brief introduction

The National Treasure · Discovery column of CCTV-4 Chinese International Channel is the first documentary program of walking and discovering based on national treasures, cultural relics and cultural relics. Broadcast time: 22:00, Monday to Friday

The National Treasure Discovery program is both documentary and archivistic. It explores the archaeological site, heritage sites and national treasures in depth by the way of the host walking on the live scene, supplemented by 3D virtual restoration of computers, to show the latest archaeological research achievements, explore the origin of Chinese civilization, decipher historical codes and promote Chinese culture.

The National Treasure · Discovery program focuses on the historical and cultural fields, covering five major parts: the archaeological excavation process, the characteristics of national treasures, the social and historical background, the protection and restoration of cultural relics, and the display of the latest research results. Relying on experts and scholars in the field of archaeology, the program creates a "walking history encyclopedia" with easy to understand narrative methods and wonderful new television performance means, and makes objective restoration and wonderful comments on the historical heritage of the Chinese nation.

  • video on demand
Program query:
  • two thousand and twenty-three
    two thousand and twenty-two
    two thousand and twenty-one
    two thousand and twenty
    two thousand and nineteen
  • December November October September August July June May April March February January