Harbin Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd

- six hundred thousand six hundred and sixty-four


-    -

Yesterday's closing: - Opening today: - Maximum price: - minimum price: -
Market value: - RMB 100 million circulation: - deal: - Hand to hand: -
Harbin Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (600664) Project: Fund shareholding
closing date
Fund name
Fund code
Number of positions (shares)
Proportion in outstanding shares (%)
Market value of shareholding (yuan)
Proportion in net worth (%)
zero point three zero one
twenty million twelve thousand and nine hundred
zero point zero three two nine
two million one hundred and eighty-seven thousand two hundred and forty
zero point zero three one six
two million ninety-nine thousand five hundred and ninety
zero point zero three one six
two million ninety-nine thousand five hundred and ninety
zero point zero two six two
one million seven hundred and forty-two thousand six hundred and sixty
zero point zero two six two
one million seven hundred and forty-two thousand six hundred and sixty
zero point zero two three two
one million five hundred and forty-two thousand five hundred and fifty
zero point zero two three two
one million five hundred and forty-two thousand five hundred and fifty
zero point zero one nine four
one million two hundred and eighty-seven thousand
zero point zero one one eight
seven hundred and eighty-five thousand and four hundred
zero point zero one one eight
seven hundred and eighty-five thousand and four hundred
zero point zero one one one
seven hundred and forty thousand two hundred and fifty-six
zero point zero zero nine six
six hundred and thirty-nine thousand nine hundred and thirty-six
zero point zero zero nine six
six hundred and thirty-nine thousand nine hundred and thirty-six
zero point zero zero eight two
five hundred and forty-six thousand two hundred and sixteen
zero point zero zero eight two
five hundred and forty-six thousand two hundred and sixteen
zero point zero zero seven two
four hundred and seventy-seven thousand eight hundred and forty
zero point zero zero seven two
four hundred and seventy-seven thousand eight hundred and forty
zero point zero zero seven
four hundred and sixty-six thousand seven hundred and fifty-two
zero point zero zero seven
four hundred and sixty-six thousand seven hundred and fifty-two
zero point zero zero six six
four hundred and thirty-seven thousand nine hundred and seventy-six
zero point zero zero six five
four hundred and twenty-nine thousand two hundred and sixty-four
zero point zero zero six one
four hundred and seven thousand and eighty-eight
zero point zero zero six one
four hundred and seven thousand and eighty-eight
zero point zero zero five seven
three hundred and seventy-nine thousand four hundred and thirty-seven
zero point zero zero five seven
three hundred and seventy-nine thousand four hundred and thirty-seven
zero point zero zero five seven
three hundred and seventy-seven thousand seven hundred and eighty-four
zero point zero zero five seven
three hundred and seventy-seven thousand seven hundred and eighty-four
zero point zero zero four six
three hundred and two thousand five hundred and forty-four
zero point zero zero four six
three hundred and two thousand five hundred and forty-four
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