Program Introduction

Legal Lecture Life Edition

The Life Edition of Law Lecture serves the current national legislation and law popularization. It is highly practical. Adhering to the program production concept of serving the actual life needs of citizens and enlightening the wisdom of life, it spreads practical legal knowledge, tells the audience what to do when things happen, and what are the ways to solve them, which has certain guiding significance for real life.

Program Statement

Recently, it was found that some organizations and individuals pretended to be the co organizer or keynote speaker of the Law Lecture, issued public announcements and recruited and trained lawyer keynote speakers under the banner of the Law Lecture. The column once again states that the lawyers in this column are all organized by the provincial (municipality directly under the Central Government) Department of Justice, the Municipal Bureau of Justice, and the provincial and municipal lawyers associations, and they are selected through public selection. No other organization or individual has the right to release the information about the selection, training, and recording of the speakers related to the Law Lecture Hall. Please do not be deceived, and welcome supervision and reporting. Once found, the column reserves the right to investigate the legal responsibility of the relevant parties. Hereby declare!

Column of Law Lecture December 28, 2022

Lawyer speaker team more
Judge speaker team more
Team of prosecutors' keynote speakers more
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Focus News

Show the demeanor of Dongcheng lawyers and tell unique stories of "law telling"

The event was strongly supported by Beijing Dongcheng District Justice Bureau and Dongcheng District Lawyers Association. Han Weijie, Deputy Director of Beijing Dongcheng District Bureau of Justice, Liu Xin, President of Dongcheng District Bar Association and other comrades attended the event.

The Selection of Lecturer and Topic Selection Meeting of Law Lecture was held in Taiyuan

The event was strongly supported by Shanxi Lawyers Association, including Gao Jiansheng, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Shanxi Lawyers Industry and President of Shanxi Lawyers Association, Wu Zhong, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Shanxi Lawyers Industry, Director of the Lawyers' Office of the Provincial Department of Justice, Secretary General of Shanxi Lawyers Association, Zhang Peiyi, Vice President of Shanxi Lawyers Association, Yang Zeqiang, and Zhou Xingmei, Honorary President, Ji Guiming, the first level researcher and Deputy Secretary General of the Lawyers' Office of the Provincial Department of Justice, and others attended the event.

The program of "Law Lecture" went to Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region to select the chief speaker of judges

On April 19, the Seminar on the Selection of the Chief Speaker of the Law Lecture for Judges of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region and the Innovation of Rule of Law Programs was held in Beihai. Su Dawei, Deputy Director of the Social Programs Department of the Social Education Center of CNTV, and relevant chief creators of the "Law Lecture" column attended. This selection activity was highly valued by the leaders of Guangxi High Court. After the first round of selection in the whole district, 12 executive judges finally participated in this round of selection. Wang Puming, Deputy Director of the Executive Bureau of the Higher People's Court of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, Zhang Junyou, Director of the Executive Bureau of Beihai Intermediate People's Court, Qin Ge, Director of the Executive Bureau of Liuzhou Intermediate People's Court and other comrades attended the event.

The Social Education Program Center of CNTV held a discussion with the Information Bureau of the Supreme People's Court

On the morning of April 18, 2024, the Social Education Program Center of China Central Radio and Television Station held a discussion with the Information Bureau of the Supreme People's Court on the publicity of the rule of law. Duan Xiaochao, deputy convener of the Social Education Program Center of China Central Radio and Television Corporation, Su Dawei, deputy director of the Social Program Department, and the chief creator of the "Law Lecture" and "On the Spot" columns attended the forum.

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