
    To Xiaobai: 618 TV won't lose

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Zhou Xun

    As the core equipment of modern family entertainment, TV's renewal frequency is increasing year by year, which is comparable to the renewal of mobile phones. In the process of preparing to buy TV, many consumers are faced with the choice problem: which brand is good? What size is appropriate? How to balance price and quality? These questions reflect the diverse needs of different consumers. Especially when the shopping carnival 618 is coming, how to choose a suitable TV has become the focus of consumers' attention.

    For this reason, we have carefully planned this TV shopping strategy, combining the actual needs and purchase dimensions of different consumers, to help you easily select your favorite TV products. The following are the key points of TV shopping for your reference:

    1、 The size selection is particular

     To Xiaobai: 618 TV won't lose

    Viewing distance is a key factor in determining TV size. The visual field of the human eye is limited, and too close or too far viewing distance will affect the viewing effect. Therefore, we provide a set of practical calculation formulas to help you determine the best TV size range according to the viewing distance. Generally speaking, the larger the TV size is, the better the viewing experience will be within the appropriate viewing distance.

    Look at this set of calculation formulas

    Maximum TV size (inches)=viewing distance (cm) ÷ 3.736

    Minimum TV size (inches)=viewing distance (cm) ÷ 6.227

    Taking the viewing distance of 3 meters as an example, the optimal size range is 48-80 inches

    Of course, in this range, the bigger the better.

    2、 The number of cores is not the only standard

     To Xiaobai: 618 TV won't lose

    Many consumers mistakenly believe that the more the number of TV cores, the stronger the performance. However, this is not absolute. The number of cores, including CPU, GPU and even VPU, is confusing. When purchasing TV, you should pay attention to what the core quantity advertised by the manufacturer refers to, and make a comprehensive evaluation in combination with other performance indicators.

    3、 High screen is not necessary for everyone

     To Xiaobai: 618 TV won't lose

    With the popularity of next-generation game consoles, high screen has become the new favorite in the TV market. However, for non heavy console players, high screen swiping may not be necessary. Currently, there are relatively few high frame rate films, and most film sources still use a frame rate of 24 to 60 frames. Therefore, when purchasing a TV, you should consider whether you need high screen swiping according to your actual needs.

    4、 Price and quality need to be weighed

    The price difference of TV mainly comes from the difference of core parameters such as size, resolution, picture quality, chip, sound quality and refresh rate. When choosing TV, you should be clear about your needs and budget, and avoid blindly pursuing low or high price products. Only when we understand our own needs can we buy the TV that is most suitable for us at a reasonable price.

    In a word, there are many factors to consider when choosing TV. As the 618 Shopping Carnival is approaching, I hope our strategy can provide you with useful reference for your shopping process. Wish you a happy shopping!

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: To Xiaobai: 618 TV won't lose true report one thousand six hundred and eighty-one As the core equipment of modern family entertainment, TV's renewal frequency is increasing year by year, which is comparable to the renewal of mobile phones. In the process of preparing to buy TV, many consumers are faced with the choice problem: which brand is good? What size is appropriate? How to balance price and quality? These questions reflect the diverse needs of different consumers. Especially when the shopping carnival 618 is coming, how to choose
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