Huijin Technology

- three hundred thousand five hundred and sixty-one


-    -

Yesterday's closing: - Opening today: - Maximum price: - minimum price: -
Market value: - RMB 100 million circulation: - deal: - Hand to hand: -
Huijin Technology (300561) - Equity Structure
·Change date twenty million two hundred and forty thousand six hundred and thirty twenty million two hundred and forty thousand three hundred and thirty-one twenty million two hundred and thirty thousand six hundred and thirty twenty million two hundred and twenty thousand six hundred and thirty twenty million two hundred and twenty thousand three hundred and thirty-one
·Date of announcement twenty million two hundred and forty thousand eight hundred and twenty-eight twenty million two hundred and forty thousand four hundred and twenty-six twenty million two hundred and thirty thousand eight hundred and thirty twenty million two hundred and twenty thousand eight hundred and thirty twenty million two hundred and twenty thousand four hundred and twenty-five
·Share Capital Structure Chart
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·Reason for change periodic report periodic report periodic report periodic report periodic report
·Total share capital (History) 3281079800 shares 3281079800 shares 3281079800 shares 3281079800 shares 3281079800 shares
Tradable shares
Circulating A-share (History) 32.56457 million shares 62.92231 million shares 629184300 shares 3426977 shares 3426459 shares
Senior management stock (History) 147771700 shares 132592830 shares 1325947800 shares 146919100 shares 1469216900 shares
Restricted A-share (History) 147771700 shares 132592830 shares 1325947800 shares 146919100 shares 1469216900 shares
Circulating B shares -- -- -- -- --
Restricted B shares -- -- -- -- --
Circulating H-shares -- -- -- -- --
National shares -- -- -- -- --
State owned legal person shares -- -- -- -- --
Domestic legal person shares -- -- -- -- --
Domestic initiator shares -- -- -- -- --
Raising corporate shares -- -- -- -- --
General corporate shares -- -- -- -- --
Shares held by strategic investors -- -- -- -- --
Fund shareholding -- -- -- -- --
Allotment -- -- -- -- --
Internal staff shares -- -- -- -- --
Preferred stock -- -- -- -- --
Huijin Technology (300561) - Equity Structure
·Change date twenty million two hundred and eleven thousand two hundred and thirty-one twenty million two hundred and eleven thousand and thirteen twenty million two hundred and ten thousand five hundred and thirty-one twenty million two hundred and ten thousand three hundred and thirty-one twenty million two hundred thousand eight hundred and twenty-seven
·Date of announcement twenty million two hundred and twenty thousand four hundred and twenty-five twenty million two hundred and eleven thousand and fourteen twenty million two hundred and ten thousand five hundred and twenty-five twenty million two hundred and ten thousand four hundred and twenty-seven twenty million two hundred thousand eight hundred and twenty-seven
·Share Capital Structure Chart
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·Reason for change periodic report buy-back Delivery and conversion periodic report buy-back
·Total share capital (History) 3281079800 shares 3281079800 shares 3281858900 shares 2524506800 shares 2524506800 shares
Tradable shares
Circulating A-share (History) 214414100 shares 21.43879 million shares 21.43879 million shares 1649138 shares 165183400 shares
Senior management stock (History) 1533332800 shares 15333459 shares 15333459 shares 1179496900 shares 117936200 shares
Restricted A-share (History) 1533332800 shares 15333459 shares 1534125100 shares 1180096200 shares 117.99614 million shares
Circulating B shares -- -- -- -- --
Restricted B shares -- -- -- -- --
Circulating H-shares -- -- -- -- --
National shares -- -- -- -- --
State owned legal person shares -- -- -- -- --
Domestic legal person shares -- -- -- -- --
Domestic initiator shares -- -- -- -- --
Raising corporate shares -- -- -- -- --
General corporate shares -- -- -- -- --
Shares held by strategic investors -- -- -- -- --
Fund shareholding -- -- -- -- --
Allotment -- -- -- -- --
Internal staff shares -- -- -- -- --
Preferred stock -- -- -- -- --
Huijin Technology (300561) - Equity Structure
·Change date twenty million one hundred and ninety-one thousand one hundred and eighteen twenty million one hundred and ninety thousand nine hundred and thirty twenty million one hundred and ninety thousand five hundred and twenty-nine twenty million one hundred and ninety thousand four hundred and sixteen twenty million one hundred and ninety thousand four hundred and twelve
·Date of announcement twenty million one hundred and ninety-one thousand one hundred and fourteen twenty million one hundred and ninety thousand nine hundred and thirty twenty million one hundred and ninety thousand five hundred and twenty-three twenty million one hundred and ninety thousand four hundred and nineteen twenty million one hundred and ninety thousand four hundred and ten
