Past reviews
Program Introduction

"Dialogue" is a high-end brand talk show of the Financial Program Center of China National Radio and Television Station. It was founded in 2000 and first broadcast on July 8, 2000. It has been accompanied by the development of China's economy. It is committed to providing a platform for communication and dialogue for news figures, business leaders, government officials, and economic experts. The invited guests are all political figures from home and abroad, top 500 business giants, and iconic figures with strong voice. All practitioners in the field of political and business culture in China and the world, including Lee Kuan Yew, Hillary Clinton, Blair, Li Yining, Wu Jinglian, Liu Chuanzhi, Ma Yun, Ma Huateng, Cao Dewang, Li Shufu, Dong Mingzhu, Bill Gates, Buffett, Elon Musk, Bezos, Murdoch, Jin Yong, Cameron, Zhang Yimou, Yao Ming, Liu Dehua, have appeared in Dialogue, Record their efforts and attempts. With more than 20 years of uninterrupted records, thousands of programs and thousands of heavyweight guests, Dialogue has become a complete picture record of China and the world. To count the guests who often gather in the "Dialogue" program, they all regard being a guest in the "Dialogue" program as a real manifestation of influence, whether economists or Nobel laureates; Entrepreneurs of foreign enterprises, central enterprises and private enterprises; Domestic or foreign dignitaries; The chairmen and executives of the Fortune Global 500 are all important figures influencing the global economy, and Dialogue has also become an important force influencing the development of the global economy.