
    OLED is more eye friendly than LCD? TV is more eye friendly than mobile phone? We made an industry report with Saixi Laboratory

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Human baby

    "Keep your back straight!"

    "Keep your eyes away from the book"

    "Don't do your homework on the desk!"

    Such "nagging" seems to have become a common memory of our childhood, regardless of age. But the result is that China is still "ahead" of the world in terms of myopia rate; And this number is increasing.

    The latest monitoring data released by the National Bureau of Disease Control and Prevention on March 18 shows that the overall myopia rate of children and adolescents in China will reach 51.9% in 2022, including 36.7% in primary schools, 71.4% in junior high schools and 81.2% in senior high schools. Especially in high schools, more than 80% of students are troubled by myopia, which can be described as shocking.

    According to the data forecast, if there is no effective control means, the myopia rate of children and adolescents aged 3-19 in China is expected to reach 84% in 2050, and the proportion of high myopia will reach 20%. Myopia in China is high, younger and more severe, and childhood is the "golden age" of myopia management. Therefore, it is of great significance to take effective measures to delay the development of myopia for children who are already nearsighted.

    As early as August 2018, the Ministry of Education, together with eight departments including the National Health Commission, formulated the Implementation Plan for Comprehensive Prevention and Control of Children and Adolescents' Myopia, which raised the prevention and control of myopia to the national strategic level and proposed the goal of reducing the myopia rate.

    As for the "culprit" of the increasing myopia of our youth, we should all be very clear - the post-80s and post-90s children played pinball, jumped houses and cut sandbags when they were young; The childhood of the post-00s and post-10s were spent with chickens, kings, gods and mobile phones. In the digital era, the ubiquitous electronic screen is harming children's eye health all the time. It is obvious that children's vision problems have become urgent and need to be solved.

    At the national level, more and more attention has been paid. In 2022, the National Health Commission officially issued the "Fourteenth Five Year Plan" National Eye Health Plan (2021-2025), and clearly emphasized that eye health is an important part of national health, involving the whole life cycle of all age groups and other contents, putting forward more comprehensive, accurate and effective requirements for eye health protection.

    The coming June 6 is the 29th national "Eye Care Day". We also feel that it is time to put forward the problem of eye protection and have a good chat with everyone. Not long ago, Zhongguancun Online launched the Questionnaire Survey on Screen Use and Eye Care Health. After a week of online user research, we collected nearly 2183 questionnaires. These valuable data provide important references for us to further help Chinese people study and solve visual health problems.

     OLED is more eye friendly than LCD? TV is more eye friendly than mobile phone? We made an industry report with Saixi Laboratory

     OLED is more eye friendly than LCD? TV is more eye friendly than mobile phone? We made an industry report with Saixi Laboratory

    Results The survey data is more shocking than the national myopia data. First of all, in our survey results, nearly 80% of people stare at their mobile phones for more than 3 hours every day; In addition, 98% of the respondents have myopia, which is amazing with 2183 questionnaires.

     OLED is more eye friendly than LCD? TV is more eye friendly than mobile phone? We made an industry report with Saixi Laboratory

    When asked which device is more eye friendly, the mobile phone won the title of "the most eye friendly" screen display device. In other words, it is generally believed that mobile phones are less harmful to eyes than screen devices such as televisions, laptops and monitors.

    However, based on our long-term evaluation of display devices, we found that because the mobile phone screen is too small, it is often difficult for users to maintain an appropriate viewing distance, leading to increased eye fatigue; On the contrary, the TV screen is larger and the viewing distance is relatively far, so the burden on the eyes is actually smaller.

    Is it the public's correct cognition, or is our long-term evaluation data and experience more convincing? Who is more eyesore, big screen TV or small screen mobile phone? Who cares more about the current mainstream OLED and LCD technology? We think it's time to give you an accurate and authoritative answer.

    therefore! In order to answer this question, we specially entrust Saixi Laboratory of China Institute of Electronic Technology Standardization, We found two TV sets and one mobile phone that are currently in the market, and conducted a comprehensive test and analysis of the eye protection differences between large and small screens, OLED and LCD technologies.

