Harbin Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd

- six hundred thousand six hundred and sixty-four


-    -

Yesterday's closing: - Opening today: - Maximum price: - minimum price: -
Market value: - RMB 100 million circulation: - deal: - Hand to hand: -
closing date:
Circulating shareholders of Harbin Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (600664)
closing date
Date of announcement
Name of shareholders
Number of shares held (shares)
Proportion in outstanding shares (%)
Nature of share capital
Harbin Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd
one billion one hundred and seventy-three million two hundred and thirty-seven thousand and twenty-three
forty-six point five eight five
state-owned shares
China Securities Investor Protection Fund Co., Ltd
fifty-five million seven hundred and twenty-five thousand one hundred and twenty-five
two point two one three
state-owned shares
Zhejiang Zhecai Capital Management Co., Ltd
twenty-three million eight hundred and eighty-three thousand four hundred and eighteen
zero point nine four eight
Domestic legal person shares
HKSCC Limited
twenty-three million one hundred and six thousand seven hundred and ninety-four
zero point nine one seven
Overseas legal person shares
Xia Chongyang
twenty-one million two hundred and twenty thousand
zero point eight four three
Natural person shares
Yu Hongbiao
fifteen million one hundred and fifty thousand
zero point six zero two
Natural person shares
Harbin Tianxiang Weiye Investment Co., Ltd
eleven million and seven hundred thousand
zero point four six five
Domestic legal person shares
Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Limited - Shanghai Composite Index Trading Open Index Securities Investment Fund
seven million five hundred and eighty thousand six hundred and fifty-three
zero point three zero one
Domestic legal person shares
Li Guilin
six million
zero point two three eight
Natural person shares
China International Finance Corporation
four million eight hundred and sixty-one thousand one hundred and thirty-six
zero point one nine three
state-owned shares
closing date
Date of announcement
Name of shareholders
Number of shares held (shares)
Proportion in outstanding shares (%)
Nature of share capital
Harbin Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd
one billion one hundred and seventy-three million two hundred and thirty-seven thousand and twenty-three
forty-six point five eight five
state-owned shares
China Securities Investor Protection Fund Co., Ltd
fifty-five million seven hundred and twenty-five thousand one hundred and twenty-five
two point two one three
state-owned shares
HKSCC Limited
twenty-four million three hundred and forty thousand two hundred and thirty
zero point nine six six
Overseas legal person shares
Zhejiang Zhecai Capital Management Co., Ltd
twenty-three million two hundred and five thousand five hundred and eighteen
zero point nine two one
Domestic legal person shares
Sun Kun
seventeen million
zero point six seven five
Natural person shares
fifteen million four hundred and fifty-one thousand and two hundred
zero point six one four
Natural person shares
Harbin Tianxiang Weiye Investment Co., Ltd
eleven million and seven hundred thousand
zero point four six five
Domestic legal person shares
Yu Hongbiao
nine million eight hundred and eighty thousand
zero point three nine two
Natural person shares
Guo Jiacan
seven million six hundred and eighty thousand
zero point three zero five
Natural person shares
Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Limited - Shanghai Composite Index Trading Open Index Securities Investment Fund
six million nine hundred and twenty-three thousand and fifty-three
zero point two seven five
Domestic legal person shares
closing date
Date of announcement
Name of shareholders
Number of shares held (shares)
Proportion in outstanding shares (%)
Nature of share capital
Harbin Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd
one billion one hundred and seventy-three million two hundred and thirty-seven thousand and twenty-three
forty-six point five eight five
state-owned shares
China Securities Investor Protection Fund Co., Ltd
fifty-five million seven hundred and twenty-five thousand one hundred and twenty-five
two point two one three
state-owned shares
HKSCC Limited
forty-five million four hundred and sixty-eight thousand one hundred and ninety-seven
one point eight zero five
Overseas legal person shares
Zhejiang Zhecai Capital Management Co., Ltd
twenty-three million eight hundred and eighty-three thousand four hundred and eighteen
zero point nine four eight
Domestic legal person shares
Sun Kun
seventeen million
zero point six seven five
Natural person shares
fifteen million eight hundred and sixty-six thousand and one hundred
zero point six three zero
Natural person shares
China Construction Bank Corporation Fullrich Long term Growth Hybrid Securities Investment Fund
thirteen million nine hundred and eighty-four thousand and one hundred
zero point five five five
Domestic legal person shares
Harbin Tianxiang Weiye Investment Co., Ltd
eleven million and seven hundred thousand
zero point four six five
Domestic legal person shares
Agricultural Bank of China - Fuguo Tianrui Strong Area Selected Hybrid Open ended Securities Investment Fund
nine million eight hundred and seventy-six thousand nine hundred and forty
zero point three nine two
Domestic legal person shares
Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Limited - Shanghai Composite Index Trading Open ended Index Securities Investment Fund
eight million nine hundred and twenty-three thousand two hundred and fifty-two
zero point three five four
Domestic legal person shares
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