Broadcast information

Premiere time: 20:15 Saturday

Replay time: Sunday 23:25 Sunday 16:47

Independent channel: CCTV-12

Column Introduction

Live is a new media program of CCTV Social and Legal Channel. The program focuses on court trials, public interest litigation, environmental protection, customs inspection, maritime police patrol and other judicial and law enforcement activities, and provides in-depth on-site reports on hot cases and major rule of law events. The program will broadcast the above topics through the network, and produce a 40 minute TV topic to broadcast on the channel, realizing the linkage between large and small screens.

Column Dynamics
  • All videos
Program query:
  • two thousand and twenty-four
    two thousand and twenty-three
    two thousand and twenty-two
  • December November October September August July June May April March February January
CCTV-12 column