    There are two TVs, one is an OLED product, and the other is a MiniLED LCD TV There is also a LCD mobile phone with a total of 10 display performance test items, including blue light, glare, flicker, rhythmic disturbance illumination, motion blur and other important dimensions that have the greatest impact on the eyes, to verify the screen eye protection of these devices. Each test has three ratings, namely Low fatigue Low fatigue Pro Vision friendly Increasing layer by layer; Among them, vision friendly has the least damage to human eyes, which belongs to the optimal rating.

    As for the hazards such as blue light and glare, before releasing the test results, let's briefly popularize science. You may only know that blue light can damage your eyes, but you may not know that it can delay or even inhibit the secretion of melatonin, affect the circadian rhythm of the human body, and thus lead to sleep disorders, which is why we do not recommend you to play mobile phones for a long time before sleep; The latter glare, if serious, may also cause visual perception disorder, and reduce visual perception of objects. And flicker and motion blur, not to mention the harm to the eyes caused by watching for a long time, is self-evident.

     OLED is more eye friendly than LCD? TV is more eye friendly than mobile phone? We made an industry report with Saixi Laboratory

    As for the test results, we have also sorted out a table. The differences between different types of products should be clear at a glance. All test items of OLED TV are Vision friendly Rating, None Suspected to be the best eye care product.

    From the conclusions of the above tests, we can also find a rule. First, large screen TVs are more eye friendly than small screen mobile phones on the whole; And from the perspective of display technology, the overall visual fatigue of large OLED screen is lower than that of traditional LCD screen.

     OLED is more eye friendly than LCD? TV is more eye friendly than mobile phone? We made an industry report with Saixi Lab

    In terms of comprehensive performance, OLED TV has the best overall performance on visual fatigue among the three products, and was rated by "Eyesight friendly" Of high-grade.

    Technically, why is OLED TV less harmful to eyes than LCD TV? Due to the technical advantage of pixel level self illumination of W-OLED panel, its response time is much faster than that of LCD products, so it has better dynamic motion performance naturally, and is less prone to motion blur problems such as tailing.

    In the dimension of color display, W-OLED panel also has higher color gamut coverage performance, better visual angle and higher contrast; These advantages are more advantageous in the 10 low fatigue eye protection tests we entrusted Saixi Laboratory to do. Therefore, it is a matter of course that OLED TV can get the best rating in all 10 display performance tests.

    In addition, on the issue that TV is more eye friendly than mobile phones, ophthalmologists have also called for many times to choose large screen devices to watch in order to protect eyesight. And don't turn off the light and watch your phone for a long time before going to bed.

    Therefore, whether from the professional instrument test results made by us and the Saixi Laboratory of China Electronics Technology Standardization Institute; From the testimony of ophthalmologists, we can all draw the following conclusions: In fact, TV is generally more suitable for eye protection with low fatigue than mobile phones; Moreover, OLED TV has a lower impact on the visual fatigue of human eyes due to its self luminous structural characteristics. It is especially recommended for families with children and high demand for eye care.

    Although people have realized the existence of visual health problems such as visual fatigue, they have had unpleasant experiences brought by screen glare, and are willing to understand and choose display devices with eye protection function to improve their own visual health. However, it is hard to know what kind of screen or related parameters are more important for eye protection, and the deviation in the issue of which product is more important for eye protection, such as mobile phones, televisions, etc., which has affected the choice of display equipment that can really protect eyes for Chinese people, and ultimately led to the long-term failure to effectively alleviate their vision health.

    This is also the original intention of Zhongguancun Online to entrust Saixi Laboratory of China Electronics Technology Standardization Institute to test three products with the Technical Specification for Evaluation of Visual Low Fatigue Electronic Products V2.0, which is to provide scientific and practical eye care knowledge guidance to the public, help consumers to make more intelligent choice of eye care products, and guide users to form more scientific More effective eye care habits also provide powerful data support and market insight for enterprises to develop and promote eye care products.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: OLED is more eye friendly than LCD? TV is more eye friendly than mobile phone? We made an industry report with Saixi Lab true report five thousand and eighty-six "Keep your back straight!" "Keep your eyes away from the book" "Don't lie on the desk and do your homework!" Such "nagging" seems to have become a common memory of our childhood, regardless of age. But the result is that China is still "ahead" of the world in terms of myopia rate; And this number is increasing. The latest monitoring data released by the National Bureau of Disease Control and Prevention on March 18 shows that in 2022, China will
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