Column Introduction

Remembering Nostalgia is a large-scale documentary jointly sponsored by the Propaganda Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, the State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television, the State Administration of Cultural Heritage and the National Village Revitalization Bureau, and organized by the Central Radio and Television Station. It has been included in the key project of the inheritance and development of China's outstanding traditional culture.

Remembering Nostalgia aims at carrying forward and inheriting the excellent traditional Chinese culture, takes Chinese traditional villages, ancient towns, ancient cities, historical and cultural blocks, and rural revitalization demonstration sites as carriers, relies on life stories, gathers homesickness feelings rooted in the vast fields, tells stories of building a harmonious home in the hot land of homesickness, and shows the new style and features of the new era. From a unique cultural perspective, the program shows the continuity of the excellent traditional Chinese culture, the red revolutionary culture and the modern socialist civilization, highlights the development energy contained in the excellent traditional Chinese culture, and enables audiences at home and abroad to feel the beauty of history, humanity, and ecology, at the same time, enhance the understanding and emotional identity of Chinese culture, and foster cultural feelings, Strengthen cultural self-confidence.

Remembering Nostalgia has been broadcast on the Chinese International Channel since January 2015 at 20:00 in the evening prime time, 60 episodes per season, and has launched 520 episodes in nine seasons so far. After the first broadcast, the comprehensive channel, recording channel and ultra-high definition channel of China Central Radio and Television Station will be rebroadcast, and provincial satellite TV stations nationwide will broadcast for two rounds. The program has been translated into English, French, Spanish, Arabic, Russian, Korean, Cantonese, Minnan and other languages and dialects, and broadcast in CGTN foreign language channels, the United States, South Korea, Thailand and other countries, as well as Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan. The international version of Remember Nostalgia, broadcast on the National Geographic and Discovery Channel of the United States, has become an important window for audiences at home and abroad to understand China and Chinese culture.

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Program query:
  • two thousand and twenty-four
  • December November October September August July June May April March February January
Review of previous seasons