·Share Capital Structure Chart
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·Reason for change Other listings buy-back Delivery and conversion buy-back Other listings
·Total share capital (History) 2537368500 shares 2537368500 shares 25517285 shares 170115230 shares 170410100 shares
Tradable shares
Circulating A-share (History) 165183400 shares 55961890 shares 55961890 shares 3730793 shares 3730793 shares
Senior management stock (History) 117936200 shares 45.62304 million shares 45.62304 million shares 304153600 shares 304153600 shares
Restricted A-share (History) 119282300 shares 1521519200 shares 1535879200 shares 102391950 shares 1026868200 shares
Circulating B shares -- -- -- -- --
Restricted B shares -- -- -- -- --
Circulating H-shares -- -- -- -- --
National shares -- -- -- -- --
State owned legal person shares -- -- -- -- --
Domestic legal person shares -- -- -- -- --
Domestic initiator shares -- -- -- -- --
Raising corporate shares -- -- -- -- --
General corporate shares -- -- -- -- --
Shares held by strategic investors -- -- -- -- --
Fund shareholding -- -- -- -- --
Allotment -- -- -- -- --
Internal staff shares -- -- -- -- --
Preferred stock -- -- -- -- --
Huijin Technology (300561) - Equity Structure
·Change date twenty million one hundred and eighty-one thousand two hundred and twenty-seven twenty million one hundred and eighty-one thousand two hundred and seventeen twenty million one hundred and eighty thousand five hundred and thirty twenty million one hundred and eighty thousand five hundred and twenty-two twenty million one hundred and seventy-one thousand two hundred and five
·Date of announcement twenty million one hundred and eighty-one thousand two hundred and twenty-seven twenty million one hundred and eighty-one thousand two hundred and thirteen twenty million one hundred and eighty thousand five hundred and twenty-four twenty million one hundred and eighty thousand five hundred and nineteen twenty million one hundred and seventy-one thousand two hundred and one
·Share Capital Structure Chart
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·Reason for change buy-back Other listings Delivery and conversion Equity incentive Other listings
·Total share capital (History) 170410100 shares 1705099900 shares 1705099900 shares 85.35 million shares 85.16 million shares
Tradable shares
Circulating A-share (History) 371910600 shares 371910600 shares 36743560 shares 18392250 shares 18392250 shares
Senior management stock (History) 304153600 shares 304153600 shares 304153600 shares 152246300 shares 152246300 shares
Restricted A-share (History) 102803690 shares 102903580 shares 1033510800 shares 51733130 shares 515431300 shares
Circulating B shares -- -- -- -- --
Restricted B shares -- -- -- -- --
Circulating H-shares -- -- -- -- --
National shares -- -- -- -- --
State owned legal person shares -- -- -- -- --
Domestic legal person shares -- -- -- -- --
Domestic initiator shares -- -- -- -- --
Raising corporate shares -- -- -- -- --
General corporate shares -- -- -- -- --
Shares held by strategic investors -- -- -- -- --
Fund shareholding -- -- -- -- --
Allotment -- -- -- -- --
Internal staff shares -- -- -- -- --
Preferred stock -- -- -- -- --
Huijin Technology (300561) - Equity Structure
·Change date twenty million one hundred and seventy-one thousand one hundred and twenty twenty million one hundred and seventy thousand two hundred and seventeen twenty million one hundred and sixty-one thousand one hundred and seventeen twenty million one hundred and forty thousand six hundred and twenty-seven
·Date of announcement twenty million one hundred and seventy-one thousand one hundred and sixteen twenty million one hundred and seventy thousand two hundred and ten twenty million one hundred and sixty-one thousand one hundred and sixteen twenty million one hundred and forty thousand six hundred and twenty-seven
·Share Capital Structure Chart
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·Reason for change Equity incentive Delivery and conversion IPO Share capital before issuance
·Total share capital (History) 85.16 million shares 84 million shares 56 million shares 42 million shares
Tradable shares
Circulating A-share (History) 21 million shares 21 million shares 14 million shares --
Senior management stock (History) -- -- -- --
Restricted A-share (History) 64.16 million shares 63 million shares 42 million shares 42 million shares
Circulating B shares -- -- -- --
Restricted B shares -- -- -- --
Circulating H-shares -- -- -- --
National shares -- -- -- --
State owned legal person shares -- -- -- --
Domestic legal person shares -- -- -- --
Domestic initiator shares -- -- -- --
Raising corporate shares -- -- -- --
General corporate shares -- -- -- --
Shares held by strategic investors -- -- -- --
Fund shareholding -- -- -- --
Allotment -- -- -- --
Internal staff shares -- -- -- --
Preferred stock -- -- -- --

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