Creative staff
Column Introduction

Psychological interview

The column of Psychological Interview will take the psychological pressure, psychological crisis and psychological dilemma of individual cases as the starting point to explore the causes of problems and how to deal with them; The program interprets case stories and social events from a psychological perspective, and helps people recognize their emotions, psychology and behaviors in stories where everyone has similar experiences or can resonate in a popular way from the perspective of psychological science, and can give appropriate methods and suggestions to reflect the close service and practicality of the program.

Registration method: Log in to Sina Weibo and leave a message: CCTV12 Psychological Interview Email:

  • two thousand and twenty-four
    two thousand and twenty-three
    two thousand and twenty-two
    two thousand and twenty-one
  • December November October September August July June May April March February January
Psychological Interview expert database (sorted by surname A-Z)
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