the investment income recognized by the equity method.
Earnings per share in the same period of last year (yuan)
zero point zero two zero zero
Date of announcement
Reporting period
Pre profit
Summary of performance forecast
It is expected that the Company will turn loss into profit in 2013 compared with the same period last year, and the net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company will be 5 million to 15 million.
Content of performance forecast
It is expected that the Company will turn loss into profit in 2013 compared with the same period last year, and the net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company will be 5 million to 15 million. Main reasons for the expected profit of the current period 1. In June 2013, Nanjing CITS United Tangshan Hot Spring Development Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Tangshan Company"), a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company, transferred 42.9% of its shares in Nanjing Yihuang Hot Spring Management Co., Ltd. to Nanjing Hengyun Hardware Trade Co., Ltd., and confirmed that the income from equity transfer was 28 million yuan, and the income from equity transfer was 17.61 million yuan. 2. In August 2013, Tangshan Company transferred its 21% equity of Nanjing Yishang Tianyuan Business Management Co., Ltd. to Nanjing Dongfei Department Store Co., Ltd., and confirmed the equity transfer income of 89.98 million yuan, and the equity transfer income of 85.96 million yuan. 3. In November 2013, Tangshan Company transferred its 40% equity of Nanjing Yijin Lansheng Business Management Co., Ltd. to Nanjing Xinhanlian Commerce and Trade Co., Ltd., and confirmed that the equity transfer income was 50 million yuan, and the equity transfer income was 47.68 million yuan. The industrial and commercial registration procedures corresponding to the above three transactions have been completed, and the transfer funds have been received according to the contract. In 2013, Nanjing CITS United Tangshan Hot Spring Development Co., Ltd. confirmed that the total income from the above three equity transfers was 151.25 million yuan.
Earnings per share in the same period of last year (yuan)
Date of announcement
Reporting period
Pre profit
Summary of performance forecast
It is expected that the annual operating performance in 2012 will turn loss into profit compared with the same period last year, and the net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company will be 19 million to 39 million.
Content of performance forecast
It is expected that the annual operating performance in 2012 will turn loss into profit compared with the same period last year, and the net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company will be 19 million to 39 million. Main reasons for expected earnings 1. In March 2012, the wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company, Nanjing CITS United Tangshan Hot Spring Development Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Tangshan Company") and Jiangsu Yingfu Media Development Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Yingfu Media Company") jointly established Nanjing Yihuang Hot Spring Forum Development Co., Ltd. Tangshan Company contributed 30 million yuan of VIP villas and occupied land with an appraisal value of 29.54 million yuan, with a shareholding ratio of 42.9%; Yingfu Media Co., Ltd. contributed 40 million yuan in cash, with 57.1% shareholding. 2. In September 2012, Tangshan Company and Suzhou Lansheng Business Club Development Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Suzhou Lansheng Company") jointly established Nanjing Yijin Lansheng Hot Spring Club Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Yijin Lansheng Company"). Among them, Tangshan Company invested 50 million yuan with its own 50 mu land of tourism nature, accounting for 40% of the equity of Yijin Lansheng Company; Suzhou Lansheng Company invested 75 million yuan in cash, accounting for 60% of the equity of Yijin Lansheng Company. 3. In December 2012, Tangshan Company and Nanjing Jinguiyuan Agricultural Development Co., Ltd. jointly established Nanjing Tangshan Jinguiyuan Hot Spring Development Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Jinguiyuan Hot Spring Company") to jointly develop 174mu of tourism land in Phase III of Tangshan Yishang Hot Spring Resort. Among them, Tangshan Company invested 174 mu of tourism land at a price of 174 million yuan, accounting for 40% of the equity of Jinguiyuan Hot Spring Company; Nanjing Jinguiyuan Agricultural Development Co., Ltd. invested 261 million yuan in cash, accounting for 60% of the equity of Jinguiyuan Hot Spring Company. The new company corresponding to the above three transactions has been established, and the corresponding assets have been transferred to the new company. Nanjing CITS United Tangshan Hot Spring Development Co., Ltd. confirmed the non operating income of asset appreciation, totaling 230080000 yuan.
Earnings per share in the same period of last year (yuan)
Date of announcement
Reporting period
Summary of performance forecast
It is expected that there will be a loss in 2011 performance.
Content of performance forecast
It is expected that there will be a loss in 2011 performance.
Earnings per share in the same period of last year (yuan)
zero point zero five one zero
Date of announcement
Reporting period
Summary of performance forecast
It is estimated that the net profit attributable to the owners of the parent company realized in 2011 will decrease by more than 90% compared with the same period of the previous year (2010).
Content of performance forecast
It is estimated that the net profit attributable to the owners of the parent company realized in 2011 will decrease by more than 90% compared with the same period of the previous year (2010). Main reasons for performance changes During the reporting period, the planned investment income of Nanjing CITS United Tangshan Hot Spring Development Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of the company, failed to be realized; Yichang Three Gorges Jinshan Shipping Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of the original company, experienced a sharp decline in its high-speed passenger ship business revenue due to the opening of expressways and high-speed railways within the transportation routes. All of the above have a great impact on the company's net profit.
Earnings per share in the same period of last year (yuan)
zero point zero five one zero
Date of announcement
Reporting period
Pre deduction
Summary of performance forecast
It is expected that the performance of the first half of 2008 will decrease by more than 50% over the same period of the previous year.
Content of performance forecast
It is expected that the performance of the first half of 2008 will decrease by more than 50% over the same period of the previous year.
Earnings per share in the same period of last year (yuan)
zero point zero four zero zero
Date of announcement
Reporting period
Pre profit
Summary of performance forecast
It is expected that the company's net profit in 2006 will turn into profit compared with the same period last year.
Content of performance forecast
It is expected that the company's net profit in 2006 will turn into profit compared with the same period last year.
Earnings per share in the same period of last year (yuan)
Date of announcement
Reporting period
Pre profit
Summary of performance forecast
The company predicts that the accumulated net profit from the beginning of the year to the end of the next reporting period will turn loss into profit compared with the same period of the previous year.
Content of performance forecast
The company predicts that the accumulated net profit from the beginning of the year to the end of the next reporting period will turn loss into profit compared with the same period of the previous year.
Earnings per share in the same period of last year (yuan)
Date of announcement
Reporting period
Pre increase
Summary of performance forecast
It is expected that the performance from January to June 2006 will increase by nearly 300% compared with the same period of the previous year.
Content of performance forecast
It is expected that the performance from January to June 2006 will increase by nearly 300% compared with the same period last year (the net profit of the same period last year is 4146454.40 yuan). The specific data will be disclosed in the semi annual report of 2006.
Earnings per share in the same period of last year (yuan)
Date of announcement
Reporting period
Summary of performance forecast
It is expected that the company will suffer from performance loss from January to December 2005 (net profit of the same period last year is 3753636.89 yuan).
Content of performance forecast
It is expected that the company will suffer from performance loss from January to December 2005 (net profit of the same period last year is 3753636.89 yuan).
Earnings per share in the same period of last year (yuan)
Date of announcement
Reporting period
Summary of performance forecast
The Company is expected to suffer losses in 2005.
Content of performance forecast
The Company is expected to suffer losses in 2005.
Earnings per share in the same period of last year (yuan)
Date of announcement
Reporting period
Pre deduction
Summary of performance forecast
In the first half of 2005, the company's performance dropped by 50% in the same direction.
Content of performance forecast
In the first half of 2005, the company's performance dropped by 50% in the same direction.
Earnings per share in the same period of last year (yuan)
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