The PLA shouts that Taiwan ships should not work hard for "Taiwan independence"

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Published: 2024-05-23 18:55:23 Source: CCTV


"Taiwan 937 of China, this is the sea area under the jurisdiction of China. I am here to carry out the combat readiness police patrol mission, and you have no right to interfere. The 'Taiwan independence' split is the biggest damage to the peace of the Taiwan Strait. You should not work hard for 'Taiwan independence', and there is only one way out. If you are stubborn, or even interfere with my actions, I will take disciplinary measures to resolutely safeguard the security of the Taiwan Strait. Does the ship 937 understand? " The joint sword 2024A exercise in the eastern war zone is also a powerful punishment for the "Taiwan independence" separatist forces seeking "independence", and a serious warning for the interference and provocation of external forces!

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