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film producer

Wang Baoqing

He is a senior editor from Shuozhou, Shanxi Province, and graduated from China University of Political Science and Law. He joined Today's Talk in 2000. He has successively served as a reporter, editor in chief, executive producer, etc. He has gone to the Golden Triangle to report on transnational drug crimes, and has served as the chief director of the Annual Award Ceremony for People under the Rule of Law. In 2016, he was awarded the National Top Ten and Top 100 Theoretical Talents in Radio, Film and Television.

Zhang Ying

Zhang Ying, chief editor, graduated from Communication University of China, joined Today's Talk in 2009, and has successively served as chief editor and deputy producer. The first top ten reporter of China Central Radio and Television Station, the chief director of "Little Satan Society" and the chief director of "The Grand Judge Opens the Court".

Chen Bing

Chen Bing, MA, chief editor. He has successively served as the chief reporter, the head of the press team, the chief editor, and the deputy producer of Today Talk. He was awarded the honorary titles of "Advanced Individual of CCTV" and "Business Expert of the Chief Editor's Office of China Central Radio and Television Corporation".

Leading team
Program query


Born in Wuhan, Hubei Province, he graduated from Peking University Law School. In January 1999, Sabenin came into the audience's view together with Today's Speech, which created a new form of Chinese legal programs. Sabenin's glory originates from hosting Today's Speech.

Li Xiaodong

Shaanxi native, graduated from the Management Department of Beijing Film Academy. In 2003, he won the silver medal in the CCTV host contest. Now, he is the host of the program "Today's Talk" on the CCTV comprehensive channel of China Central Radio and Television Corporation. He once worked for Xi'an TV, Shanghai Oriental Satellite TV and Beijing Satellite TV, and joined CCTV in 2006. In 2014, he began to host the program "Today's Talk", and he was well aware of the seriousness of the talk program, and worked hard all the way to fulfill his duties.

Feng Shuo

Tongliao, Inner Mongolia, graduated from Jilin University with a bachelor's degree and Communication University of China with a master's degree. He is now the presenter of the program "Today's Speech" on the CCTV comprehensive channel of China Central Radio and Television. He has hosted CCTV programs such as Life Circle, Appreciation of China, and Shining Names. He won the bronze prize in the news category of the 2019 CCTV host contest. It is hoped that the program hosted by Today Talk will make the audience feel the temperature of fairness, justice and rule of law.

Wang Jianing

Now he is the host of the program "Today's Talk" on the CCTV comprehensive channel of China Central Radio and Television, and won the silver medal in the news category of the 2019 CCTV host contest. He also participated in hosting such columns as Challenge Impossible - Climbing the Peak bravely, the fourth season of Chanting the Classics, China in Ancient Books, and New Sound of Ancient Rhymes, and insisted on being a warm legal communicator in Today's Talk.

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