brief introduction

The Global Variety Show is a new large-scale variety show mode launched by CCTV-4 to coordinate with high-quality development. It strives to build a variety stage for the mutual learning of world culture, art and literature. Based on the international platform, it connects "a community with a shared future for mankind" with variety shows, and "contributes Chinese wisdom to the world" with art, To build a platform of "mutual learning of literary and artistic civilizations" with a global perspective.

Invite outstanding artists and literary works from all over the world, including music, dance, acrobatics, magic, talent innovation and other art forms, to perform together with outstanding Chinese art works, so that one beautiful and amazing performance after another can learn from each other, exchange, perform and interact on the same stage, and at the same time, use the network to integrate media means to carry out short video transmission, Create a platform of "cultural integration".  

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  • Highlights
Program query:
  • two thousand and twenty-four
    two thousand and twenty-three
    two thousand and twenty-three
    two thousand and twenty-two
    two thousand and twenty-one
    two thousand and twenty
    two thousand and nineteen
  • December November October September August July June May April March February January
Broadcast time

Asian version premiere: every Sunday at 18:00 Replay: the next Saturday at 10:30

European version premiere: every Monday at 05:00 Replay: Sunday at 09:00

America Edition premiere: 10:30 every Monday Replay: 16:00 Monday

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